Wedding toastmaster shares his experience: interesting entertainment for a wedding anniversary. Pearl wedding scenario. Gifts, traditions Wedding scenario 30 years of marriage

You have been married for thirty years. The silver jubilee, which you celebrated with your best friends, relatives and parents, has passed. And now it’s time to congratulate you on your pearl wedding.

Pearls are a beautiful, expensive stone. No, perhaps you can’t call it a stone,
because he is growing. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, it grows like a tree, in layers, becoming a little bigger and stronger every year.

And eventually it takes shape and becomes dazzlingly beautiful.

And like this pearl, your union also developed, took its form, experienced difficulties, became stronger, and then the day came when your marriage became truly perfect, just like pearls - this is a miracle of nature. Let your real life begin from this day. And as they say, the lifespan of pearls is approximately 50 years, so your anniversary today is just the beginning of a new life in your family.

It is not for nothing that this wedding is called a pearl wedding, you managed not only to preserve the warmth of your love, your marriage has become real, it can no longer be broken, it cannot be broken, it is like a beautiful pearl that does not break even when falling, its perfection cannot be spoiled by a scratch.

You have proven that you are worthy of such a stone.

Like every anniversary, this one has its own rituals and traditions. Below we present to your attention some of them that you can perform.

The ritual with which the holiday begins is as follows: at dawn, both spouses go to the nearest body of water and throw one pearl into the water (pearls can be replaced with coins). At the same time, they must say the following words:

“As long as this pearl lies at the bottom of the sea, so long will we live together without parting. How strong it will be all this time, so let our feelings be.”

Many spouses, on the threshold of such a significant anniversary, specially went to the sea to return his gifts. In return, they expected an equally beautiful and expensive gift - depth of feelings, beauty of union, scope for action and an island of hope.

After completing this ritual, the spouses return home, holding hands, approach the mirror and swear eternal love to each other. Since ancient times, it was believed that a mirror has magical powers, and besides, a mirror never lies (if, of course, it is of good quality), and therefore, calling it as a witness, spouses cannot lie.

Another ritual that you can go through together is a church service. The spouses were required to attend the morning service on this day. They lit three candles in the church. First Theotokos, for the spouse; the second Crucifixion, in gratitude for the happily lived years together; third Holy Trinity, in the hope of further favor of fate.

You can also conduct another comic ritual, the so-called baptism of fire. For this ritual you will need some items: a rolling pin, a frying pan, a knife, a rag with a bucket and a modern vacuum cleaner, if you don’t have a broom.

And also: a screwdriver, a saw, pliers, a hammer with nails and a drill.

If you wish, you can change or add to this list.

Having prepared everything necessary, the spouses stand in front of each other and begin the ceremony. They hold hands and say:

“Every day after today can bring us not only happiness, it can separate us forever, and that’s why I want to be sure that after I’m gone, you, my dear, will be able to move on with your life. But you will have to do twice more responsibilities around the house, and I want to check how prepared you are for this."

After this, the spouses invite each other to swap sets of their responsibilities and take turns demonstrating their skills. Although this ritual is fun in the sense that not everyone can do what their spouse can do, it is also useful: after all, you have the opportunity to learn many things that have not been done before.

For a silver wedding, the spouses perform a ritual of exchanging rings; you can also undergo an exchange ritual, but you will each have a pearl in your hands.

Usually the spouses performed it before sunset in the presence of close people whom they invited to their celebration. The husband and wife stood facing each other and took turns saying certain words. Each couple could interpret them as they wished, but the meaning remained the same. We offer you one of the options.

“I have been married to you for thirty years. Over the years, I have learned a lot about you, but I am sure that there is far more to come.

You still remain a mystery to me. I exchange these pearls for your frankness, affection, reliability, love, support and attention. And may all my desires be fulfilled by you with joy and trembling while it is kept in your hands. And I take your pearls into my hands, promising that I will also fulfill all your wishes. And if one of us cannot share this happiness, his pearls will darken with shame."

After this oath, the spouses exchange white pearls in front of all the guests present. They were usually enclosed in a medallion or frame and worn on a chain like a pendant. Spouses were not supposed to hide their color, since it was believed that pearls could actually darken if one of the spouses did not fulfill their vows.

And if they wear this decoration, it means they are not afraid of being accused of bad thoughts and deeds.

And the last ritual that we offer you is called “Transfer of Happiness”. A couple who have been married for so many years probably has children who have either already found their happiness or will soon enter into legal marriage.

Spouses who have quite a lot of experience in family life pass it on to their children, as well as much else that is necessary in order to live as many years as they do. And although this ritual is comic, it is deeply symbolic.

To carry it out you will need: a ribbon, a blank notebook or sheet of paper, a pen, a rope, a ring and a plate or other container. Each of
These objects symbolize certain concepts.

First, the spouses must hand over a blank sheet of paper to their children and say: “You have just begun your family life, it, like this sheet of paper, is still blank.

You should write down on this sheet only all the good things that will happen in your life."

Then the heroes of the occasion give the children a pen with which these notes will be made. After this, parents give their children a ring with the words:

“Your love for each other must be as endless as this ring, only in this case you can save your marriage.”

After this, the elders tie the feet of the young couple with a rope so that they can never live apart or leave each other. Then, in front of the feet of the “hobbled” children, the parents place a ribbon, at the end of which a plate is placed. This action is accompanied by the following words:

For each joint step, children receive a coin, which is placed on a plate. By the end of the journey, the plate is full. The plate symbolizes their joint affairs, thoughts and desires, which they will share throughout their lives.

At the end of this ceremony, the children thank their parents for their generosity, kindness and wisdom, take away all the things with which the ritual was performed and keep them with them.

And now we want to tell you about the customs that spouses who have lived together for thirty years should follow.

