The essence of social work. Purpose, objectives, subject of social work. Subject and object as components of social work practice

Traditionally, the social sphere is considered as a space of social work. And this has its reasons. In this chapter, without removing the question of characterizing it as a specified space, the author tries to consider the social sphere as an object of social work. At the same time, it must immediately be noted that aspects social sphere are closely interconnected and intersect, although, in our opinion, they are not identical.

When delineating (differentiating) the objects of social work, one should proceed from a broad interpretation of the object. That is, the object is taken in its entirety, it is interpreted from a general scientific, philosophical and subject-sociological point of view. In this sense, the object is considered, firstly, as a philosophical category denoting objective reality, outside world, existing outside our consciousness and independently of a person; secondly, as an object, a phenomenon towards which human activity is directed; thirdly, as an enterprise, institution, place of activity, location.

Since social work is a branch of knowledge in which the empirical, applied component occupies a significant place, it is important to interpret the object from the point of view of sociological research as a carrier of a particular social problem, as a specific area of ​​social reality, the sphere of activity of a subject of social life.

Taking into account the above, groups of objects of social work are determined.

The first group includes population groups that find themselves in difficult life situations. Their characteristics, taking into account possible classification (by health status, service and work in extreme conditions) social conditions, forms and types of deviant behavior, etc.) is given in a number of works by the author.

The second group of objects of social work includes the entire population, all its groups and layers. It must be borne in mind that every person at any time, at any period of his life, needs the full satisfaction of his needs and interests. Moreover, in each area of ​​his life they may be unevenly satisfied. The rich need to maintain and strengthen their health, in a calmer, stress-free environment. A healthy person may be poor and not have the opportunity to realize his diverse healthy attitudes. In any family, interspousal or parent-child relationships can become strained. Children, teenagers and old people always need protection. This is especially true in conditions of crisis in society. Thus, every person needs, to one degree or another, support, assistance, and protection.

The life activity of all layers and groups of the population depends on conditions that are largely predetermined by the level of development of society, the state of the social sphere, the content of social policy, and the possibilities for its implementation. Therefore, with good reason it is possible (and necessary) to include the spheres of human life, group, layer, community as the object of social work. Having in mind the first group of objects of social work, we interpret it in the narrow sense of the word. In the second and especially in the third cases, it is understood in a broad sense - as not only solving everyday problems, but also preventing acute social problems on a global scale (unemployment, poverty, various social diseases, the most acute forms of deviant behavior, problems of socialization of individuals, groups, communities).

When characterizing spheres of life activity as elements of society, it is important to take into account the understanding of human society in both the broad and narrow sense.

Naturally, all spheres of social life are closely interconnected, permeate, penetrate each other. Their isolation in in a certain sense is conditional, at the same time justified and useful, since it allows us to more clearly and clearly present their essence and features. In this regard, the social sphere is unique; it is it that represents an alloy, an organic compound, a combination, a unity social aspects all spheres of public life. That is why, in the context of the topic, we are primarily interested in the essence, content and features of the social sphere as the most important object of social work.

Reasons for updating the state and development of the social sphere in modern conditions very diverse. Among them, we can identify factors of both a global, fundamental, and private, one might say regional, nature.

First of all, this is the level of development of human society as a whole. In the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. It is a person’s position in society, the satisfaction of his urgent needs and interests that come to the fore. The reasons for this are the achieved level of social production, the development of productive forces, culture, and man himself.

At the same time, it is precisely this achieved level of development of society that has raised extremely sharply, as never before, the issues of the relationship between nature and society, the preservation and improvement of the natural human environment; population problems due to exhaustion natural resources planet, redistribution (more equitable) of material and other resources between continents, groups of countries, north and south, problems of human health and other problems of survival, human security.

This situation in each individual country is determined, on the one hand, by the problems facing humanity as a whole, and on the other, by the situation that has developed in a particular country.

The social sphere is an extremely important area of ​​life of human society, in which the social policy of the state is implemented through the distribution of material and spiritual benefits, ensuring the progress of all aspects of social life, and improving the situation of working people. The social sphere covers a system of social, socio-economic, socio-ethnic relations, connections between society and the individual. It also includes the totality of social factors in the life of public, social and other groups and individuals, and the conditions for their development. The social sphere covers the entire space of a person’s life - from the conditions of his work and life, health and leisure to social-class and socio-ethnic relations. The content of the social sphere is the relationship between social and other groups, individuals regarding their position, place and role in society, image and way of life.

The structure of the social sphere includes the following components: a) social activities; b) social structure of society;

c) social infrastructure; d) social relations in the proper or narrow sense.

Let us briefly explain the content of each of these components.

Generally activity - it is a way of existence and development of social reality, manifestation of social activity, purposeful reflection and transformation of the surrounding world. The main features of activity are consciousness (goal setting), productivity, and social character. Taking into account this characteristic social activities focused on the social sphere as a whole, on the implementation of the social aspects of all other activities. A particular manifestation of it is social work aimed at providing assistance, social support, social protection of people, and creating normal conditions for their life.

