Vitaly Gogunsky interview. Why did Vitaly Gogunsky leave Univer and what was the reaction of the producers? - Yes, it was a difficult text

This funny hero was remembered and loved by many. The series was associated with Kuzya and the series could not be imagined without Kuzya. Even all kinds of changes in the project while he was there. But suddenly he left. Moreover, the reason for Kuzy’s departure from the plot was strained and implausible. Why did he leave?

“Univer” stayed, but Kuzya left...

There are such students in every university. They are big, strong, interested in some kind of sport, do poorly in basic subjects, but are always interested in girls. Therefore, Kuzya became near and dear to the main audience of the series, in contrast to girls of model appearance and In addition, it is Kuzya who owns the songs from the project, humorous and original words. Almost everyone likes the light humorous atmosphere of the series, and love lines add spice to the story.

The end of the storyline of Eduard Kuzmin

In the new season of the series “Univer: New Dorm,” Kuzya found a new love - Masha, played by petite Anna Khilkevich. According to the plot, he sought her love for a long time, and in the end she could not resist. The romance lasted for quite a long time until Masha gave Edward a reason to be jealous. Jealous and offended Kuzya got drunk to the point of clouding his mind, which is not at all like him, since he is an athlete. Returning to the dorm late in the evening, he managed to swing at his neighbor and hit Masha, which he did not forgive himself for and therefore promptly left for his native Agapovka. The inconsolable girl even went to his village, hoping to bring him back, but she herself came back after a couple of days. This turn of events seemed somewhat far-fetched to many TV viewers, so questions about why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer did not subside.

Rumors about Vitaly leaving the series

Perplexed fans of the series and the character played by Vitaly pestered the channel’s editors with questions and discussed the actor’s departure everywhere. Various rumors appeared about why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer, among which the most popular were information about the actor’s abuse of alcoholic beverages and the resulting scandals with the director. The public was also agitated by rumors about “ star fever” artist who allegedly demanded higher wages year after year.

According to the TNT channel, the actors of the sitcom are not in poverty anyway, and during the five years of filming they managed to buy themselves an apartment in Moscow. But Gogunsky’s greed knew no bounds and the producers lost patience. So the following answer can be given to the question of why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer. A continuation of this rumor was the information that the “star-struck” Vitaly broke off relations with his wife and left her with their little daughter Milana for the sake of a certain blonde Anna.

The reason for breaking the contract, according to Vitaly himself

The actor gave his fans some time to worry, and then made an official refutation of the rumors, saying that he himself had given up the idea of ​​renewing his contract with the channel. He starred in “Univer” for 5 years, 12 hours a day. The hard work resulted in 390 episodes of the beloved series. Such a schedule did not allow me to concentrate or even just pay attention to my family and other work proposals.

In addition, Vitaly realized back in the fall of 2012 that he had become too old for a student series. He has passed the thirty-year mark, is happily married and is raising a little daughter, Milana, to whom he wants to spend time. He is also tired of the image of Eduard Kuzmin, of the fact that fans associate him with a dull, good-natured guy from the village, without taking into account that Vitaly himself is an educated and well-read young man. In a word, the reasons for leaving were personal.

In his interview, Vitaly Gogunsky avoided the topic of agreements with the producers of the series, who were very unhappy with his departure from the project, because many interesting moments are tied to his character. From the creators of the series, Vitaly received several angry attacks and accusations of irresponsibility. And he himself notes with bitterness that what was most striking was that at the height of the scandal, none of the filming partners with whom he was friends during work contacted him. Therefore, after leaving the series, Vitaly stopped communicating with his former colleagues.

Future plans in personal life and work

Rumors that Vitaly Gogunsky was leaving Univer appeared earlier, and then
The actor cited the desire to try his hand at directing as the reason. He still has similar intentions: in collaboration with his friends at VGIK, Vitaly is preparing a script for the series, and also devotes his free time to filming the project “Sasha + Tanya”. Many people do not understand why Vitaly Gogunsky left Univer and continues to act on the same channel in a similar field. This is because he has the opportunity to select the material offered and agree to age-specific roles, as well as free time that he can devote to both his family and incoming work offers.

“I took seven hundred dollars and a guitar with me to Moscow”

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

VITALY GOGUNSKY, who became popular thanks to his role as Kuzi in the TV series “Univer” on TNT, has now opened up to viewers from a different side. He participates in the “One to One” project on the Russia-1 channel, where he had to use his vocal skills.
Few people know, but Vitaly’s career began with music. Once upon a time he even recorded his own music album.

