What is the peculiarity of Vedic culture? What is the Vedic culture of vegetarianism. Vedic ideas about time

The Vedas appeared around the 16th century BC. e. and it is interesting that in Vedic culture God is called Krishna, due to this the culture can be attributed to Hinduism.

Vedic culture appeared before Christ or after

Vedic culture cannot be 100% classified as a sect; many argue about this.

Free online interpretation dreams – to get results, enter dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

This is their own culture, their own teaching, but at the same time they do not impose their views on others.

Vedic culture for women of the Slavs and ancient Slavs of the Aryans

The goal of this culture among the ancient Slavic Aryans is to achieve spiritual perfection, to find oneself.

There is information that the payment for a love spell is inherited in the form of a family curse.

The entire clan of the customer suffers, down to the seventh generation.

A love spell is a terrible thing.

In essence, it is damage that cripples the victim, his health and his entire life in general.

You won’t envy the one who committed this black crime - the consequences of the love spell for the customer will be terrible.

— Consequences of a love spell

Vedic religion of the ancient Slavs, ancient Russian worldview

The ancient Slavs were vedas from the words “to know”, “to know”. The peaceful religion that came to them from Ancient India.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers given from above.

For development internal forces It requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that may be overshadowed by moving to dark side, if there is not enough strength to restrain yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but yours life choice and the strength that is given higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose, which you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision similar to prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Vedic culture, faith and religion in Ukraine, Russia, India in our time

Today, in Ukraine, Russia and India there are still people professing this culture.

Vedic culture in pre-Christian Rus'

This culture originated long before Christianity. The main thing for people of that time was to do good deeds and achieve harmony.

Receiving theoretical knowledge, we must balance it by applying it in our real life. Every information we receive should become part of either my activity or my meditation. If I apply spiritual knowledge, translate knowledge into practice, jnana into vijnana, then I rise from the platform of goodness to the transcendental level.

It is not enough to be clean, it is not enough to be orderly, you must also be practical, which means looking for solutions to problems. This is what distinguishes gosthi-anandi from bhajan-anandi. Goshthi...

Vedic education system.

Vedic education system We are starting to study Vedic works and therefore, first, we will discuss the Vedic education system itself.

Eat different systems and they differ in the tasks they set.

These tasks are shaped by the worldview that is dominant at a given time in a given country. What is the idea of ​​education now - to give a person a decent salary with the least amount of physical effort. In a word, this idea is the desire to...

First, a few words about the Vedas. The Vedas are the most ancient knowledge, the oldest scriptures, the remains of which are preserved in India and Russia. Previously, there was only one knowledge on Earth - the Vedas, and only one spiritual culture - Vedic.

The Vedic scriptures have answers to essentially all questions, including questions about the end of the world.

The end of the world is inevitable, since life has its own cycles and moves in circles. It's like day and night in a day - one replaces the other, repeating itself endlessly, or, better...

Let's do it brief overview content and core of the Vedic religion.

Nothing could be simpler and grander than this religion, in which deep naturalism merges with transcendental spirituality. Before dawn, the head of the family stands in front of an altar made of earth, on which burns a fire lit with two pieces of dry wood.

In this activity, the head of the family is at the same time the Father, the Priest, and the King of sacrifice. At that time, says the Vedic poet, when dawn...

You may already know some secrets, for example, you have heard the expression that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” But for many this remains theoretical, and it is not clear how it is applied at all.

The Vedas are not a creation of human wisdom. Vedic knowledge came from spiritual world, from Lord Krishna. Another name for the Vedas is shruti. The word shruti refers to knowledge that is acquired through hearing. This is not empirical knowledge.

Shruti can be likened to a mother. We learn a lot from our mother. For example, if you want to know who your father is, who can answer you? Only your mother. If your mother says, “Here is your father,” then you will have to agree with it. Determine the identity of the father...

According to Western science, this stage began in the first half of the 1st millennium BC. and lasted until about the 7th–6th centuries. BC According to the ideas of the Hindus themselves, the religion of the Vedas originated much earlier: 6 thousand years ago (or even 100 thousand years ago - as H. P. Blavatsky writes).