Social structure of society as a component of the social sphere (but not only it) is a set of stable and ordered connections between objectively existing social classes, social and other groups, strata and communities of people. It is worth emphasizing that social structure reflects the differentiation of society into groups that are socially different from each other to one degree or another. In connection with this and the essence of social work, it is important to identify those groups and segments of the population that occupy a special position in the social structure due to the situation (disability, old age, illness, poverty, etc.) in which they find themselves, that situation , which requires the use of a wide variety of social work technologies with them.

Social infrastructure as a component of the social sphere, it represents material and material elements that provide the conditions for human life in society - in the production, political and spiritual fields, in the family, in everyday life. This is a set of industries such as science, education, healthcare, trade, catering, consumer services, housing and communal services, transport, communications, etc.

Social relations in the proper sense as a component of the social sphere - these are objectively developing relationships between people regarding social status, the way of life of people, their groups and strata, their equality (social) and inequality in society, the implementation of the principles of social justice, the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and other needs of people, conditions of existence and development of the individual, group, class. Ultimately, the essence of this component of the social sphere can be specified as the opportunity (for each person, group, layer) of access to values, benefits and services, guarantees and individual rights, human working conditions, life, leisure, health, the ability to determine the choice of profession and place residence, participation in management, social and professional advancement and movement (mobility).

The state and development of the social sphere at the present stage of human society are associated with the process of globalization. Globalization in its current state, on the one hand, promotes the development of the social sphere, and on the other hand, it slows down and impedes its development and functioning, especially in individual enclaves represented by underdeveloped and developing countries. Suffice it to say that due to unequal exchange, price scissors and other reasons, the ratio of the difference in per capita income in industrialized and developing countries is more than 10. More than three billion people live below the officially defined UN poverty threshold, with a daily budget of less than 2 dollars. Residents of Russia, for example, are now 40 times poorer than Americans. The poverty threshold in the country is $38 per month, while in the United States it is $1,500.

This situation, naturally, cannot continue indefinitely. It is the desire to maintain the current situation in developed countries at the expense of the majority of the world's population that determines the irrepressible aggressiveness of the United States and its allies. The events of September 2001 in the United States show that there will be no reconciliation on the current economic and social basis of rich and poor countries.

The state of the social sphere in modern conditions in Russia is alarming. The state of the social sphere and the standard of living of the country's population depend on many factors, but primarily on the degree of development of the country's economy. But at present it is not socially oriented (in the interests of the majority of the population). The social sphere does not have a proper economic basis. Gross domestic product for the 90s. XX century almost halved. In terms of annual GDP production in 1987, Russia ranked 5th among the leading countries (after the USA, Japan, China and Germany); in the late 90s. - only 13th place.

Per capita food consumption has dropped sharply. The country's food security has been undermined. According to various sources, food imports account for almost 40-50% (and in large cities even higher) of food consumed.

According to the index developed by UN experts, which takes into account not only the level of gross national product per capita, but also life expectancy, its quality, the level of medical care and education of the population, Russia in the mid-90s. XX century ranked 37th in the world community

(below Barbados, Uruguay, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas), and some former Soviet republics are even lower. IN beginning of XXI V. the situation, unfortunately, has not changed fundamentally.

Current Russian state does not care about social infrastructure as the most important component of the social sphere. This is especially true in rural areas. Funds are not allocated for the construction of new communications and buildings, for the repair of old ones, schools and post offices in rural areas are closed, which is contrary to the law (this requires the consent of the majority of residents). In many villages, shops are closed, people have nowhere to buy the basic necessities. Sometimes there is no way to call " ambulance"due to lack of telephone connection (no money for repairs). In fact, many villages and towns are dying out.

In the North, in remote areas, thousands of towns and villages remain in winter without electricity, gas, medical care, or bus service.

Compared to the budget of the RSFSR in Russia in the 1990s. less money was invested: in medicine and physical culture- 3.2 times; in education - 3.5; culture and art - 4.1; in science - 6.2 times, in defense - 5.5 times. The situation has not changed fundamentally in the first decade of the 21st century.

