Requirements for a teacher. Modern requirements for a foreign language teacher

Academic year academic year - mandatory introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard - introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard as soon as it is ready 1 MONITORING REPORTING 1 Introduction of the federal state standard general education academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year academic year continuation of training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, introduced as soon as it is ready

555 Main goal Russian education New goal of education New technologies Social contract New educational needs of family, society, and the state Widespread introduction of ICT technologies in all spheres of life Problems of Russia Strategy 2020 Education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen of Russia

Fundamentals of the school standard Federal state educational standard of general education Scientific basis Ideological and methodological basis The concept of spiritual- moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia The fundamental core of the content of general education and the system-activity approach Strategy 2020

7 Standard as a social conventional norm that implements the social contract SOCIETY Safety and health Freedom and responsibility Social justice Welfare STATE National unity Security Development of human potential Competitiveness FAMILY Personal success Social success Professional success

The leading principles of the Federal State Educational Standard are the principles of continuity and development. The standard for each level of general education contains a personal reference point - a portrait of a graduate of the corresponding level. The positions characterizing a primary school student are a continuous, but in-depth and expanded version of the characteristics of a primary school graduate.

Portrait of a graduate: preschooler – primary school Portrait of a graduate: preschooler - primary school active and creative creative inquisitive initiative open to the outside world, friendly and responsive positive attitude self-confidence, communication skills, self-organization and healthy image life research interest self-regulation responsibility self-esteem respectful attitude to others, to a different point of view LEARNING INDEPENDENCE ABILITY TO LEARN

Portrait of a graduate: primary school - basic school Portrait of a graduate: primary school - basic school actively exploring the world, inquisitive, showing an interest in research, friendly, able to listen and hear a partner, able to learn, capable of self-organization, skills of self-organization and a healthy lifestyle, ready to act independently and answer to the family and the school respectful attitude towards others, towards a different point of view SYSTEM “PROB”; PROJECT ACTIVITY selectivity of interests knows how to act with an orientation toward a different position knows oneself, asserts oneself as an adult ready to bear responsibility to oneself and others knows how to work in a group and individually consciously follows the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle ready to make choices

Portrait of a graduate: basic school – high school Portrait of a graduate: primary school - high school MASTERING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SCIENCE IN THE SELECTED FIELD EXPERIENCE OF SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITIES (cognitive, social) able to act with an orientation towards a different position knowing himself, establishing himself as an adult able to make independent decisions and take responsibility for them able to work in a group and individually shares the values ​​of a healthy and safe lifestyle selectivity of interests personal professional perspective self-aware as an individual ready to cooperate to achieve a joint result consciously follows the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle understands the values ​​of education as the basis for future success creative, critical thinker

REQUESTS AND EXPECTATIONS REQUESTS AND EXPECTATIONS Requirements for the structure of the educational program Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program Expected achievements of the education system Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the operation of the education system Resources: personnel, material resources, information, finance GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE SYSTEM OF STANDARDS GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE SYSTEM OF STANDARDS Standard as Standard as a set of three systems of requirements

The ideology of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard is characterized by a focus on educational results, on the implementation of a system-activity approach in education, on the development of students’ personalities, and on the purposeful organization of the learning environment. In this regard, the qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers are fundamentally changing. Central location they involve professional pedagogical competencies. In essence, there is a fundamental change in the content of the teacher’s work activity.

FSES REQUIREMENTS FOR A MODERN TEACHER A modern teacher must provide conditions for successful activities, for positive motivation, as well as self-motivation of students; carry out independent search and analysis of information using modern information retrieval technologies; develop programs of educational subjects (courses), methodological and didactic materials, choose textbooks and educational literature, recommend additional sources of information to students, including Internet resources; identify and reflect in the basic educational program the specifics of special educational needs (including regional, national and (or) ethnocultural, personal, including the needs of gifted children, children with disabilities and people with disabilities);

FSES REQUIREMENTS FOR A MODERN TEACHER to organize and support the educational, research and project activities of students, their implementation of an individual project; implement pedagogical assessment of students’ activities in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, including: conducting initial and intermediate diagnostics, in-school monitoring, carrying out a comprehensive assessment of students’ ability to solve educational, practical and educational-cognitive tasks; use of standardized and non-standardized work; use the capabilities of information and communication technologies (including when implementing distance education), work with text editors, spreadsheets, by email and browsers, multimedia equipment.

