!! Thus, we came to the same low price, which cannot be for a good animal, and which should scare, not inspire confidence!!! So we arrive

Thus, we came to the conclusion that unemployment is one of the elements of a market economy. It is a system of social relations in coordinating the interests of employers and hired labor.

We have found that unemployment is a normal economic phenomenon that reflects structural imbalances in the labor market, which means that it must be placed within a certain framework within which a regime of effective growth and a state of economic stability are achieved.

The formation of unemployment in Russia, its forecasting, is an integral part of the formation of the market mechanism.

Based on an analysis of employment and unemployment statistics in Russian Federation the following conclusions can be drawn:

Unemployment for 2000-2008 decreased annually by an average of 175.1 thousand people. or by 3.8%.

The number of people employed in the economy in 2000-2008 grew annually by an average of 666.25 thousand people. or by 1%.

From the analysis it can be seen that the highest level of total number unemployment was registered at 20-24 years old, and the lowest at 60-62 years old. If we look at education in the total number, then the largest share fell on secondary (complete) general education, when there are only 12.3% for higher education.

From the analysis of the number of unemployed for 2000-2008, we can say that there is no stability here, unemployment first increases for this period of years, then it falls.

The situation is different with the employed than with the unemployed, because here we can observe the annual rise in employment in the economy for the years 2000-2008.

In Russia, specific mechanisms of state regulation of the labor market are being formed. Certain steps have already been taken here: created civil service employment, a system of personnel retraining is being developed, a living wage and a minimum wage are officially established wages. However, so far the last two indicators are in Russia (unlike highly developed countries with market economy) are only conditional indicators. The fact is that the minimum wage is set at a very low level.

When assessing unemployment as a socio-economic phenomenon, one cannot equally say whether it is good or bad. From a person's perspective, being left without a job can be a tragedy. However, from the point of view of economic dynamics, this phenomenon is an objective necessity. Another thing is that the state must absorb the negativity of its consequences, and the employee must be ready for professional and labor mobility in order to get a job.

One of the main elements of developing an effective employment policy is the development and implementation of a mechanism that regulates the dynamic balance of labor supply and demand in the labor market. To achieve this, it is necessary to: revive the economic situation and investment activity in the country, create conditions for the dynamic movement of capital, develop measures to develop a system of jobs and increase the labor demand of enterprises and organizations; improving the wage system, expanding opportunities for the population to receive additional income (dividends from securities, interest on deposits, etc.), system development social benefits, subsidies and benefits that reduce the need for labor of certain socio-demographic groups of the population, especially women, students and pensioners.

The state's concern for achieving the most complete and effective employment in the country as an important social guarantee for the economically active population is the most important aspect of state regulation of the labor market, the formation mechanism of which will be constantly improved in relation to the new conditions for the development of a mixed economy.

List of used literature.

1. Statistics textbook for universities, edited by Eliseeva I.I., 2008.

2. “Financial Statistics” edited by M.G. Nazarova. M. "Omega-L" 2005.

3. Borovik V.S. "Employment" Tutorial for universities/Phoenix, 2001.

4. Starovoitova L.I. “Employment of the population and its regulation”: Textbook for universities. - M.: ACADEMIA, 2001.

5. “Russia in figures 2009”, a brief statistical collection. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).M-2009.http:// www.gks.ru

6. Russian statistical yearbook 2009, M.-Rosstat.

7. Ivanov Yu.N. Economic statistics. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000.

8. Course of socio-economic statistics edited by M.G. Nazarov.

Speech clichés - these are ready-made examples of phrases. With their help, it is easier to structure the final essay without losing the main thread of the judgment.

Clichés for the final essay:

For entry

  • Of course, each person will answer this question differently. I will try to give my definition of these concepts.
  • Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, ...
  • It seems that different answers can be given to this question. I believe that...
  • Probably every person has thought at least once about what ... (a certain concept) means. I believe that...
  • Reflecting on these questions, one cannot help but come to the answer: ...

To go to the main part

  • Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view.
  • Let's remember the works fiction, in which the topic is revealed...
  • I can prove the correctness of my point of view by turning to...
  • Let's turn to works of fiction
  • For examples, let's turn to works of fiction
  • Thinking about..., I can’t help but turn to the work Full Name, in which...
  • Reflecting on these questions, one cannot help but come to the answer: ... (answer to the question asked in the introduction)

For abstracts

  • Today we understand that...(main idea of ​​the essay)
  • Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, ... (the main idea of ​​the essay).
  • It seems that different answers can be given to this question, but I believe that... (the main idea of ​​the essay)

For arguments

Access to the work

  • So, in lyric poem(title) poet (name) addresses the topic...
  • The theme (….) is touched upon in the novel…(author, title).
  • The theme (...) is revealed in the work... (author, title).
  • The problem (barbaric attitude towards nature, etc.) worried many writers. He addresses her and...(name of the writer) in...(title of the work).
  • The idea (of the unity of human nature, etc.) is expressed in the poem... (author, title).
  • The idea of ​​the need (to protect nature, etc.) is also expressed in the novel... (author, title).
  • Let's remember the hero of the story... (author, title).
  • Let's turn to the novel... (author, title).
  • The lyrical hero of the poem... (author, title) also thinks about this.