  • purchasing power of the national currency (ruble). For 1975-1985 inflation was 30%, for 1989-1999. more than 1,000,000% (an absolute record for peacetime);
  • affordable prices for essential goods and services: public transport in the city - 5 kopecks. (now 5-8 rubles or more); conversation from a street payphone - 2 kopecks. (now 4 rubles); decent lunch in a cafe - 1 rub. (now 50-70 rubles); bathhouse - 20 kopecks. (50 rub.). For the most important goods and services, the growth over the past 10 years has been 20-50 times;
  • basic social justice and stability. The maximum wage gap was 5 times (now it is tens and hundreds of times);
  • social guarantees: the purchasing power of salaries, pensions, benefits, scholarships (currently, according to official data, it is 5-10%, in fact 2-3 times more); protection of childhood and motherhood; free housing, the opportunity for everyone to receive treatment, rest, and education;
  • confidence in the future: protection from unemployment, from the arbitrariness of the employer, safety on the street, at home, in transport, in the forest, etc.; from banking and other “pyramids”, etc.; from socially dangerous diseases. These indicators have worsened and are worsening due to the natural disasters that befell Russia in the summer of 2010 - fires. A radical change in the situation in the country depends on many factors. First of all, measures are needed to overcome the systemic crisis, develop the real economy, and change social policy in the interests of the majority of the population. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The issue of creating a single social space within the CIS deserves special attention, which could significantly contribute to the development of the social sphere of the peoples of all countries of the former Soviet Union, strengthening the social security of citizens of the CIS countries. Creating a single social space involves taking a number of specific measures in the social sphere. These measures include: resolving problems of employment of workers on the territory of the member states of the Commonwealth; determination of reasonable proportions between the minimum pension and wages; determination of the main parameters of social security; ensuring guarantees of compensation payments to the least socially protected categories of the population, including payments of pensions earned by citizens of one CIS country in other countries of the Commonwealth; taking coordinated measures to provide targeted social assistance, benefits for the poor, sources of their financing and charity; development of a unified approach to the establishment throughout the CIS of benefits and guarantees for disabled people of the Second World War, “Afghans”, etc.; ensuring social rights and guarantees for military personnel (as those on military service, and completed it) throughout the territory of the former Union; coordination and convergence of the systems of national economic and criminal legislation of the CIS countries, unification of legal norms and standards, which will help increase the effectiveness of the fight for law and order, curb crime; implementation of uniform norms and standards for the protection environment, agreed upon requirements in the field of ecology (legal assistance on civil and family rights, decision on a parity basis legal issues affecting the interests of citizens of various states former USSR, solving refugee problems, etc.).

The implementation of these measures, as well as national projects implemented by the government (housing, agriculture, education and health care) can, hopefully, significantly improve the state of the country’s social sphere.

The single object of social work - the social sphere - can be specified by highlighting its components. This is important for understanding how and in what way one can influence them, that is, use various technologies.

The components of the social sphere are very diverse. Among them the most important are:

  • the sphere of production, industrial and social infrastructure. This sphere includes the environment, setting, the process of creating material and other goods; a complex of economic sectors serving industrial and agricultural production, as well as the population; material elements that provide living conditions in society - in the production, political and spiritual spheres, in the family and everyday life;
  • urban and rural, as well as intermediate forms of settlement. From the point of view of social policy and social work in this area of ​​people’s life, it is important to take into account the size of settlements, the concentration of the population in them, the level of development of productive forces, types of production (industrial, agricultural, etc.), the saturation of cultural and social facilities, landscaping, and transport development , communications, etc.;
  • healthcare sector- a system of public, private and mixed enterprises and institutions that carry out measures to protect health, prevent and treat diseases and prolong human life;
  • education sector, including all types and forms of education, training and retraining of personnel - from kindergartens to higher education educational institutions, as well as the corresponding infrastructure;
  • field of science - area of ​​life activity carried out by research institutes and laboratories, scientific centers, design bureaus and other institutions, teams and individual scientists and aimed at obtaining, substantiating and systematizing objective knowledge about phenomena and processes occurring in nature and society;
  • sphere of culture - includes the objective results of people’s activities (machines, structures, works of art, etc.), as well as human forces and abilities realized in activities (knowledge, abilities, skills, level of intelligence, moral and aesthetic development, worldview, methods and forms of communication between people);
  • cultural and leisure sphere- part of non-working time used for recreation and entertainment (visiting cultural institutions and public performances, games, dancing, reading, etc.), creative and amateur activities, physical education and sports, as well as the entire infrastructure for organizing recreation and entertainment, creative and amateur activities;
  • power structures of society - include the army, navy, border units, militia (police), riot police and other security forces that protect the state from external hostile forces and opposition within the country. Naturally, this also includes the entire infrastructure of law enforcement agencies, designed to ensure the performance of the corresponding functions of law enforcement agencies;
  • penitentiary system - correctional labor institutions in which people who have committed an offense or crime serve their sentences, as well as activities to implement punishments and correct (positive socialization) of those punished;
  • socio-ethnic environment - in a broad sense, it is a socio-political system as a whole in which a socio-ethnic community functions (acts, develops): social division of labor, method (methods) of production, a set of social relations and institutions, public consciousness, culture of a given society (community). In a narrow sense, the socio-ethnic environment means the immediate environment of a socio-ethnic community, group, layer, and their individual representatives (family, family and household relations, labor and settlement groups, various groups of people of a social and socio-ethnic nature);

public services sector - part of the service sector, the provision of non-productive and production services (home repairs, dry cleaning, sewing and repair of clothes, shoes, car maintenance, rental services, bathhouse services, hairdressers, laundries, photo studios, repair of household appliances, etc.) by relevant institutions and enterprises.

In each of these areas, as objects of social work, taking into account their specifics, issues are resolved to create normal conditions for work and rest, provision of medical and other assistance, support, social protection of people working in these areas, as well as all groups, segments of the population, directly or indirectly related to these areas. Ultimately, we are talking about creating, through the implementation of social activities, optimal conditions for life, positive socialization of people, their various groups and layers.

