The emphasis was on which syllable. Valentin Strykalo (Yuri Kaplan) - Biography, personal life, photos, songs. Valentin Strykalo and his musical career

Fate is connected with the name Valentina Strykalo young musician from Zaporozhye. The young man’s project appeared spontaneously in 2008, during Yuri’s recording of humorous musical numbers for the YouTube channel. Kaplan created a short song video message in front of the camera to the artist in a freak style that is popular today.

Valentin Strykalo's appeal to Vyacheslav Malezhik

Unexpectedly, the Ukrainian’s video broke all popularity records on the Internet, gaining over 100 thousand views. At that time, this was an incredible figure, since YouTube was not as popular as it is today.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the creator of the colorful character began in the city of Zaporozhye. Yura Kaplan was born in 1988 into a family of builders. The boy graduated from physics and mathematics school and entered the capital’s Institute of Economics and International Relations. In his first years, the young man did not study very well, but over time he became involved in his studies and received a diploma in 2010. But in an interview, he admitted: he hopes that they won’t have to touch him.

The fact is that he believes that putting a choice in front of a 17-year-old child is at least stupid. Well, what can he know after school? How can he figure out what he wants to do in the future? For example, in those years he was attracted to directing. But he was stopped by the thought that the profession of a film director in Ukraine was unreliable. The guy read student forums, where guys wrote that they were filming with cameras from the 50s, and abandoned this idea. Now he says that he was simply afraid of being an unemployed homeless person with an education as a film director.

After his debut performance in 2008, the singer created several videos where he addressed a number of stars in a humorous manner Russian stage: , and , to group , and . Particularly popular after the song dedicated to Malezhik was a message to Bilan, which collected over 2 million views in a few days, and a little later a song manifesto to Timati, which also reached an audience of millions.

Immediately after such a resounding success on the Internet, the guy began to call and offer to perform. But the repertoire for a full-fledged concert was clearly not enough. Therefore, Yuri decided to write to himself concert program, with which he began to appear in clubs. Just one with a guitar. But this was not enough for him. Now he has finally decided that he wants to make rock music. Kaplan began looking for like-minded people to create his own team.

His parents supported him in everything, and when his mother first saw her son’s video, she said it was funny.


In addition to the artist’s solo performances in the Ukrainian program “ Comedy Club"and entertainment clubs in Kyiv, Yuri Kaplan assembles the musical group "Valentin Strykalo" and in 2010 begins work on the first album "Humble and Relax", which is released two years later.

Along with the new repertoire, musicians use covers of famous songs by other performers in concerts, as well as musical material former group Yuri “in She” and the fictional group “Vodichka-Bubbles”. These are tracks such as “Burn” and “Our Summer”, which is famous on the Internet under the second name “Yacht, Sail”.

Video clip of the group "Valentin Strykalo" "Our Summer" ("Yacht, Sail")

The most popular songs on the first disc of the new creative team are considered to be the compositions “Cheap Dramas” and “I Beat Women and Children.” At the same time, young musicians promote their creativity by posting all the lyrics and tablature of songs on the Internet for free access.

Along with the creation of the second collection, “Part of Something Bigger,” in 2013 music group performs at concerts together with famous representatives youth culture. In particular, the extraordinary creative duo of Valentin Strykalo and the Russian performer became famous. Often such performances by artists took place under political slogans in support of Ukraine.

Valentin Strykalo - "Burn"

In addition to live performances, the group continues to maintain a personal video blog, in which Yuri Kaplan shares his thoughts and experiences about his personal life, talks about his creative victories, plans for the future and performs new songs.

Valentin Strykalo participates in recordings on radio stations in Russia and Ukraine, such as Mayak, Silver Rain, MTV and Jam FM. Programs with the participation of Yuri Kaplan were broadcast on the NTV and Ren-TV channels. Channel One released a recording of the program “Big Difference” with the participation of musicians from a youth group.

Group "Valentin Strykalo"

According to Forbes magazine, the group's work was included in the ranks of the top three most famous performers who became famous thanks to the Internet.

Today, the musicians of the Valentin Strykalo project are: soloist and frontman Yuri Kaplan, bass guitarist Stanislav Murashko, guitarist Konstantin Pyzhov and drummer Vladimir Yakovlev.

The genre of music in which the guys perform their songs is difficult to determine. This is indie rock, pop-punk, and indie pop. And on the other hand - comedy rock and neo-psychedelia. It should be noted that the group has enough fans.

"Valentin Strykalo" - "I beat women and children"

Many accuse Yuri Kaplan of snobbery, but he admits that he never thought about anything like that. When I first turned on the camera to record, this image was born by itself.

In 2016, the long-awaited disc “Entertainment” was released, which included eight new tracks. In 2017, Valentin Strykalo made a major tour of Russian cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Personal life

Little is known in the media about the personal life of the artist, whose real name is Yuri Kaplan, although his photos with pretty representatives of the fairer sex often appear on the Internet. It is known that at one time his girlfriend was a classmate from the institute, but this connection did not develop into something more. At the moment, the musician does not yet have a wife and children, Yuri is free, at least judging by his "Instagram". The young man is in excellent physical shape - with a height of 178 cm, his weight is about 72 kg.

