Art schools. Colleges of the Moscow region Industrial school

Stroganovskoe art school (official name- Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov, abbreviated as MGHPA named after. Stroganov) is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia in the field of monumental, decorative, industrial, applied arts, as well as interior art.

Best education

Currently, MGHPA trains artists in five specialties, seventeen specializations, including specialists in the development of furniture and decorative fabrics, furniture and interior design, specialists in various fields of design, theorists and art historians, sculptors, artists and restorers monumental painting, artists of ceramics, metal and glass, restorers of artistic metal and furniture. Such a wide range of specialties allows university graduates to work in any field of artistic creativity and create the diversity of the objective world that shapes the human environment. During its existence Stroganov School has accumulated many interesting pages of history.

How it all started

In 1825, Count Sergei Stroganov founded a school for training artists of applied and applied arts in Moscow. decorative arts. It will be important to say about the democratic foundations that the count immediately laid: meals and education for students were free, the children of serfs and commoners were accepted into the school, and the criteria for admission to study were not the privileged position of the parents and their wealth, but the ability of the applicant. artistic creativity and drawing, giftedness and talent.

The school was designed for three hundred and sixty people, and in the initial stages training was provided in three specializations: drawing of animals and figures; geometry, drawing, drawing of cars; drawing jewelry and flowers. Already in 1830, an expansion took place - a class of printed technical drawings appeared, then in 1837 a class of clay modeling of figures and decorations was opened.

In 1843, Count Stroganov handed over and it became government agency, receiving a new name - the Second Drawing School. And in 1860 it was transformed into the Stroganov School of Technical Drawing.

Features of the educational process

The educational institution accepted children from twelve years of age, regardless of class. The training lasted five years. The school was designed for two hundred people, fifty of whom “due to poverty” could be exempt from paying educational materials. Upon completion educational institution a diploma of “scientific draftsman” was issued. The Stroganov School in Moscow also included a women's department for fifty students and Sunday drawing classes, where people of all classes and ages could learn the art of painting for free. The educational institution was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Manufactures and Internal Trade of the Ministry of Finance.

In 1901, on February 23, in honor of the seventieth anniversary of its founding, the institution received the official name - Stroganov Central Art and Industrial School - and a plot of land (on Myasnitskaya Street).


After the revolution, in 1918, the Stroganov School was reorganized and included in VKHUTEMAS - the State Free Art Workshop, and it, in turn, was transformed into VKHUTEIN - the Moscow Higher Art and Technical Institute in 1928. In 1930, it split into several independent institutes:

  • art (now MGAHI named after Surikov);
  • architectural (now MArchI);
  • textile (now Moscow State Technical University named after Kosygin);
  • printing (now MGUP named after Fedorov).

New story

In 1945, the Stroganov School was revived under the name Moscow Central Art and Industrial School (abbreviated as MTSKhPU). In 1948, it was renamed again, changing the word “central” to “higher” (MVHPU). The following were taught at the educational institution: famous personalities like N. N. Sobolev, A. V. Kuprin, V. E. Egorov, V. F. Bordichenko, P. V. Kuznetsov, G. I. Motovilov and others. And in 1956, a designed new university building was opened at Volokolamsk Highway, 9. The Stroganov School still has the same address to this day.

In 1960, the reorganization of the MVHPU began, three faculties appeared: interior design and equipment, industrial and monumental and decorative arts. Among similar universities in the country, MVHPU has become the leading one: the standard programs developed here are used in other educational institutions in Russia of this profile. In 1992, the school was once again transformed, now it became known as the Moscow Art and Industrial Institute named after S. G. Stroganov. Since 1996, the word “state” was added to the name, and since 2009, the word “university” was replaced by the word “academy”.

School today

Now the Moscow State Art and Industrial Academy named after S. G. Stroganov acts as a well-organized educational institution that meets all the requirements for ensuring a high-quality level of training for graduates. and lecture courses of general academic departments are supplemented by training provided by core departments. The focus is on practical creative work in numerous workshops and classrooms.

Additional information about the Stroganov School

  • Official website -
  • Rector - Kurasov Sergey Vladimirovich.

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