FSES REQUIREMENTS FOR A MODERN TEACHER For a teaching worker implementing the basic educational program secondary (complete) general education, the basic competencies necessary to ensure the implementation of the requirements of the Standard and the successful achievement by students of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of secondary (complete) general education must be formed

A MODERN TEACHER is a creative individual with original problem-pedagogical and critical thinking, the creator of multivariate programs based on advanced world experience and new teaching technologies, interpreting them in specific pedagogical conditions based on diagnostic goal setting and reflection. A modern teacher should be distinguished by high creativity, a focus on active creative and transformative activities, and technological readiness. The competencies that the student must master must be mastered by the teacher himself.

Logo Our new school Development of “competencies for updating competencies” Overcoming the rapid growth of information flows Maximum disclosure and development of individual abilities of students and teachers Teacher is in constant readiness for self-education, systematic work on oneself

Factors determining the need for meaningful modernization of the system school education: global changes in the socio-economic situation in the country; diversification of the school education system; changes in the tasks of the school and the role of the teacher (orientation towards the socialization of schoolchildren); increasing risks in the educational environment and deteriorating health of schoolchildren; informatization of society, as a result of which the teacher ceases to be the only source of information for the student, and uncontrolled information flows have a negative impact on the psyche and consciousness of children; socialization of students occurring inside and outside the school.

NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR A MODERN TEACHER (based on the results of monitoring by specialists of the Psychological Education Service of the Russian Federation) XXI Possession modern technologies developmental education, defining new parameters of the 21st century school. The priority of an anthropocentric approach to the process of teaching and raising children and youth, focused on the development of a creative personality. The ability to “see” the diversity of students, to take into account in the educational process the age-related individual and personal characteristics of various groups of children (gifted, deviant and delinquent children, with disabilities, with developmental delays, etc.) and to respond to their needs.

The ability to improve the learning environment, design a psychologically comfortable educational environment. Ability to use health-saving technologies. Ability to accompany professional career young man. NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR A MODERN TEACHER (results of monitoring by specialists of the Psychological Education Service of the Russian Federation)

“The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the level of the teachers working in it” “…. the ability to attract suitable personnel to the teaching profession is a decisive condition for improving the quality of education" McKinsey Report: "Lessons from the analysis of the best educational systems in the world"

To solve pedagogical problems professionally, one must specially prepare, mastering the peculiarities of work in the field of education and upbringing of a person. Professional experience and skill are acquired in the course of solving pedagogical problems.

For a professional teacher, the following questions are significant: how to conduct problematic lesson, how to develop a new or improve a well-known educational program, how to combine group, collective and individual work of students in the lesson, how to ensure the development of creative abilities during the lesson, how to stimulate interest in the subject.

What professional functions does a teacher perform?

The modern teacher performs gnostic, constructive, organizational, communicative, diagnostic, corrective and control-evaluative functions.

Which types of teaching activities practice today?

Types of pedagogical activities are divided depending on the type of pedagogical task:

1) practical activities for training and education of a person;

2) methodological activity a specialist in presenting materials of pedagogical science to teaching staff of various institutions (related to the methodology of an academic subject or to the methodology of conducting educational work at school);

3) management activities of educational system leaders;

4) scientific and pedagogical activities (research).

Let's take them through comparative analysis according to structural components pedagogical activities.

These components are the goal, the means to achieve it, the result, and also her object and subjects.

By objects and subjects of activity:

1) the subject is a teacher or educator, the object is a student, pupil, group or educational team;

2) the subject is a teacher-methodologist, the object is teaching practitioners;

3) the subject is the administration of the educational institution, the object is the teacher, educator, student, pupil, team of teaching practitioners and student body;

4) the subject is the scientist-teacher, the object is the entire sphere of pedagogical activity as a whole (all pedagogical theory and practice).

By purpose:

1) transfer of life and cultural experience from the older generation to the younger;

2) message scientific discoveries, transfer of advanced pedagogical experience and innovations to the wider pedagogical community;

3) management of the work of practicing teachers;

4) search and development of new pedagogical knowledge in the field of improvement 1,2,3.

By means of achieving the goal:

1) methods and techniques of training or education, visual and technical means;

2) scientific and methodological seminars, conferences, distribution of specialized literature, introduction of scientific and practical achievements, exchange of experience;

3) methods and techniques of team management, methods of delegation of authority, collective cooperation, individual work with teachers, parents, students;

4) methods scientific knowledge(observation, experiment, modeling, development of theories and concepts, new pedagogical technologies).

