Shadow theater based on the fairy tale turnip templates. Master class on making a universal screen and templates for a shadow theater. Baby and Carlson

Early development in lately has become especially popular among modern parents. This is due to a significant increase in the level of training that a first-grader should have. "Pea" is website, child development which will be a fun activity for the whole family.

We tried to fill our portal with the most interesting materials that are designed to help parents in their daily work on raising and educating preschoolers. Early childhood development website“Goroshenka” offers a wide variety of games and interesting tasks for children, aimed at the child acquiring certain skills and improving their own skills. All materials posted on the portal have one goal - to prepare the child for school as much as possible.

Presentations for children as one of the best ways to teach a child

Information technology has come a long way recent years. Modern children easily master computer technology, and as a result, presentations for children's development. This is a special type of material that helps kids learn all the information more easily.

When is it carried out? preparing children for school, presentation is often key. Bright and colorful pictures allow the baby to clearly see the world around him and imagine plants and animals that he has never met before. Children's presentations for children are presented in the public domain, allowing all parents to use them in independent studies with a child.

Electronic presentations for children download - it's so simple

Modern websites present many of the most various materials, which parents can use in activities with their child. We tried to make our own free presentations for children a little different, different from everyone else.

First of all, our materials are quite informative. They will be of interest not only to preschoolers. Such presentations for primary school children will fit just as well. A logical question arises: is it really possible for a first-grader and a three-year-old child to learn the same amount of information that will be interesting for the former and understandable for the latter?

Definitely not. Our materials work on a slightly different principle. Basically it's presentations for children preparatory group . They cover all the points that a child needs to know for school. However, the child’s education should still begin earlier - for example, at 3-4 years the child is already ready to see presentations for kindergarten children.

At this age, the baby is tormented by a wide variety of questions that adults are sometimes unable to answer. But successful child development is possible only when he gets free access to all things that are interesting to him. He may not understand some of the materials that are not yet so interesting to him due to his age, but if you repeat the lesson in six months, the baby will learn more points.

Preschool child development using unique materials

The uniqueness of our materials lies in several important points. Firstly, as mentioned above, it is the availability and completeness of information, which makes child development preschool age successful. The second point is bright and colorful pictures. Thus, preschool child development website tries to make it interesting, that is, the baby will definitely be interested high-quality photographs and pictures that are in each presentation.

And finally, one more point, in our opinion, one of the most important. Presentation for children free of charge It also implies the presence of certain tasks at the end, aimed at consolidating materials and developing certain skills of the child. These can be games for logic, thinking, speech development, development fine motor skills and others. Thus, the child easily assimilates all the information received and has a pleasant time with his parents. Perhaps these are the best parameters for successful learning.

We offer two master classes on making a shadow theater for children at home. You will learn how to make a screen and actors for a theatrical performance using light and shadow with your own hands, and get acquainted with the theater hand shadows, download templates for figurines of fairy tale heroes and find useful tips on working with shadow theater.

Shadow theater helps children get acquainted with theatrical activities in a fun way, develop speech, show imagination, encourage children to actively interact, communicate, etc. Theater productions can be carried out with children of all ages, both in a group and individually.

Lego Shadow Theater

Introducing step-by-step master class with photographs of how to make a shadow theater from Lego Duplo or its analogues.

Required materials:
  • designer Lego Duplo (on, on)
  • building plate Lego Duplo green (on, on)
  • A4 sheet of paper
  • phone with a flashlight function or other light source.
How to do

Build a frame theater stage made of red blocks and adjacent turrets made of multi-colored bricks.


Place a white sheet of paper between the structures.

Build a stage behind the screen and use the blocks to make a phone stand. Place the light source in front of the paper sheet.

Decorate the theater and prepare the actors for the performance.

Turn on the flashlight on your phone and start the show.

Shadow theater "The Gruffalo" out of the box

Create your own shadow theater based on the popular book “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson (,).

“The Gruffalo” is a fairy tale in verse for adults to read to children. Little mouse walks through a dense forest and, in order to escape from a fox, owl and snake, invents the terrible Gruffalo - an animal who loves to eat foxes, owls and snakes.
But can a resourceful mouse outwit all the hungry predators? After all, he knows very well that there are no Gruffalos... Or do they?


Required materials:
  • printable hero templates (download);
  • A4 paper;
  • black cardboard;
  • wooden skewers;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • carton;
  • scissors.
How to do

1. Download and print templates with characters for the shadow theater. Glue onto black cardstock.

2. Cut out the figures and glue a wooden skewer to each.

3. We make a screen (screen) for shadow theater.

Lay the box flat. On the large rectangular parts of the box, draw a frame, stepping back 1.5-2 cm from the edges. Cut along the marked lines.

4. Assemble the box in its original state, but with the colored side facing inward.


5. Take a sheet of white A4 paper and cut it to the size of the box. Cut out a rectangle of the same size from black cardboard.

