Supreme Court: the school legally collected money from parents for repairs. School fees: what can a school take money from parents for?

Schools are, in principle, allowed to provide paid services. There is even a corresponding article (No. 45) in the Law “On Education”. It states that state and municipal educational institutions have the right to ask for payment for additional educational services:

  • additional training educational programs;
  • teaching special courses and cycles of disciplines;
  • tutoring;
  • classes with students in in-depth study of subjects;
  • other services not provided for by state educational standards.

The types and forms of additional educational services are determined by the charter of each specific school.

That is, you can build a financial relationship with the school if you want to agree on an individual schedule or additional classes for your child. Ordinary syllabus entirely financed by the state.

Article 45 of the Law “On Education” categorically stipulates that:

  • all paid services must be carried out on the basis of written individual agreements with each parent;
  • all cash circulation at the school must go through a cash register or parents must be given receipts to pay for services through the bank;
  • All financial statements must be recorded in the school accounting department.

Forget about receipts

It happens like this: a child goes to school, a gymnasium class, a public school, and the mother is asked to write a receipt stating that she agrees to pay for additional educational services. Forget about receipts! You don't want to pay for abstract "additional services." Insist on an agreement! It will describe in detail what exactly should be included in these additional services and the prices for them. This way you can control whether your child received all the services you paid for. And if you are not satisfied with something, contact the relevant authorities with this agreement.

No: “You’ll work on repairs!”

Very often, parents who do not have the opportunity to chip in for the needs of the class are forced to work off these contributions on school renovations or purchase building materials. Usually they are obliged to do this by the parent meeting. So, such decisions of parent meetings are considered a gross violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on education. (Representation of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2006 No. 21-22-06 “On eliminating violations of the legislation guaranteeing the right to receive basic general education».)

About extortion without a contract

If the school is obliged to conclude an agreement with parents for paid services, then an attempt by the administration to draw up an agreement to provide assistance to the educational institution in the form of monetary contributions - in cash or by bank transfer - is prosecuted by law. The same applies to agreements on assistance in the form of property. That is why funds for the needs of the school are collected from parents without any agreements.

However, money for individual emerging needs - be it additional teaching aids, breakfasts... – can only be gathered on a voluntary basis. If at a parent meeting they were talking about an offer to help and they said something like this: “Dear parents, our school does not have a photocopier. If you can buy it, that's good." In this case, parents can simply explain to the teacher that they do not have such an opportunity.

It’s another matter if at a meeting they talk about the need to contribute money to buy a photocopier or something else. Here you already need to submit a written complaint to Rosobrnadzor. Because the school is obliged to carry out all this from the funds that are allocated to it in accordance with funding from the municipal budget (if it is a municipal school) or, accordingly, from the regional budget (if it is a school of regional subordination). That is, by contributing money to the school fund, parents actually cover the inability of the school founders to cope with their tasks.

Reference. The school foundation is a legal entity that must be legalized by relevant documents. Ask the school for its program so you know where and what your money will go to, meet the head of the fund. After that, it’s up to you to decide whether to deposit money or not.

We are looking for a way out

From all of the above, it is clear that parents are not obliged to chip in for the needs of the school, they should not help with repairs or purchase textbooks. However, often the administration collects money from parents not from a good life. Many schools are underfunded. Especially in the regions, in the outback. Of course, you don't have to hand over the money. But then you need to be prepared for the fact that your children will study from shabby textbooks, sit in shabby classrooms, and eat poorly.

So the idea of ​​cash fees is partly reasonable and justified. And then everything depends on the specifics - who exactly collects, for what purposes. For example, money can be collected by a parent committee - then you just need to choose the most proactive and responsible person, who will present an estimate of expenses, and then will keep records of funds received and submit a report on their expenditure. It’s more difficult if the money is collected by the class teacher - asking for a report can be simply inconvenient.

If the money was contributed as a gift to the cash desk or to the school account, then, according to the law, the recipient (that is, the school) is not required to report on what exactly the money was spent on.