Having seen Vitaly Gogunsky perform in the show “One on One” in the image of Shura, I was amazed. Firstly, it was practically indistinguishable from the original, and secondly, it turned out that Vitaly not only sings great - he sang exactly like Shura! However, the actor himself evaluates himself quite critically: “Yes, I managed to get into this image, but I could have done others better,” he said when we talked at the I. S. Turgenev Library-Reading Room.

What exactly could have been done better, Vitaly?
I would like to establish myself more as someone who can sing. At the theater university we were taught vocals, and before that I studied singing, but I don’t have much experience in performing. Now, halfway through the show, I understand some of its subtleties. The main task of the participant is to capture the recognizable features of the artist he is about to show. At the same time, the most difficult thing is to transform, let’s say, in front of the fans of this artist. You have to do everything in such a way that fans of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley or Freddie Mercury will forgive you for touching the image of their favorite performer. And of course, we must not upset viewers who expect something interesting from the show.

Play female image Is it more difficult for you than for men?
I graduated from Alexey Batalov’s workshop and I want to say that from the point of view of acting, the most difficult thing is to simply play good man, such as Gosha from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” (Smiles.)

Acting education became the second for you, first you graduated from the Polytechnic University in Odessa. What prompted you to change your life plans?
My parents saw me as an engineer. My father once told my brother and me: “I always wanted the best for you, in my opinion.” And my mother secretly dreamed that I would become an artist. For her, my participation in the “One to One” project is a dream come true. I know that she is sitting in front of the TV and crying. To be honest, I also participated in “Dancing with the Stars” at one time, because I know that my mother is happy that her son is an artist. You know, like in the song: “The main thing is that my mother likes this song.” My parents tried to instill in my brother and me as much knowledge as possible, instilled in us a thirst for life, and we gladly used all the opportunities that were given to us.

What kind, for example?
We lived in a small provincial town Kremenchug, in Ukraine. Across the road from the house there was a music school, two stops in one direction - a football section, in the other - a rowing base, across the bridge - a chess club. Any whim please. At that time, it was fashionable to study well, participate in sports competitions, and play the guitar. Everyone knew the song “The girl is crying in the machine gun.” The girls listened and cried. ( Smiles.) There were almost no computers then, we were always doing something outside the house. And at some point I wanted to use my skills and turn them into a profession, despite the fact that in the field theatrical arts there was complete devastation.

What do you mean?
When I first began to be interested in the acting profession, it was not as fashionable and prestigious as it is now. Then even the film “Brigade” had not yet been released. In provincial theaters there were such actors that one could begin to hate art after one performance. But I realized that in this profession I can be myself, I can become happy.

Did you easily get into VGIK?
Moreover, I got in twice on the first try. ( Smiles.) I arrived, successfully passed the exams, but did not study - I decided to return to Kyiv because I was recording a music album there. I was dissatisfied with the results, so the next year I came to Moscow again and enrolled in a course with Batalov.

How did assimilation go in the capital?
“Moscow’s love is not quick, but true and pure.” I came here in mid-July in 2001. He took all his property with him - seven hundred dollars and a guitar. I rented a room in a communal apartment. It was hot, there were few people, tanned girls were walking around. Squares were being built, Okhotny Ryad, there was such beauty all around! I thought: “How cozy small town! And then autumn came, and everyone returned from vacation. The “parade of penguins” began in the metro, there was no crowd... But that was it, there was no turning back - I managed to fall in love with Moscow. ( Smiles.) This city provides an opportunity to develop. Already in my first year I made my debut as a composer in one film. I always believed that everything would be fine.

Are you thinking about trying your hand at music again?
Don't know. I don't feel like I've grown up. When I wrote that album, I had the best musical samples like George Michael and Michael Jackson. And when I heard what I had sculpted in the studio myself, I was very upset and immediately abandoned everything.

Maybe you immediately set the bar too high for yourself?
I couldn't do it any other way. All the people I grew up with were music lovers. We had Nirvana, Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd, Scorpions, Metallica, Tsoi and Vysotsky. We got together as a group and listened to music that we dreamed about, worried about, fell in love with and parted with. And there was no such flow on the radio as there is now, when everything in a row - boo-boo-boo... Producers call it “format”. And I think something important is missing.

It seems to me that the period of youth and the romance that accompanies it has simply ended.
And I will object! This is different. There is no general philosophy or culture of listening to music. Who writes their own songs now? You can count it on your fingers. There are production projects all around. Writing your own song and protecting it is very difficult.