The result of pedagogical work is the actualization and development of mental new formations in the student, pupil or teacher, as well as the improvement of the methods of their activities.

According to the results:

1) trained, educated and educated person;

2) a teacher with developed scientific thinking, a specialist in the field of theoretical research and discoveries concerning problems and methods of teaching, education and human development. A professional who is able to take into account and combine theory with techniques and modern technologies of practical work. In other words, a competent and creative teacher-practitioner involved in the innovation process;

3) a developed and creative teaching staff that achieves serious results in practical work, constantly increasing the growth of their knowledge and ensuring high quality education and upbringing of students in this educational system;

4) new pedagogical knowledge - in the form of laws, principles, new systems, technologies, methods, rules, forms of organization of teaching and educational processes.

In fact, pedagogical activity is joint and is built according to the laws of interaction, taking into account the characteristics of people’s communication and their styles of behavior.

In practice, differentiation can be observed communication styles ( V. A. Kan-Kalik):

Passionate style joint activities;

Friendly style;

Distance communication style;

Intimidation style;

Flirting style.

IN different situations such behavior styles, as: conflict, confrontational, smoothing, cooperative, compromising, opportunistic, avoidance, suppression, competitive or defensive style.

All possible styles of communication and behavior accompany some type of activity, forming the background and forming the appropriate emotional and moral environment of interaction.

Pedagogical activity is the management of the activities of the student (pupil) and the process of interaction with him.

What determines the success of teaching activities in terms of solving pedagogical problems? First of all, from the individual personal characteristics of the subjects (Teachers) of pedagogical interaction.

What are the requirements for a modern teacher?

Answers to various questions regarding professional teaching activities and the teaching profession can also be found in Chapter V


Formation of the teaching profession. The emergence of the teaching profession has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older generation, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.

Since the emergence of the teaching profession, teachers have been assigned primarily an educational function. A teacher is an educator, a mentor. This is his civic, human purpose.

As the processes of social production become more complex, methods of cognition develop and rapid growth scientific knowledge There is a need in society for a special transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities. That is why, from the field of “pure” education, a relatively independent function has emerged in the teaching profession - teaching. The educational function began to be entrusted to other persons. Thus, in families of privileged classes, home educators were invited to raise children. In Russia, these were, as a rule, foreign tutors and governesses. In public and private educational institutions Along with the teachers there were class guards, class mentors, class ladies, etc.

All nations and at all times have had outstanding teachers. So, the Chinese called the great teacher Confucius (U1-U centuries BC). One of the legends about this thinker is his conversation with a student: “This country is vast and densely populated. What is she lacking, teacher? - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich it?” - asks the student. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

Czech humanist teacher J.A. Comenius dreamed of giving his people the collected wisdom of the world. He wrote dozens of school textbooks and over 260 pedagogical works. He compared the teacher with a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, with an architect who carefully builds knowledge into every corner of a human being, with a sculptor who carefully hews and polishes the minds and souls of people, with a commander who energetically leads an offensive against barbarism and ignorance (Komensky Ya.A. . Izbr.ped.soch.-M., 1995.-P.248-284).

Another famous teacher was the Swiss teacher I.G. Pestalozzi, who spent all his savings on creating orphanages. He dedicated his life to orphans, trying to make childhood a school of joy and creative work. On his grave there is a monument with an inscription that ends with the words: “ Everything is for others, nothing for yourself.”

The great teacher of Russia was K.D. Ushinsky. The textbooks he created have had a circulation unprecedented in history. For example, “Native Word” was published 167 times. His legacy consists of 11 volumes, and his pedagogical works still have scientific value today. He described it this way public importance teacher profession: “An educator who is on par with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of a great organism fighting the ignorance and vices of humanity, a mediator between everything that was noble and lofty in the past history of people, and the new generation, the keeper of the saints testaments of people who fought for truth and goodness,” and his work, “modest in appearance, is one of the greatest deeds in history. States are based on this matter and entire generations live on it” (Ushinsky K.D. Collected works: In 11 volumes - M., 1951. - T.2.-P. 32).

Today, in developed countries, teachers constitute the largest group of intellectuals. It is more than twice the number of engineers and doctors. What makes modern teacher remain attached to your profession? The American psychologist R. Gersberg found that the real motives of a teacher’s activity are variety of work, independence, professional growth, awareness of the importance of the task, etc.