First of all, this is, of course, the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. To make this procedure more romantic and at the same time solemn, you can, along with the bouquet, present your wife with a short poem in which your feelings will be expressed:

With tenderness, with love

I give flowers.
This world is beautiful
If you're nearby.
I give you this bouquet
Along with it are golden words:
"We've lived together for so many years,
But our love lives on."

And to completely charm your wife, get down on one knee in front of her and hand her your bouquet.

And of course, one of the most pleasant traditions that spouses should adhere to is inviting guests to the house with whom you can share the joy of this event. Guests, friends, family will be happy for you, for your happiness, and will share with you wonderful moments of celebration.

Traditionally, before the wedding, specific events such as hen and stag parties are held. So, a pearl wedding is a wonderful occasion to remember these entertainments.

After visiting the church, the anniversary spouses each went to their friends, where they spent some time sharing their impressions of their years of marriage. And if one of the spouses returned sober, it was believed that the person had failed to have fun with his friends and express to them everything that had accumulated in his soul during this time.

Among the Southern Slavs, on their thirtieth anniversary, it is customary for the husband to present his wife with a necklace of thirty pearls as a sign that the years spent in marriage are as beautiful and dear to him as these pearls.

Of course, this is the most expensive gift (not so much in value as in significance) that a spouse receives for a pearl anniversary, but other gifts will be no less pleasant and expensive for her.

Offering gifts is also a tradition that guests invited to the celebration must follow.

Now let's talk about gifts. So what can you give to people who have so many years of marriage behind them, so much happiness, anxiety, worries, joy and much more?

Your gift may not be very expensive, but be sure to give it with all your heart. Below we will give a small list from which you can choose what to give, but first of all, turn to your imagination, it will tell you better than any adviser.

First of all, pearl anniversaries are given pearls. It could be a necklace, it doesn’t have to have thirty pearls, quite the opposite, let it be more or less, because two identical gifts are not very interesting.

And so that you don’t get into trouble, it’s better to give your wife not a necklace, but a chain with a pendant containing a pearl. This will be another expensive gift.

If you do not want to give a chain, then you have a bracelet at your disposal, which you will present in pairs with the necklace.

It will perfectly complement the beauty of this decoration.

A ring or ring with a pearl is not a simple decoration, but your recognition that you always want to be close to this couple, that you experience all their ups and downs, joys and sorrows as your own. It is best to receive such a gift from the hands of close relatives or children.

And finally, the hairpin. This could be either a hair clip (for ladies, of course) or a tie clip.

The quality of the metal in this case does not play a big role, but pearls, of course, are required. His presence in this decoration will once again remind the “newlyweds” of their happy family life. For such jewelry, it is best to choose more expensive, colored pearls.

But not only the pearl itself is valuable and beautiful, its home, its abode mother-of-pearl shell can also serve as a wonderful anniversary gift. You can give a souvenir shell in which pearls once grew.

Various figurines, bowls, candlesticks and many other beautiful things are made from mother-of-pearl, which means they can be presented to pearl anniversaries. A mother-of-pearl souvenir will not only decorate their home, but will also become a reminder of a wonderful anniversary day.

And although pearls are a traditional gift for a thirty-year anniversary, you should not limit yourself to products made from them. You can present the celebrants with a variety of works of art. You can, for example, give a portrait of a married couple, which will be one of the best gifts on this day.

By the way, for this anniversary you can give the heroes of the occasion something completely unexpected, for example an animal. Yes, yes, exactly an animal. In this case, we are, of course, not talking about a cow or a goat. Of course not, we are talking about cats or dogs that are more familiar to us.

They will not only decorate the life of the “newlyweds,” but the animals will fill the void that was created when the grown-up children left.

However, keep in mind that it is better to discuss such a gift in advance so as not to cause unnecessary hassle.

If you don’t want to take risks and give such an unexpected gift, then you can give your spouse another surprise - give them a seedling. Every person in his life must plant a tree, and they will definitely plant it together and still have time to sit under it with their grandchildren when they grow up. This can be either a fruit tree seedling or one of the symbolic ones, those under the sign of which one of the spouses was born.

Any gift, no matter how expensive or simple it may be, must be accompanied by flowers and congratulations. Congratulations and wishes for happiness, the warm words that you say to your spouses on this day will warm their hearts for a long time.

Congratulating spouses on their thirtieth anniversary is not an easy task. This time you don’t just wish them health and happiness in their family life; you won’t get by with the usual phrase about well-being. It is necessary to find words that would best suit this situation. It is possible that you will have certain difficulties with congratulations. So, for this occasion, we offer you several options for congratulations and wishes that you can present to your spouses along with your gift.

Warm words will be addressed to them throughout the evening, but let your congratulations be distinguished by their brevity, humor, love and boundless tenderness. "Brevity is the sister of talent." This statement has long become an axiom. If you want to demonstrate your ability to be concise in your statements (you won’t demonstrate genius out of modesty), then use the following congratulations:

“Congratulations on this anniversary! Hold on to each other, as you have all these years, and may you always be spared by anxiety and sadness. Happiness to you for many years to come!”

A generous congratulation will contain the following words:

“My dear friends, I am glad to be present at your anniversary, I remember you when you were still young and I see that the years have only made you more attractive, given tenderness to your feelings. You managed to become each other not just spouses - you became one whole, and for this you deserve not just congratulations, you are entitled to a medal made of the most expensive metal.

I wish you a full cup at home, good health for years to come, and may the kids never forget you!”

The above congratulations can be said by friends and relatives, and let parents say the following words:

“Our dear children, you were able to preserve the love and tenderness with which this union was created thirty years ago. You have preserved the fire in your hearts. We wish you that this happiness never ends. Be together all your lives!”

Children should certainly join in these congratulations. Let them say words of gratitude and congratulate their parents on their anniversary with the following words:

“Our dear and beloved mom and dad, you have always been for us not just parents who took care of us for many years, you were an example, a guiding star that shone for us brighter than the sun.

