Dried figs - how are they good for women? Beneficial properties and contraindications of figs: fruits for female beauty, male strength and good health of the whole family

Contrary to the stereotype, ripe figs are not only dark blue (blue-violet), but also green - this is a separate variety of fig.

General information

Figs are an extremely controversial product. Despite the fact that it does contain a lot of useful microelements, including carotene, pectin, iron and copper, these fruits contain a large amount of sugar, in some varieties its content reaches 71%. For this reason, this fruit is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes.

The calorie content of raw figs is 74 kcal per 100 g, and dried figs are 257 kcal.

The maximum amount of sugar can be found in overripe fruits, which most often end up on store shelves during the off-season. Now, in the fall, fig lovers have the opportunity to enjoy not only the taste, but also the benefits of this berry. You need to choose fruits that are dense and elastic, without dents or cuts. Remember that figs are a perishable product, so it is recommended to store them fresh for no longer than three days, then they begin to lose both their taste and benefits. If you still have figs in your refrigerator, we recommend using them in cooking; we’ll tell you exactly how at the end of the material.

Benefits of figs

  • Figs have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, so they are recommended for colds, sore throats and other similar diseases.
  • In folk medicine, figs are known as faithful assistant in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Of course, we do not recommend basing your treatment only on these fruits, but we advise you to support the main course. Figs contain an impressive amount of potassium, which will have a beneficial effect on overall health, and in particular on blood vessels.
  • Having already mentioned the cardiovascular system, we add that figs, thanks to the enzyme ficin contained in them, promote the resorption of vascular blood clots and also help normalize the heart rate.
  • Figs are also rich in fiber, which quickly fills you up and satisfies your hunger for a long time. These fruits can be an excellent mid-workday snack.
  • It is believed that figs help fight a hangover, reducing all the symptoms associated with this condition - nausea, thirst, headache and general weakness. This is due to the high content of three elements important for our body - potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Harm of figs

There are few contraindications to eating figs, and they are associated primarily with the high sugar content in this berry. Fresh figs are not recommended for consumption by people with diabetes and those suffering from acute gastrointestinal diseases. The same applies to dried figs, because the percentage of sugar in them only increases.

What to cook with figs

Figs make very tasty preserves, jams and syrups; they also look very good in compotes and lemonades. In some eastern countries, all kinds of tinctures are even made from it, but most often figs are used in the preparation of desserts, which is in principle logical, given the amount of sugar it contains. However, this does not mean that you should not experiment with this fruit and not try to add it to main dishes. It also goes well with meat and goes well (especially with red), the main thing is to find the right proportions.

Cottage cheese casserole with figs


Cottage cheese – 500 g
Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 7-9 tbsp. l.
Eggs – 2 pcs.
Dried figs– 150 g
Melted butter – 40 g
Wheat flour – 150-200 g
Vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, eggs, vanillin and melted butter.
  2. Add flour to the curd mixture. Stir in finely chopped figs.
  3. Take a baking dish that is not too deep and grease it with sunflower oil.
  4. Place the mixture in a mold and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. You can eat it either warm or chilled. Serve with syrups and sour cream.

Toast with figs


Whole wheat bread
Goat cheese

Cooking method:

  1. Spread the bread slices with cheese (some people prefer to microwave the sandwiches a little so that the cheese melts a little, but this is optional).
  2. Drizzle some honey over the cheese. Top with fig slices and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Baked figs with mascarpone


Dry red wine – 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
Dried figs – 170 g
Walnuts – 2.5 tablespoons
Mascarpone cheese – 2 tablespoons
Balsamic vinegar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix wine, vinegar and sugar in a saucepan and cook over moderate heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir.
  2. Cut the stems off the figs and add them to the pan. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the wine syrup with figs into a baking dish, sprinkle with toasted walnuts and place in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees.
  4. Bake for about 30 minutes until the figs have absorbed most of the liquid.
  5. Remove the figs from the oven and let them cool slightly (no more than 15 minutes).
  6. Place a couple of spoons of mascarpone on a plate, place warm figs on them, and pour over the remaining syrup.

This tree is mentioned in the Bible: Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise, covered it with its leaves; Christ cursed it, not finding fruit on it. But now we all enjoy finding these juicy, sweetish fruits on store shelves. Figs are the same Fig tree from the Garden of Eden, the same Fig tree from the biblical parable. When eating fresh or dried fruits of this extraordinary tree, few people think about how important figs are for our health: everyone, and especially women, should know the beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit.