For healthy learning

Schools should provide two meals a day for extended-day groups and hot breakfasts for other children. At the request of parents, lunch can also be provided (SanPiN–02).

If your child is prone to colds, tell the teacher about it. Children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, colds, and sore throats should be seated further from the outer wall (SanPiN–02).

Children must be vaccinated at school. But parents have the right to refuse this (Article No. 12 of the Law “On the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases”).

The class size should not exceed 25 people. And the duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. Children in after-school care should walk for at least one and a half hours a day (SanPiN

You can appeal the actions of the school administration to the inspectorate of the education management body (Rosobrnadzor), to which the educational institution is subordinate, to the prosecutor's office or to the court. Weekly magazine “Everything for a Woman” No. 41. On sale from October 9

All rights to this material belong to the magazine “Everything for a Woman.”.

In Russia, school time means serious expenses for parents. At the same time, as practice shows, the first place in the expense item is levies. They meet in real life almost everywhere. School units in the Russian Federation are completely free. Are there regular collections at school? Where to complain in this case? And is it even worth doing this? We will have to answer all this further.


What does the law say about this? Previously, everything was simple and clear. Every citizen of the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution, has the right to receive free school, preschool and secondary vocational education. It is enough to study Article 43 of the mentioned code of laws.

Extortion at school? Where to complain? Every parent will have to think about this question. After all, current legislation indicates that education in schools should be free.

New norms

At the same time, in 2013, some changes were made to the Law “On Education”. Article 101 states that educational institutions can provide paid services.

There is only one nuance here - they should not be imposed. Parents must enter into a separate agreement with the school for the provision of paid services and only after that transfer funds to the account educational institution.

Sources of school funding

Extortion from parents in schools? Where can I complain about them? First, you need to figure out what you will have to pay for.

In total, educational institutions have several sources of profit:

  • federal funds;
  • regional budget;
  • schools' own money.

Accordingly, educational institutions can collect funds for their needs in one way or another.

About Federal payments

Now a few words about each type of financing. Let's start with federal payments. They are allocated to educational institutions from the state treasury from year to year.

This money goes towards teacher salaries, school modernization, and textbooks and workbooks. In addition, new equipment and benefits are purchased from the federal budget.

Do fees in schools violate the rights of parents? Where to complain in this or that case? To answer all of this accurately, you'll have to figure out which fundraisers are legal.


The next type of financing is funds from the regional budget. Each city allocates enough money annually for school institutions.

What are such funds spent on? They should go towards maintaining the school and repairing it. Municipalities usually have no problems with financing.

Own savings

Where can I complain about fees at school? It is worth paying attention to the fact that collecting money in schools is not always illegal. According to the new rules, paid services can be provided to parents and students. And, accordingly, citizens will have to pay. This is fine.

The school’s own budget is formed from voluntary (this is important) donations from parents and organizations, from the rental of property, as well as from paid services and charity. These are the main sources of profit.

But it is not entirely clear what needs to be paid for, and what really constitutes extortion. Let's look at typical situations in schools in more detail.

Basic expenses

Where can I complain about fees at school? Chelyabinsk or any other city in the Russian Federation is not so important. The main thing is that similar cases are considered in the same bodies. But more about them later. First of all, we must understand when the rights of parents and children are truly violated.

Most often, meetings raise money for workbooks, textbooks, manuals, school supplies, as well as for classroom renovations. Oddly enough, you really have to pay for manuals that are not part of the standard school curriculum. But nothing more. There is no need to transfer money for notebooks and textbooks financed by the state budget. This violates the rights of parents.

What about repairs? It all depends on the situation. If one of the parents wants to install a new desk for their child or update the entire classroom, then it is the initiator who must pay. Others should not be forced to fund new school furniture.

Nevertheless, most often the initiator is the class teacher or even the director. In this case, we can assume that the parent faced extortion at school. Where to complain? If the proposal comes from teachers, you must immediately contact the director. It is advisable to record the fact of collection in one way or another.