We wish you to remain as happy and in love as you are today, may every day of your life be filled with colorful lights of understanding and care, and we promise that we will never bring you worries and sorrows!”

Having achieved such a solid family history, the heroes of the day most likely acquired grandchildren, who must definitely congratulate their grandparents:

“Grandma and grandpa, we wish you to always remain as beautiful and happy as you are now, and smile more often!”

And of course, the most pleasant and beautiful congratulations will probably be presented to you by the guests at the table. And these will not just be wishes of happiness; you will have to pay for every word he says, draining glass after glass.

If you are invited to an anniversary, then you need to prepare in advance several toasts in honor of your spouses, which you can say at the table. To make it easier for you to cope with this difficult task, we offer you several of these works of art to choose from.

I drink to those who are 30 years old
Keeps the warmth of his love,
Keeps that wondrous moonlight,
When in the prime of youth
Only the nightingales sang for us.
I raise my glass
For this pair of doves.
And let the ninth wave be for you
Created only from passions.
I'm ready to drink thirty glasses,
Just keep love in your heart!
30 years are like 30 victories,
Let them keep your Hope today.
30 years are like 30 moments
Let them keep your Faith today.
30 years is like 30 oaks,
Let them keep your Love today.
30 years old still youth,
Live up to the word Wisdom.

Behind the thirty-year anniversary - the pearl wedding - lies a strong, friendly, mature family, whose life is filled with memories, children and grandchildren, and its own traditions. It was not for nothing that pearls became a symbol of this date, because the love and warmth of the spouses warmed and bonded the family so that no adversity could break it. Compared to the silver wedding - a quarter of a century together - this anniversary is celebrated much less frequently. And completely in vain! You can arrange a wonderful holiday for yourself and your family friends, which will be remembered for a long time by all those present.

Traditions and rituals not included in the main celebration

Usually a crowded celebration is scheduled for the afternoon. Until this time, the spouses spend the whole morning together, just the two of them.

There are several beautiful traditional rituals that are recommended for the “personal” family part of the celebration.

Pearls of Longevity

The couple early in the morning, preferably right at sunrise, take off their shoes and come to the nearest body of water. In today's realities, it is better to take off your shoes only when you arrive ashore. Everyone has a pearl prepared in advance. These husband and wife throwing pearls into water at the same time. They symbolize the subsequent happy years together. If the city does not have a large reservoir, even the smallest spring will do. The main thing is that it is a natural formation. After the ceremony, the spouses usually went to the temple for the morning service to place three candles from each: the Mother of God, in front of the Crucifixion and the Holy Trinity.


After returning home, some perform another ritual. It repeats the wedding one. This oath of allegiance, which was already pronounced once 30 years ago. The difference is that there are no witnesses to this oath, only the husband and wife, who stand in front of a large, highly polished mirror. Now these words take on a new meaning - they are spoken by mature and intelligent people who know how to appreciate warmth and love. Now, at home, right before guests arrive or before traveling to where the “official” part of the celebration will be held, spouses exchange gifts. Of course, this can be included as the first issue during the holiday, but it is better for the “young” to appear there already wearing new gifts appropriate for the occasion. A gift for his wife - a precious necklace with thirty pearls. They are a symbol of the husband’s respect and love for every year lived together. A wife can present her beloved husband with some accessory containing pearls. These could be elegant cufflinks, a tie clip, or just a watch that is decorated in the same way.

Children should also give their parents a gift for their joint anniversary. They can present it either at home - before the official part of the event, or they need to plan it in the pearl wedding scenario itself.

Approximate course of the holiday with variations

Meeting guests

Where the holiday is planned, spouses arrive before everyone else invited to be able to meet them in person. Guests give their gifts immediately after arrival, accompanying them with congratulations and admiration for a strong marriage.


Guests do not have to give something containing a symbol of the anniversary. These gifts are made from the heart and can be inexpensive. Very often, celebrants of the day are presented with souvenirs containing mother-of-pearl or decor made from it. You can also choose precious jewelry, but they are very individual, and for such a significant anniversary of their life together, it is better to present the couple with something in common. It could even be a tree seedling that the two of them plant.

The beginning of the holiday

When the gifts are presented, the guests are seated at the seats prepared for them at the festive table, and the host or toastmaster comes forward. He welcomes those who come, reminds them of the occasion for which the holiday is being held, and talks about the origin of the name pearl wedding. Next, a toast is made to the anniversary. All this time the married couple - heroes of the celebration - stand nearby and do not sit down in their places. After the first congratulatory toast, it’s the spouses’ turn to raise their glasses. Everyone has a pearl, which they put into a glass before drinking together. They will need to be exchanged, saying kind words to each other and swearing mutual support.

These exchanged pearls should later be designed into a single piece of jewelry (for men this could be a medallion, for women a small pendant) and worn so that they are visible.

The fun part of the event

After several congratulations, toasts and obligatory snacks, which the host periodically reminds, the program should include general games, competitions and other entertainment. The competitions will be discussed in more detail later.

Collective toast

The first entertainment that can be offered to guests is "collective toast". He is guaranteed to be watched by everyone present. Starting with the first person, determined by the leader, everyone pours a few drops of any drink into a glass specially served for this purpose. The glass is passed further and further. The one who spills the contents in his hands will have to make a toast “from everyone” and drink everything that is poured into the glass.

Definition of Harmony

After the congratulations and snacks have subsided, all guests are given specially prepared sheets of paper and pens. The sheet will have three columns. Sequentially: husband, wife, responsibilities and actions. The third column is already filled with all sorts of actions performed by spouses. Guests should check the “husband” or “wife” box next to the action that, in their opinion, one of the couple usually does. The results will be announced a little later, after the first part of the feast and dancing. The calculation is carried out in this way: if there is an equal number of marks in the first two columns, then the family has a complete and equal division of responsibilities, and it is harmonious. If one of their spouses received more marks in the overall score, this means that he/she is the head of the family.

