The fate of a Russian peasant woman. (Based on Nekrasov’s poem “Who can live well in Rus'?”). The theme of the female share in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'

The problem of happiness in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

One of central works Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” It reflected most of the motives and ideas that can be traced in Nekrasov’s works throughout his entire career. creative path: problems of serfdom, features of Russian national character, the motives of people's suffering and people's happiness - all this can be seen on the pages of the poem. A kind of depth is also created by the “incompleteness” of the poem, because the scale of the narrative and the lack of a clear ending forces readers to look at the questions posed by Nekrasov as general historical ones. Thanks to this, the narrow time frame described in the poem expands, covering several centuries of the history of the Russian people, reflecting all aspects of life peasant class. And the definition of national happiness requires especially deep and serious consideration.

According to the plot, seven men meet “on a high street”:

They came together and argued:

Who has fun?

Free in Rus'?

While arguing, they did not notice how “the red sun had set” and evening came. Realizing that they were “about thirty miles away” from the house, the men decided to spend the night “under the forest along the path.” In the morning the dispute continued with new strength, and the men decide that they will not return home “until they find out” that they are truly happy in Rus'.

They go searching happy person. Here it makes sense to note that their criteria for happiness are quite vague, because “happiness” is a rather multifaceted concept. It is quite possible that men do not notice a happy person simply because their concepts of happiness differ from this person. This is precisely why wanderers do not see a happy person in anyone they meet. Although, for example, the sexton says:

...happiness is not in pastures,

Not in sables, not in gold,

Not in expensive stones.

“And what?” - “In complacency!..”

The happiness of a soldier lies in the fact that he has been in many battles, but remained intact, that he did not starve or be beaten to death with sticks:

...firstly, happiness,

That in twenty battles I was killed and not killed!

And secondly, more important than that,

Even in times of peace I walked neither full nor hungry,

But he didn’t give in to death!

And thirdly - for offenses,

Great and small

I was beaten mercilessly with sticks,

Just feel it and it’s alive!

In turn, the landowner Gavrila Afanasyich Obolt-Obolduev has completely different values:

...Your villages are modest,

Your forests are dense,

Your fields are all around!

Will you go to the village - the peasants will fall at your feet,

You will go through the forest dachas - The forests will bow to the hundred-year-old trees!..

Too different ideas about happiness are found in the poem. The reader can find in the work reflections on peasant happiness,

the landowner's happiness, but there is no female happiness in “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” And Matryona Timofeevna explains this to us exhaustively:

The keys to women's happiness,

From our free will Abandoned, lost from God himself!

By introducing readers to various concepts of happiness, Nekrasov not only shows the ambiguity of the problem, but also explains the existence of a huge gap between classes that has persisted in Russia for many centuries. The question of the source of the people's suffering is also ambiguous here. It would seem that the answer is obvious: the existing tsarist regime, people’s poverty and oppression, and, of course, are to blame for everything. serfdom, the abolition of which did not change or simplify the painful existence of the peasants:

You work alone

And the work is almost over,

Look, there are three shareholders standing:

God, king and lord!

However, the author's position here is somewhat different. Nekrasov does not deny the terrible burden of peasant labor, but he also portrays the men themselves as powerful, unbending, capable of withstanding any work. He shows that all misfortunes happen to men by chance, as if regardless of the oppression of the landowners: Yakim Nagoy suffers from a fire, and Savely, having accidentally dozed off, loses Demushka.

By this Nekrasov wants to show that real reasons the people's suffering lies much deeper and that the Russian peasant will not find happiness in gaining freedom. From the author’s point of view, true happiness requires something completely different.

The reader can see this completely different, true happiness in the image of Grigory Dobrosklonov - a character in which Nekrasov combined the features of the leading people of that time, the features of people who were especially close to the author (among them was N. G. Chernyshevsky):

Fate had prepared a glorious path for him, a great name

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia.

Grigory Dobrosklonov, being a people's intercessor, is for real a happy person, Nekrasov believes. Despite his difficult fate, he does not become a slave to circumstances, but continues his difficult path. Love for his homeland is the most natural feeling for him, comparable to love for his mother:

And soon in the boy’s heart With love for his poor mother Love for all the Vakhlachina Merged...

The hero's real happiness lay in this boundless love and struggle for the happiness of the people:

“I don’t need any silver or gold, but God willing,

So that my fellow countrymen and every peasant may live freely and cheerfully throughout all holy Rus'!”

Dobrosklonov understands that society requires radical changes, that Russian people must destroy their slavish submission to fate and fight to improve the lives of themselves and those around them:

Enough! Finished with past settlement,

The settlement with the master has been completed!