Additional costs

As we have already said, not all school fundraisers can be called extortions. What situations do not violate the rights of parents and students?

Meetings quite often raise funds for security, visits to movies and performances, hikes, cultural events, trips and holidays, paid courses, food - you really have to pay for all this. After all, such expenses are not included in the list of mandatory expenses for school institutions. Parents can refuse them. There is no need to collect money, but in this case the child will not take part in this or that event.


Extortion at school? Where to complain? Minsk, Moscow, Kaliningrad - this is not so important. After all, similar situations are considered in most countries and regions by the same bodies.

Can we call it a collection of funds for gifts for teachers, principals, children and the school? To some extent, yes. After all, gifts are voluntary. And if someone doesn’t want to chip in, you can’t force him to do so. Moreover, expensive gifts are still prohibited in Russia. They may be considered a bribe. This threatens both parents and teachers with criminal liability.

School subjects

With the introduction of new changes to the law “On Education”, some schools began to actively raise funds for conducting certain lessons. Not electives, but school activities.

An incident like this is a real violation of rights. Schoolchildren are required to provide the full school curriculum free of charge. But you will have to pay for voluntary additional classes. But, as we have already said, in this case the parents enter into an agreement with the school institution. And only after that the payment for classes occurs.

Parents don't want to pay? Nobody can force them. It’s just that the children of such people will not attend additional classes, which, by the way, should go beyond school curriculum. It is prohibited to cut it.

In Russia

Extortion at school? Where can I complain about them? In Russia, you can contact not only the director, but also a special portal. Just visit the website and leave a complaint here.

As a rule, activists will take note of all the parents’ grievances, conduct an investigation, and then help get rid of the extortions. But this is not the most popular solution. Moreover, it only takes place in Russia.


Extortions discovered at school? Where to complain? Minsk or Moscow is not so important. After all, regional administrations work with such situations. They are in all countries.

For example, you can call the helpline (it is specified in the help desks) and then report the fact of illegal fundraising. It is advisable to have some evidence with you.

In addition, a citizen has the right to file a complaint directly with the city administration. This is quite common. In this case, it is better to immediately attach evidence of your innocence. This technique will save time on checking the school.

Prosecutor's office and courts

Extortion in schools? Where to complain? Kazakhstan or any other locality - this fact does not matter. In real life, if a parent’s rights are violated at school, you can go to court or to a prosecutor.

It is precisely this scenario that quickly moves the matter forward. Each region has its own courts and prosecutor's offices. They will conduct an inspection of the educational institution. If the fact of extortion is confirmed, the director will have problems, including criminal prosecution.


Are there still collections at school? Where to complain? In Voronezh or in any other city of the Russian Federation, you are allowed to contact the Ministry of Education. This is where teachers and parents usually complain when there is a violation.

It is better to go to the ministry if appealing to the director does not help. And after that, act through the courts and the prosecutor. As practice shows, this technique turns out to be very effective.

To pay or not?

However, most often parents do not have time to investigate and file numerous complaints. Therefore, we have to look for a way out of this situation in a more peaceful way.

Illegal extortions discovered at school? Where to complain? Now everyone can answer this question. But is it even worth handing over money when extorting money?

There is no clear answer. Some people agree with such situations, considering them the norm. Some categorically do not hand over funds for certain services, fighting for their rights. Everyone is right in their own way.

In Russia, most often, after parents refuse to hand over money for something, real persecution of children from families who refuse to pay fees begins. B mentions that this should not happen. All collections in schools must be voluntary.

If you have the strength and time to deal with the situation, you don’t have to hand over the money. In this case, the child will have to be prepared for a number of negative consequences. "refuseniks" are rarely treated well. In other cases, parents hand over funds at meetings and then complain to certain authorities. This practice is becoming more and more common.

Payment in cash and "bank transfer"

Extortion at school? Where to complain in Minsk? It is better to act through the school director, as well as through the city administration, and only as a last resort go to court or the prosecutor's office.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when collecting funds for school needs, all transfers must be non-cash. The money goes to the institution’s account, and then payment for a specific service is made.

