A lesson in preparation for an essay-reasoning on the moral and ethical topic “the meaning of life in beauty.” The ideal of human beauty Sukhomlinsky external and internal beauty of a person


Beauty is a very individual concept. What one person admires, another will not even look at, and if he does, he will be very surprised, because he will not find anything beautiful there. What is this connected with? Probably, scientists could explain this fact from the point of view of genetics or psychology. But now this is not very interesting for us. We simply accept it as a fact: beauty is individual. This is the first.

Secondly, beauty makes you admire. Beauty attracts. Often it carries some kind of positive energy, cleanses and enlightens. Therefore, we can say that beauty has a higher nature, it is divine.

But this is only true beauty. It happens that we mistake beauty, external shine, for beauty. But this beauty covers up inner poverty, wretchedness, even ugliness or vice. Then we can say that this beauty is from the devil, it destroys. This is exactly what O. Wilde’s novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” is about. The young hero of the work was dazzlingly beautiful in appearance, but this beauty did not extend to his soul. Dorian believed that everything was permissible for him: he needed to use his beauty and youth, fulfilling all his whims and not thinking about others.

But Wilde shows that it is impossible. Laws human nature are such that the ugliness of the soul will certainly be reflected in appearance. Even a magical portrait, “suffering” for the sins of its “master,” did not save the hero. Retribution inevitably comes, and beauty instantly turns into the most disgusting ugliness.

Many items and objects can be beautiful. Animals can be beautiful. People can be beautiful. What is a beautiful person to me? What should he be like for me to admire him?

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegova gives several definitions to the word “beautiful”. In the first place here is the meaning “full of internal content, highly moral.” On the second - “delivering pleasure to the eye, pleasant appearance, harmony, harmony, beautiful.” And only in third place is “attracting attention, spectacular, but meaningless.” Thus, the authors of this dictionary bring inner beauty to the fore.

They consider this the most important, defining sign of beauty. Is this true for me? Of course, I appreciate outwardly beautiful people who have a spectacular, bright appearance, a beautiful figure, and are fashionably and catchily dressed. Such people constantly appear on TV screens, they look at us from the covers of glossy magazines. As a rule, these are the so-called “glamorous people” who lead a fashionable lifestyle.

Of course, at first glance, they are attractive. But, it seems to me, most of them are internally very poor. I'm afraid that when I meet them there will be nothing to talk about, it will just be very boring to be with them. Their external beauty will quickly become familiar, and these “glossy people” will become simply beautiful picture, an interior that you quickly stop noticing.

This means that external beauty alone is not enough. And what is external beauty? How to define it? What is it, regular facial features, beautiful skin, a certain eye color? It seems to me that no, or rather, not only that. Personally, for me, an outwardly beautiful person is a person with glowing eyes, cheerful and cheerful, a person with an open smile, looking directly at you during a conversation. So, beauty is determined for me rather by internal qualities?

Of course, I believe that a beautiful person should be confident, full of dignity, even majestic. These qualities, undoubtedly, are reflected in a person’s appearance, giving him nobility, even aristocracy. Such traits appear in a person’s entire appearance: in his facial expressions, gestures, and gait. It is important to make one more remark here: a beautiful person is not only beautiful face. This is the impression that is created from the entire appearance of a person: his face, figure, manner of dressing and manner of speaking, from his facial expressions and gestures.

In addition, a handsome person must be smart and educated person. Intelligence for me is generally the most important quality in a person. It seems to me that if you have intelligence, then many qualities will be added. An intelligent and confident person simply cannot be ugly.

Also, in my opinion, for a person’s external beauty, the level of his general culture. This culture will manifest itself in everything: how a person looks, what he wears, how he behaves, what books he reads, what music he listens to, what he dreams about.

It is very important for me that a person is cheerful and cheerful, that he glows with happiness and optimism. What could be more beautiful than a wide smile, eyes sparkling with joy, and a light flying gait?

