Theater for children made of spoons. New types of theater Master class "Do-it-yourself puppet theater from plastic spoons" methodological development (junior group). Wooden spoons. Story

Yulia Vafina

Theater! How much he means to a child’s heart, how impatiently children look forward to meeting him! Puppetry art theater is folk in nature.

Dolls can do everything or almost everything. They create miracles: they entertain, educate, develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, and correct their behavior. Children enjoy participating in game: answer the dolls’ questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, transform into one or another image. They laugh and cry along with the dolls, warn them about dangers, and are always ready to help to their heroes. How can you make the joy of communicating with them become daily? Need to create a puppet theater in kindergarten and at home! Introduce children to puppetry theater from the 1st junior group. Teachers and older preschoolers show small performances to children, using for this purpose various types theaters: well known to everyone picture theater(flannelograph, parsley theater, in which glove puppets are occupied. Children watch with great pleasure the figures moving on the brightly lit screen. Theater shadows attracts their attention, develops the ability to concentrate. Theater on the table - this is the simplest and most accessible to all ages of children theater. The doll's body is made in the form of a cone, to which the doll's head and arms are attached.

By the end of the year, children of the 1st junior group, having accumulated some experience, try to independently participate in puppet show. This desire must be supported, developed and strengthened. A finger tip is suitable for this purpose. theater.

Mitten dolls were born from ordinary knitted mittens. The imagination of teachers and children can turn the most ordinary mittens into animals and people. They are very easy to operate and are intended for very young children.

For children of the 2nd junior group, the simplest and most accessible theater is a puppet theater on the table. You can use different species: theater"disks" voluminous toys made of cylinders and cones, boxes of different heights. Theater"origami", theater"cups", theater on a stick, "kinder- theater» , theater"washcloths", magnet theater. Glove puppets are very mobile and expressive. Glove puppets can be used as funny assistants in kindergarten classes. Bibabo dolls usually operate on a screen behind which the driver is hidden.

IN middle group let's move on to something more complex theater. Introducing children to theatrical screen and with cane dolls. These dolls are more glove dolls (head size can be up to 20 cm). This doll is lifted above the screen with the help of a rod inserted inside, which is called a "gapit". TO hands The dolls are attached with canes - sticks that the puppeteer moves. But before staging a play with these dolls, you need to give children the opportunity to play with them. Spoon Theater, being a simplified version of the performance with the participation of riding puppets, helps children master puppeteering techniques.

My dolls turned out to be very cute, strong and attractive.


A set of spoons, cardboard, any fabric, woolen threads, felt or other material, ribbons and eyes.

Manufacturing method:

Hair. We use wool threads to make pompoms. They are glued with glue on the inside spoons. Thread colors can be completely different. For the grandfather doll, we used a ready-made pompom and a dress from a New Year's hat.

Cloth. It’s better, of course, to sew a dress - a felt cone, then you won’t have to hem it. But you can also use other fabrics, preferably dense, to keep their shape.

We sew the cone together and make a cut in the upper part, just below the corner. Insert into the cut spoon and tie it tightly with a ribbon, maybe with a bow.

Eyes. eyes on you can draw on a spoon, stick on ready-made running eyes or make an applique.

In my case, it turned out to be such a bright royal family.

Relevance my master class is that theatrical activities are one of the most popular and exciting areas in preschool education. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the versatility, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional capabilities of the theater.

The practical significance of my master class is that I will present not only the educational possibilities of using theatrical activities in kindergarten, but also teach how to make characters for the theater from non-traditional materials. The master class will help educators make heroes for theatrical activities with their own hands, as well as with children of senior preschool age..

The innovative focus lies in a creative approach to theatricalization. I will present to your attention new look theater



Municipal preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of physical

child development No. 18 “Alenka”. Kursk municipal district, Stavropol Territory.

New types of theater

Master class " Puppet theater made from plastic spoons with your own hands"

Fedorova Valentina Petrovna

Teacher of preschool educational institution No. 18

Kursk municipal district

March 2018

Relevance my master class is that theatrical activities are one of the most popular and exciting areas in preschool education. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the versatility, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional capabilities of the theater.

The practical significance of my master class is that I will present not only the educational possibilities of using theatrical activities in kindergarten, but also teach how to make characters for the theater from non-traditional materials.The master class will help educators make heroes for theatrical activities with their own hands, as well as with children of senior preschool age..

The innovative focus lies in a creative approach to theatricalization. I will present to your attention a new type of theater.