Baptism of fire

After this, you can call the “young ones” again and conduct a kind of “baptism of fire.” This is a test of spouses' learning ability.

In this cool ritual, it turns out what the husband and wife managed to learn from each other over such a long period of time living together and what skills they adopted. The props are prepared in advance. For a wife, these are purely male objects - a drill, a hammer, screws and nails, etc. For the husband, on the contrary, ordinary women's ones. You can take a dustpan, a broom, thread with a needle, a button. Everyone must show guests how well they can handle these items.


After another toast to such skillful spouses, it is announced dance program to take a little break from the feast and unwind. The first dance is traditionally given to the heroes of the holiday. They dance on an empty dance floor to the sounds of their favorite song. To prevent guests from getting bored, from the second verse the host invites them to join the married couple. The dance program lasts about an hour. You should not choose very serious music, because the main characters at a pearl wedding are usually people from 50 to 55 years old, full of strength and energy. After the dancing, everyone is invited back to the table. As soon as the guests are seated, the host can announce the results of the “harmony study.” Then you can hold several more competitions. Before the break, the presenter asks all guests to pay attention to the screen brought or the projector installed in the hall. There, accompanied by comments from spouses, their children or toastmaster, in slides unfolds their love story from the first photo together.

Sweet treat

The last stage of any holiday is the cake. At a pearl wedding, the cake is brought in ceremoniously, then the “young couple” cut it together and distribute a piece to all the guests.

You can decorate the cake with thirty candles, which the husband and wife blow out together. This part of the holiday is calmer, accompanied by quiet music and light drinks. As at many holidays, the spouses see off the guests together. They thank you for being able to celebrate with them and invite you to the next anniversary and family celebrations.

Competitions in the pearl wedding scenario

On the thirtieth anniversary of family friendly life, various competitions are welcomed. Their main goal is to amuse guests and hosts. Some can be held right at the table, along with games.

Names of anniversaries

Guests name all wedding anniversaries in a row, indicating the number of years they are celebrated, starting with the calico wedding and ending with the crown wedding. The most active and erudite participant is recognized as the winner. If you have forgotten the names of wedding anniversaries, then we suggest you remember them by watching the following video:

Eternal love

Starting with the very first guest sitting, everyone remembers and names in turn famous and legendary couples, whose love the whole world knows about. The competition is interesting because after 5-7 named pairs you have to think seriously. You can also complicate and expand the conditions a little. The person who named the couple should say a few words about its history. If the presenter sees that the memory is poor, he says: “Cartoon couples are also participating.” The winner will be the one who is the last to name the required one. Other competitions involve performing some kind of active action. Most of the guests should remain spectators.

We have prepared many options for you. You just need to choose the one you like. This one offers several gift ideas for a chintz wedding. At the following address you will find fun competitions for adults that can be used for birthdays, anniversaries and any other occasion.

Hearts for lovers

Several married couples are participating. Props: from 50 to 100 small paper hearts, thick large format books according to the number of participating pairs. Competition time– 60 seconds. Not far from each book lying on the floor, approximately the same number of hearts are scattered. After the signal, the couples stand on their book together. The wife must bend down, pick up the hearts and pass them to her husband, and he must ensure that both do not lose their balance and accidentally step on the floor. The spouses who reap the largest “harvest” win.

Found each other

4–5, but not less than 3, married couples take part. You also need different paired objects - two balls, two spoons, and so on. Everyone is given these items, blindfolded and taken around the hall in different directions. Participants with identical objects must identify each other by touch. Those who were “found” first will be the winners. A wonderful holiday - a pearl wedding - needs to be celebrated cheerfully, on a certain scale. Among the invitees should be not only relatives and friends, but also their families.

Every year spent in marriage is unique. Therefore, celebrations of memorable dates for the family vary. Thirty years of marriage are called a pearl wedding. It is believed that not only relatives and friends are invited to this anniversary, but also grandchildren. Contests and competitions for this anniversary are tied to customs and mentality. Many original competitions have been invented for a pearl wedding. When choosing the latter, it is worth studying the guests and heroes of the day.

Fun competitions for parents

Like any anniversary, a pearl wedding has a number of traditions. It is believed that pearls are a symbol of purity and fertility. This is the only stone that grows like a tree or grass. Therefore, the family union of two people must strengthen and develop. A pearl wedding (30 years together) is an impressive period of time, an indicator of the strength of relationships and an example for all friends and relatives. This holiday is celebrated with family. To prevent the feast from being boring, use fun competitions and other entertainment. For example, the games “30 years later”, “Get to know your spouse”, “Confessions in front of everyone”.

“30 years later”

Pearl wedding - 30 years anniversary of marriage. Therefore, children can remind their parents of memorable events or dates. To conduct the competition, one of the spouses is asked to temporarily leave the location of the anniversary. Usually the husband does this. In his absence, the wife is asked a few simple questions. For example:

  • Describe the place where you met each other?
  • What was your future spouse wearing?
  • What was the weather like the day you met?
  • Under what circumstances did you meet?

The answers are recorded. After this, the spouse is invited into the hall and asked the same questions. To make the game even more fun, repeat this procedure for the husband. Questions for him are prepared in advance. For example:

  • What is your wife's favorite color?
  • Describe your first fight.
  • Who is the boss in the family?
  • Wife's favorite flowers?

It doesn’t matter whether the “newlyweds” answers coincide. In any case, the competition will lift your spirits. At the end of it, they propose a toast to the health and longevity of the spouses, they wish that the road of life does not lead them to dead ends, and that the next anniversary will be even more fun than the current one. The anniversaries are congratulated by relatives, friends, and congratulatory speeches and toasts.

“Get to know your spouse”

This competition is held at any wedding anniversary, but on a pearl anniversary it is especially relevant. One of the spouses, usually the husband, is offered to find his soulmate blindfolded. You will need to identify your wife by touch. The holding of the competition depends on the mentality and liberation of the heroes of the day. You need to find your match by leg, arm, knee, hair or shoulders.

