Structural components of the historical memory of the people. Study of the formation of historical memory of young people. The relevance of the historical memory of the people

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Historical memory

Stolyarchuk Olga Svyatoslavovna,

Lecturer at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

At the center of modern science are debatable problems that require their understanding and rethinking in a new paradigm. This is the problem of historical memory, which is ontologically, epistemologically and axiologically significant. At the end of the twentieth century, along with the concepts of historical knowledge and historical consciousness, the concept of historical memory appears and is interpreted in different ways: as a way of preserving and transmitting the past in an era of loss of tradition, as an individual memory of the past, as a collective memory of the past, as a social memory of the past and , finally, simply as a synonym for historical consciousness. Historical memory reproduces the continuity and continuity of social existence. The content of memory is the past, but without it it is impossible to think in the present; the past is the deep basis of the actual process of consciousness. Mass ideas about the past are preserved as long as it serves the needs of the present. The desire for historical knowledge is significant. We find the study of the problems of memory in the works of such philosophers as: Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, A. Augustine, G. Gobbe, D. Locke, I. Kant, G. W. Hegel, K. Marx, F. Nietzsche, M. Heidegger , P. Riker, N. A. Berdyaev, M. Lopatin, V. Solovyov, P. A. Florensky.

Interest in the past is dictated by the desire to know the truth about the past, the desire to broaden one’s horizons, the need to understand and know the roots of one’s country, one’s people, and the desire to find answers to pressing questions.

Maurice Halbwachs is considered the founder of the theory of historical memory; the essence of his hypothesis is that history and historical memory are in many respects opposite: history usually begins at the moment when tradition ends, when social memory fades or disintegrates. As long as the memory continues to exist, there is no need to record it in writing, or indeed to record it in any way. Therefore, the need to write the history of a particular period, society, and even a person arises only when they have gone so far into the past that we have little chance of finding around us many witnesses who retain any memory of them.”[6]

For Aristotle, memory is the memory of the past “memory is neither sensation nor comprehension, but an acquired property or state of one of them over time. The present cannot be remembered at the moment of the present... but the present is comprehended by sensation, the future by foresight, and the past by memory. This means that any memory comes with time.” According to Plato, knowledge ultimately turns out to be recollection.

Historical memory has the peculiarity of retaining in the minds of people the main historical events of the past, up to the transformation of historical knowledge into various forms of ideological perception of past experience, its recording in legends, fairy tales, traditions, contains knowledge about battles, fateful events, the life and work of figures in politics, science, technology and art. We can say that historical memory is, to some extent, a focused consciousness that reflects the significance and relevance of information about the past in close connection with the present and future. It is an expression of the process of organizing, preserving and reproducing the past experience of a people, country, state for its possible use in people’s activities or for returning its influence to the sphere of public consciousness; it is “the most important component of self-identification of an individual, a social group and society as a whole, for the division of animated images of the historical past is a type of memory that is of particular importance for the constitution and integration of social groups in the present."

Using the term memory to verify history is absolutely legal. But the question is what should be the attitude of the historian towards these historical “memories”. Historical memory, or more precisely, the narration of the past, can serve the historian as evidence of what objectively happened in the past, that is, what happened in the form of externally observable events, as well as to be a witness to what happened in the form of externally observable events, as well as to witness how the past was experienced by those people who later recorded their memories. Historical consciousness is generated by the memory of the past and becomes a thought stretched through a chain of times. People, as direct bearers of historical consciousness, evaluate social memory differently and are its organizing principle. They highlight something as important, forget what they don’t want to remember, and look to the future with optimism or despair. This cannot be explained only on the basis of the principle of historicism, but historical consciousness is the driver of the choice of development. At bifurcation points, for example, during years of acute instability, even subjective factors change historical consciousness, which restructures the understanding of social memory. We can say that the connection between social memory and historical consciousness lies in the fact that historical consciousness is based on memory, being creativity, on its basis creates his own understanding of reality. Over time, the very thought of history becomes a memory, thereby its constant development occurs. “Historical memory, as a way of recognizing the “historical,” is inextricably linked with historical tradition; outside of it, historical memory does not exist.”

Memory is the creator of the past, and its historical ability is located in time. Only through knowledge of the past is a person able to distinguish between what is possible for him and what is impossible. Only those who know how a people developed can determine what will be useful to them in the future. You need to look for the truth - a kind of error that is difficult to refute. The past is given to us as traces, that is, as a heritage that should be remembered.

Historical memory takes the form of knowledge in historical science. We can use concrete examples to demonstrate the different dimensions of history as a “history of memory.” The central point in such studies is the reflection of historians about the time in which they live and how it influences the images of the past. The “history of memory” becomes especially interesting where we find ourselves on the trail of historical memory, i.e. historical landmarks, which is expressed in different interpretations and assessments of the same events. Memory itself chains a person to the past, to the traditions of those dead generations, which, in the words of K. Marx, “gravitate like a nightmare over the minds of the living.”

In order for a person to be able to reveal his existence in the contemporary world without losing touch with the previous one, it is necessary that he can understand the meaning of already existing artifacts. Throughout our lives, we learn something new and accumulate information thanks to memory. Memory connects the subject’s past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive process. Objective conditions give rise to a subjective factor, the content of which is determined by the individuals in demand. But individuals can be extraordinary and mediocre... The fate of the objective conditions for the development of the country, and ultimately the fate of its population, depends on them. But during critical periods in the development of history, the most acute question arises about the meaning and purpose of the existence of the entire society. The historian uses research that is inadmissible from the point of view of reliability; facts are adjusted to obtain the necessary justification for the final goal or a certain state of affairs in the present. We understand and must agree that with periodic and inevitable changes in political regimes, authorities change historical estimates, there is a gap between the past and the present, and therefore prevents an objective approach to historical knowledge. It can be argued that the events of the past have value and meaning, a justified basis only in the context of the time in which they existed, since we are talking about the obstacles of an objective approach in historical knowledge, as a condition of truth and truth. History, as Nietzsche said, “we need for life and activity, and not for a convenient evasion from life and activity.” The present, that is, being, does not need memory.