Purpose of the master class: Creation positive mood from the result obtainedincreasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, developing imagination and creative abilities.

Tasks: introduce teachers to different types theaters

To encourage the widespread use of theatrical activities in kindergarten.

Teach teachers how to make some types of theatrical puppets.

Attract the attention of educators to the theatrical game.

Participants: educators

Result: students' mastery of techniques for using theatrical activities in kindergarten, and the development of the ability to create heroes.

Work progress:

We will need:plastic spoons, plasticine, colored paper, ruler, scissors, pencil.

The first character will be a frog, for this we take a spoon and green plasticine, apply plasticine to the convex side, spreading it all over the spoon.

We make a collar from plasticine to connect the paper to the spoon

The next hero is a mouse.

We take a spoon, gray plasticine and also smear it, make a nose, eyes, mouth and ears.
I chose paper for the mouse blue color, also cut out a 10 by 10 square and make a hole, insert a spoon. Next we sculpt the collar. The mouse is ready.

The next hero is a bunny. For the bunny, I left a white spoon and just stuck the face and ears on it. We make clothes based on the model of the previous heroes. The bunny is ready.
The next one will be a fox. You will need orange plasticine. We sculpt the face and ears.

We decorate the clothes with orange paper and connect them with a spoon, like the previous heroes. The fox is ready.

We make a bear in the same way.

And so I got the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”. With these toys, made with their own hands, children will enjoy playing and showing performances. And most importantly, they are made from available materials, which are found in the group.

The toy is ready!

Summing up the work.

Reflection . We did a good job with you. And in conclusion, I suggest imagining a smile on one palm and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be tightly united in applause.


Hello, here I am!

Welcome, friends!

I invite you all

Here's to a fun master class!

And now, without delay.

Let's start the show.

Be brave, active,

And of course. Positive!

V.: Dear colleagues, first let’s relieve the tension. Let's stand in a circle and play.

GAME “WIDER” or “PRAISE YOURSELF” (looking in the mirror, you need to say a kind word to yourself).

V.: Well done! Today I did not come to you empty-handed. I brought you a gift. And what kind of gift you will find out if you guess my riddle.

I feed everyone with pleasure

And she herself is mouthless. (Spoon)

V.: Correct!

You can play on spoons

Knock loudly and loudly.

You can dress up spoons

They can be cleverly turned into dolls.

Spoons can dance

Show the fairy tale to the children.

V.: But first we will play a little with locks. There is such a Russian folk game“Where there is work, there is food.”


There are spoons on chairs arranged in a circle. There are more players than chairs. Everyone runs around the chairs to the music, and when the music ends, everyone must take a spoon from the chair. Whoever did not have time to take a spoon and take a chair is out of the game.

V.: I want to invite you to make dolls for the theater from spoons - it’s simple and exciting, children take part in this activity with pleasure and act out fairy tales on their own in the theater with even greater pleasure.


V.: In the meantime, our spoons are turning into dolls for the theater, we will play with our jury. (Hand out painted spoons to the commission)

“LADUSHKI” (take a spoon by the handles, with the convex side facing each other)

Okay, okay

Where were you?

At grandma's.

What did you eat?


What did you drink?


We ate porridge and sat on the horse...


Let's go, let's go on horseback

Along a smooth forest path

Clack-clack-clack, clink-clack-clack.

The wind is noisy...(rustling spoons)

The woodpecker is knocking... (they knock with spoons like palms)

Let's go, let's go on horseback

Along a smooth forest path

Clack-clack-clack, clink-clack-clack.

From the hill - uh (for the word uh - hit with spoons)

In the hole - bang (for the word bang, hit with spoons)

V.: This was a small warm-up game, and now I suggest you don’t get bored and play on spoons.

PLAYING SPOONS (played freely to music)

THEATER "TEREMOK" (With musical accompaniment)

IN.: We did a good job with you. And in conclusion, I suggest imagining a smile on one palm and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be firmly united... in applause!

Home puppet theater is in a good way child development. In particular, the project promotes the development of speech, imagination, and fine motor skills. At the same time, dolls have an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, since they can help a child cope with his fears and worries, as well as receive the attention that is sometimes so lacking. You can make a puppet theater for kindergarten with your own hands, and this applies not only to dolls, but also to screens and decorations.

Making dolls

Dolls can be made from completely different materials, including scrap materials. However, their size is not important. They can be finger-shaped, in the form of gloves or stationary figures.