The Russian people are gathering strength and learning to be citizens.

This is how the author sees the problem of national happiness in a multifaceted way. In addition to the ambiguity of the very concept of “happiness,” the reader sees different ways his achievements. In addition, in the poem one can see the most beautiful idea happiness, coupled here with the achievement of the public good. Nekrasov did not complete the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” but pointed out the right path to achieving civil ideals, as well as freedom and personal happiness of people.

Nekrasov conceived the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” as a “people's book.” He began writing it in 1863 and ended up terminally ill in 1877. The poet dreamed that his book would be close to the peasantry.
At the center of the poem is a collective image of the Russian peasantry, the image of a guardian native land. The poem reflects a man's joys and sorrows, doubts and hopes, thirst for freedom and happiness. All major events The lives of a peasant fit into this work. The plot of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is close to folk tale about the search for happiness and truth. But the peasants who set out on the journey are not pilgrim pilgrims. They are a symbol of awakening Russia.
Among the peasants depicted by Nekrasov, we see many persistent seekers of truth. These are, first of all, seven men. Their main goal is to find “manly happiness.” And until they find him, the men decided
Don't toss and turn in the houses,
Don't see your wives
Not with the little guys...
But besides them, in the poem there are seekers of national happiness. One of them is shown by Nekrasov in the chapter “ drunken night" This is Yakim Nagoy. In his appearance and speech one can feel his inner dignity, unbroken by either hard work or a powerless situation. Yakim argues with the “smart master” Pavlusha Veretennikov. He defends men from the reproach that they “drink until they stupefy.” Yakim is smart, he understands perfectly why life is so difficult for peasants. His rebellious spirit does not resign himself to such a life. A formidable warning sounds in the mouth of Yakim Nagoy:
Every peasant
Soul, like a black cloud,
Angry, menacing - and it should be
Thunder will roar from there...
The chapter “Happy” tells about another man - Ermil Girin. He became famous throughout the area for his intelligence and selfless devotion to the interests of the peasants. The story about Ermil Girin begins with a description of the hero's litigation with the merchant Altynnikov over the orphan mill. Ermila turns to the people for help.
And a miracle happened
Throughout the market square
Every peasant has
Like the wind, half left
Suddenly it turned upside down!
Yermil is endowed with a sense of justice. Only once did he stumble when he excluded “his younger brother Mitri from recruiting.” But this act cost him severe torment; in a fit of repentance, he almost committed suicide. At a critical moment, Ermila Girin sacrifices her happiness for the sake of the truth and ends up in prison.
We see that the heroes of the poem understand happiness differently. differently. From the point of view of the priest, this is “peace, wealth, honor.” According to the landowner, happiness is an idle, well-fed, cheerful life, unlimited power over the peasants. In search of wealth and power, “a huge, greedy crowd is heading towards temptation,” writes Nekrasov.
In the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” Nekrasov also touches on the problem of women’s happiness. It is revealed through the image of Matryona Timofeevna. This is a typical peasant woman of the Central Russian strip, endowed with restrained beauty, filled with self-esteem. On her shoulders fell not only the entire burden of peasant labor, but also responsibility for the fate of the family, for raising children. The image of Matryona Timofeevna is collective. She experienced everything that can befall a Russian woman. The difficult fate of Matryona Timofeevna gives her the right to say to wanderers on behalf of all Russian women:
The keys to women's happiness,
From our free will,
Abandoned, lost
From God himself!
Nekrasov reveals the problem of national happiness in the poem also with the help of the image people's defender Grisha Dobrosklonova. He is the son of a sexton who lived “poorer than the last shabby peasant” and “an unrequited farmhand.” A hard life gives rise to protest in this person. From childhood he decides that he will devote his life to the search for national happiness.
..about fifteen years old
Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark
Native corner
Grisha Dobrosklonov does not need wealth and personal well-being. His happiness lies in the triumph of the cause to which he devoted his entire life. Nekrasov writes what fate had in store for him
The path is glorious, the name is loud
People's Defender,
Consumption and Siberia.
But he does not back down from the challenges ahead. Grisha Dobrosklonov sees that millions of people are already awakening:
Ratp rises innumerable,
The strength in her will be indestructible!
And this fills his soul with joy. He believes in a happy future for his native land and this is precisely the happiness of Gregory himself. To the question of the poem, Nekrasov himself answers that fighters for people’s happiness live well in Rus':
If only our wanderers could be under their own roof,
If only they could know what was happening to Grisha.
He heard the immense strength in his chest,
The sounds of grace delighted his ears,
The radiant sounds of the noble hymn -
He sang the embodiment of people's happiness.