In a certain sense, according to M. Mamardashvili, the past is the enemy of thought, because it prevents us from understanding what actually exists. Sometimes a person and society need to clear their consciousness of imperfect ideas and experiences in order to rethink what they have gone through and experienced. F. Nietzsche also wrote about this in his work “On the Benefits and Harms of History.” However, such “cleansing” does not take place without updating what has already happened. Of great interest in this regard to us is the position of the outstanding twentieth-century philosopher Karl Popper on the interaction of the past, present and future. He justifies the position that the past and the future are asymmetrical, that the past has already happened and we cannot influence it, unless our knowledge about it can change. However, our lives and activities are aimed at the ability to influence the future. The “arrows of time” are one way or another directed towards the future.

We are talking about an era captured in human thought, as well as about the soul of culture, which originates in a certain ecumene (inhabited space), where a dialogue between a person and his environment takes place.


Life goes on. The search for truth is not over. The future belongs to the model of society that, while preserving historical memory, will allow society and people to choose methods and solutions modern tasks. For many centuries man has acted too little and thought too little.

The appeal to historical experience in the course of political discussions, the polarity of assessments of historical figures and events, and attempts to radically change the picture of the historical past in the public consciousness have caused fierce debate. The policy in the field of historical memory is based on the conscious adjustment of the facts of the historical past to the tasks of forming national identity, and this is not always compatible with the search for truth, and it is in historical knowledge that this requirement is most difficult to comply with.

Ultimately, it depends on the activities of living generations whether the 21st millennium of world history will become its tragic epilogue or an inspiring prologue of human solidarity. I think that ultimately, in the foreseeable future, the future of humanity is the further ascent of the real historical process to new stages in the development of society. This forward movement can be neither a simple continuation of the present nor a cyclical repetition of the past, because at its core this process means the formation of a completely new, unprecedented in the history of a democratic society, which is guided by the age-old ideals of humanity.


1.Aristotle. On memory and recollection // Questions of Philosophy. – 2004. - No. 7.

2. Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. M., chapter 1.

3. Baudrillard J. System of Things: Translation from French. Prolegomena to history.- 375.

4.Marx K. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte // Selections. cit.: in 9 volumes / K. Marx, F. Engels. T.4 p.5.

5. Mamardashvili M. Cartesian reflections. – M., 1993 p.31.

6. Maurice Halbwachs M. Collective and historical memory // Emergency reserve 2005. No. 2-3 p. 22.

7. Nietzsche F. O. On the benefits and harms of history for life P.159.

8. Panarin A.S. A people without an elite. M., 2006. p. 193.

9.Plato. Te emem / Plato // Collection. op. // in 4 volumes. M., 1993. – T.2.- p.25.

10. L.P.Repina History and memory. M., 2006 p.23-24.

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1.2 Modern directions in the study of the historical memory of citizens

Chapter 2. Study of the formation of historical memory of youth

2.1 Factors influencing the process of formation of historical memory of young people

2.2 Knowledge and awareness of Moscow youth about historical processes and events as an important aspect of the formation of historical memory





One of the important social problems of Russian society beginning of the XXI century is the search for optimal social mechanisms for preserving and updating the historical memory of the younger generation. Preservation of traditions, awareness of value traditional culture appears to be one of the key factors in social consolidation and stability of Russian society. At the same time, existing socio-cultural practices public life are a motivating factor in consolidating the historical memory of young people, which is formed differently from the historical memory of the older generation, including at the level of not only the series of events, but also assessments, stereotypes, and a system of value guidelines. As a result, in modern society there is an aggravation of contradictions at the level of strengthening the innovative and the need to preserve the traditional in the content of the historical memory of modern youth.

The relevance of studying the processes of formation of historical memory is also associated with poor knowledge of this issue at the level of sociological analysis, identifying the dominant foundations affecting the processes of formation and perception of historical reality.

Degree of scientific development of the problem

At the present stage, he has been studying the issue of the formation of historical memory a whole series scientists, research was carried out mainly at the intersection of sciences: sociology, history and pedagogy. Among the researchers who paid attention to this problem, it is necessary to note M. Halbwachs Collective and historical memory // Untouched reserve. 2005. No. 2-3. P. 22., A. Goffman Goffman A., Halbwachs, Maurice // Modern Western Sociology: Dictionary. M.: Politizdat, 1990, p.386, I. V. Bestuzhev-Lada Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. Research of the future: problems and solutions. Russian Futures Studies Academy - 2000. [Electronic resource] // Center for Humanitarian Technologies:, M. V. Sokolova M. V. Sokolova. What is historical memory // [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, J. Rolfes Rolfes J. Didactics of history: history, concept of subject // Teaching history at school. 1999. No. 7. P. 31., P. Hutton Hutton P. History as the art of memory. SPb., 2003. S. 203-204., Yu.Yu. Khmelevskaya Khmelevskaya Yu.Yu. On the memorization of history and the historicization of memory // Century of memory, memory of the century. Chelyabinsk, 2004. P. 13., A. Aleida The Long Shadow of the Past: Memorial Culture and Historical Politics / Transl. with him. Boris Khlebnikov. - M.: New Literary Review, 2014. - 328 p., Yu.A. Arnautova Arnautova Yu.A. Culture of memory and history of memory // History and Memory. M., 2006. P. 51..

The specifics of the functioning of historical memory and the processes of its formation were considered in the works of V.V. Kulisha Kulish V.V. Social dimension of the functioning of historical memory of youth // Scientific notes of the RGSU. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 42-46.

Kulish V.V. On the characteristics of the historical memory of students // Education and Society. - 2008. - No. 3 (50). - P. 42-46., T.P. Shilina Shilina T.P. Cultural preservation - historical heritage and the formation of historical memory of youth // [Electronic resource] - Access mode:, V.E. Boykova Boykov V.E. State and problems of formation of historical memory // [Electronic resource] - Access mode:, M.K. Gorshkova Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - M.: TsSPiM, 2010. - 592 p. , A.V. Rachipa, V.V. Burkova Rachipa A.V., Burkov V.V. The phenomenon of historical memory and the problem of forming values ​​and orientation of young people in modern system management // [Electronic resource] - Access mode:, Zh. T. Toshchenko Toshchenko Zh.T. Historical memory and sociology // SOCIS. - 1998. - No. 5. - P. 3 - 7. , L.P. Repina Repina L.P. Historical memory and modern historiography // New and recent history. 2004. No. 5. P. 42. etc.

The object of the study is Russian youth aged 16 to 25 years.

The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the formation of historical memory of Russian youth.