“Confessions in front of everyone”

Props are required for this competition. The presenter must prepare two hats to put written notes with questions and answers into them. Naturally, they are put into different head units. The spouses take turns taking out notes and asking questions to their halves. The answers don't match, so it comes out original and fun. The text is prepared in advance. The more unusual the questions and answers, the better.

Possible questions for the competition:

  • Do you often stare at strangers on the beach?
  • Do you like adult film stars?
  • Which co-worker is the cutest?
  • Do you sing in the shower?
  • Do you like striptease?

Possible answers for the game:

  • Once every two days.
  • And who doesn't like it?
  • This is the dream of my whole life.
  • Only in the morning.
  • In a low voice.
  • Not always, but periodically.

A pearl wedding is compared to a necklace. Each bead strung on a thread symbolizes the time spent together. Over the course of 30 years, many mutual friends are formed. When inviting them to your anniversary, think over a competition program to make the holiday fun and relaxed. Children of the celebrants prepare entertainment for the guests. The choice of competitions depends on the location of the celebration. There are ready-made entertainment programs. They are “tailored” to specific people. Here are some competitions.


A funny competition for guests with a hidden meaning. Two or three drivers are chosen to play the game. Usually the most active guests go first so that other friends and relatives feel relaxed and free. A piece of paper with the name of the place or institution is attached to the driver’s back. Guests should be able to read the title, but contestants should not. “Institutions” choose original, memorable ones. For example: a women's or men's bathhouse, a sobering station, a strip club, an investigator's office, a toilet.

The drivers are asked questions; not knowing where they are going, they answer them cheerfully. After receiving the intended number of answers, guests are informed of their destination. Examples of questions for the competition:

  1. Do you enjoy visiting this place?
  2. How often do you go there?
  3. What do you wear there?
  4. Who do you take with you when visiting this establishment?
  5. Do I need to take photos there?
  6. Is there a fee to visit this place or not?
  7. Does the spouse know about this institution?

"The Seventh Sense"

This competition is simple but requires patience to listen to the rules. The participant in the game is blindfolded with a scarf. After this, the host of the competition shows the rest of the guests some actions. The participant must answer “yes” or “no” to each of them. Actions are chosen to be original, fun, and memorable. For example, scratching behind the ear, kissing someone on the cheek. The action with which the participant in the game agrees should be remembered.

The next stage of the competition will be to determine the number of times a particular action has been performed. To do this, the presenter shows numbers on his fingers. At what value the competition participant stops it, the number is remembered. Next, the guest who will perform the task is determined. It is also determined with closed eyes. For example, the "performer" kisses the participant's cheek a predetermined number of times. If the driver guesses the guest, then they change places.

“Come up with a verse”

It is customary to give poems for a pearl wedding. To make this gift memorable, a competition is held among male guests. To play the game you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. A certain mandatory number of words is specified that must be used when writing. They are chosen to be fun. For example: pearls, belly, tail, pirates, wife.

Table entertainment options

A pearl wedding is a solemn event. Such an anniversary cannot be ignored. Close friends and relatives are invited to the thirtieth anniversary of marriage. Usually the celebration is held in a cafe or restaurant. To make the pearl wedding memorable, they prepare a celebration scenario with interesting games and competitions. Often, to celebrate an anniversary, they hire a host or toastmaster. Here are some examples of fun activities.

“KVN: come up with an ending to the joke”

This competition is held at the festive table. It does not require physical activity. The host of the holiday invites everyone to participate in KVN. To do this, jokes prepared in advance are read out, but without ending. Guests must come up with the continuation of funny stories themselves. The success of such a game depends on the ingenuity and sense of humor of the host and participants.

Examples of unfinished jokes:

  1. How to make your husband go crazy in bed?... (Turn off the football, take away the remote control).
  2. The wedding was postponed because the groom?... (Run out of money, not enough to buy the bride).

"Missing Ingredients"

To conduct such a competition, basic knowledge of cooking is required. Guests are given recipes for simple dishes. They skip different ingredients. The first one to identify the missing components receives an incentive prize. The main thing for this competition is not to imagine complex dishes. Not everyone knows how to cook, so cutlets, borscht or soups are suitable for the game.

“Celebrity Couples”

When holding this competition, the host of the celebration invites guests to remember famous, famous married couples. Both real and fictional characters are suitable. The competition is held until the last pair is named. It is advisable to remember the people who remained in history thanks to their love and loyalty to each other. Romeo and Juliet, Eurydice and Orpheus, Ruslan and Lyudmila are suitable. The heroes of the occasion are also named.

“Guess the melody”

What's an anniversary without a button accordion? Musical games and competitions are held at the pearl wedding celebration. There are many options for holding the “Guess the Tune” competition. For example, a competition with candy. The game participants are located on both sides of the table. A candy is placed in the middle of it. The presenter plays a popular melody. The participant who recognizes her first grabs the candy. If he guessed right, he gets the candy as an incentive prize. If the attempt is unsuccessful, it will have to be put back on the table.

Liana Raimanova

A pearl wedding is an excellent occasion for a family to have a good time with their children, relatives and friends. But many married couples, due to their modesty, may refuse to organize one of the most important events in their lives. Therefore, children or friends should take responsibility for this event. The spouses will be happy with such attention and will definitely appreciate the surprise.

What issues should be resolved to organize an anniversary:

  • find a place where the anniversary will take place;
  • how to celebrate your parents’ pearl wedding anniversary, and according to what scenario;
  • choose gifts for spouses;
  • make a list of guests who will be invited to the celebration;
  • choose outfits for the holiday;
  • spouses need to choose gifts for each other.

Gift for wife for pearl wedding - gold ring with pearls and diamonds, SL(price on the link)

Where to celebrate 30 years of marriage after the wedding

It is very important for spouses to find a good place to celebrate their pearl anniversary. To do this, you can rent a banquet hall in your favorite restaurant or rent a cafe for a special day.