What will you do after the show “One to One”? What paths have you outlined for yourself?
I would like to become a director, producer, and do some interesting projects myself. We are soon launching a project for children - cartoons. I won’t say anything specific yet, it’s still in development. I will be voicing one, maybe two characters. Most likely, even in the voice of my hero from Univer, because the cartoon will be very similar to him. By the way, he was copied from me: eyes, voice, habits. ( Smiles.)

Do you plan to involve your wife Anna in any projects?
Perhaps in the future. In show business there are not only pros - there are a lot of cons: life is for show, nothing is yours. Besides, you have to study for a long time, you can’t just...

This argument stops few people. Some just want to show off.
Well, yes, PR rules. Fortunately, theater universities enroll not those who want to show themselves, but those who have something to say. But a person must feel that this is his business.

Are you raising your daughter the same way you were raised? Do you take her to any sections?
Yes, she studies at a choreography school, sings, and has amazing hearing. Like any girl, my daughter loves Rapunzel and dresses, loves to be the center of attention and on stage. She even writes something herself.

Wait, how old is she? It seemed to me that she was just a baby.
Four years old. The children are all talented. The question is how this will all develop. After all, many start in early childhood, but they reach a dead end in their career. You know, when I talk to someone about life paths, I have an association with a fairy tale in which a hero finds himself in front of a stone. He must make a choice where to move next: right, left, straight. But there is no clear answer; everywhere you gain something and lose something. At the university we were always told that only one or two people from the entire course would be able to achieve something. But there is risk in any profession, not just acting. Isn't it scary to spend your whole life in a bank and realize that you were counting someone else's numbers? Or everyone complains about traffic cops. But try standing all day, when trucks drive by, there is lead in the air, and you stand in shape in both heat and cold. Everyone looks at others and thinks that their life is easier.

Do you always try to put yourself in other people's shoes?
Yes, they taught this at university. I would also introduce classes in schools like acting, which I would call, say, ethics. So that children play the roles of a policeman, a soldier, an athlete and learn to put themselves in their place. I will definitely talk about these topics with my child. I will say that if my daughter sees a businessman getting into an expensive car, then this is just the tip of the iceberg and she shouldn’t think: “Damn, that’s cool!” My father and I often philosophized on this topic. Maybe the man under the fence is much happier than some deputy. A person’s task is to find something that will make him happy and at the same time not force him to break the rules of society. I respect people who understand that to be happy they need, say, one hundred thousand dollars, on which they will live in Bali for twenty years. In Moscow, I heard many stories about how some bank shareholder sells an apartment, a car and goes to India to surf. This is great! The man understood what he needed.

Could you do that?
Probably, if I didn’t have everything that I have now, I would still be happy. If, for example, today I have the opportunity to order carpaccio, but tomorrow I don’t, I will feel great. At any moment I’m ready to switch to doshirak. Happiness does not consist only of material wealth. Family, friends, music, cinema, hobbies - that's what's important. And I would also wish everyone to find something they can’t imagine their life without. I think this is what makes a person happy.

March 31, 2016

A participant in the show “One to One” remembered how ideas for television projects were stolen from under his nose and what Alexey Batalov taught him

A participant in the “One to One” show recalled how ideas for television projects were stolen from under his nose and what Alexey Batalov taught him.


Even the great directors Ingmar Bergman and Federico Fellini began their careers by filming advertisements. The genius Evgeny Evstigneev worked as a mechanic at the Krasnaya Etna plant. And Vitaly Gogunsky was glorified by the role of Kuzi, a dull athlete from the TV series “Univer”. After successful project there were shows Main stage", "One to one", " ", "Without insurance", main role in the film "Bartender". But the VGIK graduate never managed to reveal himself to the fullest. Is there life after Kuzya and where is Vitaly Gogunsky moving right now, the TV program magazine found out.

“Everyone has their own Hamlet and their own Kuzya”

- in full swing. Only the best were invited to the “Battle of the Seasons”. Did you find it interesting to step into the same water twice?

“This season I can’t say that I’m dying to win. I've already won. So I work for my own pleasure. I give my best and don’t slack. And I love to sing from the heart. After Univer, I had to prove and show a lot. The One to One project was a good help for this. Most interesting are the unexpected images - Alsou, for example. They can be made funny. But I want to emphasize that I am ripe for more. I wouldn’t want to repeat myself, even if it’s the image of Freddie Mercury, Luciano Pavarotti or Vladimir Vysotsky. I'm ready to move on. The song “Horse” by the group “Lube”, which I sang on the project “Main Stage” (a vocal analogue of “Voice”, in which the artist participated; an Internet video with the song “Horse” received two million views on the Internet. - Ed.), The role in the film “Bartender” is just facets of my personality.