The goal is to conduct a sociological analysis of the formation of historical memory of young people.

1. Analyze the concept of “historical memory”, identify its characteristics, structure and essence;

2. Explore modern trends research into the historical memory of citizens from the point of view of various authors;

3. Identify factors influencing the formation of historical memory of Russian youth

4. Study the role of knowledge and awareness in the formation of the historical memory of young people using the example of Moscow youth.

Empirical basis of the study

1. All-Russian survey “Historical memory of generations about the events of Russia at the end of the 20th century”, FOM, 2010 - 2012, 1500 people in 100 settlements in 43 constituent entities of the Russian Federation Historical memory // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://soc (date of access: 05/20/2014).

2. All-Russian survey “Memory of the Great Patriotic War”, FOM, April 2013, 1000 people. Method: telephone survey Memory of the Great Patriotic War // [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

3. Author’s research “Knowledge and awareness of Moscow youth about historical processes and events.” Time frame: April-May 2014. Method: survey. A total of 100 respondents were interviewed.

Operationalization of basic concepts

Historical memory - all types of information about events of the past, about the time and place where these events took place, about the persons who participated in them; knowledge of history, the ability to value the historical traditions of one’s people. I. p. is the basis for the formation of “historical consciousness”, influences people’s behavior, and acts as one of the factors of social development.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of historical memory of citizens

1.1 Historical memory of citizens: concept, essence, structure

Historical memory is a system-forming element of social consciousness with its inherent mechanism for imprinting, storing, and reproducing sociocultural information, ensuring the actualization of traditional forms of life of social subjects and determining the nature of innovative development of all spheres of life of an individual and the entire society Kulish V.V. Social dimension of the functioning of historical memory of youth // Scientific notes of the RGSU. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 32..

Historical memory is multifunctional. In this regard, there is a distinction between the basic and derivative functions of historical memory. Ibid. P. 33. .

The basic functions represent the historical experience accumulated by previous generations and are manifested in the implementation of the fundamental level of the content of historical memory (traditions, customs, rituals). The basic functions include the function of continuity of generations, the function of reflection of modernity, the social identification function, the function of preservation vitality culture, ideological function.

Approaches to the definition of historical memory are varied and, in general, this concept is considered based on the discipline focused on its study.

In particular, from the point of view of psychology, a social concept of historical memory was developed, and this type of memory was correlated with cultural memory. As a result, historical memory was defined as the result of the collective consciousness of society about the events of the past. Psychology of Memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippereiter and V.Ya. Romanova. M., 1998. P. 419..

From the point of view of sociology, historical memory is the result of an attitude towards the totality of social processes of the past and this type memory has a close relationship with social memory. L.P. Repina writes about the relationship between the concepts of “collective memory” and “historical memory”: “Collective memory” is most often interpreted as “common experience experienced by people together” (we can also talk about the memory of generations), or as group memory. “Historical memory is understood as collective memory (to the extent that it fits into the historical consciousness of a group), or as social memory (to the extent that it fits into the historical consciousness of society), or in general - as a set of pre-scientific, scientific , quasi-scientific and extra-scientific knowledge and mass ideas of society about the general past of Repin L.P. Historical memory and modern historiography // New and recent history. 2004. No. 5. P. 42..

From the point of view of historians, historical memory is also defined as the result of sociocultural processes, however, it is more associated with events and facts transmitted between generations. In particular, the historian A. Assman defines historical memory as a type of collective memory, a set of historical messages, myths, and subjectively refracted reflections on the events of the past, passed on from generation to generation, especially the negative experience of Yu.A. Arnautov. Culture of memory and history of memory // History and Memory. M., 2006. P. 51..

Thus, it can be noted that in scientific research the process of formation of historical memory is considered in the system of interrelations of acquired social attitudes and principles of individual self-identification. In this aspect, it should be noted that the terms themselves come to sociology precisely from psychology and are actually used for the first time in the field of psychological research related to the problems of human emotional development and consideration of the processes of personal socialization. In particular, this concept was used by Freud to denote the process and result of an individual’s emotional self-identification with another person, group, model, ideal.

Historical memory in a number of studies is associated with processes of ethnic self-identification, which implies not only the process of assimilation of rituals and traditions, as well as social norms of the ethnic group in which the socialization process takes place, but also the acquisition of knowledge about the causes and origin of the ritual system, the existing achievements of the ethnic groups that represent in its interconnection a holistic historical process. In the process of development of science, including the study of behavioral characteristics at the level of individual ethnic groups and nations, the concept of national and ethnic identity and historical memory are becoming quite widespread. In sociology, they are associated with the process of socialization and self-identification of an individual in a social environment acceptable to him. At the same time, all other models are perceived or denied also according to the principles of education. As a result, tolerance or intolerance is also the result of socialization, upbringing in the family and the surrounding society. As a result, it is in the process of education and socialization that a person begins to consider himself a representative of a certain ethnic group, nation, perceiving the corresponding value guidelines, and perceives the guidelines of other nations as alien or even false, including at the level of perception of the historical process.

Understanding historical memory as a social process is associated with the fact that the sequence of formation of social identity is determined by the gradual process of socialization, a gradual increase in the ability to reflexively perceive the world around oneself. Thus, conscious inclusion of oneself in a particular social group becomes possible in the conditions of receiving new information from the surrounding world. Initially, it (identity) is based on obvious indicators - skin color, appearance, language, elements material culture(food, clothing), customs. The ability to perceive, describe, and interpret the signs that attribute a person to a certain culture, ethnic group, people, state with its historical development gradually increases. As a result, a person includes in their complex all new elements - a community of ancestors, a community of historical destiny, religion, etc.

At the same time, identity can form both a positive and negative background. Social identity can carry not only a system of values, but also a certain emotional coloring, which determines the model of acceptance or rejection for representatives of other cultures. At the same time, identity itself is not a permanent formation; it is static and can change when a person is in a different social environment. In this regard, when entering another culture (for example, when moving to another country), a person begins to assimilate, accepting the norms and rules of behavior of another community.

However, in this aspect, it should be noted that when entering a familiar environment within the framework of another culture, a process of rejection and resistance may occur, attempts to impose one’s own, familiar value guidelines, including the constituent elements of historical memory.