In cases where a pearl wedding falls in spring or summer, the ideal option would be to celebrate the holiday in nature near a picturesque pond

If spouses do not want to celebrate their anniversary on a grand scale, but just want to be alone, they are recommended to go on a trip or go on vacation to a seaside resort.

How exactly to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary should be decided by the heroes of the occasion or their children. Whether you want to spend your pearl wedding anniversary with your family or want to organize a big celebration, in any case it is important to pay special attention room decoration where the anniversary will take place. As a rule, it is customary to celebrate the pearl anniversary of the wedding of parents in a nautical style. Pearls are a gift from the sea, so you need to decorate the interior in a blue-blue color scheme. Decorative elements of pearl color and light colors in the design would also be appropriate.

A prerequisite for decorating the 30th anniversary is the use of pearls and fresh flowers in the decor.

Flowers will give the setting a more romantic look and also refresh the interior. When organizing a holiday, you should avoid unusual and bold ideas. It should be remembered that this holiday is more consistent with the classic style. Spouses may not like a too pretentious environment. For those who prefer to celebrate their anniversary at home without a toastmaster, you can prepare a celebration at home for your nearest and dearest, creating a cozy atmosphere for the celebration there.

When organizing a holiday, special importance should be given to the scenario according to which the entire event will take place. On the Internet you can find a fully prepared holiday script or, if possible, it is better to order a professional toastmaster for the celebration. The toastmaster or host will decide how to entertain and surprise the guests and will independently choose the appropriate program.

Scenario ideas for celebrating a pearl wedding with competitions

Any celebration usually begins with the meeting of guests. The spouses are the first to arrive at the site of the planned celebration and greet their guests personally. Guests can give gifts and say warm congratulations immediately upon arrival or, if provided by the host, at the event itself after the announcement. Guests can also give non-symbolic gifts. Still, pearl jewelry is an expensive pleasure and not everyone has the means to purchase it. You can choose more practical souvenirs, the main thing is that they are given from the heart.

How should a holiday begin?

After all the gifts have been presented and congratulations have been made, the guests begin to sit down at the festive table in order to begin the celebration. You can plan places for your guests in advance or leave the choice up to them. After everyone is seated, the host of the celebration should appear with an introductory text to remind the guests of what event everyone has gathered in honor of. The first toast should be to the pearl wedding and to the wonderful couple, which has come a long way together and today delights all guests with its wonderful holiday.

During this part, the spouses can perform a small ceremony. To do this, they throw a pearl into glasses of champagne and talk about their feelings for each other.

After the oath and tender words of love are pronounced, they drink champagne and leave the pearls as souvenirs. After the holiday, you can use them to make decorations for each other. Make a medallion for your spouse, and a pendant for your wife.

How to Spend a Fun Part of Your Pearl Anniversary

After the first part of the celebration with congratulations and toasts, it’s time for the main program, which should include competitions, themed games and other entertainment for guests.

You can choose any competitions, the main thing is that they are fun and interesting

The main goal of any game or competition is to amuse those present. They can be held on a special platform or at a table. An example of competitions for celebrating the 30th wedding anniversary at the table:

  • Joint toast. This is a fun toast in which all guests participate. The host chooses the person to start the toast with and gives him a special celebratory glass. This glass begins to change hands and everyone who has it must pour just a little bit of any alcoholic drink into it. The guest who receives an overflowing glass must make a beautiful toast to the spouses on behalf of all those present and drink the contents of the glass. And so on in a circle.
  • "Harmony in the Family". All guests receive blank sheets and pens from the host. Each sheet has three columns. The first column is the husband, the second is the wife, the third is actions and responsibilities, it consists of a ready-made list. Guests can only note which responsibilities in the family usually fall on the husband and which on the wife. After the guests fill out the list, you can continue the feast, and in the meantime the host will count the results. As a result of counting votes, a picture of the family life of the spouses should be obtained. If all votes are divided equally between spouses, it means that their family is very harmonious and friendly. If one family member has more votes, then he or she is the head of the family.
  • Fun competition “Baptism of Fire”. This competition is a kind of test of a couple’s learning ability. During it, you can check in a fun way what spouses have learned from each other over 30 years of marriage. The presenter prepares the props for the competition in advance. For a spouse, you need only feminine things, for example, a needle and thread, a mop, etc. And for a spouse, you need masculine items (hammer, screwdriver, drill). Each spouse must demonstrate to the guests how well he owns this thing and what it needs to do.
  • "Erudite". The presenter selects three participants for the competition and gives them a sheet of paper. Within a certain time, participants must write on a piece of paper the names of all the anniversaries that they remember, and then read them out loud. The participant who remembers the most names will win the competition.
  • Competition "Lost". Four or five married couples are needed to participate in the competition. Each pair is given different objects that they must hold in their hands. For example, the first couple got a spoon for husband and wife, the second got a ball, the third got a book, and so on. Then all participants are blindfolded and separated in different directions from each other. The essence of the competition is for married couples to find each other by touch using objects. This is a very interesting competition that guests will enjoy.

Room decoration, gifts and script - all this is important, but when preparing a holiday for spouses, be sure to take their wishes into account

28 February 2018, 15:46

Scenario for 30th wedding anniversary

A pearl wedding is celebrated after 3 decades of marriage. In most cases, this celebration is celebrated on a grand scale. Relatives and friends are invited. Under such conditions, the spouses need a script for their 30th wedding anniversary. The scenario for a 30-year wedding anniversary is prepared in advance under such conditions. If a toastmaster is invited, she prepares a script for the 30th wedding anniversary, but if she is not present, someone takes on the role of host.

The 30th wedding anniversary scenario usually implies that joyful competitions are held between dances and feasts. A wedding scenario for 30 years of marriage may include competitions and games, which are traditionally held during feasts, and not just wedding ones.