Useful properties of figs

The whole benefit of figs lies in its amazing chemical composition. Each of the substances contained in it, entering the human body, does an enormous, exorbitant job there, debugging the vital functions of many systems and organs. Since the fruit comes to our table in different types, it is quite natural to ask what is the benefit of fresh figs and whether they lose their properties when dried. Indeed, there is a difference.

1. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of fresh figs:

  • Glucose makes figs an excellent antitoxic agent;
  • fructose enhances the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, prevents the formation of plaque on teeth, controls blood sugar levels;
  • organic acids promote the regeneration of cells and tissues, so the benefits of figs for women are obvious: they have excellent rejuvenating properties;
  • tannins are known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
  • proteins activate all metabolic processes in the body and are building material for cells;
  • fats are the main source of energy for humans;
  • vitamins: carotene, B1, B3, PP, C - nourish cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus - active participants in metabolic processes;
  • The calorie content of fresh figs is only 49 kcal, so the product is used in various weight loss programs.

2. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of dried figs:

  • the content of glucose and fructose in dried fruits increases 1.5 times, so they remove toxins from the body several times faster than fresh ones;
  • the protein increases almost 5 times, so the benefit of dried figs is that a person receives much more energy;
  • the calorie content of dried figs increases to 214 kcal;
  • all other useful substances remain intact even in dried fruits.

All these beneficial properties of figs make this fruit simply irreplaceable in some cases. Knowing its unique composition, doctors and nutritionists have long recommended using it for certain diseases and cosmetic problems. Therefore, every woman who strives to preserve her youth and beauty should know the benefits of figs.

The use of figs in medicine and cosmetology

Unique medicinal properties figs make it possible to use fresh fruits as an adjuvant for the treatment and prevention of many quite serious diseases. Moreover, they are used not only as part of traditional medicine: doctors very often prescribe figs to their patients in the following cases:

  • for food poisoning and intoxication of the body, for diarrhea and dysentery;
  • as a prophylactic agent in the fight against diabetes and caries;
  • against fatigue, as a natural energy drink;
  • for stress, nervousness, depression;
  • to strengthen the immune system and against vitamin deficiency;
  • as a diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • for anemia, since figs promote hematopoiesis;
  • in the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and various cardiovascular diseases;
  • for chest pain;
  • for coughs, colds and bronchial asthma, rinsing with infusion of fig fruits is recommended;
  • the same infusion can be used for compresses in the treatment of abscesses of various origins, calluses, open wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time (the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of tannins in the fruit are triggered);
  • doctors prescribe it as a diuretic for nephritis;
  • It also helps with whooping cough.

Dry fruits also have all of the above properties, and are also used as effective remedy for weight loss, as they have a laxative effect. Fig leaves are used as a raw material for medicines, which is the basis of the drug “Psoberan”, used to treat baldness and vitiligo. Fig fruits can be found in the laxative "Kafiol". The fruits, brewed in milk or boiling water, are used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats. In pharmacies you can buy fig syrup - it tastes good and has very useful properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscle rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

The beneficial properties of figs for women have also been used in cosmetology:

  • improves skin condition: smoothes wrinkles, makes it elastic and toned;
  • nails stop peeling and become strong and durable;
  • strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, fragility and split ends;
  • has cleansing properties, exfoliating dead cells and providing cells with full breathing;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • eliminates acne, pimples.

Therefore, in modern cosmetology, fig extract is so actively used to create a whole line of masks, creams, lotions, tonics, healing and very effective hair cosmetics and skin care products. The pulp of this fruit makes excellent homemade anti-aging masks.

So no matter how you turn this fruit, it’s pure pleasure. But this is only at first glance. Considering its powerful effect on the body, it is worth remembering that figs are beneficial and harmful in one shell. You need to know the contraindications for its use so as not to harm your health.

Contraindications and harm

There are not as many contraindications for eating figs as there are indications, but they still exist:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, enteritis);
  • gout;
  • obesity.

With these diseases, figs can be eaten, but in very limited quantities.

Now you know whether figs are healthy and whether they are contraindicated for you. To make your skin glow with youth and beauty, your hair to fall in a thick cascade over your shoulders, and worries about health to leave you, do not neglect the fruits of the humble fig tree. It, like a life-giving source, will nourish your body with the necessary substances and will not allow it to get lost in its work.