In this regard, the process of formation of historical memory is largely associated with the process of socialization in all its many components. At the same time, the process of formation of historical memory is largely determined and associated with the processes of ethnic and national identity. In scientific literature, the concepts of ethnic and national identity are often used as synonyms, and this cannot be considered a big mistake, because the concept of “ethnos” / “ethnicity” are basic for ethnic classification, and the concept of “nation” is most often defined as a state form of an ethnic community of people (in the West as a co-civic community). However, it is necessary to remember what V.M. once emphasized. Mezhuev: “A nation, unlike an ethnic group, ... is something that was given to me not by the fact of my birth, but by my own efforts and personal choice. I don’t choose an ethnicity, but I choose a nation, I can choose... A nation is a state, social, cultural affiliation of an individual, and not his anthropological and ethnic definition” Mezhuev V.M. The idea of ​​a national state in historical perspective // ​​Polis. 1992. No. 5-6. P.16. .

One way or another, each of the people living on Earth belongs to one or another nationality and ethnic group. At the same time, the process of self-determination is formed much more successfully if the parents belong to the same ethnic group. If the parents are representatives of different nationalities, identity will be formed in the interval of national traits and positions with the perception of value orientations on one side and the other at the same time.

Numerous observations and studies of the process of ethnic identification show that its development is possible in three options. Firstly, ethnic identification can occur on the basis of imitation, i.e. the individual consciously copies the behavioral stereotypes of the ethnic community in which he is raised and lives. Secondly, it can be carried out on the basis of coercion. Such instruments of coercion are traditions and value orientations society. Thirdly, ethnic identification can be carried out on the basis of a free and informed choice Touraine A. Production de la societe. Paris, 1973. P.360. .

In exceptional cases, a person may reject his nationality, positioning itself as a cosmopolitan. However, such a position causes a more difficult process of adaptation, especially in the context of the priority of positioning the nationality of the values ​​of national orientations.

At the present stage, historical memory is also a way of self-determination, a way to distinguish oneself from the general crowd. In fact, it is becoming fashionable to have a definite opinion regarding historical processes, especially those related to local, ethnic, and national history, and fashion, first of all, is a guideline for the younger generation.

In this aspect, historical memory becomes a component of social identity and acts as a powerful factor in the formation of social groups and their social connections. Consequently, identification with a large social community can serve as a fairly strong catalyst for mass behavior and even political action. Therefore, the prevalence of a certain group identification can also become one of the factors in predicting the possible direction of political development of society.

In this regard, the process of formation of historical memory has close relationships with the concept of “identity” in the most general understanding means awareness of the belonging of an object (subject) to another object (subject) as a part and a whole, special and universal. According to A. Touraine’s definition, “identity is conscious self-determination social subject" According to D. Dragunsky, “identity selects, shapes, packages and broadcasts social values, skills of social action, ways of assessing the situation, stereotypes of perception of the external world" Consequently, identification is the process of emotional and other self-identification of an individual, social group with another person, group or image, internalization of occupied social statuses and mastering significant social roles Toshchenko Zh.T. Historical memory and sociology // SOCIS. - 1998. - No. 5. - P. 5..

In general, it can be noted that the process of formation of historical memory is associated with the process of socialization at various stages of human development and is largely related to the process of social, ethnic and national identity.

1.2 Modern directions in the study of the historical memory of citizens

historical memory youth citizen

The question of the formation of historical memory and related processes is one of the most pressing in modern science and has generally been considered by a number of authors. This issue becomes especially relevant in recent years in connection with the emergence of problems of the quality of historical knowledge among young people and the process of forming patriotism, awareness of the significance of historical processes. In this regard, researchers conduct sociological research, analysis of existing processes and features of the formation of historical memory.

In particular, V.V. Kulish analyzed the specifics of the formation of historical memory among students. As a result of the analysis of sociological data in the “traditional - innovative” dichotomy, he identified the following features of the emotional aspect of the functioning of the historical memory of young people. On the one hand, modern youth experience the greatest emotional distress over traditional personal problems. On the other hand, emotional concerns about the innovative problems of their region are becoming more urgent among young people. The emotional aspect of historical memory also manifests itself contradictorily in the assessment of factors influencing the life plans of graduates. The emotional aspect of the functioning of the historical memory of young people, like the behavioral one, is not one-dimensional in its manifestation. The worldview aspect of the functioning of the historical memory of young people is manifested in the form of preservation of predominantly traditional life-defining principles. Analysis of sociological research data in the “traditional - innovative” dichotomy shows that the most significant principles include mainly those principles that reflect the traditional value component of the historical memory of youth Kulish V.V. Social dimension of the functioning of historical memory of youth // Scientific notes of the RGSU. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 46..

The analysis presented by the author revealed the peculiarity of the manifestation of the ideological aspect of the functioning of the historical memory of modern school graduates. On the one hand, historical memory is manifested in life-defining principles that reflect the traditional value orientations of young people towards hard work - “hard work”, “primary self-realization at work”. On the other hand, these traditional value orientations of young people towards hard work are used by graduates to consolidate life-defining principles reflecting innovative values ​​- “work mainly for personal success”, “striving for wealth”.

Summing up the results of the sociological analysis of the functioning of historical memory, he comes to the conclusion that the behavioral, emotional and ideological aspects of the functioning of the historical memory of young people have their own specifics of the relationship between traditional and innovative. The reproduction of the traditional in the historical memory of young people can be traced in the content of the life plans of graduates, in the nature of personal problems and in life-defining principles. The dominance of innovation in the functioning of the historical memory of young people is manifested in the free time of graduates, in worries about regional social problems and in factors influencing life plans. Analysis of empirical data from sociological research allows us to speak about the multi-dimensionality and inconsistency of the manifestation of all three aspects of the functioning of the historical memory of modern youth.
A sociological analysis of the behavioral, emotional and ideological aspects of the functioning of the historical memory of modern youth allows us to reach the level of explaining the process of its formation. Ibid. P. 48. .

Shilina T.P. defines the process of preserving the historical memory of the younger generation as one of the most important problems in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. The formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of citizens based on historical values ​​and understanding of the role of our country in the destinies of the world, the development of a sense of pride in one’s Fatherland is one of the tasks being solved in Russian Federation. However, the state of affairs in this area shows that the efficiency and quality level of work in this area do not fully meet the requirements of modern Russian society. The problem has worsened for a number of reasons, the most important of which is the crisis traditional values and priorities that existed in our country. Analysis of the state of the problem in theory and practice allows us to highlight the objectively existing contradictions between T.P. Shilina. Preservation of cultural and historical heritage and the formation of historical memory of youth // [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

The requirement of society and the state to actively form patriotic feelings and consciousness of citizens on the basis of historical values ​​and the lack of theoretical justification for the process of spiritual and moral formation of the individual;

The need to ensure the protection of cultural, spiritual and moral heritage and the inadequacy of measures to preserve the cultural heritage of the country.

