The authorities of the Kurgan region do not pay regional capital. In the Kurgan region, regional maternity capital for the second child is being abolished Demographic situation in the region

Regional maternity capital - a subsidy for repaying a mortgage loan at the birth of the first child - will be received by 197 young families. More than 76.6 million rubles will be allocated from the regional budget for these purposes. The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the Government of the Kurgan Region chaired by Governor Alexei Kokorin on August 8.

Recipients of this support measure will be families (each spouse is under 35 years of age) who received a loan through the Kurgan Mortgage and Housing Corporation as part of the subprogram “Providing housing for young families in the Kurgan region” of the regional state program “ Development of housing construction for 2014-2018».

Another 5 young families also participating in the above-mentioned subprogram will be provided, at the expense of the regional budget, with an additional social payment upon the birth (adoption) of a child in the amount of 5% of the estimated cost of the purchased housing. The total amount of additional payments will be about 303 thousand rubles. This measure of support will be received by families who were previously provided with social benefits for the purchase (construction) of housing within the framework of the federal target program “Housing”.

Press service of the Governor of the Kurgan region, Tatyana Pankova

Latest news from the Kurgan region on the topic:
197 young families will receive regional maternity capital

197 young families will receive regional maternity capital- Kurgan

Regional maternity capital - a subsidy for repaying a mortgage loan at the birth of the first child - will be received by 197 young families.
09:22 08.08.2017 Government of Kurgan region

How to receive and spend regional mat capital in 2019? What is the amount of regional payments at the birth of a child? Is it possible to legally cash out regional family capital in Moscow?

Welcome to the site ""! You are welcomed again by Eduard Stembolsky, economist and regular site expert.

We continue our selection of articles on maternity capital. The topic of the new publication is regional family capital, its acquisition and use.

The material will be of interest to all parents who are having a second, third or subsequent child, as well as families who are just planning to have children.

Friends, we are starting!

1. What is regional maternity capital

Parents (Russian citizens) who gave birth or adopted a second or next child later than 01/01/2007 are entitled to receive state support at the federal level.

The benefit amount is 453,026 rubles. The amount is not issued in person and can only be spent on specific needs..

Step 2. Submitting an application

The application is drawn up in accordance with the established form. It is important to provide complete and reliable information regarding family composition, place of residence and registration, and the applicant’s status.

The application is submitted along with copies of documents. The signatures on the application must belong directly to the person to whom the personal certificate is issued.

Step 3. Waiting for a decision and receiving a certificate

Verifying the authenticity of documents and facts provided by the applicant takes an average of 3-4 weeks.

During this time, the fund’s employees are required to check whether the applicant has been held accountable for unlawful acts against the child, or whether parental rights have been deprived. Information about other data provided in the application is also checked.

In accordance with the results of the inspection, employees make a decision on issuing a certificate. You need to understand that the document itself only provides the right to dispose of regional funds, but does not imply receiving cash.

4. What to spend regional payments upon the birth of a child - TOP 5 popular ways

Where should regional mat capital funds be directed? A question that is relevant for all families who have received the right to receive benefits.

Usually, when a third child appears, the issue of expanding living space becomes especially relevant.

Housing needs are the most common area for using budget funds. This is not surprising given the lack of affordable and comfortable housing for families in major cities.

In addition to the acquisition (construction or reconstruction) of apartments and houses, the “governor’s” money is spent on education, development and training of children. In some regions, you can purchase a car using regional family assets, buy furniture and appliances for the whole family.

Let's look at the five most popular ways to manage regional mat capital.

Method 1. Improving living conditions

As mentioned above, this is the most popular way to use budget funds.

There are several ways to improve your living situation with the help of regional money:

  • buy an apartment, a house or your own cottage;
  • build a house on your own or with the help of contractors;
  • carry out reconstruction of the house;
  • take out a loan (mortgage) against mat capital to purchase an apartment in a new building or purchase housing on the secondary market.

In some regions of Russia you can get money for housing needs for up to 3 years.

Buying an apartment on the secondary market has certain nuances: not every property owner agrees to receive part of the funds through deductions from the local regional budget.

The situation is complicated by the fact that social security officials do not make a decision on transferring money immediately, but after 1-2 months. Detailed instructions on how to do this are already on our website.

The same difficulties arise when buying a home. Some certificate holders resolve the issue by taking a one-time loan from a bank: with these funds they pay off the seller, after which they return the debt to the financial company from the maternity capital account.