This is Natasha Rostova from L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”. If you “disassemble” the appearance of this heroine by individual features - a large moving mouth, black round eyes, thin arms and legs - then Natasha is not beautiful. But who can say this about her, having seen this person, having observed her in life, in difficult situations, just by talking to her?! This girl is so emotional, sincere, so full of energy with a love of life that she is brighter and more attractive than many “marble” beauties.

In addition, a handsome person, in my opinion, is an enthusiastic person who knows how to love and make friends. This is a person who is interested in living in the world, in his own country. This is a person for whom there are no barriers, boundaries or stereotypes. In general, this is probably free man who knows how to use and enjoy his freedom to the fullest.

Thus, I probably consider a harmonious person to be beautiful. Here keyword, it seems to me, to define beauty. “Harmony” for me is a synonym for the word “beauty”. Only a person who is at peace with himself can look and be beautiful. Only a person who has found the “golden mean” between internal and external can be called beautiful. Only a person who is in harmony with life and himself can be happy.

Consequently, a chain is built that defines my idea of ​​beauty: harmonious - happy - beautiful. I think it is true for most people on our planet.

(manual by N.A. Senina, 2016, option 1)

Since ancient times, people have noticed beauty. Artists depicted it on their canvases, poets - in poetry, and philosophers and thinkers pondered the mystery of true beauty. People have been trying to understand this mystery for centuries.

So what kind of beauty can be called real? The answer to this question is given by Pavel Vasiliev, reflecting on the problem posed.

IN modern world People have a stereotype that beauty is a combination of only external signs. However, this is a big misconception. There is also inner beauty, which has no less, if not more, significance than external beauty. It’s not for nothing that they say that people are greeted by their clothes and seen off by their minds. True beauty is the totality of both appearance and soul. The author of this text writes about this: “Such beauty is as rare a gift of nature for a person as talent or even genius.” The girl is beautiful on the outside, but has flaws on the inside, as her soul is callous. She puts her pressing problems above true universal values, such as helping a loved one. “They’re waiting for me there...” she added with that irritation in her voice that, they say, I don’t have time, but there are some here, - she looked at me expressively...” With the help of such a contrast, the author shows her true ugliness, before which her appearance pales.

Thus, the writer believes that beauty is a combination of external and internal qualities. And I absolutely agree with him.

An attractive appearance does not always indicate a rich inner world. Helen Kuragina in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” has extraordinary beauty. However, it later turns out that this is just a bright wrapper, behind which there is emptiness and spiritual squalor. And Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya are not perfect on the outside, but they are beautiful on the inside. This is what heroines attract people with. The above example proves that the soul sometimes plays much more important than appearance.

Sometimes spiritual beauty can outshine external flaws. Thus, N. Zabolotsky’s poem talks about an ugly girl who looks like a frog. Outwardly she is not pretty, but she is beautiful with her inner originality. Her lively and open soul amazes and attracts the author. Thus, this example proves that a person’s spiritual world can be much more important than his appearance.

To summarize, we can say with confidence: true beauty is not only a bright wrapper, but also a rich inner world. It’s not without reason that they say that you can’t judge a book by its cover.

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Each of us throughout our lives develops our own concept of the norm, the concept of morality, the concept of beauty and, as we know, as many people as there are, so many opinions. What makes up the true beauty of a person? V.A. invites us to think about this question in his text. Sukhomlinsky.

Analyzing this problem, the author brings to our attention a story from the life of the sculptor Myron, whose “Discobolus” became a classic of ancient art and at the same time the most “popular” work of the creator, and someone even calls this statue the pinnacle, the “apotheosis” of all creative activity sculptor. The writer draws our attention to the fact that this work art represents true human beauty, since this sculpture of a man with a disc in his hand represents an image of a person depicted in the process of activity, completely harmonious with it. The author leads us to the idea that the features of this figure are so beautiful because the appearance of this character is “illuminated by inner inspiration” and is depicted through the tension of internal spiritual and physical forces. In other words, V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasizes that the extraordinary beauty of this figure was a combination of anthropological perfection and internal harmony and spirituality.