Essay on literature on the topic: The problem of national happiness in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

Other writings:

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The problem of national happiness in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”
  1. Theme of the poem.
  2. The image of a peasant woman.
  3. Matryona Timofeevna how bright representative peasant woman.
  4. Nekrasov has a peculiarity of female character.

N. A. Nekrasov devotes his final work, the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” to a symbolic search for a happy person in Rus'. The author explores the life of various layers of Russian society: peasants, landowners, clergy. The fate of the Russian peasant woman becomes a special topic, because it turns out to be even more difficult than the fate of the other peasants. “It’s not a matter between women / To look for a happy one,” Matryona Timofeevna, the heroine of the chapter “Peasant Woman,” directly answers the wanderers who turned to her. But the image of a peasant woman, enslaved by both serfdom and the despotism of her husband’s family, worries Nekrasov more.

This type was most fully revealed by Nekrasov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” in the image of Matryona Korchagina. The bitter lot of a peasant woman, eternally humiliated by poverty, working too hard and not seeing happiness, evokes deep sympathy in the poet’s soul, but at the same time, he notes in her character human dignity, pride, and unshakable moral purity. The image of Matryona Timofeevna is presented in the poem in dynamics, in development.

The heroine had a happy, carefree early childhood, and from the age of five she began to be introduced to feasible work: “I took my father to breakfast, tended ducklings,” “raked hay,” etc. And even luck - I got a kind husband. Matryona did not have to, like many other peasant women, live with a “hateful” person and endure beatings. Matryona and her husband lived in love and harmony. It was this harmony in the family that helped the heroine endure troubles and misfortunes. Philip was a stove maker and constantly went to work in St. Petersburg. Matryona had a hard time with the constant separations. She had to adapt to life in someone else's family. young beautiful woman in the absence of a husband-intercessor, he was pursued by the master's steward. The heroine did not find support from any of her relatives, except for her hundred-year-old grandfather Savely.

The character of Matryona Timofeevna is tempered precisely in difficult trials. This is an intelligent, selfless, strong-willed, decisive woman. This is the image of a peasant woman not only strong spirit, but also gifted and talented. Matryona's story about her life is a story about the fate of any peasant woman, a long-suffering Russian woman. The chapter itself is not named after her, but “Peasant Woman”. This emphasizes that Matryona’s fate is not an exception to the rule, but a typical fate of millions of Russian peasant women. The best spiritual qualities- willpower, ability to love, loyalty - make Matryona similar to the heroines of the poem “Russian Women”. Matryona Timofeevna’s long story about her (still quite prosperous and extremely lucky!) fate is both an ode to the beauty of the soul of a Russian peasant woman and an indictment of those who doomed her to terrible torment.

Like Yermil Girin, Matryona is known throughout the area. But in the poem she talks about her life herself, and only seven wanderers listen to her. The veracity of the story is emphasized by the request of the wanderers: “Give us your soul!” And the heroine of the chapter herself promises: “I won’t hide anything.”

Matryona Timofeevna’s extraordinary creative talent allows her not only to store folklore in her memory, but also to update it. The story is replete with elements of folklore works dedicated to the bitter lot of a woman: songs, proverbs, sayings, laments, lamentations.

Songs play a special role in describing the life of a Russian woman (it is no coincidence that the second chapter of this part of the poem is called “Songs”). Nekrasov depicts the life of a peasant woman in its entirety, from childhood to the moment when she meets the seekers of a happy man. There are several moments in Matryona Timofeevna’s life when those feelings that could lead her to decisive action are about to spill out. The first time is when, contrary to her pleas, the doctors begin an autopsy of Demushka’s body. But the police officer then orders the mother to be tied up. The second is when the headman decides to punish her son Fedotushka, who took pity on the hungry she-wolf.

The master decides to forgive the child, but punish the “impudent woman” herself. And Nekrasov shows a very important feature of the heroine’s strong-willed character: she lies down proudly. under the rod, without stooping to ask for forgiveness, he endures the pain and shame of public punishment. And only the next day she cried out her grief over the river. The only time when Matryona Timofeevna decides to fight for her happiness is when her husband is taken into the army. She turns with frantic prayer to Mother of God, and this prayer apparently gives her strength: Matryona Timofeevna finds the courage to turn to the governor’s wife, who not only helps the peasant woman, but also becomes the godmother of her child. After this incident, Matryona begins to be called happy. This, it turns out, is the happiness of a peasant woman: not becoming a soldier, finding the strength to remain silent and endure and raise children.