1. Guests are given a sheet of paper on which three columns are drawn. The first column is the spouse, the second is the spouse, and the third is the actions that either of them does. It is necessary to mark which spouse watches football, who cooks, who does the cleaning, and who feeds the pets. If the columns turn out to be even, then the responsibilities in the family are divided equally, and the couple is harmonious.

2. Guests pass a glass around in a circle, into which everyone must pour a drop of any drink. The one whose glass overflows and the drink spills over the edge must say a toast and drink it.

3. There are questions on one tray and answers on the other. Each of the guests takes notes from each of the trays in turn and reads out the question and the answer.

Anniversary, wedding anniversary 30 years - pearl wedding, congratulations in verse on a pearl wedding, what to give for a pearl wedding, what specific gifts?

30 wedding anniversary has a wonderful name - pearl wedding. Pearls are considered a beautiful and quite expensive stone, but at the same time, very symbolic - as they grow. And one should not be surprised, since from year to year more and more new layers appear, it is improved, takes shape and becomes amazingly beautiful. Like a pearl, the marriage of two people continues to develop, overcome difficulties, strengthen, form, and 30th wedding anniversary indicates that the alliance has truly become ideal.

Wedding anniversary 30 years- this is a symbol of the fact that the years lived together are strung on top of each other, like small pearls on a string of a necklace. They say that pearls are stored for more than 50 years, so such an anniversary can be considered one of the stages in the life of a family. For the most part, people associate pearls with the color white, despite the fact that in nature there are many shades, and very symbolic ones. White for a lady means a veil, green - hopes placed on marriage, light blue - dreams that have already come true, red - passion. The most expensive, dark pearls symbolize the future path. The following gradation is offered for the spouse: lilac - views on life, golden - the charm of the second half and dark - a joint path, pink - dreams.

Congratulations on your pearl wedding brought not only by family members, but also by countless guests. According to tradition, gifts for pearl wedding spouses give to each other. A husband can give his wife a string with 30 pearls, even if they are unnatural. But guests will be able to choose gifts at their discretion, the main thing is that they have a white, dark, pink or pearl shade. This could be jewelry, utensils, interior items, and more. Wedding anniversary 30 years It is not for nothing that it is named after pearls; this stone was considered a joyful amulet in ancient times and symbolized fertility. It is necessary that not only children, but also grandchildren be present at your pearl anniversary.

  • Anniversaries weddings, wedding anniversaries.
  • Present for the pearl wedding anniversary of 30 years.
  • Congratulations Happy 30th pearl wedding anniversary.
  • Scenarios holding a wedding.

Pearl wedding (30 years)

Such a serious anniversary has preserved many significant traditions and rituals.

01. The first must be done in the morning: the spouses must go to the nearest natural body of water, be it a lake, river or even a spring. They simultaneously throw a pearl into the water (which in our time is often replaced with simple coins), along with this, pronouncing a special spell: how many of our pearls lie at the bottom of the sea, so much more will we live together hand in hand. Just as he will be strong at all times, so let our emotions be strong.

02. Then the couple traditionally went to church for morning work, at the end of which they lit three wax candles: they hoped to dedicate the first to the Mother of God, for rewarding her with such a reliable spouse; they lit a second candle to the Crucifixion, saying at the same time words of gratitude for the years lived in peace and harmony; the third candle hopes for the Holy Trinity - with this icon the spouses express the hope that in the future their alliance will be unbreakable.

03. Returning home after completing this beautiful, romantic act, the couple must go to the largest mirror in the house, polished to a shine, hold hands, and again, like 30 years ago, swear to each other eternal love and fidelity. A reflective surface is considered the best witness: since, as we know, the mirror does not lie! Such an oath is designed to open a new round of relationships: mature, reasonable and full of affection, harmony and love.

04. The most joyful couples on a given day perform the old rite of “baptism of fire.” The wife prepares a broom, a frying pan, a rag, a bucket of water in advance, and the husband collects a drill, nails, a hammer, and an ax. Any next day can bring not only joy, but also separate several people forever, and therefore it is fundamentally important to know that the spouses have learned a lot from each other and anyone can cope with someone else’s work! The pair change their homework kits and both show off their skills to each other.

05. Another most beautiful ritual takes place in the evening, festive part of the holiday. The spouses swear an oath to each other that they still remain a secret between each other, and that they still want to develop, making the relationship stronger and better. Then they exchange natural pearls, which in the future they hope to frame and wear as a pendant or ring. It is believed that if one of the couple breaks the oath of love and fidelity, then his pearl will betray his shame by darkening and tarnishing.

Then the husband must read a poem of his own composition to his wife, get down on one knee and hand over a huge bouquet of flowers.

The highlight of the holiday will be a huge pie or cake, which, as on the wedding day, the couple cuts together and treats to their guests.

How to celebrate a pearl wedding?

Pearl wedding scenario, 30 years of marriage - articles

People say: “ Pearl wedding for rich people." The wealth of a couple who lived married 30 years. is calculated by the number of children and grandchildren, the number of affectionate words and smiles, and the quality of home relationships.

So. And this wedding sang and danced.

We welcome guests

That they came for the anniversary.

A wonderful day for them.

You live as a joyful family,

Like a pair of glorious swans.

You invited us to a wonderful holiday,

It's called the Pearl Jubilee!

Dear anniversaries! Your friends and all your relatives! We invite you to take the home route to the table.

And you, dear guests,

Raise the golden arcs.

To start a feast for us, fun -

Anniversaries, go through the Pearl Necklace!

(Guests raise arcs of balloons, celebrants walk along the pearl corridor and take places at the ceremonial table. Guests follow them.)

Toastmaster: Buddies! Now here we have gathered, according to the ancient Russian custom, to celebrate the wedding of our dear ones.......

There are a lot of pretexts for holidays

In life it surrounds us.