Felt finger characters

Finger puppets allow you to develop fine motor skills child, his thinking and speech. Making miniature dolls is very simple. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • felt;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil.

You can draw the pattern for the character yourself. To do this, it is first recommended to choose a fairy tale or story that will be staged, and then carefully think through its characters. After this, you can start making characters:

When making finger puppets, you should immediately decide who will wear them. If this is a child, then the holes in the dolls should be such that the characters do not fall off during the performance.

Modeling paste

A special modeling paste can be a good material for making dolls. It can be replaced salt dough or plasticine. The advantages of this material are that it can be used to make both finger puppets and stationary puppets. To make characters you need to prepare:

The sculpting process is quite difficult for a child, so an adult needs to be shown step by step how to make this or that figurine. At the same time, it is still worth leaving the child the opportunity to express his imagination. If a human figurine is needed for staging, you can sculpt it as follows:

  1. From a piece of pasta measuring 2*3 cm you need to roll a sausage and then form it into a cylinder. His figure should resemble a matryoshka doll with a torso and head. Make a notch at the bottom of the cylinder for your finger.
  2. Separately sculpt the arms that need to be attached to the body.
  3. All facial features can be made using a plasticine stack or knife.
  4. You can paint the character after the paste has dried and hardened.

Paper fairy tale heroes

Paper dolls are very easy to make, but they can be disposable because they tear easily during use. The size of the dolls depends on personal preference. They can be worn on a finger or the entire hand. To make a paper doll, you can cut out special templates along the contour, and then glue them in pairs so that both the back and the back sides match the characters. There is an easier way to make it:

  1. You need to glue a small tube from a sheet of colored paper by twisting the sheet and gluing it along the edge. Its dimensions depend on the type of puppet theater. The doll can be worn on a finger or be stationary
  2. On the resulting blanks you need to glue elements of the face and hands depending on the character.

It's better not to throw away plastic spoons

You can also make dolls from scrap materials. Plastic spoons do an excellent job of this. For such characters you need to prepare:

Additionally, you may need ready-made plastic eyes, as well as felt-tip pens or markers. After preparing all the necessary tools, you can proceed directly to making dolls. To do this you need:

  1. Glue or draw eyes on the convex side of the spoon.
  2. Wrap the fabric around the handle of the spoon and tie it with a ribbon to make a dress. If manufactured male character, then at the junction of the handle and the convex part of the spoon you can glue a bow tie.
  3. Make hair from colored paper. To do this, cut a fringe on one side of the strip, and then glue the whole part to the convex part of the spoon.

You can also use other available materials. For example, you can make smeshariki from disks with your own hands or take ice cream sticks.

Socks will help

You can very quickly make a puppet theater out of socks with your own hands. To make such characters, you must follow the following instructions:

Decorations for performances

Particular attention must be paid to the decorations. The easiest way to make them is from thick cardboard. To do this, you need to draw the required element on cardboard and then cut it along the contour. Additionally, you need to glue clothespins to the decoration, which will be used to attach the decorations to the screen. It is recommended to disguise them, since the fasteners cannot spoil the appearance of the stage or attract attention to themselves. Therefore, the clothespins should be disguised as part of the decoration, for example, as a figurine of a flower or mushroom. The number of clothespins depends on the size of the decoration itself.

Theater screen

The screen is the basis of the puppet theater in kindergarten. Her appearance depends on the type of theater. This could simply be a fabric curtain that can be used to cover the hole under the table. In this case, all actions will take place at the level of the table top. You can also make a dollhouse out of fabric with your own hands, the patterns for which you can draw yourself. If you are making a finger puppet theater with your own hands or will use it, then you will need a table screen. It can be made from different materials.

A plywood screen will turn out to be very light, and it will last for many years. To make it you need to prepare:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • wallpaper or fabric;
  • door hinges.

  1. Cut 3 blanks from the main material, that is, one central part and two sidewalls. They need to be covered with fabric or wallpaper.
  2. After all three parts are dry, they need to be connected using door hinges. This will allow you to close the screen and fold it.

In a similar way, you can make a screen from cardboard. However, it is recommended to make it three-layer, which will significantly increase the strength of the structure. It is not necessary to connect the parts with door hinges; they can simply be sewn together.

The age of children who go to kindergarten places special demands on the action itself. For a theatrical performance, it is recommended to choose simple, uncomplicated plots that are nevertheless capable of teaching important life things. Gradually, the repertoire can be increased, while periodically returning to already staged performances. The peculiarity of children is that they quickly get tired and stop paying attention to some subject. This means that the duration of the performance should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Additionally, you can use musical accompaniment.