During construction and reconstruction, there are two options for using state assistance:

  1. Transfer funds before work begins.
  2. Cover the costs of building construction or reconstruction retroactively.

Read more about this in a special magazine article.

Method 2. Payment for education

Regional MK funds are accepted as payment in most educational institutions in Russia - both public and private. The main condition is that the child’s age should not exceed 25 years.

You can pay not only for university education, but also for classes in music and art schools, extracurricular education, services of private kindergartens and other educational and development organizations, if they have the appropriate license.

Method 3. Land acquisition

You won’t be able to buy land with federal capital, but you can do it with regional subsidies. True, not all regions of the Russian Federation provide families with this opportunity.

Typically, the purchase of a plot of land involves the further construction of a house or cottage on it. I will warn readers that purchasing a dacha with budget money is not easy.

A building purchased with funds from regional maternity capital must be a full-fledged residential facility with all amenities and communications. So, most likely, it will not be possible to buy a summer cottage.

Method 4. Treatment of a child

The law provides for the use of federal budget funds only for the rehabilitation of disabled children. Regional and regional money can be used for other types of treatment, including high-tech methods of therapy in specialized medical centers.

It is not possible to transfer funds for paid medical procedures and services in all regions of the Russian Federation. Among the subjects that allow such use of finance are Kalmykia, Komi, Khakassia, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Voronezh, Novgorod, Rostov regions and several dozen other territories and districts.


It is noteworthy that in some areas (for example, in Yakutia), funds can be used for high-tech and sanatorium-resort treatment outside the region.

In the Komi Republic, parents and children have the right to receive one-time payments of 25,000 rubles each year for sanatorium treatment (including travel to the place of service).

Assistance is provided in the presence of official medical indications provided to employees of social protection authorities in the prescribed form.

Method 5. Buying a car

You can buy a car with money from the regional (district or regional) budget only in some regions. In particular, residents of the Kaliningrad and Novosibirsk regions have this opportunity.

Families in which the third (or subsequent child) was born after 01/01/2011 have the right to purchase a domestically produced car with regional money. At the same time, the total family income should not exceed the regional subsistence level by more than 3.5 times.

In these areas, with regional subsidies you can buy not only cars, but also furniture, as well as other durable goods - for example, household appliances, computers and electronics.

5. Is it possible to legally cash out regional mat capital in Moscow?

The rules for using the certificate are the same for the capital and settlements with regional status. These rules do not allow turning regional capital into real money.

In other words, funds secured by the certificate can only be spent on needs established by law. Redirection of funds is carried out by bank transfer.

You can transfer money to the following accounts:

  • banking institutions;
  • sellers of apartments and houses;
  • construction organizations;
  • medical, preventive, educational institutions.

Transfers in other areas provided for by law are allowed. All other transactions are considered criminal: both the owners of the certificate and the initiators of illegal cash withdrawal are held accountable for their implementation.

6. Fraud with regional mat capital - how to avoid becoming a victim of deception

Although regional maternity capital is non-cash funds, there are plenty of people who want to illegally take advantage of budget assets.

Frauds with regional (regional) money are just as common as scams with the federal MSC. The most common method of deception is fictitious intermediary services for obtaining a mortgage (loan) from a bank or “assistance” in cashing out RCCs.

To avoid becoming victims of scammers, I advise you to follow simple recommendations:

  • carry out all operations with maternity capital with the direct participation of social security authorities;
  • do not enter into transactions with companies with dubious status, as well as with companies about which there is no clear information in official sources of information;
  • do not use the services of private individuals offering to cash out maternity capital for a certain percentage.

Often, certificate holders themselves become the initiators of criminal operations. In particular, with the money of regional capital, housing is purchased from friends and relatives, apartments are purchased at a deliberately inflated price or living space unsuitable for living.

Young families of the Kurgan region are demanding that Governor Alexei Kokorin pay the regional capital they are entitled to by law to cover part of the mortgage costs. By order of the head of the region himself, since 2016. Each young family is entitled to 358 thousand rubles upon the birth or adoption of a child, but this subsidy is not paid.