It is prohibited to collect cash in schools, but it is quite difficult to prove such extortions. It is this scenario that occurs almost everywhere in real life. It is important to remember your rights and protect them by all means.

How not to give up?

From all of the above, it follows that extortion in schools occurs very often. And parents agree to them so that their children don’t have problems. But how can you not pay?

Firstly, you are allowed to simply refuse imposed services and purchases. This means going into conflict.

Secondly, you can offer your help in any other form (except financial). For example, paint the floor or walls in the classroom yourself.

Thirdly, the parent committee can open a separate account. All operations on it will be carried out officially with detailed reports and instructions on where certain funds went.

In any case, there were almost always extortions in schools. And, despite their dissatisfaction, almost all parents agree with them. If an educational institution requires you to donate funds too much and often, you will have to defend your rights with the relevant authorities. There is such a practice in Russia, but it causes a lot of trouble for both parents and children. Many are willing to put up with minor fees. Where can I complain about fees at school? In Moscow or any other city, such cases are often considered by the prosecutor!

Reply from 07/08/2014 19:55

Contact the school principal in writing to provide justification for the fee. cash. It is better if such a letter is on behalf of the entire class. According to paragraph 1 of Article 9 Federal Law dated May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the procedure for considering citizens' appeals Russian Federation"he is obliged to give an answer. In the answer, he must explain for what (or for what) money is being demanded from you and in what amount. Based on the answer, you can write a statement or make a claim, referring to Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education" , which states that the main source of funding for state and municipal educational institutions is budget funding, with the requirement to exempt you from arbitrary exactions.

Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006
Article 9. Mandatory acceptance of an appeal for consideration
1. An appeal received by a state body, local government body or official in accordance with their competence is subject to mandatory consideration.
Article 12. Time limits for consideration of a written appeal
1. A written appeal received by a state body, local government body or official in accordance with their competence is considered within 30 days from the date of registration of the written appeal.

Current Law "On Education" dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1
Article 41. Financial support educational activities
1. Financial support for the activities of an educational institution is carried out in accordance with the law.
2. Financial support for the educational activities of federal state government institutions and financial support for the fulfillment of state assignments by state budgetary and autonomous educational institutions are carried out on the basis of federal standards for the financial support of educational activities, educational activities of state educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipal educational institutions - based on regional standards for financial support of educational activities. These standards are determined for each type, type and category of educational institution, level
educational programs per student, pupil, as well as on another basis.
For small rural educational institutions considered as such by state authorities and bodies exercising management in the field of education, the standard for financial support of educational activities must take into account costs that do not depend on the number of students.
At the expense of the federal budget, financial support is provided for the education in federal state educational institutions of higher professional education for at least one hundred and seventy students for every ten thousand people living in the Russian Federation.
3. Federal standards for financial support of educational activities are established in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
8. An educational institution has the right to attract, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, additional financial resources through the provision of paid additional educational and other services provided for by the charter of the educational institution, as well as through voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities, including foreign citizens and (or) foreign legal entities.
9. Attraction by an educational institution of additional funds specified in paragraph 8 of this article does not entail a reduction in the standards and (or) absolute amounts of financial support for its activities at the expense of the founder.
- - - - - - - - - -
If, in response to a refusal to hand over money, the school begins to blackmail or intimidate the child or parents, this is, at the very least, a violation of your child’s right to education, which you not only can, but are also obligated to protect! Always remember that schools are prohibited from soliciting money! School directors, as a rule, have an idea of ​​the current situation with taxes and have no objections. But this is as long as everyone remains silent and pays unquestioningly. In fact, school managements do not need scandals and notoriety. Therefore, feel free to submit complaints to the authorities listed below!