— What would you like - your own show, movie, album?

— I have a lot of ideas: I’m developing the concept of three television projects, one of them with the participation of my daughter Milana is musical and historical; and two feature films— I’m writing the first one together with Alexander Revva, the second one with my friend, a graduate of GITIS. So far I'm interested. I keep my ideas to myself, otherwise they are quickly taken away.

The actor played the role of Freddie Mercury in the show “One on One” twice. Photo: Rossiya Channel

— Television espionage?

- It just happened that way. Many times I came to producers with projects, and then the project came out without me. And, of course, this is not plagiarism. You just voiced an idea to a person, and the next day he considers it his own. And he implements it in his own way. I had a project that I patented, there is even a seal. I offered it for four years, and then bam - that’s it. It came out on a different channel. This is good - it means people appreciated my idea! I don't blame anyone, this happened for a number of reasons. Including my excessive openness. So I came to my conclusions.

— After all, such large projects require not only creativity, but also logistics, the right personnel, accounting and a bunch of related obstacles. Are you sure it will work?

— I worked in the television industry for 15 years: I acted on TNT, worked as a creative producer at Art Pictures together with the best producers - Fyodor Bondarchuk and Dmitry Rudovsky. And I think that I deserve my project. It's time to create, not copy. After all, any actor could have played Kuzya, but it was my character that became popular and fell into the hearts of the viewer. Each actor makes his own Hamlet. So it is with Kuzya. This is a character 100% invented by me. Of course, there are similar projects in the West - they took 10 times longer and were more expensive. If we filmed four episodes in a week, they filmed one. Different economy and energy consumption. But this was my hero and breakthrough.

Irina Mairko gave birth to Vitaly’s beautiful daughter Milana. Photo: Yulia KHANINA/

“The fact that a bird can fly can be seen even when it walks”

— At VGIK you studied with Alexei Batalov. What is the most important thing he taught you?

— When I entered, I had tossing and doubt: is it worth it or not to continue this path? Will it work out or not? But Alexey Vladimirovich said: “Not a single talented person in my memory has been left without attention.” Then I calmed down and continued to study and work on myself. If a person is talented, then everything will work out; if not, then why worry. Who, if not him, should know. Alexey Vladimirovich literally grew up “on the scenery of the Moscow Art Theater.” He worked with outstanding masters, was friends with great people - Anna Akhmatova, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Bulat Okudzhava. And, of course, my journey began with his phrase: “The fact that a bird can fly can be seen even when it walks.” This is the essence of the profession. There is no need to show off, admire yourself, pose, you need to learn to understand, empathize and love people. If I thought about how I look on the screen, then Kuzya would not have turned out.

— Are all producers able to understand the depth of your thinking?

— Now I myself am not ready for a serious movie. By serious cinema I mean the films of Andrei Tarkovsky or Ingmar Bergman. By the way, “Bartender” is a serious movie for me. I played eight characters in this film! And the series about Kuzya is also a serious movie. After all, playing a fool is the most difficult thing that can happen. These are again the words of Alexey Batalov. So all my ambitions are satisfied for now. My roles will not leave me. So far I can’t name a single Russian film in which I would like to star. Who makes strong films here?

The actor considers his work in the film “Bartender” one of his serious works. Still from the film

— . “Major”, “Live”, “Fool”.

— By the way, Bykov is my comrade! We studied together and were friends at VGIK. He is an excellent director, plays the piano, writes poetry. Always stood out on the course. Talented man. Both revolutionary and creative personality. We immediately became friends. But perhaps he has reasons not to call me. Probably not suitable for his heroes. Who else?

— . “Mermaid”, “Star”, “About Love”.

- Yes! Beautiful paintings. But I don't see myself in them. I dreamed of playing Kuzya! I watched it, knew the hero Joey (Matt LeBlanc) and understood how to make my own hero. He came and said: “I know how to play Kuzya.” Everyone laughed and trusted me. We did it.

After the release of the series “Univer,” Maria Kozhevnikova and Vitaly Gogunsky instantly became famous. Photo: TNT Channel

— As a child, you played football, and now you are friends with young football players - Dmitry Tarasov, Renat Yanbaev. Do you think high salaries at the age of twenty motivate you to win or vice versa?