In the Kurgan region, young families are collecting signatures on the website for a petition addressed to Vladimir Putin and Governor Alexei Kokorin demanding payment of regional maternity capital (RMC). According to the author of the petition, Dmitry Dubrovin, at the end of 2015. By order of the head of the region, the Kurgan region announced the payment of maternity capital for young families under the age of 35 upon the birth or adoption of a child. “Until now, despite the recognition of our right to receive the RMC in 2016, the RMC has not been provided to us, which makes our rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other federal laws illusory. For two years, we have been deprived of the opportunity to exercise this right: the RMK should have been aimed at repaying part of the mortgage debt, which would significantly reduce the burden on the budget of a young family with small children,” Dubrovin writes in the petition.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Young families in eight cities of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug will hold a single protest on April 22 to defend their rights to receive subsidies under the regional program “Affordable Housing for Young People.” Funding for this program decreases every year, and in just the last three years it has decreased from 1 billion to 109 million rubles. The district government and Governor Natalya Komarova annually extend the program, excluding from the queue for subsidies families where one of the spouses turns 36 years old, regardless of the fact that they received payments.


Governor Osipov fulfills federal guidelines for election transparency
The head of the region, Alexander Osipov, called on the heads of territorial election commissions to ensure maximum transparency in the upcoming elections for the governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory. According to experts, the task of holding clean, legitimate elections was set by the country's leadership. At the same time, political strategist Maria Mincheva noted that holding transparent elections also ensures the legitimacy of the elected governor. Political scientist Igor Ukraintsev believes that the current activities of the head of Transbaikalia indicate his readiness to hold open elections.
Expert: Right-wing Russians in Sevastopol have nothing to offer their voters except populism
The head of the Sevastopol branch of A Just Russia, Evgeny Dubovik, said that the Socialist Revolutionaries plan to dominate the elections to the regional parliament. In his opinion, United Russia has discredited itself. He called on residents of Sevastopol to vote for SR, calling the party the support of President Vladimir Putin. Political scientist Natalya Kiseleva considers the mention of the president “populism, other than which they have nothing to offer voters.” And political scientist Oleg Bondarenko predicts that the Socialist Revolutionaries will be able to strengthen their positions in the parliament of Sevastopol if there is any activity on their part.
Political scientist Petrov: there is a political escalation in Irkutsk on the eve of the city Duma elections
Experts note that the political situation in Irkutsk is “heating up on the eve of the city Duma elections.” In their opinion, this is related to the claims of city deputies to vice-mayor Viktor Yesheev and to the mayor's office due to refusals to provide places for meetings with voters. Political scientist Alexey Petrov recalled that Mayor Dmitry Berdnikov had previously withdrawn from the United Russia primaries and intends to run in the elections by self-nomination. Petrov does not rule out that now “the Duma platform can be used to put pressure on the city executive power.”
The opposition in Buryatia is discussing the possibility of a coalition in the mayoral elections of Ulan-Ude
In Buryatia, they are discussing the information that has emerged about the negotiations between the former mayor of Ulan-Ude Alexander Golkov and the leader of the regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Markhaev. It is assumed that they can create a coalition in the elections for the mayor of Ulan-Ude. Political scientist Alexei Mikhalev noted that it is too early to talk about such an alliance. At the same time, Mikhalev believes that unexpected steps should be expected from Markhaev before the election of the head of the city: “Undoubtedly, Markhaev will need support, because alone, without a coalition, it will be very difficult for him to stand in the elections.” Experts also note an increase in protest activity in the republic. At the same time, the main candidate for mayor, Igor Shutenkov, is supported by the support of the head of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov. “United Russia” summed up the results of the primaries for the election of candidates to the State Council of Tatarstan. The list of the party in power in the elections to the republican parliament will be headed by the Speaker of the State Council Farid Mukhametshin, with the head of the KAMAZ-master racing team Vladimir Chagin in second place. The third place was taken by the director of the network of children's centers "Bala City" Albina Nasyrova. This troika will allow United Russia to maintain a strong position in the parliament of Tatarstan, says political consultant Marat Khamidullin. According to political scientist Evgeny Semyonov, non-political candidates - Chagin and Nasyrova - will play the role of United Russia's "locomotives".

In the Kurgan region, the elderly population predominates. by subsidizing families with children designed to increase the birth rate and thus “rejuvenate” the inhabitants of the region.

There are several social regulators of fertility and improving the well-being of families with children in the region:

  • common to all parents and children of the country in the form of federal maternity capital;
  • special, which applies only to Kurgan families, in the form of regional maternity capital.