Thus, from the characteristics of the social sphere presented above, we can draw a reasonable conclusion that it really is the space, and social space, in which social work is carried out in all its aspects and directions. At the same time social space interpreted in both a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, it is a socially developed part of natural wealth as a human habitat, a spatial-territorial aspect of the life of society and the objective world of man, a characteristic of the social structure of society from the point of view of “location” social groups and layers, conditions and opportunities for their development. The elements of social space are the immediate surrounding nature, civil society, state, regions, national and other socio-ethnic subjects of management, labor and household associations. The social space includes everything that directly ensures the protection of a person’s social interests, the implementation social needs citizens, motivates or blocks the disclosure of the essential forces of man and society. Therefore, it is very important to preserve natural space, which ensures the necessary reproduction of humanity.

In a narrow sense, social space means essential characteristic conditions and opportunities for the social development of individuals, groups, organizations, determined by their place in the system of industrial relations and derived factors (education, free time, etc.).

Naturally, these two components of social space are organically interconnected. Their content is predetermined by the level of development of human society as a whole, the stage at which it is located, and the state of a particular society in a particular country. This understanding of social space, determined by the content of the social sphere, determines the interpretation of social work in a broad and narrow sense, the possibility and necessity of the technologies used to solve people's social problems.

Considering the social sphere as an object of social work, we mean its understanding in a broad sense. Based on this, in the context of globalization, an important place should be occupied not only by the analysis of social protection, support and assistance of the population in relation to individual groups (especially the socially vulnerable), but first of all, the introduction of social work technologies in various spheres of people’s life (production, healthcare, education , cultures, urban and rural forms of settlement, etc.).

Globalization is an objective process of internationalization associated with the emergence and necessity (whether we want it or not) of a solution global problems modernity (ensuring lasting peace, preventing thermonuclear war, preserving the natural environment, guaranteeing the provision of food, energy resources, etc. to the inhabitants of the Earth), i.e., problems associated with the social protection of people on a globalized scale.

Thus, in the theory of social work, the emphasis is not only on patterns internal character(within the framework of national-state entities), which are mainly discussed in textbooks, but also on patterns that go beyond the boundaries of individual countries and peoples. These include, in particular, the coordination of actions of international and regional organizations, individual states and peoples (large and small) and their groups, respect for the interests of each of them in the positive resolution of the global problems indicated above, not at the expense of others, but at interests of all. Thus, in the context of globalization, both the objects and subjects of social work are objectively expanding, they go beyond the framework of national-state entities.

It seems that in the future (such a trend is already forming, especially in “social” states), more and more attention will be paid to the implementation of social work, understood in a broad sense - as activities to prevent, prevent (at least massive) “social diseases” (unemployment , drug addiction, other forms of deviant behavior), for the social protection of all people by providing energy, food resources, etc. Thus, social work should be in to a greater extent anticipatory, anticipatory, preventive nature.

In this regard, more and more attention should be paid not only to clients (individuals, groups, strata), but also to the normal development of certain spheres of public life as objects of social work.

However, the relationship between these two sides of a single process - social work in a broad and narrow sense - will depend on the state of peace on Earth, on the normalization, humanization of relations between countries and peoples, the predominance of certain (positive or negative) elements in the process of globalization.

As for Russia, the theory and practice of social work will largely develop or, conversely, slow down depending on socio-political and socio-economic changes in society.

The theory of social work in our country will be enriched through the development of scientific, educational and practical activities not only in Russia, but also through theoretical and practical achievements in the field of social work abroad.

In conditions of predominance positive aspects globalization, social work will acquire a clearer social, humanistic character.

It is likely that over time the interdisciplinary nature of social work will lose its significance due to a clearer definition of its objects and subjects. At the same time, the process of enriching the theory of social work on the basis of the development of scientific and educational disciplines close to it cannot be ruled out.

Social work as a science and educational process can take one of the central places in the system of social disciplines and social education.

  • Cm.: Brief dictionary modern concepts and terms. 2nd ed. - M.: Republic, 1995. P. 285.
  • See: Social work: theory and practice. Educational manual. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001. pp. 14-15; Pavlenok P.D. Theory, history and methods of social work: Textbook, manual. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2003-2010, etc.
  • One can agree with the statement of G.I. Osadchaya that the following social indicators can be a measure of the development of the social sphere: the cost of living; the share of the population below the poverty threshold; the amount of income polarization (decile coefficient); number of people receiving education; a list of medical services available to the entire population; share of unemployed in total number working population; average life expectancy; infant mortality; birth rate. (Osadchaya G.I. Social sphere of society: theory and methodology of sociological analysis. - M., 1996. P. 22).
  • See: Moskvin L.B. The role of the social sphere in the development of the CIS // Social and Political Journal. 1994. No. 11-12. pp. 12-13.

A distinctive property of a subject is the presence of a goal - an expected result. Regarding subject of social work, then it is also not homogeneous, but falls into three levels. Indeed, social workers directly work with clients, but they all belong to one or another organization specializing in providing assistance to those in need (or agencies), which base their activities on laws adopted by the state.