In a study by V.E. Boykov focused on the historical values ​​of Russia, events of the past that are assessed by the residents of the country as significant. At the same time, the author sets the goal of identifying the representation of events of the historical past, which cause not only a feeling of pride, but also shame and disappointment.

According to the research conducted by the author, many citizens are proud of, first of all, achievements in the field of domestic science and technology, culture and art, as well as successes in the military field, which for many years determined its high authority in the world. As for negative ideas about the historical past, they are mainly associated with systemic changes in the last two decades, which, according to respondents, weakened the people, the country and the state. Perception historical eras mass consciousness is traditionally associated with individuals who were at the helm of state during these times. Therefore, the respondents were asked to evaluate the role of a number of historical figures in the fate of Russia V.E. Boykov. State and problems of formation of historical memory // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (access date: 15/219/2014).

M.A. Sinitsyna, in the context of considering historical memory as a component of the sociology of culture, determines that this type of memory is subject to the influence of psychotrauma, interpreted as the result of “culture shock,” and about the collective unconscious, also, not least, formed by the cataclysms of history. At the same time, a conclusion is made about the inadmissibility of reducing the content of historical memory solely to some losses in the field of culture. The need to introduce the concepts of excessive and insufficient historical memory is recognized. Moreover, the first concept is a focus on the reproduction of culture, on a certain repetition of it, during which modern culture finds consensus with its predecessor cultural tradition. As for the second concept, it means a latent desire to emancipate from cultural heritage, or, on the contrary, the desire to dissolve in it. It is concluded that the deficit of historical memory simultaneously means a deficit of sociocultural reflection of N.A. Sinitsin. Historical memory as a culture-forming factor // Bulletin of the South Russian University. - Rostov-on-Don. - No. 5. - 2008. P. 76. .

The author also notes that historical consciousness modern society characterized by the interaction of numerous multidirectional intentions: traditionalism and modernism, isolationism and integrativism, ethnocentrism and cosmopolitanism, etc. It postulates the constancy of basic mental structures, since the carrier of both a specific historical consciousness and a specific culture is a certain initial human material, acting in the form of a kind of information “matrix”. Any society turns out to be placed not only in a specific space-time dimension, but also in a certain event field, and both modes of social existence are in an inextricable dialectical unity. Society acts as a generator, relay and consumer of sociocultural information. The nature of the objectification of a cultural model depends on the general state of culture, the specifics intercultural communication, degrees social mobility, proximity or distance from cultural centers, etc. Moreover, the influence of each of the above factors is of a pronounced ambivalent nature and manifests itself differently in different reference groups. Sinitsina N.A. Historical memory as a social regulator // Bulletin of Stavropolsky state university. - 2008..

An equally important and significant component in the context of studying the issue of the formation of historical memory is the process of upbringing and education. According to a number of authors, in many ways it is the process of education that is fundamental to the formation of historical ideas, and therefore historical memory.

In particular, V.A. Elchaninov, the following can be identified as the main directions in the system of patriotic education and historical education in educational institutions:

Spiritual and moral. Goal: awareness by children in the process of patriotic education of the highest values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles and positions in practical activities.

Historical and local history. A system of activities for patriotic education aimed at knowledge of historical and cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its destiny, inextricability with it, the formation of pride in involvement in the actions of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for what is happening in society.

Civic-patriotic education. Through a system of measures, it influences the formation of a legal culture and law-abidingness, skills in assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, civic position, constant readiness to serve one’s people and fulfill one’s constitutional duty.

Social-patriotic. Aimed at enhancing the spiritual, moral and cultural-historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, showing feelings of nobility and compassion, showing concern for older people.

- Military-patriotic. Focused on the formation of high patriotic consciousness, ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, the study of Russian military history, military traditions V.A. Elchaninov. Historical consciousness. - Barnaul: Alt Publishing House. Univ., 2002. P. 38. .

A.V. Rachipa and V.V. Burkov determine the components of the formation of historical memory in modern society, focusing on the problems. They note that Russian society has passed the period of critical reassessment of its past. Today there is an urgent need for a methodology that would offer a constructive procedure for understanding the past. At the same time, an analysis of the current state liberal arts education shows that the rather dangerous process of erosion of fundamental knowledge and its replacement with applied disciplines has not yet been stopped. A number of researchers note that there is no understanding in society that the historical memory of the people is being eroded, its past is being caricatured and ridiculed, and what this threatens in the future. The decline of historical literacy in our country (or rather, the great unevenness and randomness of historical ideas) is obvious. The roots of this are in the secondary school of Rachipa A.V., Burkov V.V. The phenomenon of historical memory and the problem of forming values ​​and orientation of youth in the modern management system // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: pdf (access date: 05/15/2014).

Researchers pay no less active attention to the definition of the concept itself and the constituent processes of determining historical memory. As Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zh.T. notes in his study. Toshchenko: “As for historical memory, it is a certain way focused consciousness, which reflects the special significance and relevance of information about the past in close connection with the present and future. Historical memory is essentially an expression of the process of organizing, preserving and reproducing the past experience of a people, country, state for its possible use in people’s activities or for returning its influence to the sphere of public consciousness. Complete or partial oblivion historical experience, the culture of one’s country and one’s people leads to amnesia, which casts doubt on the possibility of the existence of a given people in history” Toshchenko Zh.T. Paradoxical man. - 2nd ed. - M., 2008. P. 296-297. .

Comprehensive study of a holistic phenomenon historical culture, historical consciousness is dedicated to a series of works by L.P. Repina (Head of the Center for Intellectual History of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences). In these works, special attention is paid to the study of the processes of transformation of everyday historical consciousness, the mechanisms of formation and transmission to the future of the historical memory of generations Dialogues with time: memory of the past in the context of history / Ed. L.P. Repina. - M., 2008..