It should be noted that the program for implementing the latter is very non-standard for the Russian Federation.

Demographic situation in the region

Since 1994 to the present, the population of the region has gradually falls- from 1.1 to 0.87 million people. This happens due to mortality that outweighs the birth rate, as well as due to migration loss. In 2014, the region's population decreased by 7.3 thousand people, 72% of whom moved to other regions of the country.

  • Since 2007 mortality is approximately at the same level with slight fluctuations (15.9-16.1 deaths per 1000 population).
  • From 2006 to 2015 birth rate in the region is growing with slight declines in 2011 and 2014. (in general, an increase from 10.6 to 14.0 births per 1000 people).

The prerequisites for an increase in the birth rate have been observed since 1998 (the number of births increased from 9.0 to 10.7 people per 1000 over 8 years), but the birth rate has increased most rapidly since 2007. Probably Social support played an important role in this families

  • one (any) of the parents with whom the children live can apply;
  • each child must be alive at the time of applying for social benefits;
  • parents must permanently reside with their children in the Kurgan region.

To subsidy recipients to pay off the mortgage the following requirements apply:

  • the family can be complete or incomplete;
  • parents must be not older than 35 years at the time of birth of the child;
  • the presence at the time of applying for social assistance of a mortgage loan opened within the framework of one of the programs listed in Resolution No. 555 of November 19, 2012;
  • permanent residence and registration within the region;
  • Russian citizenship of the applicant;
  • lack of applications for federal maternity capital;
  • the family has not previously used assistance under the program “Providing housing for young families”;
  • Reimbursement of the principal amount of the mortgage loan will be made to one of the parents for whom the loan agreement has been drawn up.

Documents required for registration

Documents required to obtain regional maternity capital in Trans-Urals(25 thousand and 40 thousand rubles):

  • statement in the prescribed form;
  • birth certificates all children (or their adoption);
  • reference, confirming the cohabitation of the applicant and his children;
  • bank account number applicant.

If you wish to receive reimbursement of a loan issued, you must additionally attach documents confirming the relationship with the bank and the seller (developer) of housing.

In this case:

  • The application along with the documents is provided personally, either through a representative, by mail, via the Internet or other means;
  • When sending documents by mail, their copies must be notarized, and no originals are required.

The procedure for disposing of regional maternity capital funds

If you wish to dispose of the money allocated to the family, in all cases it is provided this sequence of actions:

  • submission of documents;
  • registering the application and issuing a receipt (or sending it by mail within 5 days);
  • within 20 working days from the date of registration, the authorities make a decision;
  • a maximum of 5 days after this, a notification is sent to the applicant;
  • payment is provided in the next month after the month during which the application was submitted (until the 26th).

The legislative norms do not indicate what parents should spend social payments in the amount of 40 thousand and 25 thousand rubles on. This means families are given the freedom to use funds for priority needs. There is no need to coordinate expenses with government agencies and report on them. However, a lump sum payment for the first child has a clear purpose.

It can only be used to repay what has already been borrowed. home loan. Funds by bank transfer are transferred to the bank to pay off the principal debt (body) of the loan. Interest on the loan, fines, commissions and fees cannot be paid from this amount.


In addition to what is provided for families with two children, there are others in the Kurgan region measures to improve the demographic situation. The mother or father (adoptive parents) of twins or triplets, as well as the parents of the third child, can count on help from the regional budget. A special type of assistance is provided to parents of the first child who already have a housing loan.

During the duration of the maternity capital programs The birth rate in the region is growing faster than it was before 2007. It is hoped that if programs are not cut due to lack of budget, financial injections into families will have a positive impact on demographics region, and on the welfare of the population.

According to the terms of the Kurgan region program, the right to receive regional maternity capital occurs in Russian citizens in whose families a 3rd (next) child or two children were born (adopted) at the same time. It is paid to mothers or adoptive parents who permanently reside with their children in the Kurgan region in the form of a lump sum payment.

Description of the program and the procedure for its implementation is contained in regional law No. 232 of 03/09/2007.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice on housing issues by calling the hotlines:

Ways to use family capital in Kurgan

Regional legislation does not define the intended purpose of this subsidy and allows it to be received in cash. What should regional maternity capital be used for?Kurgan citizens decide for themselves. Coordination of expenses with government agencies and provision of supporting documents is not required. Cashing out regional maternity capital inKurgan made through a bank or Russian post.