The main subject of social work is, of course, not organizations or associations, but people engaged in social work professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are not many professional workers. In Russia, as a result of the adopted recent years Several tens of thousands of professional social workers have been trained. The main burden of providing social services to those in need falls on the shoulders of non-professional workers who do not have a special diploma and are engaged in social work due to the prevailing circumstances. There is no information about how many Russian citizens are engaged in social work on a voluntary basis.

Speaking about the subject of social work, it is important to keep in mind one more circumstance. Among them there are those who are mainly involved in organizing social work (they can be called organizers or managers), and there are those who directly provide social assistance. They can conditionally be called practical social workers.

The classification of social work subjects is as follows:

1. Organizations, institutions, social institutions society; These include: firstly, the state with its own structures represented by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities at various levels. In this structure, a special role is played by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, as well as executive bodies of social work management at the regional level (social protection bodies of territories, regions, republics, autonomous entities), cities, local administrations; secondly, various types of social services: territorial centers for social assistance to families and children; social rehabilitation centers for minors; assistance centers for children left without parental care; rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents; centers for psychological assistance to the population; centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone, etc.; thirdly, the administration of state enterprises, organizations, institutions, universities, etc. and their divisions.

2. Public, charitable and other organizations and institutions: trade unions, branches of the Children's Fund, Red Cross societies, private social services, organizations, etc.. Non-governmental charitable organizations in Russia are, in particular, the Moscow House of Mercy, charities“Belonging”, “Soul of Man”, “Metropol” (Moscow), Association for Refugees (St. Petersburg), “Altai-AIDS”, etc. Today in Russia, charitable activities are carried out in accordance with Federal law“On charitable activities and charitable organizations”, which provides legal regulation of these activities, guarantees support for its participants, creates a legal basis for the development of the activities of charitable organizations, in particular the establishment of tax benefits.

3. People engaged in practical social work professionally or on a voluntary basis. In fact, they are representatives of the two specified subjects of social work. At the same time, they can be divided into two groups: organizers-managers and performers, practical social workers who provide direct assistance, support, ensuring social protection of clients, representatives of the social work objects we have already considered. Social workers are special group, since they must have certain professional, spiritual and moral qualities. According to some estimates, there are about 500 thousand professional social workers in the world. Many certified specialists have appeared in Russia in recent years. There are much more uncertified, but professionally engaged in social work specialists, especially in those countries (including Russia) in which a new profession - “social worker” - has been introduced relatively recently. There is no exact data on how many people are engaged in social work on a voluntary basis, but their number is large (it is generally accepted that one social worker serves 10-15 people).

4. Teachers, as well as those who contribute to the consolidation of knowledge, skills, abilities: heads of student practice, mentors, practical social workers and other workers, facilitating the internship of students (listeners) in various organizations, institutions, and social enterprises.

5. Social work researchers: academics analyze the state of social work, Using various methods, they develop scientific programs, record existing and emerging trends in this area, publish scientific reports, books, and articles on social work issues. Departments of the country's leading universities, laboratories, scientific institutions, dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in the field of social issues play a major role in this process. In Russia, several research schools of social work have practically already been created: philosophical, sociological, psychological, etc. Their representatives, when developing the problems of social work, pay special attention to its individual areas


1 Objects of social work: history and reality

2 Subjects of social work: the degree of involvement of various subjects in the practice of social work

3 The nature of subject-object relations in social work


List of sources used


Relevance of the problem . As an activity of helping people solve their problems, social work has a certain structure that includes elements such as object and subject. Social work is a multi-object and multi-subject activity.

The object of social work refers to those who need help. The object of social work is complex and specific. The objects of social work are an individual, a small group, or the population of a certain localized territory (in whole or in part). This is society in the unity and interaction of its social, economic, political and spiritual elements. This is a person in all the richness of his life manifestations - the highest value, the final criterion and goal of social development. This is a combination of individual segments of the population and categories of citizens who, for various reasons, need targeted social support, social protection, social diagnostics and correction, as well as social adaptation and rehabilitation.

A subject is a cognizing and acting being that opposes the external world as an object of cognition or transformation. As a rule, individual workers of social services are considered as a subject of social work, with some degree of convention - social state and non-state (confessional, public organizations, commercial) institutions: institutions, institutions and bodies of the federal government, as well as numerous constituent entities of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of municipal government and local self-government, as well as professional bodies, officials and employees of labor collectives of Russian society. Their rights, powers and functional responsibilities in the field of social work are officially regulated by the state, legislation, orders and regulations of the executive branch.

Degree of development . Currently, a significant number of works are devoted to the problem of the object and subject of social work. Our research is based on the works of V. Afanasyev, N. F. Basov, L. G. Guslyakova, I. P. Zainyshev, K. V. Kuzmin, I. Kurbatov, V. P. Melnik, P. I. Nishcheretny, P. D. Pavlenka, A. N. Panova, M. V. Romm, T. A. Romm, B. A. Sutyrina, S. V. Tetersky, L. V. Topchego, M. V. Firsov, E. I. Kholostovoy, P. Ya. Tsitkilov and many others. etc.

Object course work – social work.

Item work – the object and subject of social work.

Target – analysis of the specifics of objects and subjects of social work.