The Vedic period takes its name from the Vedas, which was the main sacred text and religious authority of Hindus not only during the Vedic period, but even to this day. Sometimes this period of Indian religion is called Vedism...

Anyone can choose their place of life, but how?...

In the spiritual worlds, living beings are constantly in a state of caring for everything around them, and therefore in ever-increasing happiness, they do not age and live forever.

In our material Universe, which has the shape of a ball, there is a tendency to first take care of oneself, happiness is limited by the framework of matter, which itself is by its nature limited both in space and in time. Therefore, inveterate materialists, attached exclusively to...

We often talk about various types cultures, compare them. Someone claims that their culture is better than the culture of other peoples, showing their advantages. And indeed, one can be convinced of the wealth of knowledge, traditions, and achievements that are present in them. But there is another culture in the world that existed initially and only 5000 years ago it began to disappear, although we can observe its echoes in the cultures of all countries and peoples. This Vedic culture , a culture that was brought to our world by the Aryans, who were considered a perfect race. And if you study it, you can see how much they gave to our world.

People often ask what does it mean expression "Vedic culture"? If we turn to linguistics, the word “Vedic” comes from the Sanskrit word “Veda”, which means knowledge, wisdom. The word "culture" can be broken down into two words - "cult" and "ra". The word "cult" means worship, reverence. The word "ra" refers to the Sun God, his radiance. All together this means "worship of shining wisdom". And this was the basis of the culture of the ancient Aryans, who gave us the Vedas.

Their whole life was aimed at self-awareness and establishing a lost connection with God. This applied to everything: science, art, philosophy, medicine, astrology, cooking, politics, family relationships and much more. The aspect of God was present in everything they did, serving God was the meaning of their lives. And they actually managed to constantly communicate with God and the demigods. People often ask why God came to Earth only in the territory modern India. The answer is very simple - they called him there, they waited for him, they loved him. After all, we most like to come to a place where we are loved and appreciated.

Such a close relationship with God allowed the Aryans qualitatively improve your life in this world. That is why they were able to achieve such heights in:

  • Architecture (vastu). Archaeologists are amazed by the perfect architecture found in cities that are 5,000 years old. Modern architects also resort to vastu knowledge. Feng Shui emerged from Vastu.
  • Medicine (Ayurveda). Formed the basis for numerous areas of oriental and modern medicine. Currently recognized as official alternative medicine.
  • Astrology (jyotish). It is still considered the most accurate astrology.
  • Astronautics. Scientists are trying to unravel the riddle of vimanas - aircraft, which were used by the Aryans. They are similar to the description of a UFO.
  • The art of war. Modern scientists have discovered decay products as a result of atomic explosion in India, which are more than 5000 years old. The military is trying to unravel the mystery of the nuclear weapons (brahmastra) that existed in those days. And not only him, in lately they turned to ancient Vedic treatises to improve the modern art of war.
  • Music and dance. It is still believed that studying the art of the Aryans can achieve perfection in life.
  • Politics. Here one cannot fail to mention the social structure of varnashrama-dharma, which helped not only to achieve heights in self-awareness, but also allowed each member of society to make the most effective use of their abilities. The people of the state were happy and contented. It should also be noted that there was once single state on Earth, whose capital Hastinapur was located on the territory of modern India, which indicates competent political leadership.
  • Philosophy and psychology. Based on them, there are currently many directions in these areas, but with a narrower specialization. Following Vedic psychology and philosophy helps a person to get rid of suffering forever and achieve perfection in his life.

This list can be continued for a long time. There is no area in which the Aryans would not excel. But the main thing is that it was the only culture in the world that did not separate peoples, but united them among themselves. After all, the concept of "Aryans" did not refer to the nation, it meant internal state, way of thinking and acting. And any person who turns to serving the Supreme Truth and follows the instructions of the sacred Vedic texts can become an Aryan.

The fact that this culture unites people different nationalities and religions, is confirmed by the fact that on the territory of modern India there is still a fairly large number of religious beliefs. The principles that have been preserved in the culture of modern India help them coexist and develop.

These principles are applicable not only in Indian culture but also in the culture of people all over the world. Turning to ancient Vedic knowledge, building your life in accordance with them, a person can reach unprecedented heights in his spiritual development and acquisition of material well-being, since this knowledge and this culture were given to people by God Himself.