“I wouldn’t put everyone under the same brush.” There are also those who plow from morning to evening and help their parents and relatives. And there are those who, roughly speaking, come to training with a hookah. But for any athlete the result is important. But he’s not there. Why this happens - because of high salaries or not, I cannot say. This season I am rooting for Rostov, where my friend works in the management. Here is the result. I support Leicester, a club from the bottom of the English league that came out on top. Guys go out and tear up millionaires from Chelsea or Arsenal. That's how it should be! There must be general idea which leads forward. Especially in a crisis, the husks fall away, and what remains is the most important thing, the idea. If the Russian team, then patriotism. If it is not there, then everything collapses. It’s hard to say how salary affects motivation. There are always snickering athletes, and there are hard workers. It’s the same everywhere. By the way, I have an idea. Next year I want to create football club. From scratch. And name him in honor of his daughter Milana. It is my and my father's dream to have a football club.

— How does your daughter express herself?

— Her mother says that Milana even repeats my facial expressions and movements. These are genes. There is no escape from this. Here's an example. During the course at VGIK, I read poetry in a unique way - everyone liked it. And when I showed my mother a recording of me reading Mikhail Lermontov, she burst into tears: “Grandfather Sasha read exactly the same way!” After the war, my grandfather Alexander Ilyich taught at a carriage-building technical school. He loved literature, read “Eugene Onegin” by heart. I saw him when I was one year old - two weeks before his death he said goodbye to me. And my mother remembers him well. That is, from somewhere I already knew how to read poetry. It came from my grandfather - the intonation, the voice. There's no getting around genetics. So Milana is very similar to me.

With his daughter Milana, Vitaly tries to have as much fun as possible whenever possible. Photo: Sergey IVANOV/

-What is her hobby?

— He studies in, skates, goes to rhythmic gymnastics to the Olympic reserve school. Plus English language. The only day off is Sunday. We watch cartoons together, he loves Shrek and Rapunzel. She listens to Michael Jackson, Scorpions, Freddie Mercury, whom I love, although I have never forced anything on her. I'm interested to see what she chooses. If he asks questions while watching or listening, I try to explain. My daughter loves me and trusts me.

Personal matter

Born on July 14, 1978 in Kremenchug (Poltava region of Ukraine). At the age of six he went to music school. He played football, karate, boxing, swimming, went to a photo club, and played chess. From the age of 12, Vitaly worked part-time at the post office, as a loader, and dug holes for the construction of garages. Graduated from Odessa National Polytechnic University with a degree in mechanical engineering technology. In 2001 he moved to Moscow, in 2007 he graduated from VGIK (workshop of Alexei Batalov). From 2008 to 2011 he starred in the series “Univer”. In 2013, together with Ekaterina Osipova, he participated in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. In 2014, he won the “One to One” show. In 2015, he reached the semi-finals of the Main Stage show. In 2016, he starred in the show “Without Insurance.” He played in the films “Goodbye, Dr. Freud!”, “Bartender” and others. In 2010, model Irina Mairko gave birth to his daughter Milana. From 2013 to 2015 he was married to financier Anna. Single.

Vitaly Gogunsky and Irina Mairko got married

Vitaly Gogunsky and Irina Mairko planned to get married eight years ago. Then the actor proposed to the beauty, but for some reason the wedding never took place. In 2010, the young people became the parents of a charming daughter, Milana. But three years later, and despite the little daughter, the young people decided to separate. As Irina and Vitaly later reasoned, this sometimes happens in families. And it just took more time to understand and check my feelings.

All this time, the star of “Univer” and “Sashatanya” did not forget about his daughter Milan and her mother Irina. They maintained friendly relations, met, communicated, and often went out together. And soon the artist realized that it was Mairko who was his destiny and the only love of his life.

Photo: Andrey Nastasenko and Anastasia Belskaya

“I proposed to Irina eight years ago. And it remained in force all these years,” said Vitaly. They started talking about the wedding last fall, and at the end of winter.

“We specifically decided to separate the registration ceremony and the holiday itself. Only the three of us went to the Griboedovsky registry office: me, Irina and our daughter Milana. We received a very beautiful certificate with a coat of arms and went to a restaurant to celebrate,” the actor explained.

Photo: Andrey Nastasenko and Anastasia Belskaya

Two days after the painting, the Gogunsky couple (Irina took her husband’s surname) invited their relatives and guests, having a fun evening. The wedding party for the newlyweds was planned and organized by the artist’s colleague Anna Khilkevich.

"So honeymoon Now we’ll have to wait, because almost immediately after the holidays, my wife and I can leave for filming,” Gogunsky explained the situation.

But the lovers were not upset that they had to postpone their honeymoon. “Now I feel calm and confident in the future. Everything finally fell into place,” the actor shared his feelings.