An important advantage of teaching is the wealth of social connections - with colleagues, students, parents.

The uniqueness of the teaching profession lies in the fact that by its nature it has humanistic character. In the process of education, the teacher solves two problems - adaptive and humanistic (“human-forming”). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, pupil To specific requirements of the sociocultural situation, and humanistic - with the development of his personality and creative individuality.

On the one hand, the teacher prepares his students for a certain social situation, for the specific demands of society. But, on the other hand, he, while objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, carries within himself a timeless factor. By developing the child's personality based on the richness of human culture, the teacher works for the future.

The desire to serve the future characterized progressive teachers of all times. Thus, a famous teacher and figure in the field of education of the mid-19th century. A.V. Disterweg, who was called the teacher of German teachers, put forward a universal goal of education: service to truth, goodness, beauty. “In every individual, in every nation, a way of thinking called humanity must be instilled: this is the desire for noble universal goals.” (Disterweg A. Favorite ped. op. - M., 1956. - P.237). In realizing this goal, he believed, a special role belongs to the teacher, who is a living example for the student. His personality earns him respect, spiritual strength and spiritual influence.

Education for the sake of the child’s happiness - this is the humanistic meaning of V.A.’s pedagogical activity. Sukhomlinsky. Without faith in a child, without trust in him, all pedagogical wisdom, all methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing, in his opinion, are not valid. The basis for a teacher’s success, he believed, was the spiritual wealth and generosity of his soul, well-mannered feelings and a high level of general emotional culture, and the ability to delve deeply into the essence of a pedagogical phenomenon.

The primary task of the teacher, noted V.A. Sukhomlinsky. is to discover the creator in every person, to put him on the path of original creative, intellectually fulfilling work. “To recognize, identify, reveal, nurture, and nurture in each student his unique individual talent means raising the individual to a high level of flourishing human dignity.” (Sukhomlinsky V.A. Favorite prod.: In 5 volumes - Kyiv, 1980. - T.5. - P. 102).

Objectives of pedagogical activity.

The most general task of pedagogical activity in educational process consists of creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual, in preparing the younger generation for work and other forms of participation in life

society. It is solved by organizing a personal development environment and managing various activities of students with the goal of their harmonious development. Figuratively speaking, the pedagogical process is a process in which “educational teaching” and “educational education” are merged (A. Disterweg).

The first requirement for a professional teacher is to have pedagogical abilities, which represent a personality quality that is integrally expressed in a tendency to work with children, love for children, and enjoyment of communicating with them.

Main ability groups

Organizational. They are manifested in the teacher’s ability to unite students, keep them occupied, divide responsibilities, plan work, summarize what has been done, etc.

Didactic. Specific skills to select and prepare educational material, visibility, equipment, accessible, clear, expressive, convincing and consistent presentation of educational material, stimulate the development of cognitive interests and spiritual needs, increase educational and cognitive activity, etc.

Perceptual, manifested in the ability to penetrate into the stuffy world of those being brought up, to objectively evaluate them emotional state, identify mental characteristics.

Communication abilities are manifested in the ability to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, their parents, colleagues, and heads of the educational institution.

Suggestive abilities lie in the emotional-volitional influence on students.

Research abilities manifested in the ability to cognize and objectively evaluate pedagogical situations and processes.

Scientific and educational, which boil down to the ability to assimilate scientific knowledge in the chosen field.

Important professional qualities of a teacher are hard work, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one’s professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one’s work, etc.

Mandatory quality for a teacher - humanism, that is, the attitude towards a growing person as the highest value on earth, the expression of this attitude in specific deeds and actions. Students see these manifestations and follow them at first unconsciously, gradually gaining experience in treating people humanely.

The professionally necessary qualities of a teacher are endurance and self-control.

The essential professional quality of a teacher is justice.

The teacher must be demanding. This is the most important condition for its successful work. The teacher first places high demands on himself. Pedagogical demands must be reasonable.

Pedagogical tact– this is maintaining a sense of proportion in communicating with students. Tact is the concentrated expression of mind, feeling and general culture teacher The core of pedagogical tact is respect for the student's personality.

Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional acquired in the process vocational training related to the acquisition of special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, and methods of activity. Among them: mastery of the subject of teaching, methods of teaching the subject, psychological preparation, general erudition, broad cultural horizons, pedagogical skill, mastery of teaching technologies, organizational skills, pedagogical technology, mastery of communication technologies, oratory and other qualities.