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The whole world knows delicious figs! Its benefits and harm to the body are not often described in cookbooks, but this is a very important point for the health of the body! After all, the state of our body and well-being in general depend on these two qualities of products.

In the last article we described the beneficial and harmful qualities of red rice, but today I wanted to write about something sweet.

In nature, there is an incredible amount of fruits that are beneficial to human health, which act as natural therapeutic and preventive remedies for various ailments. One of these plants is the fig or fig tree, which gives us interesting bag-like fruits - figs. In addition to these names, this plant is often called fig or wine berry. Fig fruits, the benefits and harms of which we will reveal today for the body, grow only in areas of arid climates. Figs have a sweet, pleasant taste that gives good mood, both children and their parents!

About the chemical composition and calorie content of figs

Fig fruits are an incredibly valuable product that has a long list of beneficial properties for the body. The chemical composition of wine berries contains huge amount substances due to which fig fruits have long been attributed healing properties. It is necessary to note the advantage that figs have a small calorie content equal to fifty kilocalories, which are contained in one hundred grams of pulp.

The chemical composition of fig fruits is rich in dietary fiber, valuable for humans, as well as antioxidants, microelements, macroelements, vitamins, plant acids, etc. As for vitamins, vitamins of groups B, C and A are considered the most valuable for the body. the berry is rich in minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

What is healthier, dried or fresh figs?

As we mentioned above, figs contain many nutrients necessary for the human body, which is the reason for such close attention to it from scientists. Recent research in this area has shown that fig fruits actually have antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, and are also effective against colds.

Benefits of figs for women

According to the traditional teachings of oriental medicine, fig fruits should always be in a woman’s diet. This product has a positive effect on the reproductive system, having a pronounced cosmetic effect both as an ingredient in homemade skin masks and when included in everyday dishes. For this reason, fig is often used not only to restore the functioning of the female body, but also to prevent “female” ailments.

Our Dear Readers are so interested in the benefits and harms to the body of women about figs; they say that they can support menstruation, since the berry has natural analgesic and antispasmodic properties. And due to the fact that figs are rich in folic acid, doctors recommend that pregnant women, as well as women who want to have children in the near future, take it every day.

Incredible important fact For the majority of the fair sex, it is also the fact that fig fruits are a regenerative product that is capable of “stopping time” by restoring youth. By regularly using masks based on wine berries, you can smooth out wrinkles in a short time, saturate the skin with the substances it needs and tighten it no worse than in expensive salons or with a surgical scalpel. And, note – it’s easy, natural and accessible to everyone!

Benefits of figs for men

The fig fruit also brings significant benefits to the male body. This product has a number of properties that ensure the “coordinated” functioning of the whole organism. Scientists claim that the inclusion of figs in a man’s diet has a positive effect on reproductive function, increasing sperm activity. In addition, eating wine berries is considered one of the best natural preventatives for the genitourinary system of men. It is for this reason that the berry is often used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (even fungal ones).

For the immune system

It is well known that every person with a strong immune system has much less chance succumb to the pathogenic influence of the environment. This is especially true during the rainy and cold season. It is for this reason that it is extremely important to pay attention to increasing the body’s immune forces, thereby preventing many diseases. Such a preventative product is figs, which have not only powerful healing properties, but also a wonderful taste.

The fig tree or fig tree is one of the first plants whose value was recognized and glorified by people. Sweet, quickly satisfying hunger, figs, the beneficial properties of which did not leave healers indifferent in Greece, Rome, the Middle East and Asia, were repeatedly described in the greatest literary sources, depicted on canvases and sculptures by masters of antiquity and the Renaissance. And today, when the biochemical composition of fresh and dried fruits has been fully studied, figs have not lost their popularity.

Over the past four hundred years, fig trees have significantly expanded their growing area. Figs are cultivated not only in their historical homeland, the Middle East and northern Africa, but also on the American continent. The heat-loving culture has also taken root on the Black Sea coast of Russia. But due to their short shelf life, fresh fruits around the world are mostly dried and processed.

Calorie content of figs

And only picked wine berries and dried ones are tasty, nutritious and contain many bioactive substances. However, the calorie content of figs and its nutritional value in this case are different.