A truly beautiful person is one whose inner and outer beauty appears in strong tandem and forms a harmonious image. The writer believes that the true beauty of a person consists primarily of the depth of his inner world - morality, activity, spirituality, creative and aesthetic principles. What matters, of course, is anthropological perfection, human health - and only both of these factors, external beauty, purity of thoughts, unity of actions and feelings in the compartment form a complete, harmonious image, which is, in essence, “beauty” in its general understanding .

One cannot but agree with the thought of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Indeed, a person is beautiful in the harmony of feelings, actions, thoughts and, of course, appearance. In the event that a person is engaged in something that gives him sincere pleasure, cares not only about external, but also about internal beauty, develops his spiritual world, does not waste time on immoral activities, values ​​​​his dignity and remains himself - only in this case he can be called truly beautiful.

M. Gorky in the story “Old Woman Izergil” introduces the reader to a hero who is “beautiful” in all respects. Danko, being a romantic image, is initially presented as a strong, beautiful, independent person, but all his inner beauty is revealed in his actions. While saving a pathetic, evil, hypocritical crowd of people from death, he did not think about his own salvation - all his actions were aimed at helping people. Realizing that it was impossible to get out of the forest in pitch darkness, Danko took his flaming heart out of his chest and lit the way for people with it, giving them the opportunity to live and taking this opportunity away from himself. This hero was beautiful not only externally, but also internally, and his altruism and heart blazing with fire became confirmation of this.

Really beautiful and main character D. London's novel "Martin Eden". The writer reveals his image against the backdrop of several layers of the population at once - Martin grew up among the working class, and his formation occurred at a time when he was in close contact with an educated, bourgeois family. However, he was not truly “at home” with anyone - the lower class was disgusted with drunkenness and debauchery, however, those who at first seemed to be an example to him ended up being hypocrites and were smart and deep only at first glance. The hero himself was always morally pure and radiated inner strength and harmony, which is how he was able to win Ruth’s heart, and having discovered the huge world of books, he also began to develop mentally, thereby feeding and cultivating his innate potential. Martin's external beauty, coupled with confidence, morality and writing, created a harmonious, truly beautiful image that attracts and bewitches the reader from the very first lines.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that beauty is not only external, it is not only internal - it is the totality of everything that is in a person, framed by the harmony of thoughts, actions and feelings.

The little prince said very words of wisdom, which not every adult will understand: “Only the heart is vigilant. You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.” He meant that appearance says nothing about a person. The main thing is what is in his soul. Handsome man may turn out to be absolutely immoral, and an unattractive person may turn out to be a person with high moral principles.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Svidrigailov is pleasant in appearance. His appearance does not betray his terrible inner world: the hero is ready to do anything for the sake of his slightest whim. At first glance, it is impossible to see Svidrigailov as a tyrant and rapist.

You can say something completely different about Sonya Marmeladova. Because of her lifestyle, she is pale, thin, and intimidated. But behind this appearance lies a truly beautiful inner world.

Oscar Wilde "The Portrait of Dorian Gray"

As a young man, Dorian makes a wish: he asks that a portrait painted by Basil Hallward grow old in his place. The wish comes true. Beauty becomes the main source of power for a young man. Dorian Gray does not change over the years. His appearance is not spoiled by immoral actions. Behind the beautiful appearance of the young man hides an immoral creature for whom nothing is sacred. People who don't know what this person is capable of don't see anything bad in him. Beauty only outwardly hides moral ugliness. It turns out that appearances are deceiving.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Helen Kuragina is beautiful, but that doesn't make her good person. This woman is immoral, selfish, selfish, stupid. Attractive appearance has nothing to do with the moral qualities of the heroine.

Marya Bolkonskaya's appearance cannot be called attractive. The true beauty of this man is shown in the tall moral principles and moral actions. The heroes, capable of seeing real beauty, did not attach importance to the appearance of Princess Marya.