If we talk about the requirements that a modern teacher must meet, they can be divided into 4 large groups:

    Educational requirements

    Didactic requirements

    Psychological requirements

    Hygienic requirements

Let's look at the educational requirements for a teacher. This includes the ability to cultivate moral qualities in students and the ability to lay the foundation of aesthetic tastes. A modern teacher must show how the learning process is closely connected with life itself. After all, a person can only meet the demands and requirements of modern life by studying and gaining knowledge.

Didactic requirements are determined by the need to ensure the cognitive activity of students. The teacher in his work must competently combine verbal, visual, and practical teaching methods. The student must receive theory inseparably from practice, which he can apply in his future work, everyday life. There is a need for systematic monitoring of how students learn the material and how they can apply knowledge in practice. If there are any difficulties in this, their educational efforts must be adjusted in time. Feedback is very important. You need to communicate with students, understand their difficulties and experiences, and try to guide them in the right direction. You need to work on your own mistakes. If students have any gaps, they need to ask themselves the question “Where did I make a mistake in teaching?”

Psychological requirements. The teacher must be well prepared psychologically. A teacher's character always shines through in any lesson. You need to be demanding of students, but at the same time fair. You need to be friendly, but at the same time maintain subordination. Self-control is very important - it will help to overcome various negative states (such as uncertainty or temper, which is far from typical for teaching).

And the last point is hygiene requirements. IN classroom comfort must be strictly observed temperature regime, the room must be ventilated in a timely manner, and proper lighting must be provided. During the lesson, monotony and monotony should be avoided - listening should be alternated with written assignments, practical work, presentations and video materials.


    Nemov R.S.. Psychology: In 3 books. Book 1 - M., 1998.

    Psychology and pedagogy: Proc. manual for universities / Comp. and resp. ed. A.A. Radugin. - M.: Center, 2000.

    Rean A.A., Bordovskaya N.V., Rozum S.I. Psychology and pedagogy. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

    Krysko V.G. Psychology and pedagogy Course of lectures 4th edition, revised OMEGA-L publishing house Moscow, 2006

    Goranchuk V.V. Psychology business communication and management influences. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva"; M.: OLMA-PRESS Invest, 2003.

The special professional and social functions of the teacher, the need to always be in sight of the most impartial judges - their students, interested parents, the general public, place increased demands on the teacher’s personality, his moral character. Requirements for a teacher are an imperative system of professional qualities that determine the success of teaching activities.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that practical pedagogical activity is only half built on rational technology. The other half of it is art. Therefore, the first requirement for a professional teacher is the presence of pedagogical abilities. With this approach, we are immediately forced to pose the question: are there special pedagogical abilities? Prominent experts in pedagogical work answer it in the affirmative.

The question of pedagogical abilities is under intensive development. Pedagogical abilities are a personality quality that is integrally expressed in a tendency to work with children, love for children, and enjoyment of communicating with them. Often pedagogical abilities are narrowed down to the ability to perform specific actions - speak beautifully, sing, draw, organize children, etc. The main groups of abilities are identified.

1. Organizational. They are manifested in the teacher’s ability to unite students, keep them occupied, divide responsibilities, plan work, summarize what has been done, etc.

2. Didactic. Specific skills to select and prepare educational material, visibility, equipment, present educational material in an accessible, clear, expressive, convincing and consistent manner, stimulate the development of cognitive interests and spiritual needs, increase educational and cognitive activity, etc.

3. Perceptual, manifested in the ability to penetrate into the spiritual world of those being educated, objectively assess their emotional state, and identify mental characteristics.

4. Communicative abilities are manifested in the teacher’s ability to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, their parents, colleagues, and heads of the educational institution.

5. Suggestive abilities consist of an emotional-volitional influence on students.

6. Research abilities, manifested in the ability to understand and objectively evaluate pedagogical situations and processes.

7. Scientific-cognitive, which boils down to the ability to assimilate scientific knowledge in the chosen field.

Are all abilities equally important in the practical activities of a teacher? It turns out not. Scientific research recent years identified “leading” and “auxiliary” abilities. The leading ones, according to the results of numerous surveys of teachers, include pedagogical vigilance (observation), didactic, organizational, expressive, the rest can be classified as accompanying, auxiliary.