1) If you suspect or, moreover, are sure that the money is being collected illegally, or the school management is “obscuring something,” you have the right to contact:
- municipal department of education;
- city education committee;
- education department of the district administration;
- Department of Education;
- Ministry of Education to clarify information about the legality of collecting money by school management.
2) Write a complaint or statement to law enforcement agencies - the police department or the district prosecutor's office at the location of the school; Based on specific facts, it is possible that an investigation will begin. Complaints can be both collective and individual.
3) Report this to the territorial department for combating economic crimes (OBEP).

Before the start of the new school year, parents of schoolchildren collect money for donations that teachers ask for. Many admit that the extortions are becoming unbearable. What to do in this situation?

In one of the schools in the Kalmyk capital, teachers asked parents to buy desks for their children themselves. A resident of the republic, Larisa Yakupova, reported this to the President via Direct Line.

The President was sincerely surprised: “When they force you to buy textbooks, this is already a violation of the law. But buying a desk is something new, I’ve never seen or heard anything like it.” He immediately instructed the head of the republic, Alexei Orlov, to deal with this situation.

The public exploded. It turned out that almost all parents regularly pay for everything that the school administration asks for, and do not even suspect that it is not at all necessary to do this.


At the end of the last school year, residents of the city of Zhigulevsk Samara region didn't look away from the TV. The local television company over and over again broadcast stories dedicated to the outrageous incident, which became the property of the country.

Tenth-grader Andrei T. published a video on social networks of his class teacher literally extorting money from him. A nervous and emotional conversation takes place in front of the whole class, and the teacher is not at all embarrassed by the two dozen teenagers present in the class.

The angry teacher literally rushes at Andrei, who categorically refuses to give money to pay the cleaning lady. “School is not only about knowledge! You obey common system! Or bring your own mop and rag and wash the floors yourself once a week!” - shouts the classy lady, who has lost her head with indignation.

This video has received tens of thousands of views. And here are the heroes of the scandal in the studio. “I won’t hand over the money, I’m tired of it. This happened all the time, lessons begin with counting money. The class teacher lists the debtors: “Ivan, you have 100 rubles in debt. Ulyana, you have 400 rubles.” And only then we start classes,” says Andrey.

And then everything is predictable. School director Irina Russkikh accuses the guy of putting pressure on the administration. The parent committee representative hypocritically complains that the student did not immediately contact her. An employee of the prosecutor's office threatens the director with a criminal case. And the parents are on the side of the rebellious guy. “They demanded a charitable contribution from me for security. Our “charity” is becoming limitless,” another heroine of the Zhiguli television show is indignant.


In the city of Vladimir, a volunteer reception center “” has already been opened. It was initiated by the father little boy Alexander Bologov, who faced blatant cases of extortion as soon as he took his child to school.

“Immediately they began to demand money for an expensive turnstile worth 420 thousand rubles. The administration explained that this is how it protects itself from terrorists. They collected money, bought a turnstile, but they still continue to raise funds for it. The last case: either you collect waste paper or pay for its “collection”. There is no question of simply not participating in such events,” Bologov is indignant in his video blog.

This person is perhaps the only parent who has carefully studied the agreement concluded with the educational institution. There are many interesting details here that oblige adults to make unnecessary payments.

For example, the obligation to pay for lunch and pay for security ended up in the same paragraph. “So as not to be conspicuous. Most often, parents read the first line about lunches, but don’t pay attention to the rest,” Alexander is indignant.

The school website shamelessly lists which parents are required to come on weekends and do repairs at the school, who will have to wash the curtains, and some are even entrusted with the fight against cockroaches.

The website of the volunteer project has many indignant reviews from all over the country. “The director, without hesitation, puts pressure on teachers, forces them to ask parents for money, 500 rubles per person in an envelope,” - Lyceum No. 180, Yekaterinburg.

“In our school, during the year of study in the 1st grade, about 10 thousand passed. Even beggars rent out because the pressure is strong. At the last meeting, the teacher yelled at the dissatisfied people so much that her ears were blocked, and everyone is afraid to complain - the city is small. Where to go then? - message from Essentuki.

“They take three skins from their parents. I paid about 20 thousand for a child in a year, despite the fact that I didn’t pay for everything. And this is first class! - gymnasium No. 76, Rostov-on-Don.