The keys to female happiness, From our free will, Abandoned, lost... - this is the sad result of Matryona Timofeevna’s conversation with seven wanderers. External beauty, warmth, intelligence, and the fame of a lucky woman make it possible to talk about Matryona Timofeevna as a unique, exceptional person.

By depicting the fate of Matryona Timofeevna, the author makes deep generalizations: Russian women live in constant work, the joys and sorrows of motherhood, in the struggle for family, for home. Subject female share in the poem merges with the theme of the homeland. Female characters Nekrasov’s heroines speak of the strength, purity and incorruptibility of the common people. The inhuman living conditions against which these images emerge indicate an urgent need for changes in the order, style and way of life in the villages and cities of old regime Russia.


“The people are liberated, but are the people happy?” Nekrasov asked this question, formulated in the poem “Elegy,” more than once. In his final work, “Who Lives Well in Rus',” the problem of happiness becomes the fundamental problem on which the plot of the poem is based.

Seven men from different villages (the names of these villages - Gorelovo, Neelovo, etc. make it clear to the reader that they have never seen happiness in them) set off on a journey in search of happiness. The plot of searching for something in itself is very common and is often found in fairy tales, as well as in hagiographic literature, where a long and dangerous journey to the Holy Land was often described. As a result of such a search, the hero acquires a very valuable thing (remember the fairy-tale I-don’t-know-what), or, in the case of pilgrims, grace. What will the wanderers find from Nekrasov’s poem? As you know, their search for happiness will not be crowned with success - either because the author did not have time to finish his poem, or because, due to their spiritual immaturity, they are still not ready to see a truly happy person. To answer this question, let’s look at how the problem of happiness is transformed in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

Evolution of the concept of “happiness” in the minds of the main characters

“Peace, wealth, honor” - this formula of happiness, derived at the beginning of the poem by the priest, exhaustively describes the understanding of happiness not only for the priest. It conveys the original, superficial view of the happiness of wanderers. Peasants who have lived in poverty for many years cannot imagine happiness that is not supported by material wealth and universal respect. They form a list of possible lucky ones according to their ideas: priest, boyar, landowner, official, minister and tsar. And, although Nekrasov did not have time to realize all his plans in the poem - the chapter where the wanderers would reach the tsar remained unwritten, but already two from this list - the priest and the landowner, were enough for the men to become disappointed in their initial view for luck.

The stories of the priest and the landowner, met by wanderers on the road, are quite similar to each other. Both sound sadness about the past happy, satisfying times, when power and prosperity themselves fell into their hands. Now, as shown in the poem, the landowners were taken away everything that made up their usual way of life: land, obedient slaves, and in return they were given an unclear and even frightening covenant to work. And so the happiness that seemed unshakable disappeared like smoke, leaving only regrets in its place: “... the landowner began to cry.”

After listening to these stories, the men abandon their original plan - they begin to understand that real happiness lies in something else. On their way they come across a peasant fair - a place where many peasants gather. The men decide to look for the happy one among them. The problematic of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” changes - it becomes important for wanderers to find not just an abstract happy person, but a happy one among the common people.

But none of the recipes for happiness proposed by people at the fair - not a fabulous turnip harvest, not the opportunity to eat enough bread, not magical power, not even the miraculous chance that allowed us to stay alive does not convince our wanderers. They develop an understanding that happiness cannot depend on material things and the simple preservation of life. This is confirmed by the life story of Ermil Girin, told there at the fair. Yermil always tried to act truthfully, and in any position - burgomaster, scribe, and then miller - he enjoyed the love of the people. To some extent, he serves as a harbinger of another hero, Grisha Dobrosklonov, who also devoted his whole life to serving the people. But what kind of gratitude was there for Yermil’s actions? They shouldn’t consider him happy, they tell the men, Yermil is in prison because he stood up for the peasants during the riot...

The image of happiness as freedom in the poem

A simple peasant woman, Matryona Timofeevna, offers wanderers a look at the problem of happiness from the other side. Having told them the story of her life, full of hardships and troubles - only then was she happy, as a child she lived with her parents - she adds:

"The keys to women's happiness,
From our free will,
Abandoned, lost..."