Puppet theater in kindergarten It will help not only to reveal the talents of each child, but also to unite the team. And not only at the stage of staging fairy tales, but also in the process of making dolls. The children will definitely be delighted and will definitely not forget the emotions they felt at these moments.

Attention, TODAY only!

Have you ever eavesdropped on children playing? If yes, then you know that children are amazingly artistic creatures. Mom’s and dad’s intonations are easily distinguishable, scenes from everyday life are recognizable... Transformation is a child’s second nature. He tries on different roles and plays them brilliantly. Inspire a young actor to experiment creatively and give him a puppet theater!

As always, we will use available materials, and the little artist himself will participate in the creation of his own theater.

Dolls made from... spoons

Bright and unusual theatrical dolls can be made from disposable spoons in half an hour. By the way, such toys are an ancient tradition; our ancestors painted and even decorated wooden spoons.

You can choose a fairy tale to make a doll set especially for. For example, the fairy tale “Turnip”.

You will need:

Disposable spoons (10-20 pieces);
hot gun and glue;
yarn of different colors;
accessories (buttons, beads, small parts).

First you need to think through the details for each doll.

For grandfather, for example, you can use gray yarn to make hair, eyebrows and mustaches, a large bead for the nose, dark fabric for clothes. You can simply draw the eyes with a marker or glue store-bought ones.

To make doll hair, wind the threads around two fingers, remove the skein and tie it in the middle with thread of the same color. Cut the loops, trim the ends. Apply hot glue to the back (in this case, concave) side of the spoon and glue on a bunch of threads. We also glue on the mustache and nose.

Grandfather has a double body - a second spoon is glued to the base spoon, masking the underside. To do this, drop glue onto the top of the cutting and connect the parts.

Wrap a piece of fabric around the handle of the spoon so that it sits loosely (to add volume to the body). Tie fabric clothes, disguise this place with decorative tape.

To make a hairstyle for your grandmother, you need to wind a thread around your palm, make two bunches, and glue them on the concave side of the spoon on the sides (attachment points are marked with black dots). After the glue has hardened, lift the strands up and tie them in the form of a bun. We wrap long strands around the bun and secure with thread of the same color. (Since the grandmother’s hairstyle is voluminous, the second spoon (the back part) may protrude and lie sloppily.)

A turnip can be made from a spoon and half a Kinder surprise box. First you need to cut an oval piece of fabric of such a size that it can easily decorate the front part, and still be enough to overlap the back part and secure it. The fabric is attached from the back (concave) side with hot glue. After all, the turnip head is attached to the spoon.

The turnip may have eyes, a mouth painted with red varnish, and on the top of the turnip’s head there may be a bun decorated with a ribbon.

You can give your granddaughter a more “free” hairstyle, and make the dog’s ears and tongue from the remains of a rubber glove or pieces of fabric.

Cone finger puppets

These dolls are relatively fragile - they cannot be crushed, and their strength is not the same. But cone dolls are very funny and dynamic, because wolves and bears sit right on the tips of children's fingers.

You will need:

Colored paper;
PVA glue;

You can also choose which fairy tale heroes to make. For example, “Teremka”: a mouse, a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf and a mischievous bear.

Cut a circle with a diameter of 13 cm into 4 equal parts. One of these quarters will be the template for the base of the toy. The rest is a different set of details for each character.

The workpiece must be rolled up and glued.

Glue the remaining parts - ears, eyes, whiskers, paws, tails, etc. to the finished body. You can curl your mustache using a pencil or using a scissor blade.

Unsinkable Theater

Finger puppets for playing in the bathtub, which will help not only to reveal creativity toddler, but also to develop hand motor skills, it can be easily made from household rubber gloves.

You will need:

Medium size household rubber gloves (one pair);
new balloons of different colors (2-3 pieces);
super glue;
beads, buttons or something similar.

Cut off the fingers from the gloves, and to make it neat, make a curly cut, decorating it with teeth. First, make cuts in one direction, then use scissors to meet these cuts to create corners.

Even if you use a simple marker and just draw faces and muzzles on the dolls, it will turn out great. The marker does not wash off in water. If you have 2-3 colors, the dolls will be bright and expressive.

You can make the “artists” three-dimensional. For this you will need balloons and beads. And before gluing the parts, do not forget to degrease the surfaces.

By the way, in addition to the bathroom, finger puppets can ride with you in the car, visit the clinic, and go to the beach.