By the way, most complaints are anonymous. Parents are afraid that any resistance will come back to haunt their children. The main Vladimir fighter against extortions, Alexander Bologov, claims that this is not so. After he started his crusade, the teachers began to show so much attention and care to his son that the father was forced to ask them not to do this. He is afraid that the child will become arrogant.


Parents should be aware that the educational institution receives financial support from several sources.

Teachers' salaries are paid from the federal budget, funds are received for modernization, provision of textbooks, teaching aids and equipment. The municipal budget allocates money for the repair and maintenance of the educational institution. Schools may have their own funds: income from paid services, from the rental of premises and property, funds from sponsors and philanthropists. The school manages this money independently.

If the school director demands an entrance fee, donations for the renovation of a classroom or the purchase of equipment, textbooks, and at the same time declares that he was not given money from the budget, then it is his fault. He has no right to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of his parents.

“Purchasing workbooks is the responsibility of the school if it has included it in its curriculum,” Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva said recently.

If a school or parent committee demands money, then you can remind them of Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (extortion).

For parents who decide to fight for their rights, lawyers suggest complaining to the education department of their district administration (RONO), the education department of their region, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and the city administration.

A written explanation of the situation will be sufficient as evidence, but it is better to have testimony from other parents. It’s good to take a video or make an audio recording of how a school representative forces you to hand over money. Journal entries or notes to parents can also be helpful.


Letter No. VK-2227/08 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 09, 2015, sent to executive authorities, prohibits any collections from school administrations.

This document states that Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees citizens the right to generally accessible and free general education in state educational institutions.

Establishment of any monetary contributions and other forms financial assistance in the process of studying at an educational institution is not allowed.

It is prohibited to force parents to contribute money or provide other forms of financial assistance on the part of the administration and employees of educational institutions, as well as self-government bodies created at the institutions, including parent committees or boards of trustees.

Establishing fixed amounts for charitable assistance also refers to forms of coercion and is a violation of the Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations.” When parents provide financial assistance, funds must be deposited into the current account of the educational institution.

Parents are not obliged to finance activities for the maintenance and protection of buildings of educational institutions, material and technical support and equipment for the educational process.

Any initiative group of citizens, including a parent committee or board of trustees, has the right to decide on collecting funds only in relation to themselves, and not to the parents of all children attending an educational institution.

The school administration does not have the right to demand or accept cash from benefactors, or require the benefactor to provide a receipt confirming that funds have been credited to the institution’s current account.

Natalya Purtova.

Many parents are interested in the legality of raising money for school needs. Often, funds are collected for building repairs, events and holidays, gifts for teachers, teaching aids, food, and even payment for the work of a security guard or technician. Such fees are covered up by charitable donations, which are legal.

Let's take a closer look at whether it is legal to collect money for school, and we will determine what parents should do in the event of extortion, threats, and blackmail.

Russian laws on collecting money from parents in schools - what should and should not parents pay for in schools?

Let's note important nuances to understand what schools should - and should not - charge parents for:

  1. First of all, please note that it is the school's responsibility to full provision of equipment and training materials all students. Funds for this task are allocated from the state budget, both federal and regional levels. Therefore, collecting money for school needs is illegal.
  2. The next point concerns the renovation of the building, sports and playgrounds adjacent to the school. They must be responsible for landscaping local authorities . It is they who have this responsibility.
  3. Free and paid services must be listed and published for public viewing. Paid classes may include additional clubs and sections that the student will attend after the main classes.
  4. Additional classes in subjects - that is, tutoring is not included in the compulsory services of school institutions. It is up to parents to decide whether or not their child will attend a tutor.

The illegality of collecting money at school is not an unfounded fact. This is indicated in laws adopted at the federal level.

We indicate the laws according to which a child has the right to free education:

  1. Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, in particular Articles 4, 5, 35.
  2. Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with them, you must understand that any citizen of Russia has the right to receive free school education . A child can study at any public school, which is provided with funds to purchase the necessary educational materials, equipment, or for building repairs.

