Ustinova is a personal music TV presenter. Igor Burnyshev, biography, news, photos. Creative biography of Oksana Ustinova

Creative biography Oksana Ustinova

This is a famous member of the Strelka group, and today a successful TV presenter. Oksana Ustinova was brought up in North Ossetia, but in 2001 she came to Moscow to enter higher education. educational institution. According to the information we received from the official website of agent Oksana Ustinova, she began her studies at the Faculty of Economic Statistics at the university. But in 2002, the girl became part of the popular Russian group Strelka, in which she performed for four years. Constant touring, constant performances, recording discs, shooting videos. At that time, her life was very active, which was quite consistent with Oksana’s irrepressible disposition. But when Strelok’s popularity began to decline, the girl decided to leave the team. In 2007, she continued her education and entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, where she began studying vocals. At the same time, chasing new experiences, she went to the casting of the MUZ-TV channel. As a result, Oksana became the host of fashion projects. Her programs include Stylistics, Dreams Come True, and Sofa Bed. She became the presenter at the awards ceremony from the MUZ-TV channel. And then other important ceremonies and events followed. You can order a wedding or corporate event by Oksana Ustinova. She is a very cheerful, active and positive presenter who today leads the fashion project Stylistics. In addition, today she works on Megapolis FM radio and charges listeners with her energy. Undoubtedly, this excellent stylish presenter will become a bright decoration of your celebration. It will be absolutely no problem for you to invite Oksana Ustinova to an event or a holiday with us. We cooperate with this Russian television presenter without intermediaries, so everything organizational issues We will solve it quickly and efficiently! Therefore, you can safely contact us, and we will organize Oksana’s participation in your event.

Organizing an event with Oksana Ustinova

Our concert agency called " Big city» has been offering you a wide range of ideas for your holidays since 2008. We work with the best artists, organize bright entertainment programs. In addition, we have the entire necessary range of services that will allow you to organize any celebration from scratch and on a turnkey basis. You can contact us at any time, and we will be happy to help you. Trust the professionals in their field! To order Oksana Ustinova for a corporate event or a wedding, you can contact any of our employees by phone. For our team, the most important goal is a great celebration, without failures and at the highest level! Waiting for you!

Viewers of the musical federal TV channel are well acquainted with Oksana Ustinova, who has successfully led many popular programs. In addition, at the dawn of her youth, the girl performed as a singer, being a member of the girl pop group “Strelki”.

The beginning of the journey

The early years of the biography of Oksana Ustinova passed far from the center Russian show business. She was born in the city of Aprelevka, in the Moscow region, in 1984. However, her family soon left the prosperous region and moved to Vladikavkaz, the capital of North Ossetia. It was in this proud Caucasian republic that Oksana Ustinova spent her childhood and youth.

Until a certain moment, the girl dreamed of becoming a flight attendant; she was seduced by the romance of constant flights and travel to foreign countries. However, Oksana’s parents sought to instill in her a taste for beauty and already at the age of six they sent their daughter to music school. Soon she got involved in her studies and changed her dream, wanting to shine on stage as an artist.

Ustinova studied well at school and could safely count on entering any university. She decided to leave Vladikavkaz and went to Moscow, where, unlike hundreds of thousands of other provincial girls, she nevertheless entered college. Or rather, not to the institute, but to the Russian State Social University, where I began to diligently study economic statistics.


The life of a student in a capital city far from her parents is poor and hungry, so Oksana Ustinova began working as a waitress after classes. Working with people involves a lot of acquaintances, one of which became fateful for Ustinova, who was invited to join the popular pop group Strelki in the nineties.

In 2002, the girl group was at the height of its popularity; for a young girl from Ossetia, participating in performances and recording videos became an unforgettable experience. A native of Aprelevka toured with her new friends around Russian cities for about four years, after which Strelok was finally closed.

However, Oksana Ustinova, whose photos began to appear on the pages of magazines, finally “fell ill” with music and firmly decided to develop in this direction. To this end, in 2007 she successfully entered the department of pop-jazz vocals at the institute contemporary art.


The restless girl simply physically could not sit idle and limit herself to studying. Having learned about the recruitment of employees at Muz TV, she decisively went to the casting of the hosts of the popular music channel. Bright, musical Oksana made an indelible impression on the personnel officers of Muz TV; after trial filming, she was approved as the host of the Stylistics project, dedicated to issues of fashion and style.

In addition, the girl is subsequently entrusted with the most important task on television - live broadcasting. As part of the “Sofa Bed” and “Dreams Come True” shows, she directly communicated with television viewers, easily and naturally finding common language with the most difficult interlocutors.

Having proven herself in an excellent way, Oksana Ustinova receives two responsible areas of work at the Muz TV 2009 award. She hosted the ceremony on the red carpet, where she greeted guests, and also talked with the award nominees in the VIP lobby.

In addition, the girl successfully coped with the role of hosts of two huge concerts - “Graduate 2009” on Red Square and an event dedicated to the Day cities.