It should also be noted that the study of historical memory and the processes of its formation is in an interdisciplinary research field, attracting an increasing number of specialists in historiography, sociology and philosophical anthropology.

In this aspect, in his study M.K. Gorshkov and F.E. The Sheregs note: the self-awareness of any society begins with history. Its symbolically significant events form the semantic basis of national and civic identity. At the same time, historical consciousness is subject to the imperceptible influence of everyday changes. Life changes, and after it, historical consciousness gradually changes. That is why the results of sociological probing of historical ideas, especially of the generation just entering life, are an effective tool for social diagnostics and can be important both for predicting the political behavior of the population and for understanding various segments of political life Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F. E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - M.: TsSPiM, 2010. - p. 41. .

Thus, it can be noted that researchers, in line with the study of the process of formation of historical memory, determined the priorities for conducting sociological research, which makes it possible to identify the components characteristic of the elements of this type of memory and the factors influencing its formation. In general, the formation of historical memory is recognized as one of the significant and fundamental conditions for the development of modern society, including youth groups.

Chapter 2. Study of the formation of historical memory of youth

2.1 Factors influencing the process formation of historical memory of youth

As a result of the theoretical analysis carried out in the context of the work, it seems possible to note that the priority in the formation of the historical memory of young people is the totality of the actions of specialists in the field of education (according to the assessment of scientists) and modern media (according to the assessment of respondents). At the same time, in many ways, the formed ideas and the significance of historical information are determined based on the results in the context of residual knowledge. As a result, if after school or studying at a university a young person has knowledge regarding history that can be assessed as scientific and corresponding to reality, then over time they change significantly due to the fact that young people forget information, it is transformed when the help of the influence of mass media, acquaintances, feature films. As a result, historical knowledge turns into determining the individual’s opinion regarding the historical process.

In this aspect, it should be noted that such transformation processes are significantly influenced by the modern popular press, which, as an aspect of increasing interest, focuses on the historical process, individual historical events, which, at the same time, are transformed and modified according to the needs of the publication. The modern press, among other things, places one of its significant priorities on the positioning of various options for the manifestation of the positioning of national identity by protecting its national interests, manifestations of national intolerance, intolerance, positioning its own national interests and belittling the importance of representatives of other nationalities. And all these components are reflected in pseudo scientific articles and television reports, distorting images of historical reality and forming false historical ideas among young people.

Information appears in the press about historical situations of manifestations of cruelty on the part of representatives of one nationality towards another, accusations of representatives of different cultures of various kinds of violations and oppression of other citizens, etc. In many ways, such processes are associated with a surge in modern world desire to preserve national identity as opposed to globalization.

In particular, G. Sibirova notes: “At the present stage, the socio-cultural phenomenon of “ethnic revival”, which first announced itself in the 60-70s of the 20th century, has gained a reputation for bringing discord and conflicts, wars and human sacrifices. This explains the attention to this issue of public figures, politicians and scientists who were unable to fit such a phenomenon into the framework of the “melting pot” theory or the idea of ​​rapprochement and fusion of nations that dominated the first half of this century.” Sibirova G. Ethnic identity in the sociocultural context / / [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (access date: 05/21/2014).

The fact of the presence of a national identity formed to a certain extent is confirmed by the presence of periodic clashes with obvious overtones of the ethnic component. In particular, at the level of universities among young people, these manifestations are expressed in the rejection of some Russian students and students from remote national regions who study at the same university and are forced to live in the same dormitory. At the level of cultural differences, they cannot find mutual understanding, resulting in conflict and, as a result, possible physical violence. At the same time, the girls different nationalities interact more successfully than young people due to their gender characteristics of sociability and lower degree of aggression.

As an example, it is possible to cite the interaction of the Russian population with the indigenous population of various regions. IN this process The decisive role in the differences in the expression of their ethnicity between Russians and small nations is played by the ratio of the number of Russians and representatives of the nationality in the regions. The minority situation in which small nations find themselves contributes to the construction of internal cultural and social boundaries. An important factor influencing the perception of small nationalities by Russians themselves is the assessment of the significance of relationships at the level of historical processes.

At the same time, G. Sibirova notes: “The problem of identification and identity arises as a factor in the dialectical relationship between the individual and the social and affects the issue of including an individual in a group as a process and a result. At the center is the emotional and ethical moment of a person’s acceptance of the norms of a given group and its values” Sibirova G. Ethnic self-awareness in a sociocultural context // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: drug10/ (date of access: 05/24/2014).

Ethnicity at the present stage is becoming a component that has the greatest influence on the processes of formation of historical memory, making it selective. In particular, an analysis of the modern press and Internet content, according to G. Sibirova, already gives an idea that ethnicity, ethnic quality remains a regulator of social relations, which is perceived through the prism of cultural differences, political preferences, and everyday communication. Assessing a sociocultural situation as ethnically relevant and choosing a behavioral strategy depends on a set of ethnic stereotypes regarding the image of the “other” ethnic group, as well as established interaction practices. This is largely determined by specific traditions and trends and tendencies of the ethnocultural neighborhood.

Among those who are intolerant of the manifestation of foreign culture, the following can be noted.

Table 1

Categories of ethnic components of the perception of the historical process Sibirova G. Ethnic self-awareness in the sociocultural context // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access: 05/24/2014)



1. “They don’t like to talk about their nationality and try to hide it”


"Negatively accentuated." They perceive the fact of their nationality negatively.

2. “It doesn’t matter your own nationality and the nationality of those around you”


"Indifferent." Not identifying themselves and others by ethnicity.

3. “They love their people (people of their nationality), but agree that other peoples are no worse”


"Positively accentuated." Focused on cultural reinforcement of their ethnic identification.

4. “They believe that the interests of their own people must be defended by any means and means”


Those who advocate the state-political formation of their ethnic group.

All these manifestations at the level of modern Russia are to a relatively mild degree in the form of clashes and the identification of priority positions. Positioning nationalism in the context of the perception of the historical process becomes a reason and cause for discord and conflict.

A significant aspect of the consideration and positioning of the historical issue is the relationship of identities, in particular in the issue of self-attitude and identifying priority patterns of behavior of certain representatives of national cultures on the territory of Russia, including in relation to each other. In this direction, the model of behavior of Russians is most widely represented, which is characterized as gradual and especially active in the historical process and the role of Russians is defined as leading; manifestations of activity of representatives of other nationalities are quite rare.