Parents have the right of refusal - they may refuse to donate money for school needs, without even explaining the reasons . There is no need to be afraid that the school will deny your child an education. The employees of the institution have no reason to do so.

Let us indicate one more legal act:

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Education number 126, adopted at the end of December 2016.

This document states that parent committees are prohibited from collecting funds. The issue of raising money for the activities of an educational institution should not concern parents, and especially the parent committee.

Despite the current legislation, parents continue to be encouraged to make voluntary donations. In practice, the situation is that parents collect funds and buy something with it themselves, and these are not gifts for teachers and children, but desks, chairs and windows.

Few people rebel against violations of the rights of children and parents. Funds are allocated for school institutions, but in small quantities.

Where does the money raised by the PTA go to the school foundation, committee or charity?

There are several schemes for collecting money at school, the participants of which are enriched financially. Let's talk about them and determine where the money collected by the parent committee goes.

Scheme 1. Raising money for the parent committee of the class and school

The scheme is simple. In each class, certain individuals are selected to collect money.

Of course, part of the funds received will be spent on the needs of the school or class, and part will be spent on the personal needs of the members of the parent committee.

As a rule, parents do not require proof of expenses. It would be better if the committee representative kept a receipt or receipt for the purchase of the necessary things or items, proving the expenditure of the funds received.

The scheme is convenient because a teacher or director does not participate in it. They do not interfere in the collection process, but spend money purposefully.


The classroom urgently needs renovation. Funds are being collected. After the money is transferred to the teacher, he gives it to the director, who manages it. At the same time, please note that the money may not be transferred to employees in full. The director can carry out repairs for pennies, and from the local budget - and take the parents' money for himself.

Scheme 2. Raising money for the school fund

Creating a school fund is a personal idea to rob parents. A school fund may be created to highlight the status of educational institution and conditional significance.

In fact, the school fund is needed for money laundering.

The scheme is simple:

  1. Parents collect funds - it does not matter whether a parent committee is active.
  2. Funds go to the principal and teacher. They purchase the necessary equipment or training materials with them.
  3. The school institution submits an application for the purchase of the same equipment and the same educational materials to the administration - but does not indicate that they have already been purchased.
  4. Larger amounts of money are transferred to the school account and cashed out.

Officials may be involved in this fraud scheme. It turns out that the parents who donate the money are also participants in the conspiracy.

Scheme 3. Collecting money at school for a charitable organization

Parents may refuse to contribute funds to a charitable organization. Any charitable activity will be controlled by law and supervisory authorities.

Remember, it cannot in any way be related to school needs, repairs to the school building, or the salary of a security guard or technician.

Therefore, collecting money for charity at school is also illegal. The scheme is created for money laundering.

What fundraisers are legal at school - how should parents' payment for school needs be documented?

In accordance with Article 101 of Federal Law No. 273, a school institution may request funds from individuals or legal entities.

In this case, the school director must formalize with the person who transfers the money, agreement on the provision of paid educational services.

Services for which schools can legally collect money include:

  1. Training on additional programs.
  2. Conducting courses.
  3. Conducting classes in programs with in-depth study of subjects.
  4. Conducting sections and clubs that are not core and are not included in the state standards program.
  5. Acquisition educational materials, which are necessary for conducting additional classes, courses and are not provided for in the main programs.
  6. Nutrition. Children from large or low-income families, orphans, or children whose parents are disabled are often fed free of charge at school. The rest of the students eat for free.
  7. Conducting extracurricular activities. Here the question is acute. No one will force or force parents to hand over money, but in class, together with the class teacher, issues of extracurricular activities will be considered. For example, group excursions, trips, hikes can be organized. Parents can donate money to them. Raising funds for such purposes is not prohibited.

A student studying in a government school institution, may not use paid services . In some schools they are optional.

Please note that upon admission of a student to an institution, parents are informed about possible payments for special disciplines provided for in the curriculum.

Parents must be familiarized with it - and after that, draw up an agreement on the provision of paid services.