Tasks The research boils down to the following:

1. Describe the objects of social work: history and reality.

2. Consider the main subjects of social work and the degree of their involvement in the practice of social work.

3. Identify the nature of subject-object relationships in social work.

Methods Our work is a method of analyzing scientific literature, journal publications, documents; method of historical reconstruction, method of statistical analysis.

Scientific and practical significance of this course work is that the developments proposed in it can be used in the practical activities of a social worker.

1. Objects of social work: history and reality

A distinctive feature of social work objects is the presence of a difficult life situation:

– disability (health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities);

– inability to self-care due to old age, illness (limited mobility, inability to perform household and hygienic procedures);

– orphanhood (loss of parents due to death by persons under the age of 18);

– neglect (failure of parents to fulfill their functions of supervision and upbringing of the child and the threat of a complete breakup of the child and family);

– poverty (lack of material resources as a means of satisfying vital and social needs);

– unemployment (the problem of able-bodied citizens who, for one reason or another, do not participate in production activities, do not have work and earnings (income), and are ready to start work);

– lack of a specific place of residence (actual lack of socially acceptable housing, lack of material opportunities, disruption of the human “microworld”, which manifests itself in wanderings, vagrancy, lack of certain activities);

– conflicts and abuse in the family (clashes between spouses, children and parents, caused by difficult to resolve contradictions, associated with confrontation and acute emotional experiences;

– physical, mental (emotional) and sexual (gender) violence;

– loneliness (a subjective state showing a split in the network of relationships and connections of the individual’s inner world), etc.

Even in Old Testament times, a tradition arose of special treatment of widows and orphans, whose oppression by other people was considered an action that violated the will of God and was therefore subject to severe punishment. Widows and orphans were then the personification of defenselessness in the face of the difficulties that people faced in their lives. The tradition of special treatment of them was supported by Christianity, which not only made appropriate decisions at its Ecumenical Councils (for example, in Chalcedon in 437), but also took practical actions aimed at improving their situation, i.e., engaged in charitable activities.

In addition to widows and orphans, the objects of such activities began to be considered beggars (a special attitude towards which in Russia was called poverty), the disabled, the elderly and other groups of people in need. A common feature of representatives of all these groups, which are currently called socially disadvantaged, is that - compared to other people - they are in the most difficult situation and are not able to improve it themselves (that is, without outside help).

S. M. Soloviev noted that, unlike the Germans and Lithuanians, who got rid of “superfluous, weak and crippled” relatives, the Slavs were merciful to the old and children. The Eastern Slavs adopted family customs of supporting older people - “elders”. From legends we know about the guardianship of orphans (“primaks”, “worldly children”, “godovants”) and widows. There are still centuries-old traditions of social assistance, for example, “help” (“toloka”) - a custom according to which neighbors are invited to do a lot of urgent work, then the workers are generously treated. This kind of assistance is provided to widows and the infirm.

The Charter of Prince Vladimir I of 996 defined for the first time the main categories of those to be looked after: widows, the poor, wanderers and beggars. But the main thing in the Charter of Prince Vladimir I was “love of poverty”: feed the hungry, give drink to the suffering, etc. .

According to the Stoglavy Council, the main objects of charity were: lepers and the elderly; healthy beggars who nevertheless cannot work (orphans); healthy adult beggars and strays.

During the reign of Peter I, a revision of the main categories of eligible people took place; all changes were aimed at combating professional beggary. The main objects of the state charity system were: the old and crippled (disabled beggars); wretched and holy fools; orphans, illegitimate children, street children.

In the 18th century, a system of state social assistance was formed in Russia for the poor, orphans and the poor. From the second half of the 19th century, those who, not being “decrepit and wretched”, began to be considered as objects of charity, including individuals and families in need of help “from poverty”: migrants, workers who went to waste trades and in search of outside income; the unemployed and unprepared for work, arrears of state taxes, as well as peasants who did not have the right to receive a bank loan.

At the beginning of the 20th century. new categories appear: victims of wars (Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905, First world war); juvenile delinquents; workers and employees (in 1903 the Law “On remuneration of victims of accidents of workers and employees, as well as members of their families, in enterprises of the factory and mining industry” was issued, according to which in case of injury or temporary loss of working capacity due to for work-related injuries, pensions and one-time benefits were awarded).

At the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. The main objects of state and public charity are children, including orphans, disabled people, and students. By the beginning of the 20th century, a more or less clear system of objects of social work was emerging in Russia: orphans, sick children (blind, deaf-mute, crippled), widows, the poor, the homeless, students, military personnel, the wounded and the sick.

Thus, in the pre-revolutionary period in Russia, among the main objects of the social work system were various groups of the population, primarily its poorest strata.

After the revolution, one of the main categories of social security became disabled people of the Second World War, workers, pensioners, disabled workers, neglected and street children. The Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1936, enshrined among the most important rights of citizens the right to material support in old age, as well as in case of illness and loss of ability to work.

Thus, almost always in Russia targeted assistance was provided to those in particular need, and only in the Soviet period to all those in need.