In the process of searching and realizing our soul and body, we resort to a variety of methods and methods. One of them, today, is an appeal to ancient religions and the origins of our ancestors. The basics of such a concept as Vedic culture may help to get closer to the truth through a complete analysis of the traditions and rituals of the ancient Slavs.

The Vedic culture of the Slavs originated long before this happened important event in history, like the Baptism of Rus'. It is far from new and is also typical for other countries and continents, in particular for the mysterious India. The pagan faith itself, which developed over many years, was called Orthodoxy among the Slavs. The Vedic culture of the ancient Slavs consisted not only of daily routines, traditions and rituals. Its main aspect was the internal desire of the people to spiritual development and education. With the acceptance of baptism and as faith in Christ developed, tribute to such a faith as the Vedic culture began to fade. Moscow and other cities are still striving to return and revive the habits and ways of the ancient Slavs in order to deal with the problems modern world, by the methods of our ancestors.

Vedic culture of the ancient Slavs

Ancient Slavic people, who were descendants of the Scythians, called themselves Aryans. Which, translated from Sanskrit, means one who brings good. No wonder this name was chosen. After all, it is light, goodness and goodness that are the main aspects that the Slavic Vedic culture carried. Each of the members of the community of our ancestors lived and died in order to bring good to the world and to each other. Each person was supposed to be useful to the other. All discontent and problems could only be resolved by a council. This means unanimous agreement of the entire team regarding a particular issue. The Vedic culture of Rus' was distinguished by the fact that in the course of solving the problem, the interests of each of the parties were taken into account. And at the end, by a council decision, a verdict was issued that would suit all those taking part in the dispute. With the help of the same system, trade was carried out, and in general, relationships between people took place.

But the main thing that distinguishes the today’s world from such a concept as Russian Vedic culture is awareness, knowledge and understanding. This is where the word Vedic culture comes from: a knower is one who knows and comprehends the meaning. This is what the ancient Slavs gave their lives to. Filling ourselves, striving for a connection with God - all these are features of the faith of our ancestors, which we should learn from.

There was a recent post about Vedic cooking and meat eating
(Andrey Ignatiev).

Continuation of his thoughts on the topic “Vedic culture” and Hinduism.
There is an addition to the post “. And about “Vedic astrology.

“I think that everyone knows what a hypnotic effect the adjective “Vedic” has on many lovers of India (this can only be compared with the popularity of everything “Aryan” among specific circles). All you hear is: “Vedic culture”, “Vedic scriptures”, “Vedic astrology”, “Vedic cosmology”, “Vedic cooking”, “Vedic book of death”. And recently I read about the publication of the book “Vedic Rules of Success” (which Vedic yuppies are probably reading).

Let us note right away that in scientific works In Indology, you won’t find the word “Vedic” in Russian (it is replaced by the harsher-sounding word “Vedic”, for example “Vedic language”, “Vedic mythology”). Moreover, the vast majority of scientists would consider the very mention of “Vedic scriptures” to be in bad taste.

Let's start with the fact that the “Vedic culture”, as the Hare Krishnas-Prabhupadas and all sorts of “Vedists” imagine it, never existed in nature at all, and all fantasies about it have nothing in common with the culture of the Aryans at the time of the creation of the Vedas.

Usually some elements of the culture of later Hinduism are passed off as “Vedic culture”.

The problem here is that many do not understand the obvious fact that in India there has never been “ancient wisdom” as something frozen and immobile, that religion and culture are always in the process of change.

Here is what the most prominent Indologist of the twentieth century, R.N., wrote about this. Dandekar (1909-2001): “In Indological studies there has clearly been a tendency to exaggerate the importance of the Vedic-Aryan element for the entire complex Indian culture. Proponents of this point of view argue that the Vedas have a huge contribution to the formation of the Indian way of life and thinking over the centuries. It comes to the point that ancient Indian culture, or more precisely, Hindu culture as a whole, is often called Vedic culture. But even a cursory analysis of the Hindu way of life and thinking reveals the complete inconsistency of such characteristics.