The law also does not prohibit fundraising for charitable purposes. These include purchasing gifts for teachers.

But parents can raise funds themselves and buy a gift for the teacher. The decision must be voluntary.

One more point - unforeseen circumstances. Money can be collected to support a student or their family in the event of an emergency.

For example , the family had a fire, or needed funds for treatment and surgery.

Parents will not be required to raise money, but will be offered to help.

What the school does not have the right to take money from parents for is fees for textbooks, repairs, etc.

Members of the parent committee, teachers or other representatives of school institutions may collect money, without having any rights to do so, for the following purposes:

  1. Purchase of educational materials, books, notebooks in basic subjects educational programs.
  2. Building renovation. Parents should not replace windows, doors, wallpaper or whitewash ceilings.
  3. Purchasing furniture. The purchase of desks, chairs, benches, and other furniture should be financed from the state budget.
  4. Landscaping. The sports and playground must be equipped with special equipment. In addition, parents should not collect money to purchase seedlings, lawns, saplings or equipment for caring for plants or grounds. For example, a rake for cleaning, flowers should not be purchased with parental money.
  5. Purchasing sports equipment or musical instruments.
  6. Payment to teachers for conducting additional classes and clubs, which are provided for by federal educational standards.
  7. Purchasing equipment for classes- for example, a computer, magnetic, chalk boards, stands and other items.
  8. Payment for the cleaning lady's work. The funds must be paid by the school.
  9. Payment for security services. Ensuring the safety of students during their stay in a school institution falls within the competence of the educational institution. Often schools resort to services security companies, but this does not mean that parents should pay for the security guard’s work.

Any fees for the above needs illegal !

What to do if the school demands money for textbooks, repairs, security, etc. – instructions

Let's consider step by step what to do if in a state school the parent committee, teacher, class teacher or director oblige children or their parents to donate money for any needs.

Follow these rules:

  1. Try to explain to other parents or the person making the demand that you will not be handing over funds. You can refer to the laws that we have indicated above and safely declare that the fees are illegal.
  2. Reach out to the parents of other children and find those who can stand up for their rights with you to receive free education.
  3. Write a written statement addressed to the director of the school institution. In the document, require him to provide reasons for collecting money. It is better that the application be made on behalf of all parents of the class.
  4. Receive a written response from the school principal. According to Article 9 of Federal Law No. 59, approved in 2006, the head of the institution must respond to you in writing. In the document, he must set out the grounds and reason for collecting funds, as well as state in what amount they are required. Also, the response must contain the director’s signature and seal, otherwise the document will be considered fake.
  5. When the class teacher asks for money, ask him to write out the request on a piece of paper. Of course, no one will write it, but the parent and child will be left behind for a while.
  6. Make a video or audio recording. They will confirm the collection of money at the school.
  7. File a complaint with any supervisory authority. Attach a written response from the director, video or audio recording.
  8. In case of intimidation, blackmail, extortion, go to law enforcement agencies.

Remember that when collecting money the parent is an accomplice to the crime. When a criminal case is opened, it will no longer matter whether the donated funds were used for the needs of children.

Where to go if someone at school extorts money, blackmails, threatens, etc.

Let's consider which authorities should be contacted and in what situations.

Name of authority

Reason for contact

- Municipal Department of Education.
- City Education Committee.
- Department of Education of the district administration.
- Department of Education.
- Ministry of Education.

The basis for filing a complaint or claim may be fundraising at the school. The document should state the entire essence of the current situation, and also support the information with written answers from the director, class teacher or video, audio materials.

In case of any illegal fees, you can call the Ministry and find out if you are right in this matter.

- District Prosecutor's Office.

- Police Department.

You should apply in case of specific facts of extortion, blackmail, as well as threats from school representatives, for example, the director or security guard.

Any such issue may result in a criminal case. If the fact is established, law enforcement agencies will conduct an investigation.

A complaint can be filed collectively or individually.

- Territorial Department for Combating Economic Crimes (OBEP).