Currently, the objects of social work are people who set certain goals for themselves, but are not able to realize them themselves, and therefore experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with life. Behind every human problem lies many personal, i.e., unmet needs of an entire group of people. No matter how specific, for example, the personal problems of certain unemployed people, differing in gender, age, marital status, level of education or profession, are, each of them is a manifestation of a social problem called unemployment. Therefore, we can say that the objects of social work are various groups of people who experience difficulties in solving problems that arise in their lives. objects and subjects social Russian politics Schematically object And subjects social ...

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    Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2


    3/ purposeful influence on the formation and implementation of socio-economic policy at all levels - from municipal to federal in order to ensure a socially healthy environment for human activity, to create a system of support for people.

    Among the measures in the field of support and protection of the disabled and low-income segments of the population, it is planned to improve pension provision / indexation depending on rising prices for consumer goods /, increase assistance to families with children, low-income people, and the disabled. A large place was given to social services for the population. In 1995, a whole package of Federal Laws was issued:

    “On social services for elderly and disabled citizens”/May/,”About the basics social services population in Russian Federation"/April/, Federal Law "On Veterans" /December/, Federal Law "On improving pensions for participants of the Great Patriotic War and widows of military personnel who died in the Second World War, receiving pensions under the Law "On State Pensions in the RSFSR" /May/, Federal Law " On state benefits for citizens with children” /May/. They became the basis of the legislative framework in the field of social services. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 1995 approved a list of state-guaranteed social services that are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions. Among them are such types of assistance as material and household, sanitary and hygienic, social and medical, advisory, social and patronage at home, etc.

    The state created a structure of subjects, determined the objects of compulsory assistance and the range of services that it guaranteed to this category of people in need.

    With the adoption of the concept of development of social services for the population in the Russian Federation on August 4, 1993, in fact, there was a departure from the principles of social security and a transition to the social protection system adopted in European countries. It was based on the concern of the state, “including both the elimination of reasons that prevent an individual, family, and groups of people from achieving an optimal level of well-being, and the organization of individual assistance to people who find themselves in difficult situations.” life situation».

    1 - Encyclopedia of Social work. 19 th Edition. 1995

    NASW PRESS p.2266

    2 – Linderman “Social work Natures in a Confuseol World” -

    N.-Y., 1947., p.51

    The position of social worker was introduced in 1991. In the qualification directory he is endowed with a variety of job responsibilities: identifies in microdistricts families and individuals in need of socio-medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, material and other assistance, protection of moral, physical and mental health; establishes the reasons for their difficulties and conflict situations, incl. at the place of work, study, provides them with assistance in resolving them and social protection; promotes the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to the population; provides psychological, pedagogical and legal consultations on family and marriage issues, educational work with minor children with associative behavior; identifies and provides assistance to children and adults in need of guardianship and trusteeship, receiving material, social, and other assistance, and much more.

    The social importance of social workers and the need for them have increased sharply due to changes occurring in the family and demographic processes.

    Let us characterize a number of factors that give rise to or intensify our current disunity.

    The factor of “personal autonomy”.

    So how can we get people back to full communication?

    Among the measures to counter the “factors of disunity,” specifically psychological methods of working with people will obviously find their place.

    To cope with the “discommunication syndrome”, you need a well-organized, extensive psychological service. It should protect the elderly from the pressure of urbanization factors, mass communication and the information explosion. The first steps have already been taken in our country. Their goal is to return people to the freshness of their perception of others and self-perception, to immerse them in an exceptionally diverse inner world, help to talk in an atmosphere of spirituality.

    Communication is an integral part of almost every type of professional activities people. This is especially true for professions whose representatives are constantly in direct contact with people, interacting and communicating with them. These are workers in culture, education, healthcare, social services, etc.

    Great value in the process of communication, he has the ability to show interest in the interlocutor, charge him with his optimism, cheerfulness, and instill in him faith in his abilities.

    It should be noted that when considering communication as a remedy for loneliness in older people, it should be remembered that it cannot be universal, suitable for everyone and always. It is necessary to take into account social, educational and other factors.

    In recent years, including in Russia, communication clubs have become widespread, where people suffering from loneliness are trained through social skills training.

    The next factor in preventing loneliness is satisfying a person’s need for solitude. Solitude does not stop communication, but only concentrates a person on the most important, enriching spiritual forms of communication. In solitude you can most fully and deeply comprehend the meaning of classical works of art, and the beauty of nature is revealed. But there are more differences than similarities between solitude and loneliness and they should not be confused.

    Social workers operate with a systemic, sociological approach to the problem under consideration.


    Social activities in Russia, as in other countries, serve noble goals - to ensure that the needs of the population, especially the socially vulnerable, are met, and to create a more favorable atmosphere for worthy support of their capabilities.

    Social work plays a huge role in helping lonely older people. The study showed that in the treatment of loneliness it is necessary to take into account the variety of factors leading to loneliness, this must correspond to the variety of intervention strategies; Helping lonely people should consist of changing the situation, not the person’s personality.

    In order for the work of social actors to be more focused and effective, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the problems of various socially vulnerable categories of the population. And for this, it is necessary to regularly conduct sociological research on problems in each region. To systematize information, create a unified data bank for the region.