The question of a pedagogical vocation does not leave the pages of the pedagogical press. In one of the new books we read: “Unfortunately, to this day in pedagogical universities, when recruiting students, they do not diagnose their pedagogical talent; they take everyone who can pass the general education competition. That is why many people who are obviously professionally defective ended up in schools and other educational institutions, which has a negative and sometimes simply disastrous effect on their students and pupils.” Think about it, try to answer the questions: 1. Is the lack of teaching talent a fatal obstacle to engaging in teaching activities?

2. Is it possible through persistent learning and intensive “creation of oneself” to compensate for the lack of teaching abilities, replacing them with professional knowledge and skills?

3. Which teacher works better - one who has a natural inclination and calling for teaching work, or a person of average abilities and not particularly gifted pedagogically, but who works a lot, actively and constantly on his professional improvement?

Of course, ideally, pedagogical activity should be carried out by people who have a calling for it, who are gifted and capable. But the teaching profession has become widespread. Where can we find 2.5 million gifted teachers? We have to soften the formulation of the question. Many experts are inclined to conclude that the lack of pronounced abilities can be compensated by the development of other important professional qualities - hard work, an honest and serious attitude to one’s responsibilities, and constant work on oneself.

We must accept pedagogical abilities (talent, vocation, inclinations) as an important prerequisite for successful mastery of the teaching profession, but by no means a decisive professional quality. How many teacher candidates, having brilliant inclinations, never succeeded as teachers, and how many who were initially less capable grew stronger and rose to the heights of pedagogical excellence. A teacher is always a great worker.

Therefore, we must recognize hard work, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one’s professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one’s work, etc. as important professional qualities of a teacher.

Through these requirements, the teacher is realized as an employee performing his duties in the system of industrial relations.

Before our eyes, there is a noticeable transformation of educational institutions into production institutions that provide “educational services” to the population, where plans and contracts are in effect, strikes occur, and competition is developing - an inevitable companion of market relations. Under these conditions, it becomes especially important human qualities teachers, which become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relationships in the educational process. Among these qualities are humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, justice, commitment, objectivity, generosity, respect for people, high morality, optimism, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the lives of students, goodwill, self-criticism, friendliness, restraint, dignity, patriotism, religiosity, integrity, responsiveness, emotional culture and many others.

A mandatory quality for a teacher is humanism, that is, an attitude towards a growing person as the highest value on earth, the expression of this attitude in specific deeds and actions. Humane relationships are formed from interest in the student’s personality, from sympathy for the student, helping him, respect for his opinion, the state of developmental characteristics, from high demands on his educational activities and concerns about the development of his personality. Students see these manifestations and follow them at first unconsciously, gradually gaining experience in treating people humanely.

A teacher is always active, creative personality. He acts as the organizer of the daily life of schoolchildren. Only a person with a developed will can awaken interests and lead students, where personal activity plays a decisive role. Pedagogical leadership of such a complex organism as a class, children's group, obliges the teacher to be inventive, quick-witted, persistent, and always ready to independently resolve any situations. The teacher is a role model who encourages students to follow him, to emulate a close and accessible role model.

The professionally necessary qualities of a teacher are endurance and self-control. A professional is always, even under the most unexpected circumstances (and there are many of them), obliged to retain a leading position in the educational process. Students should not feel or see any disruptions, confusion or helplessness of the teacher. Also A.S. Makarenko pointed out that a teacher without brakes is a damaged, uncontrollable machine. You need to remember this constantly, control your actions and behavior, not stoop to offending students, and not get nervous over trifles.

The spiritual sensitivity in a teacher’s character is a kind of barometer that allows him to feel the state of students, their mood, and come to the aid of those who need it most. The natural state of a teacher is professional concern for the present and future of their students. Such a teacher is aware of his personal responsibility for the fate of the younger generation.

An integral professional quality of a teacher is fairness. By the nature of his activity, the teacher is forced to systematically evaluate the knowledge, skills, and actions of students. Therefore, it is important that his value judgments correspond to the level of development of schoolchildren. Using them, students judge the teacher’s objectivity. Nothing strengthens the moral authority of a teacher more than his ability to be objective. Prejudice, bias, and subjectivity of the teacher are very harmful to the cause of education. Perceiving students through the prism of their own assessments, a biased teacher becomes a prisoner of schemes and attitudes. The aggravation of relations, conflict, bad manners, broken fate is just a stone's throw away.