In many ways, Russia is an exceptional country in terms of historical development, especially in terms of the fact that it was formed and grew into its current state in the process of incorporating new colonial possessions, the inhabitants of which were subjugated for the most part by force. Cultural and religious differences determined the fact that representatives of certain nationalities did not assimilate completely and completely, forming their own social norms in their own ethnocultural environment.

At the same time, at the present stage there is a process of transformation of historical knowledge in connection with changes in global development trends as a whole, strategies are being formed for the incorrect use of historical facts, including at the level of manipulation of consciousness, to which the younger generation and the facts of manipulation of consciousness themselves are most effectively susceptible occur with the use of media that are relevant to the younger generation and popular among young people, including the Internet, which is least controlled by official bodies. As a result, among young people the process of forming historical memory is quite complex and as a result, pictures of the historical development of the country and the world arise, which quite often are presented as a set of acquired knowledge and imagination. In particular, modern young people, observing the “historical” mark on a book, article or film, automatically correlate the presented data with historical reality, perceiving the proposed picture as a reality that happened. According to researchers, young people have not developed qualities that contribute to the development of critical thinking in assessing historical data, identifying components that allow one to distinguish fiction from fact.

Thus, according to the opinion of A.V. Rachipa and V.V. Burkov, the most effective mechanisms for the formation of the historical consciousness of young people are the institutions that surround the individual in the process of socialization: the family, the education system and the media. The need for complex influence is obvious: communication, ideological, value - both at the federal and local levels. The creation of a system of meanings and images of the rich Russian past is fundamental. The main aspects in the formation of this system, in our opinion, can be two models: the image of Russia in its historical context and an attractive image of the country in the future, created with the personal participation of young people. Experience shows that underestimating the role of managing the formation of the historical consciousness of young people leads to a sharp decrease in the level of their civic responsibility. The rich empirical material of modern sociological research can be used as a fundamental basis for the further development of a set of measures and mechanisms aimed at the formation and development of the historical consciousness of young people Rachipa A.V., Burkov V.V. The phenomenon of historical memory and the problem of forming values ​​and orientation of youth in the modern management system // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: pdf (date of access: 05.24.2014).

The process of transformation of historical memory is also reflected in the specifics of historical memory based on age, and for young people, historical events significant for Russia are reflected in a different form from the older generation.

In particular, as an example, let us cite the FOM study on the topic “Historical memory of generations about the events of Russia at the end of the 20th century” Historical memory // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: ( date of access: 05/20/2014).

The study was conducted in 2010 - 2012 and the dynamics of changes were traced. The study involved 1,500 respondents from 43 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 100 settlements. Persons under the age of 18 to 30 years (that is, youth) amounted to 700 people.

The survey revealed that in addition to perestroika, people consider the 1998 default (51%), the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (50%) and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan (43%) to be important events of the late twentieth century.

And among the Russian figures who have had a significant influence on the country over the past 10 years, V. Putin, D. Medvedev and B. Yeltsin are highlighted.

The data regarding whether the perestroika process was completed also turned out to be contradictory and the preponderance was generally on the side of those who considered the perestroika process to be unfinished.

The population's sympathies regarding the 1993 events in Moscow also turned out to be ambiguous, however, with all this, the overwhelming majority noted that they did not show sympathy for any of the leaders of the 1993 events.

For young people, based on the research data, the events of the late 20th century were largely associated with the process of transformation; in any case, it was the elements of economic and social catastrophe that were fixed in their memory as leading ones. At the same time, unlike the older generation, young people positively assess the dynamics of change and in the minds of young people the process of transformation can be traced in conjunction with the transformations that are taking Russia away from a regressive socialist system to a progressive capitalist one, which gives more freedom and choice in the process of self-realization. In general, the historical memory of young people is selective and reflects the moments that are most promoted through the media and the perspective in which they appear to be reliable (from the point of view of young people) media. The historical memory of young people is generally selective and subject to influence.

2.2 Knowledge and awareness of Moscow youth about historical processes and events as an important aspect of the formation of historical memory

The derivative functions of the historical memory of youth reflect the own socio-historical experience acquired by the younger generation. These functions are realized in the development and preservation of elements of the operational level of historical memory (knowledge, assessments, behavioral stereotypes, values, norms, symbols). Derived functions include the function of choosing life strategies, the prognostic function, the stereotyping function, and the political function Kulish V.V. On the characteristics of the historical memory of students // Education and Society. - 2008. - No. 3 (50). - P. 43..

The functionality of historical memory indicates the characteristics, the state of the historical memory of social subjects in specific socio-historical spatio-temporal conditions. The formation of historical memory is a social process of manifestation of the functions of historical memory, systematically ensuring the reproduction (updating) of traditional forms of life in consciousness and behavior individual, social communities, society as a whole and determining the nature of innovative development of all spheres of life of an individual and the whole society. We consider the formation of historical memory in three aspects: behavioral, ideological and emotional.

The behavioral aspect of the formation of historical memory reflects the process of a person’s assimilation through historical experience of the required norms, knowledge, values, and rules of behavior. In this case we are talking about the manifestation of historical memory in the process social adaptation, active assimilation by a person of social experience and adaptation to a changing social environment. Historical memory makes it possible to understand and put into practice established forms of social interaction and methods of subject-based practical activity.

The ideological aspect of the formation of historical memory reflects problems associated with the meaning of life and a person’s finding himself in this world. The presence of historical memory brings the individual to the need to understand the meaning of being as such, the meaning of one’s own existence in the context of the movement of social history.

The emotional aspect of the formation of historical memory reflects the nature and degree of influence of feelings and emotions on a person’s understanding of the past, present and future. Historical memory, through emotions, motives, and interest, configures a person to reflect certain events in a certain mode.

Each of the identified aspects of historical memory cannot be realized in isolation. A change in any aspect of the functioning of historical memory entails a change in others and affects the implementation of basic and derivative functions of memory. The nature of the manifestation of behavioral, emotional and ideological aspects determines in general the features of the formation of the historical memory of a social subject, which also manifests itself in the knowledge and awareness of young people about historical processes and events.

The study involved 100 people aged 22-30 years, of which 50 were boys and 50 were girls. Date: April-May 2014. City of Moscow.

This sociological study used the survey method. The author has developed a questionnaire “Knowledge and awareness of Moscow youth about historical processes and events.”