The main gods of the Vedic pantheon, such as Indra and Varuna, are no longer objects of worship, and their place has long been occupied by the folk gods - Vishnu and Rudra-Shiva. Non-Vedic mythology and demonology are introduced into Hinduism, responding to the instinctive need of people to color and decorate religion. Developed and refined during the Brahmana period and revived and reorganized during the Sutra period, the complex system of sacrifices, which was considered perhaps the highest achievement of Vedic religious practice, has by now almost died out.

The deep philosophical speculations of the Upanishads […] have either undergone major changes or even given way to others philosophical systems […].

In other words, the ideals proclaimed in the Vedas have long ceased to be exclusive driving force Indian way of life and thoughts.
Therefore, the statement that not a single literary work has had or is having an impact on cultural life India to the same extent as the Vedas.

It is necessary to understand that Vedic Brahmanism ceased to exist long ago, and main force Hinduism became the social and religious life of India, which, although tradition traces it directly to the Vedas, from a historical point of view has absorbed more non-Vedic than Vedic elements.
A literary works, which left an indelible mark on the socio-religious life of Hindus, are not so much the Vedas as folk epics.”
(Note that R.N. Dandekar himself by birth belonged to a Brahmin clan, which traces its ancestry to the legendary rishi Vasishtha, the alleged author of several hymns of the Rigveda).

By the way, the “Vedic scriptures” that the Hare Krishna Prabhupadas love to refer to (I don’t even want to talk about the ancestral neo-pagans with their “Book of Veles”), “Bhagavad Gita” and “Bhagavata Purana” (which they call exclusively “Srimad- Bhagavatam") belong, in fact, the first to the epic, and the second to the Puranas.

Among the entire corpus of Prabhupada's literature, only the Isha Upanishad (Sri Ishopanishad) can be classified as “Vedic scriptures”. However, not only does this term itself sound comical (like a parody of the “Holy Scripture” among the Orthodox), but its very use indicates a lack of understanding of the specifics of ancient Indian culture in which sacred texts were not written down, but were passed on from mouth to mouth.

The “Vedic cosmology” described in the book of the same name by Airavata Das and Akif Manaf Jabir is also the cosmology of the Puranas, not the Vedas.

The cosmology of the Rigveda is quite simple. The universe is divided into three lokas (worlds or regions): dyahus (heaven), antariksha (middle world) and prithivi (earth).

In the Puranas, we see a much more complex system, for which the key significance is not the number “three”, but the number “seven”.
Later Hindus imagined the universe in the form of an egg of “Brahmanda”, i.e. “Brahma egg”, which is divided into 21 levels, and flat earth(divided into seven concentrically located continents, separated by oceans of different substances) occupies the seventh level from the top.

Above the earth there are six heavens of increasing splendor, and below the earth there are seven levels of patala (underworld), and below them there are seven more levels of naraka (hell), and the lower the level, the more woeful is the stay there.

Loka in the Hindu view is not a planet at all, as those who adapt to modern science Prabhupadas, but a flat level of being (another term is used to designate the planet - “graha”).

Regarding « Vedic astrology», then there was no trace of it, just like “ Avestan astrology"Hoaxer Pavel Globa.

The Vedic Aryans had some astronomical knowledge, but it was used to calculate the time of sacrifices, and not at all to predict the future. In that early era The interpretation of dreams and omens, as well as physiognomy, served this purpose.

Traditional Indian astrology appeared only during the time of the Guptas, so it cannot be called “Vedic”.
The question arises as to how Indian it was, because India took much of its astrological and astronomical knowledge from Mesopotamia and the Greeks.

So, from the West, Indians borrowed the signs of the zodiac, the seven-day week, the hour and some other concepts. Those who want to get to know the real Indian astrology I refer to the famous work of Al-Biruni “India” (M., 1995).

But the most curious term is, perhaps, "Vedic cooking" If the book “Vedic Culinary Art” published by Prabhapadas begins with an article ardently promoting vegetarianism, then the real menu of the Vedic Aryans, sad as it may sound for fans of the herbivorous lifestyle, included meat, including beef, which I already wrote about:
In conclusion, I would like to recommend that those who seriously seek to find out what the Vedic culture was like get acquainted with a serious scientific literature on this issue, and not with the “works” of dreamers and hoaxers.

Was last modified: March 14th, 2019 by consultant