Interpretation of a work or its fragment:

  • The author talks about...
  • The author describes...
  • The poet shows...
  • The writer reflects on...
  • The writer draws our attention...
  • The writer draws our attention to...
  • He focuses the reader's attention on...
  • This act of the hero speaks of...
  • We see that the hero did this because...
  • The author shows what consequences led...
  • The author contrasts this hero/action...
  • The writer condemns...
  • He sets an example for us...
  • The author emphasizes...
  • The author claims...

Intermediate output:

  • The writer believes that...
  • Thus, the author wants to convey to us the idea of...
  • We can come to the conclusion...

To conclude

  • Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude...
  • The conclusion involuntarily suggests itself...
  • Thus, we come to the conclusion: ...
  • So, we can conclude that...
  • In conclusion, I would like to encourage people to... So let's not forget about...! Let's remember...!
  • So let's not forget about...! Let's remember...!
  • In conclusion, I would like to express my hope that...
  • I would like to believe that...
  • To sum up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that...
  • To summarize what has been said, I would like to say that...
  • All the arguments I have given, based on the reader's experience, convince us that...
  • Concluding the discussion on the topic “...”, one cannot help but say that people should...
  • (Quote) “...,” - wrote.... These words express the idea of.... The author of the text also believes that...
  • What conclusion did I come to when reflecting on the topic “...”? I think we should...

Thus, we come to the following conclusion: we should learn to view relationships from real, and not from ideal, positions.

Conflicts should be accepted not only as a way of overcoming our barriers, and therefore getting closer to another person, but also as a way of meeting with a partner, which will entail a “meeting” with ourselves.

Next to another person, we grow internally, change in better side, let's recognize ourselves with unexpected side.

A loving relationship is everything.

Therefore, they are worth it.

Worth the suffering they cause.

Worth the pain we have to endure.

Any difficulties are valuable, because, having overcome all obstacles, we cease to be the same: we have grown, we are better aware and feel our life, it becomes more complete.

A loved one does not save us from anything: he should not save us.

Many people are looking for a couple, trying to solve their problems in this way. They naively believe that love relationship will cure them of boredom, melancholy, lack of meaning in life.

They hope that their partner will fill the void in their life.

What a gross misconception!

When we choose a mate, placing similar hopes on her, in the end we cannot avoid hating the person who did not live up to our expectations.

And then? Then we look for the next partner, and then another, then another and another... Or we decide to spend the rest of our lives alone, complaining about our cruel fate.

To avoid this, you need to deal with own life, without expecting someone else to do it for us.

It is also recommended not to try to understand someone else’s life, but to find a person with whom you could work on a joint project, have a good time, have fun, develop, but not put your life in order and not look for a cure for boredom.

The idea that love will save us, solve all our problems and give us a state of happiness and confidence can only lead to us being captured by illusions and negating the true transformative power of love.

Relationships, viewed from a real rather than an ideal point of view, open our eyes to many aspects of reality. And there is nothing more amazing than feeling your transformation next to your loved one.

Instead of seeking refuge in relationships, we should allow ourselves to awaken that part of ourselves that has been dormant until now and which we have not allowed to express itself: the ability to move forward with a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe direction of movement, and therefore, to change and develop.

To union loving people flourished, it is necessary to look at it from the other side: as a series of opportunities to expand your consciousness, discover unfamiliar truths and become a person in the full sense of the word.

Having turned into a full-fledged adult who does not need another to survive, I will undoubtedly meet another person of the same kind, with whom I will share what I have, and she - what she has.

In fact, this is the meaning of a relationship in a couple: it is not salvation, but a “meeting”. Or better yet, “meetings.”

Me with you.

You with me.

Me with me.

You with you.

We are in peace.

Be in the Spirit! Live in Love!

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After reading this article you will learn how to write a conclusion.

You have written and you need to write a conclusion. Read on to find out how to do this...

The first thing to note is that general rule The optimal length of the conclusion is 2-3 pages.

You should start with this phrase: The goal and objectives set in the work have been fulfilled. In particular(further we write the goal and objectives that were defined in the introduction). ( For example: The purpose and objectives set in course work, are completed. The concept and features of civil legal relations are studied, the elements of civil legal relations are considered, the features of the classification of civil legal relations are studied, property and personal, relative and absolute, proprietary and obligatory legal relations are revealed. Brief conclusions).

So, we can conclude that...

The conducted research allows us to conclude...

So, to summarize, we can state the following: ....

In conclusion, we note that...

To summarize, we can say...

Summing up the analysis, it should be noted...

From all that has been said, it follows that...

Thus, we can conclude...

Therefore, we come to the conclusion...

...the work allows us to conclude that...