There are also those who are sure that the singer is of non-traditional sexual orientation. After all, he didn’t hesitate to sing the song “Mom, I’m gay.” Yes and in his

Valentin Strykalo (Ukrainian Valentin Strikalo, real name - Yuriy Gennadyevich Kaplan (Ukrainian Yuriy Gennadiyovych Kaplan) is a Ukrainian singer, poet and composer who gained fame thanks to the Internet. His songs became popular on the YouTube video service after he published at the beginning 2008 videos with songs-appeals to Dima Bilan, Timati, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Potap and Nastya Kamensky, Maxim and Chai together.

Valentin's appeal to Eurovision 2008 winner Dima Bilan on YouTube was viewed by about 90,000 users within a month from the date of posting, and links to the video spread throughout the RuNet. Subsequently, the number of views of the video with an appeal to Dima Bilan exceeded 1,500,000, and with an appeal to Timati - 810,000.
In his videos on the YouTube video portal, Yuri says that he comes from the village of Buriltsevo, Zhytomyr region. In fact, there is no such village as such. This is a fictitious place, and Yuri is from Zaporozhye, graduated from Lyceum 105, although he now lives in Kyiv. And the singer himself said that he took the name from his head, although many of his fans are still convinced that such a village really exists not far from Zhitomir.
In February 2012, he released his debut album entitled “Humble and Relax.”

Valentin Strykalo who is this?

Real name— Yuri Gennadievich Kaplan

Hometown— Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Nickname— Valentin Strykalo

Yuri Kaplan is the front man of the popular group Valentin Strykalo.

Yuri Kaplan in childhood

Yuri Kaplan, whom the YouTube community knows under his creative pseudonym Valentin Strykalo, was born on October 2, 1988, in a family of builders from Ukraine. Boy with early years strove for science, and his parents sent their beloved child to a physics and mathematics school. Having successfully passed the exams, the young man entered the Institute of Economics and International Relations in Kyiv. In 2010, he successfully graduated from higher education.

The young man first thought about a career as a musician in 2008, when he sang for the first time in front of an audience at an amateur performance competition at the institute. A little later, he recorded several humorous videos in which he addressed such Russian musicians, like Timati, Potap and, as well as the “Tea for Two” team, which later broke up, MakSim and Sergei Zverev.

The most popular among all the videos was a clip with an appeal to Malezhik, which gained more than 100 thousand views in a short period of time. Somewhat later, no less popular YouTube messages addressed to Bilan and Timati were removed. These videos received 2 and 1 million views in the first year, respectively.

Valentin Strykalo and his musical career

Since 2010, Yura has actively taken part in the filming of the Comedy Club television show. Leaders of Kyiv nightclubs often invite the musician to perform at various parties. At the same time, the idea of ​​​​creating his own musical group, called “Valentin Strykalo,” is born in Yuri’s head. As part of the newly emerged creative project, Yuri is finishing work on his first music collection“Humble and Relax”, in 2012.

Together with the main repertoire of the creative association " Valentin Strykalo» Yuri performs covers of songs at concert venues famous musicians, as well as songs of the fictional group “ Water-Bubbles". Works such as " Gori" And " Yacht, sail"received high praise from fans of Yuri's work.

In 2013, the singer’s second studio collection, entitled “ Part of something bigger". In the same year, the musical group “Valentin Strykalo” performed several times at concert venues with famous groups from the CIS. The most memorable joint performance of that year can be called the concert project of Noize MC and Yuri Kaplan.

It is worth saying that it is dense concert schedule does not prevent the musician from creating his own video blog on the YouTube channel. On the YouTube channel he shares with subscribers creative plans and performs new tracks.

The guys from the creative association “Valentin Strykalo” are often invited to perform on such radio and television channels as “Mayak”, “Silver Rain”, “MTV”, “Jam FM”, “NTV”, “Ren-TV”. Yuri Kaplan also took part in the filming of the TV show “Big Difference” on Channel One.

In 2016, the third studio album, entitled “Entertainment,” appeared on the Internet. In 2017, the singer went on a concert tour through the populated areas of Russia.

Yuri Kaplan (Valentin Strykalo) and his girlfriend

Almost nothing is known about the musician’s personal life. Only occasionally in social networks Yuri Kaplan publishes photos from beautiful girls. It is known for sure that he is not married and has no children. According to creativity lovers young performer, he is too busy with work, and for this reason he has no time to search for his soulmate.

Himself Yuri told me that for a long time met with a classmate from the institute. But the relationship never developed into something more. On at the moment a young man lives in the capital of Ukraine, in a rented apartment, with his younger brother.

Valentin Strykalo now

Yuri Kaplan is currently working on recording his fourth studio album, the working title of which is kept strictly secret. In the first half of 2018, the creative association “Valentin Strykalo” intends to travel around the central part of Russia on a concert tour. In particular, the group will perform in Moscow and St. Petersburg during the March holidays. Rumors that the group has broken up are unfounded.

Wikipedia contains a lot of information about the life and work of Yuri.

Yuri Kaplan at a concert