The teacher must be demanding. This is the most important condition for its successful work. The teacher first places high demands on himself, because you cannot demand from others what you do not possess yourself. Pedagogical demands must be reasonable. Parenting masters take into account the capabilities of the developing personality.

A sense of humor helps the teacher neutralize the strong tension present in the pedagogical process. No wonder they say: a cheerful teacher teaches better than a gloomy one. In his arsenal there is a joke, a joke, a proverb, a successful aphorism, a friendly trick, a smile - everything that allows you to create a positive emotional background in the class, makes schoolchildren look at themselves and at the situation from a comic side.

Separately, it should be said about the professional tact of the teacher as a special kind of ability to build relationships with students. Pedagogical tact is maintaining a sense of proportion in communicating with students. Tact is a concentrated expression of the mind, feelings and general culture of the teacher. The core of pedagogical tact is respect for the personality of the student. Understanding the students warns the teacher against tactless actions, prompting him to choose the optimal means of influence in a particular situation.

The closer we get to our time, the higher society’s demands on teachers. V. Sukhomlinsky, who worked in the 70s, put the educational aspect of a teacher’s activity in the first place. No matter how “cleansed” of upbringing education may be, he believed, it is, first of all, the moral formation of the human personality. No, there cannot and should not be training that is “not involved” in education. The teacher educates not only with the ideas embedded in knowledge, but also with the way he brings them to the classroom. In learning, it's not just minds that interact. The soul of the teacher comes into contact with the soul of the student.

There is a special magic in the learning process. It is in the tension of the will of the teacher and the will of the student. You need to feel the resistance of the material to feel the special charm of the result.

The conjugation of three quantities: teacher - subject - student - is fraught with danger. The fate of encounters with the subject largely depends on how the relationship develops in the “teacher-student” system. This is not a misconception, but a fact: you cannot love mathematics without having great sympathy for the mathematics teacher. It is impossible to love art without understanding the teacher of literature.

Methodological tricks, of course, are important, without them you won’t be able to reach the mind of a current student. But there are things more important than them: “From the living, the passionate, although imperfect in its qualities, life comes from the living. The teacher is not an angel with wings, and he does not deal with cherubs. From an angel to a hated man in a case glued together from the instructions of his superiors, there is one step. Not an angel, not a soul in a case, not a special kind of creature, as if specially born for teaching, as well as correcting unfortunate children, - a living, earthly, sinful person, understandable to children both in his virtues and in his vices, unfettered - open to children.” . These heartfelt lines about the teacher were written by S. Soloveichik. We hasten to agree with him unconditionally, adding only one note: passion and humanity cannot replace science, but it is possible to make the latter accessible, tangible, visible to a child... only with passion and humanity.

Having been in the shoes of a teacher, N. Gogol left us the image of a handsome eccentric, who, one must think, was understandable and close to the children: “...I must note the same to you about the historical teacher. He’s a scientist, it’s obvious, and he’s picked up a ton of information, but he only explains it with such fervor that he doesn’t remember himself. I listened to him once: well, for now I was talking about the Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing yet, but when I got to Alexander the Great, I cannot tell you what happened to him. I thought it was a fire, by God! He ran away from the pulpit and slammed his chair on the floor with all his might. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs? This is a loss to the treasury.”

Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional ones. The latter usually include those acquired in the process of professional training, associated with the acquisition of special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, and methods of activity. Among them: mastery of the subject of teaching, methods of teaching the subject, psychological preparation, general erudition, broad cultural horizons, pedagogical skill, mastery of teaching technologies, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, mastery of communication technologies, oratory and other qualities.

Scientific passion is a mandatory teacher quality. In itself it cannot and does not have direct significance, but without it the process of moral education is impossible. Scientific interest helps the teacher to develop respect for his subject, not to lose scientific culture, to see and teach students to see the connection of their science with the general processes of human development.

Love for one's professional work is a quality without which there cannot be a teacher. The components of this quality are conscientiousness and dedication, joy in achieving educational results, constantly growing demands on oneself, on one’s teaching qualifications.

The personality of a modern teacher and educator is largely determined by his erudition and high level of culture. Anyone who wants to navigate freely modern world, must know a lot. An erudite teacher must also be a bearer of high personal culture. Whether we like it or not, the teacher always presents a clear example to students; this example should be a kind of standard of how it is accepted and how one should behave.