Brought home road

Until your huge anniversary.

“We lived together for a long time!”

The groom said with admiration to the bride.

We gathered here for the wedding,

In Rus' they call her pearly!

And in honor of the event in order to

It's worth drinking expensive wine.

Quickly pour it into a glass of wine -

Here's to the pearl anniversary!

Toast: “Pearl Jubilee!”

Toastmaster: In Rus', it was believed that a family that reached the pearl anniversary saved up in a home chest. a large number of rich treasures: love, tenderness, affection, harmony, children and many grandchildren! We wish you, dear heroes of the day, that your wealth continues to increase from year to year!

And all of us, guests, drink to the dregs -

For the safety of your home chest!

Toast: “For the safety of the home chest!”

Toastmaster: About the reason for this celebration

I'll tell you for now, friends,

People lived unnoticed.

Dear woman and boy.

Love overtook them one time,

The long-awaited day has arrived.

And the road of life led you

Through the abundant field of love.

The pearl anniversary is lurking at the doorstep.

You were able to reach it together!

So come on, guests,

Let's envy the young people together.

Let's say a good word to the bride and groom,

We wish them happiness!

I suggest we raise our glasses

And support our glorious toast!

Everyone's journey at home is not easy.

So let the road never end,

Which way you went into life.

Let's raise our glasses, we'll drink a little wine,

Thank you for finding each other!

Toast: “To the faithful love of the heroes of the day!”

Toastmaster: According to the tradition of Russian antiquity

We must make a toast

In honor of those who gave life to the anniversaries

In Rus' it is not for nothing that they say:

“Bow at the waist to Mother Earth,

Yes, low bow to the parents!”

Let's raise our glasses, let's drink the wine to the bottom,

To the parents of the heroes of the day - our honor and praise!

(Parents congratulate the heroes of the day. Guests raise their glasses “To their parents!”)

Toastmaster: Friends, heroes of the day! It is customary to give expensive gifts for a pearl wedding.

During the evening we will collect a pearl necklace for the anniversaries from warm and affectionate words of congratulations from your family and friends!

Collecting a pearl necklace

We glorify the beautiful, friendly family.

The situation warmed up for everyone to fly,

Keep a festive message for guests!

Don't mince words, tell me,

Kind words, all from the heart.

Would you like some discoveries for the celebrants?

The golden one is on the way to the wedding!

Toast: May your wishes come true

Toastmaster: Friends - celebrants of the day!

Let the song make you happy

So that the flame in the soul does not go out under any circumstances!

Guests, no glass - no vocals!

1. You walk the road of life together, let it be wide.

You no longer need anything to be happy,

Only always a young soul!

Chorus: And this wedding, wedding, wedding,

Zhemchuzhny is celebrating his anniversary.

All guests shout together, if necessary,

More wine for us, wedding, you pour it!

2. Your young years have flown by,

It's like a wedge of tired swans,

The golden years are on the way home,

We've got a pearl anniversary in store!

Toastmaster: You lit the flame of love in the morning,

30 years have passed since that downtime date.

Your dear children will light your way.

We'll add it to your necklace

One more pearl!

Toast: “To an unquenchable hearth!”

Toastmaster: As they said in ancient times: “There is no place for jealousy in a family!”

Follow family laws

Newlyweds must spend their entire lives!

Jubilees, report to us,

What are the laws in your family?

Have to obey you?

Toastmaster: And the law of the family is simple -

Get to the golden wedding!

Toast: “For the execution of laws!”

Toastmaster: Let's fill our glasses, guests.

Intoxicating, sparkling wine.

We stand and drink to the heroes of the day,

For your hospitable home!

Hearing about the pearl anniversary

The gypsy camp is hurrying towards us.

A joyful song, a clever fairy tale.

It will amaze us at the wedding.

Gypsy: Hello, my dears!

Are your cups dry?

If yes, pour more,

And we will sing about the anniversary!

(Gypsies perform a song.)

Song to the melody “Unharness your horses, boys!”

1. We entered a stranger’s family,

They say it's an anniversary.

Where are the glasses and cups?

First, pour it for the guests!

Chorus: And the wedding danced once, twice,

Full of home happiness.

The gypsy told you a fortune,

In my youth I wanted

Drink pearl wine!

2. “Live in love, Tanya and Lesha!”

Guests are currently shouting to you.

In a year, maybe a month,

May you have a large number of grandchildren.

3. Anniversaries celebrate

Your pearl anniversary.

We are happy for this couple

We're giving away some swans!

(A pair of crystal swans is a gift from the gypsies. It is necessary that the swans have depressions on their backs, where the gypsy pours wine and offers the celebrants to drink it.)

Gypsy: On this pearl holiday your

Please accept our present!

Please, my good friends,

Drink pearl wine.

But my wine is intoxicating,

Given to chosen people

Drink it on your anniversary. (Celebrants of the anniversary drink wine.)

Gypsy: Dear anniversaries,

Let's tell a fairy tale for now.

Was it in the distant past, or relatively not so long ago,

They won't let me tell lies.

In a village above the river

The lovers live side by side.

Their patron families are a pair of cute swans

They resolved on the path of life

Celebrate a wonderful anniversary.

They already have a family,

The kids grew up in love.

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Tell me their names!

I won't name names,

But I won’t stop hinting:

You are watching closely

Say your name right away!

(The gypsy names the qualities characteristic of heroes of the day, starting with the initial letters of the names of our heroes of the occasion.)

Well done! You understand your heroes of the occasion.

It's time for us to raise a glass:

“For love to be stronger,

To celebrate your golden anniversary!”

The gypsy predicted your family's tastes.

I give you anniversary beads made of pearls,

So that life is bright

And the road is noticeable.

(Gives a pearl necklace made of balls.)

Good luck to you, walk boldly,

The golden anniversary awaits you ahead!

Script for congratulating your parents' pearl wedding - youtube

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