    Understanding the need to improve the social service system and at the same time limited financial capabilities, two tasks can be set - finding additional funds for the provision of social assistance and introducing new forms and methods of service.

    Of course, to improve social work it is necessary to strengthen the material and technical base of social services.


    1. Constitution of the Russian Federation – M., Legal

    Literature, 1996

    1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 02.08.95. No. 122-FZ
    «On social services for elderly citizens


    1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1995. No. 181-FZ
    «On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation


    1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1995. No. 195-FZ
    «On the basics of social services for the population

    In the Russian Federation"

    1. Comprehensive social protection program
    population of Moscow residents in 1999 - M., 1999.

    6. Collection of normative and instructional documents on

    Issues related to the activities of the Central Social Security Center in Moscow - M., 1998, Agar

    7. Collection of regulations on social protection

    Citizens of Russia - M., 1995, Brandeis

    8. Theory and methodology of social work - M., 1995, under

    Edited by V.I. Zhukova, Aspect – Press

    9. “Money and charity” - M., 1995, No. 4, Science

    10. " Historical experience social work in Russia" -

    11. “Social service worker” - M., 1997, No. 2

    12. Russian encyclopedia social work-

    M., 1997, ISR, ed. A.M. Panova and E.I. Kholostova

    13. " Social protection" - M., 1998, No. 11

    14. “Third Sector” - M., 1995, No. 6

    15. Care for the elderly at home - M., 1998, Compassion

    Objects of social work arise and are formed objectively, under the influence of socio-economic conditions of life, but are formed by political and other social institutions, i.e. are an add-on.

    An object is a part of objective reality that interacts with the subject.

    Let's consider the content of the concept of an object of social work.

    These are people who need help: old people; pensioners; disabled people; seriously ill; children; people who find themselves in difficult life situations; teenagers who find themselves in bad company, etc.

    There are several tens of millions of them in Russia. It should be remembered that each of these tens of millions of people has their own individuality, their own way of thinking and a complex biography. This requires a social worker to have a sense of tact, compassion, patience, and the ability to understand the problem of another person.

    Thus, the object of social work is all people. Scientists propose the following classification of social work objects:

    1. The state of health does not allow one to solve life’s problems independently.

    2. Service and work in extreme social conditions (war participants, widows and mothers of military personnel).

    3. Elderly, retirement age people.

    4. Deviant behavior in his various forms and types (children with deviant behavior; children experiencing adult violence; persons returning from prison; use drugs or alcohol in the family).

    5. Difficult, disadvantaged situation of various categories of families (orphans; large families; parents who have not reached the age of majority; conflict families).

    6. Special situation of children (orphanhood, vagrancy, street children).

    7. Vagrancy, homelessness (without a fixed place of residence).

    8. Legal status persons subjected to political repression.

    Social work subjects are people and organizations that conduct and manage social work.

    The main subjects of social work are people engaged in social work professionally and on a voluntary basis. There are not many professional workers; there are approximately 550 thousand of them in the world. These people have diplomas and are officially awarded the specialty “Social Worker”. The main workload is carried out by non-professional workers. In Sweden there are 3.5 thousand professional workers and 46.5 thousand non-professional workers in three large cities.

    Among social workers, there are organizers or managers and practical social workers.

    Therefore, the subjects of social work can be:

    1. Organizations, institutions, social institutions, societies:

    – a state with legislative, executive and judicial powers at different levels. This is the Ministry of Health and Social Development, as well as executive bodies of social work management (territories, regions, republics, cities);

    – various social services: territorial centers for social assistance to families and children; social rehabilitation centers for minors; social shelters for children and adolescents; psychological help centers by telephone.

    Public, charitable and other organizations and institutions:

    - trade unions, branches of the Children's Fund, the Red Cross Society, private social services.

    Non-state charitable organizations in Russia are: Moscow House of Mercy, charitable organizations "Complicity", "Soul of Man" (Moscow), Association for Refugees (St. Petersburg), etc. Charitable activities are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable organizations."

    3. People engaged in practical social work professionally or on a voluntary basis.

    There are about 500 thousand professional social workers in the world, and those engaged in social work on a voluntary basis are considered to be when one social worker serves 10-15 people.

    4. Teachers, as well as those who help consolidate knowledge and skills in social work (practical workers where students do internships).

    5. Social work researchers at university departments, laboratories, and graduate schools.

    3.3. Functions of social work

    diagnostic – making a social diagnosis; –

    prognostic – forecasting and model development social behavior objects; –

    preventive and preventive (or socio-therapeutic) organization of social, medical, legal assistance; –

    human rights – the use of legal and legal norms to provide assistance, support and protection to the population; –

    socio-pedagogical function – identifying people’s interests in various types of activities; –

    socio-medical function - organization of work on disease prevention, nutritional culture, family planning, occupational therapy, healthy image life; –

    social and everyday function - providing assistance to elderly people, disabled people, improving their living conditions and organization of normal life; –

    communicative function - organizing the exchange of information, including various authorities in the activities of social services; –

    organizational function - the direction of the activities of social services to provide various types assistance and social services to the population.