Personal life

A few years ago Oksana Ustinova got married, her chosen one beautiful girl became a member of the Band'Eros group. The wedding took place in a very narrow circle; only the closest friends of the newlyweds were invited. In February 2017, the young couple became parents. The birth of a child star family also did not advertise or announce the gender of the baby.

Oksana Ustinova is a singer who began her career back in 2002 and 12 years later triumphantly returned to music show business with a solo project. Also known as the wife of a musician who became popular thanks to the group. The spouses promote Oksana’s work together and often work in collaboration.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Evgenievna Ustinova was born on April 15, 1984 in the city of Aprelevka. Soon after the girl’s birth, her parents moved to North Ossetia, and Oksana spent her childhood years in Vladikavkaz. The childhood dream of the future celebrity was to become a flight attendant, but over time this desire faded into the background - Oksana discovered a talent for music. At the age of 6, her parents sent their daughter to a music school.

In 2001, after finishing secondary school, the girl went to Moscow to get higher education. Based on the results of the entrance exams, Oksana managed to enter the RSSU Faculty of Economics and Statistics, but soon had to part with this university. The student managed to pass the casting and become a member of a group that was popular in the late 1990s.

Music and television

Although Oksana understood that the group’s popularity had already reached its peak, she did not refuse the chance to get into music show business. The girl worked at Strelki until 2006. After this, there was a lull in the singer’s creative biography for some time - having decided to receive a specialized education, Oksana entered the Institute of Contemporary Art and began studying pop-jazz vocals.

A year later, a new specialty appeared in the girl’s career - she was invited to work as a presenter on the popular Muz-TV channel. There, until 2012, Oksana could be seen in the programs “Sofa Bed”, “Dreams Come True”, “Muz Chart” and other projects. The girl repeatedly acted as a presenter at the Muz-TV awards. Another job was radio: on Megapolis FM the singer hosted the programs “Test” and “Wild Evening”.

This time she did not give up her studies and, in parallel with the institute and work, tried not to forget about her own musical career. In 2011, Oksana founded the Einstein Girls group, but this project as a whole was unsuccessful and did not gain popularity.

Oksana Ustinova and Burito perform the song “Light a Fire”

Return to full-time solo work in music show-business took place in 2014. Then Oksana, at the insistence of her husband Igor Burnyshev, took up the Ustinova project and even recorded a cover version of the song “Start a Fire” with her husband. After 3 years, however, I had to take time out due to pregnancy and the birth of a child.

In 2018, Oksana, already not only a wife, but also a mother, decided to take an adventure - she passed the casting to participate in the music show “SONGS”. According to the singer, it was not easy, having already become an adult, independent and accomplished person, to return to the category of “girls who are being evaluated.”

It was not possible to last long in the competition on TNT - Oksana dropped out of the competition at the stage of the 2nd selection. The singer’s creativity did not impress her either. She herself explains the failure by the fact that “intelligent music” (as Oksana characterizes her genre) does not fit the format of the show and the expectations of the jury members.

Apparently, the singer herself didn’t really like the show either. At least in the account "Instagram" Ustinova wrote that she was frankly happy about this turn of events, because a wife and mother should not waste time on a reality show.

Oksana Ustinova's song “Dream”

However, motherhood did not interfere with her solo career: in the spring of 2018, Oksana released the track “Dream” - lyrical song, written 15 years ago by her husband. To a composition that talks about hope and revelation deep feelings, a touching clip was shot, the focus of which is Oksana herself.

Personal life

The singer is a deep personality looking for unconventional ways for self-development. Oksana's hobby is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This is a teaching and dynamic practice within the framework of classical hatha yoga. Like many yoga practitioners, the girl adheres to a vegetarian diet and is a convinced pacifist. Judging by the singer's photo on Instagram, Oksana regularly travels to India and is interested in the country's culture - even the signature of her account on the photo network is made in Hindi.

The girl met her future husband, lead singer of the Band’Eros group Igor Burnyshev, under New Year, during a trip to a charity concert in a Tula orphanage. The young people quickly found a common language and within a month they began living together, although it was not an easy decision. Both of them were in a relationship at that time, Oksana had to break up with her boyfriend, and Igor had to leave the woman with whom he lived for 4 years.

The couple got married only 3 years after they met, when feelings stood the test of time. They did not have a lavish wedding; neither Oksana nor Igor wanted this - for them, marriage became a serious, but personal step.

In February 2017, there was an addition to the family’s personal life - the couple had a son, Luka. Oksana takes a responsible and philosophical approach to the issue of motherhood. She believes that a child is not the property of the parents, but individual, for which the mother, although she is responsible, does not have the right to tell her how to live.

Oksana Ustinova now

Now Oksana’s main activities are running her own project Ustinova and family. It is important for the singer to give as much time as possible to little Luka.

At the end of 2018, the performer presented fans new clip to the song “No need to cry.” The song was written in the creative tandem of Igor and Oksana, and the main actor The video was again narrated by the singer herself.