6. Cut out trees from black cardboard and glue them onto a white sheet.

7. Glue the paper to the inside of the box as shown in the photo below.

8. Make a slot at the bottom of the box for the figures.

9. Secure the screen to the edge of the table with tape.

10. Install the lamp at the back at a distance of 2-3 meters from the screen. For clear shadows, the light must fall directly and not from the side. Be sure to warn your child to be careful around the hot lamp.

The shadow theater is ready! Turn off the lights, invite an audience and perform a shadow show.

Hand shadow theater

The hand shadow theater is one of the most simple types shadow art. For its equipment you will need the most ordinary items - a table lamp and a screen - a large sheet of white paper or cloth. If the room has light walls, a theatrical performance of light and shadow can be shown directly on the wall.

The pictures show how you can use your hands to create silhouettes of animals, birds, and people. With practice, you can bring the shadows to life and show your own story.

  • You can start introducing children to shadow theater at the age of 1.5-2 years. The first classes should be held as a theatrical performance, when the roles are played by an adult, and the children act as spectators. After the child understands the rules and traditions theatrical arts, it can be included in the game as a participant in the action. Children play and voice roles, learn texts and poems. At first, trust small, simple roles. Then gradually make it more difficult.
  • Cardboard figures of shadow theater actors should be black, then they will be contrasting and noticeable on the screen. To make your own figures, use curly stencils. If you plan to reuse your homemade figures, we recommend laminating them.
  • To ensure clear shadows, place the light source behind and slightly to the side of the screen. The light source will be a regular table lamp or flashlight.
  • The size of the shadow on the screen depends on the distance from the figure to the lamp. If you bring the figure closer to the screen, its shadow will become small and clear. If you place it further away, the shadow will increase in size and the contours will be blurred.
  • To ensure that the decorations do not move during the performance, attach them to the screen itself using tape or paper clips.
  • What paper, tracing paper or a white sheet are perfect as a screen. The smaller the screen you use, the thinner and more transparent it needs to be, and the brighter the light source you need.
  • In order to create a theatrical atmosphere, you can draw a poster, tickets and even arrange an intermission.

We recommend the book “Night Tale” by Beatrice Coron (

I’ll add on my own that I used this model to create a theater with my grandchildren. Happiness was the carriage and the small cart!!! All five grandchildren and granddaughters, with great diligence, cut out the figures, painted them, glued them.......

And then everyone showed and watched together.

Below is a master class and ready-made templates for the most famous children's fairy tales.....

FROM THE AUTHOR: “The room is dark and only small rustles of the final preparations can be heard, when suddenly the light comes on. It rests on the screen of a white sheet. Dad last time clears his throat, and the first silhouette appears on the stage. And the fairy tale comes to life...

Shadow theater—Children immediately fall in love with the shadow theater. First, they enthusiastically watch the performances, and then begin to invent the plot themselves. Let, regardless of whether the child has directorial abilities or not, an ovation always awaits him at home.

At the same time, the baby’s imagination works at 100, because in the silhouette the child will try to guess the grandmother, the dog or the mouse. A gentle and familiar voice from behind the scenes tells a story about distant (or not so distant) countries, about children and animals, about good, evil and real magic. And all this can be done with your own hands from available materials in just 15 minutes.

You can organize a stage for a shadow theater from an old box and cut out the silhouettes of the main characters from it, turn on the lamp and the fairy tale will come to life right before your eyes. So let's get started.

1. Making a scene

At the bottom of the old box we outline a rectangle for the screen.

The outline does not have to be rectangular. The edges can be rounded and decorative patterns can be added. This will give the shadow theater box an absolutely magical look.

Cut a hole.

We paint this holey box (this step is optional, but it will look neater this way).

On the inside we glue a sheet of paper slightly larger than the hole.

2. Hero on a stick

We draw fairy tale characters on a sheet of paper, or better yet, print them out








We cut out the characters and paste them onto cardboard of any thickness. We cut out the silhouettes and fix them on a stick. Electrical tape, glue gun or tape are suitable for this. I used electrical tape and a glue gun just to be sure)

I used skewers, but popsicle sticks, old pencil leads, or pencils also work well.

We also prepare the scenery (the environment surrounding the characters). To do this, simply cut them out of cardboard of any density. The thicker the decorations, the more difficult it will be to cut them out, and the easier it will be to fix them on the screen.

  • securing decorations

You can attach strips of cardboard around the perimeter, in which it will be convenient to fix the decorations. That's it, the stage for the shadow theater is ready.

Shadow Theater "Repka"- a set of flat, educational dolls for demonstrating fairy tales. Children from three years old can be involved in the theatrical process. Fidgets will be happy to build scenery, set up lighting, stage, and invite spectators. And when figures come to life in little hands and shadows appear on the screen, this miracle will cause great delight.
IN shadow theater includes six dolls and a turnip. The faceless figures are made of plywood and have a convenient handle to control during the performance. The fairy tale is filled with “universal” characters who can participate in other stories. This moment is important when you want to diversify children's leisure and show several performances in a row.
Puppet theater or shadow theater for children- This is a wonderful sensory-motor simulator. They help develop the speech apparatus, memory, and hand motor skills. You can choose a toy and buy it in the INTERDESIGN online store.