100 grams of fresh figs contain:

  • 1.5% proteins;
  • 0.4% vegetable fats;
  • 4.9% carbohydrates;
  • 12.5% ​​ash;
  • 1.4% moisture.

Fruits, rich in fiber, accumulate a significant amount of sugars as they ripen, which determines the dessert taste and high nutritional value. A few fresh berries perfectly satisfy hunger, but 100 grams of fruit account for only 74 kcal.

As a result of drying, the beneficial properties of figs are completely preserved and even increased. But along with the loss of moisture, the concentration of carbohydrates increases.

What are the benefits of figs?

Like other products of plant origin, fig fruits contain vitamins and mineral salts, sugars and organic acids, fiber and other compounds that can affect human well-being. Therefore, the benefits and harms of figs for the body are determined by its biochemical composition. Fresh and especially dried fruits contain a lot of:

  • vital B vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements, including magnesium and iron, potassium and calcium;
  • Fiber is indispensable for active digestion.

Although figs cannot be called a source of ascorbic acid, the rutin contained in its pulp helps in the absorption of this vitamin. This same component, together with flavonoids and natural antioxidants, strengthens blood vessels and is responsible for regeneration and cellular rejuvenation.

Coarse fiber, which leaves most of the fig fruit, perfectly cleanses the intestines and activates its work, fights the accumulation of toxins and resists the development of pathogenic microflora.

Useful properties of figs

The main areas of medicinal use of the properties of figs are gastroenterology, cardiology and neurology. Plant raw materials are used for the manufacture of laxatives, capillary strengtheners and cosmetic preparations.

What are the benefits of figs when consumed on their own? The introduction of its fruits into the diet will be as beneficial as possible:

  1. Fresh fruits are used in the treatment of diseases of the vascular system, including hypertension, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins.
  2. Figs are an excellent laxative. It quickly and gently cleanses the intestines, stimulating its work and removing accumulated waste and toxins from the body. At the same time, the disinfectant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects of the fruits are manifested.
  3. Having diaphoretic properties, fig fruits help relieve fever.
  4. When used externally, the pulp softens and nourishes the skin. Useful properties figs help relieve redness and irritation.

Today, doctors are studying the effect of the fruit on cancer cells, as well as the possibility of using figs for inflammatory liver diseases.

If you have a hangover, after household poisoning or other intoxications, figs relieve the condition and speed up recovery, beneficially and without harm to the body.

Figs with cough milk: recipe and application features

The soft, fibrous pulp has long been used in folk medicine as a sputum thinner and expectorant. To do this, prepare a decoction of dried fruits in milk. Warm medicine effectively soothes an irritated throat, reduces pain and speeds up recovery. Both adults and children really like the sweet taste of the decoction.

The recipe for figs with cough milk is very simple. For a glass of drinking milk, take 2-3 figs, which are thoroughly washed beforehand. hot water. Place the ingredients on low heat and cook, stirring, until two-thirds of the original volume remains in the container.

In order for the cough remedy to be as useful as possible, it should be wrapped and left to infuse for several hours. The decoction is taken warm three times a day, 100–150 ml at a time. This way, the beneficial properties of figs will be revealed in full force.

Figs during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Figs contain in abundance dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements that will useful to a woman who is expecting a baby or is already breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, the growing fetus puts pressure on the digestive organs. As a result, constipation is possible. A small amount of fresh or dry fruits as a dessert or light snack will help to cope with them and prevent new disorders.

At the same time, you need to remember that you should not get carried away with figs during pregnancy because high content Sahara. You can include fruit in the menu only after making sure that it does not cause allergic or other negative reactions.

Contraindications to eating figs

Like many other products of plant origin, figs have both beneficial properties and contraindications for consumption. Those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage should take this fruit with particular caution. You should not include figs in your diet if you are prone to diarrhea.

Diabetics and people with allergies due to individual intolerance to exotic fruits will have to avoid eating figs. The last risk category includes pregnant and lactating women. During breastfeeding, figs are introduced into the menu very carefully, monitoring not only the reaction of the mother’s body, but also the child’s.

A high concentration of organic acids in fresh fruits can cause exacerbation of gout, pancreatitis and urolithiasis. Only if you follow the rules of personal safety, delicious sweet fruits will give you a lot of pleasure and will not cause harm to your health.

Video about the benefits of figs for the body