Oksana Ustinova's song “No need to cry”

Judging by the intensity with which Ustinova and her husband are working on Oksana’s career, 2019 promises to be a fruitful year for the singer. Fans can rest assured that new songs and videos await them, as well as, possibly, recordings of joint compositions by the creative couple.


  • 2013 - "Melancholia"
  • 2015 - “Mysticism” (feat. Zvonky)
  • 2016 - “Stay with me”
  • 2017 - “Light the Fire” (feat. Burito)
  • 2018 - "Dream"
  • 2018 - “No need to cry”

Oksana was born on April 15, 1984 in the Moscow region, Aprelevka, but spent her childhood in the Republic of North Ossetia Alania, Vladikavkaz, so she had a fairly conservative upbringing. As a child, she dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, and already at the age of 13 she realized that only music was her true passion. At the age of 6, her parents sent her to a music school.

Oksana Ustinova is fond of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, is a supporter of vegetarian nutrition, is active and healthy image life, generally stands for world peace. He is also interested in the secrets of the universe, esotericism and astrology.


2001 - entered the Faculty of Economic Statistics of the Russian State Social University.

2002 - by the will of fate, she turned out to be a member of the (popular at that time) girl group “Strelka”.

2007 - entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, faculty of pop-jazz vocals

2008 - presenter on the MUZ-TV channel of the projects “Dreams Come True”, “Sofa-Bed”, “Stylists”, “10 Most ...”, “Muz-Chart”, an episode in the sitcom “Teacher’s”.

2009 - presenter of “Graduate 2009” on Red Square.

Best of the day

2009 - host of the concert in honor of “City Day” on Pushkinskaya.

2009 Muz-TV Award 2009 - host of the red carpet and VIP foyer.

2010 Muz-TV Award 2010 - backstage host together with Timur Solovyov.

2010 - presenter at the radio station "Megapolis FM" in the project "Checking" in the program "Wild Evening" together with Rita Chelmakova and Pavel Dikan.

2011 - soloist and founder of the Einstein Girls group.

Singer Date of birth April 15 (Aries) 1984 (35) Place of birth Aprelevka Instagram @ustinovao

Oksana Ustinova is one of those few singers who, having finished performing in a group, achieve success in solo career. But the girl gained considerable popularity simply by working as a TV presenter. For a long time Music lovers associated Oksana with the role beautiful girl on a music channel.

Biography of Oksana Ustinova

Oksana was born in small town Aprelevka. However, almost immediately after her birth, her parents moved to North Ossetia. Thanks to this, Ustinova, even as an adult, adhered to conservative views both in clothing and behavior.

WITH early years Oksana was very interested in music. That is why Ustinova was very happy when, at the age of 6, her parents brought her to study at a music school.

Another childhood passion of Oksana was the image of a flight attendant. As a teenager, Ustinova dreamed of traveling and working as a flight attendant on airplanes. However, when the results of many years of studying music became noticeable, Oksana realized that music was her calling.

After graduation high school in 2001, Ustinova submitted documents to the State Social University of Russia to the Faculty of Economics and Statistics, and was accepted based on the exam results. The girl did not give up her dream of a musical career, but she wanted to get a higher education.

Sudden start of her musical career occurred in 2002. Then Ustinova went through several stages of national selection and became one of the participants in the Strelki group. Then Oksana left her studies at the university. Performances as part of the group continued until 2006. And after the end of the contract with the producers of the group, Ustinova left.

Wanting to pursue a solo project in the future, Oksana entered the Institute of Contemporary Art in 2007. There the girl studied pop-jazz vocals. At the same time, since 2008, Ustinova began to appear as a presenter music programs and charts on the MUZ-TV channel. The very next year she was the host of the city day concert. A few months later, Ustinova met the stars of the music scene before the MUZ-TV awards and interviewed them. A year later, at the same event, Oksana got the role of presenter in the backstage.

Since 2010, Ustinova worked as a DJ at the Megapolis FM radio station, and in 2011 Oksana founded her own musical group, Einstein Girls. However, the project was not successful, and in 2014 the star returned to the music scene with the successful solo project Ustinova.

Happy Bondarchuk and Andreeva, forever young Pugacheva and other celebrities at the premiere of the film “Attraction”

The ex-fiancé of Irina Toneva became the husband of the TV presenter

Personal life of Oksana Ustinova

At the end of 2008, during a charity trip to a Tula orphanage, Oksana met musician and singer Igor Burnyshev. In just a couple of days of communication, they became very close and fell in love with each other. At that time, the girl, like Igor, were in a long-term relationship. For the sake of Burnyshev, Ustinova left her boyfriend, and Igor left Irina Toneva, with whom he had previously lived for four years.

The couple began living together a month after they met. And after three years of civil marriage, the lovers got married. The newlyweds did not celebrate their wedding. In mid-February 2017, the couple had a son, Luca.