Happiness is compared to for a long time an unattainable thing for peasants - a free will, i.e. freedom. Matryona obeyed all her life: to her husband, his unkind family, the evil will of the landowners who killed her eldest son and wanted to flog the younger one, injustice, because of which her husband was taken into the army. She receives some kind of joy in life only when she decides to rebel against this injustice and goes to ask for her husband. This is when Matryona finds peace of mind:

"Okay, easy,
Clear in my heart"

And this definition of happiness as freedom, apparently, is to the liking of the men, because already in the next chapter they indicate the goal of their journey as follows:

“We are looking, Uncle Vlas,
Unflogged province,
Ungutted parish,
Izbytkova village"

It is clear that here the first place is no longer given to “excess” - wealth, but to “purity”, a sign of freedom. The men realized that they would have wealth after they had the opportunity to manage their own lives. And here Nekrasov raises another important moral problem– the problem of servility in the consciousness of Russian people. Indeed, at the time of the creation of the poem, the peasants already had freedom - the decree on the abolition of serfdom. But learn to live like free people they have yet to do so. It is not for nothing that in the chapter “The Last One” many of the Vakhlachans so easily agree to play the role of imaginary serfs - this role is profitable, and, what is there to hide, habitual, not forcing one to think about the future. Freedom in words has already been obtained, but the men still stand in front of the landowner, taking off their hats, and he graciously allows them to sit down (chapter “Landowner”). The author shows how dangerous such pretense is - Agap, supposedly flogged to please the old prince, actually dies in the morning, unable to bear the shame:

“The man is raw, special,
The head is unbowed”...


So, as we see, in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” the problems are quite complex and detailed and cannot be reduced in the end to simply finding a happy person. The main problem of the poem is precisely that, as the wandering of the men shows, the people are not yet ready to become happy, they do not see the right path. The consciousness of wanderers gradually changes, and they become able to discern the essence of happiness beyond its earthly components, but every person has to go through this path. Therefore, instead of the lucky one, at the end of the poem the figure of the people's intercessor, Grisha Dobrosklonov, appears. He himself is not from the peasant class, but from the clergy, which is why he so clearly sees the intangible component of happiness: a free, educated Rus' that has recovered from centuries of slavery. Grisha is unlikely to be happy on his own: fate is preparing for him “consumption and Siberia.” But he embodies in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” the people's happiness, which is yet to come. Along with the voice of Grisha, singing joyful songs about free Rus', one can hear the convinced voice of Nekrasov himself: when the peasants are freed not only verbally, but also internally, then each individual person will be happy.

The given thoughts about happiness in Nekrasov’s poem will be useful to 10th grade students when preparing an essay on the topic “The problem of happiness in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”.”

Work test

The keys to women's happiness,

From our free will,

Abandoned, lost

From God himself!..

Nekrasov was the first to write about peasant women, about their fate, life, happiness and misfortune. He wrote about the harsh. In his work, he describes a peasant woman as powerless, oppressed by hard slave labor, but retaining physical and spiritual beauty. Other writers, for example, Pushkin, Lermontov wrote more about women of high society. These ladies, ignorant of need, hunger, because they were very rich. And the writers did not even suspect how interesting, but at the same time difficult, the life of a peasant woman can be.

Since I consider this problem relevant for our time, I would like to show it with an example Matryona Timofeevna, the heroine of Nekrasov's poem.

Matryona Timofeevna is a beautiful, dignified woman, broad and thick-set, about thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful: gray hair,

The eyes are large, strict,

The richest eyelashes,

Severe and dark.

Despite the fact that she had a very hard time in life, her character was persistent. She is patient with her family, where she is insulted and forced to work like a slave.

Before her marriage, Matryona Timofeevna lived happily. She had a good, non-drinking family. She lived for her own pleasure. She didn’t hang herself with guys, but she still found a groom.

She married Philip Korchagin. Life in this family was very bad for Matryona Timofeevna. Her husband kept her so that she would not quarrel with her father-in-law, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law. Only one grandfather Savely treated her well.

Soon Matryona's first son, Dyomushka, was born. She loved him very much and went with him all the time to the field where she worked. But one day her mother-in-law opposed this, and then Matryona left Dyoma with grandfather Savelich. When she returned from the field, her son was dead.

Matryona Timofeevna had a second son, Fedotushka. And a misfortune happened to him, because of which his mother suffered:

She shepherded a minor.

Out of youth, out of stupidity

Forgive: but the woman is impudent

Approximately punish!

But there was more misfortune. My husband was recruited. Without her husband, Matryona Timofeevna had an even worse time; she herself was starving, trying to feed her family. She had to go to the city to the governor’s wife and ask her to return her husband from the recruits. And the governor’s wife helped her . The husband returned home.

There was a lot of misfortune in the life of Matryona Timofeevna, but there was also happiness. All these events strengthened her character and will.

It is difficult, very difficult for a peasant woman to live. She has a lot of worries on her shoulders. Home, and children, and a husband, and work. It is hard for her to live. And there is no time for a peasant woman to think about happiness, and if there is time, then the question involuntarily arises:> So where are they, the keys to female happiness? Do they really not exist?>.