The results of the study are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Results of the study “Knowledge and awareness of Moscow youth about historical processes and events”

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One of the most important qualities that has always distinguished humans from animals is undoubtedly memory. The past for a person is the most important source for forming his own consciousness and determining his personal place in society and the world around him.

Losing memory, a person loses orientation among his environment, and social connections collapse.

What is collective historical memory?

Memory is not abstract knowledge of any events. Memory is life experience, knowledge of events experienced and felt, reflected emotionally. Historical memory is a collective concept. It lies in the preservation of social, as well as understanding of historical experience. The collective memory of generations can be among family members, the population of the city, or among the entire nation, country and all of humanity.

Stages of development of historical memory

We must understand that collective historical memory, just like individual memory, has several stages of development.

Firstly, this is oblivion. After a certain period of time, people tend to forget events. This can happen quickly, or it can happen in a few years. Life does not stand still, the series of episodes is not interrupted, and many of them are replaced by new impressions and emotions.

Secondly, people are confronted with past facts again and again in scientific articles, literary works and the media. And everywhere interpretations of the same events can vary greatly. And they cannot always be attributed to the concept of “historical memory”. Each author presents the arguments of events in his own way, putting his own point of view and personal attitude into the narrative. And it doesn’t matter what the topic is - world war, all-Union construction or the consequences of a hurricane.

Readers and listeners will experience the event through the eyes of the reporter or writer. Different options for presenting the facts of the same event make it possible to analyze and compare opinions different people and draw your own conclusions. The truthful memory of the people can develop only with freedom of speech, and it will be completely distorted with total censorship.

The third, most important stage in the development of people's historical memory is the comparison of events occurring in the present time with facts from the past. The relevance of today's problems in society can sometimes be directly related to the historical past. Only by analyzing the experience of past achievements and mistakes can a person create.

Maurice Halbwachs conjecture

The theory of historical collective memory, like any other, has its founder and followers. The French philosopher and sociologist Maurice Halbwachs was the first to hypothesize that the concepts of historical memory and history are far from the same thing. He was the first to suggest that history begins precisely when tradition ends. There is no need to record on paper what is still alive in memories.

Halbwachs' theory argued for the need to write history only for subsequent generations, when witnesses historical events There are few or no survivors left. There were quite a few followers and opponents of this theory. The number of the latter increased after the war against fascism, during which all members of the philosopher’s family were killed, and he himself died in Buchenwald.

Ways to convey memorable events

The people's memory of past events was expressed in various forms. In the old days, it was the oral transmission of information in fairy tales, legends and traditions. The characters were endowed with the heroic traits of real people who distinguished themselves by their exploits and courage. Epic stories have always glorified the courage of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Later these were books, and now the media have become the main sources of covering historical facts. Today, they mainly shape our perception and attitude towards the experience of the past, fateful events in politics, economics, culture and science.

The relevance of the historical memory of the people

Why is the memory of the war weakening?

Time is the best healer for pain, but the worst factor for memory. This applies both to the memory of generations about the war, and to the historical memory of the people in general. Erasing the emotional component of memories depends on several reasons.

The first thing that greatly affects the power of memory is the time factor. Every year the tragedy of these terrible days becomes more and more distant. 70 years have passed since the victorious end of World War II.

The preservation of the authenticity of the events of the war years is also influenced by the political and ideological factor. The tension in the modern world allows the media to assess many aspects of the war unreliably, from a negative point of view, convenient for politicians.

And one more inevitable factor influencing people’s memory of the war is natural. This is a natural loss of eyewitnesses, defenders of the Motherland, those who defeated fascism. Every year we lose those who carry “living memory.” With the departure of these people, the heirs of their victory are unable to preserve the memory in the same colors. Gradually it acquires shades of real events of the present and loses its authenticity.

Let's keep the memory of the war alive

The historical memory of the war is formed and preserved in the minds of the younger generation not only from bare historical facts and chronicles of events.

The most emotional factor is “living memory,” that is, the direct memory of the people. Every Russian family knows about these terrible years from eyewitness accounts: stories of grandfathers, letters from the front, photographs, military items and documents. Many evidence of the war is stored not only in museums, but also in personal archives.

It is already difficult for young Russians today to imagine a time of hunger and destruction that brings grief every day. That piece of bread, placed according to the norm in besieged Leningrad, those daily radio reports about events at the front, that terrible sound of the metronome, that postman who brought not only letters from the front line, but also funerals. But fortunately, they can still hear the stories of their great-grandfathers about the tenacity and courage of Russian soldiers, about how little boys slept at the machines just to make more shells for the front. True, these stories are rarely without tears. It's too painful for them to remember.

Artistic image of war

The second possibility of preserving the memory of the war is literary descriptions of the events of the war years in books, documentaries and feature films. Against the backdrop of large-scale events in the country, they always touch on the topic of the individual fate of a person or family. It is encouraging that interest in military topics today manifests itself not only on anniversaries. Over the past decade, many films have appeared telling about the events of the Great Patriotic War. Using the example of a single fate, the viewer is introduced to the front-line difficulties of pilots, sailors, scouts, sappers and snipers. Modern technologies cinema allow to the younger generation feel the scale of the tragedy, hear “real” volleys of guns, feel the heat of the flames of Stalingrad, see the severity of military transitions during the redeployment of troops

Contemporary coverage of history and historical consciousness

The understanding and ideas of modern society about the years and events of the Second World War are ambiguous today. The main explanation for this ambiguity can rightfully be considered the information war launched in the media in recent years.

Today, without disdaining anything, the world media gives the floor to those who during the war years took the side of fascism and participated in the mass genocide of people. Some recognize their actions as “positive”, thereby trying to erase the memory of their cruelty and inhumanity. Bandera, Shukhevych, General Vlasov and Helmut von Pannwitz today have become heroes for radical youth. All this is the result of an information war, which our ancestors had no idea about. Attempts to distort historical facts sometimes they reach the point of absurdity when merit Soviet Army belittled.

Protecting the authenticity of events - preserving the historical memory of the people

The historical memory of the war is main value our people. Only this will allow Russia to remain the strongest state.

The accuracy of historical events reported today will help preserve the truth of the facts and the clarity of our assessment of our country's past experiences. The fight for truth is always difficult. Even if this fight is “with fists,” we must defend the truth of our history in memory of our grandfathers.