Wolf and 7 kids in the theater. Musical performance “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” in the preparatory group. All available tickets

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About the performance

The Moscow Theater for Young Spectators will show you how to turn a short fairy tale into a witty musical performance! The production “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” has everything that can interest young guests - fascinating story, bright costumes, festive mood!

Organizational information
You can purchase tickets for the play “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” in Moscow on the ponominalu portal. ru. The production has an age limit of 5+. Duration musical fairy tale is 1 hour and 10 minutes without intermission.

Russian folk tale on new way
Parents have probably already read this wonderful fairy tale to young theatergoers, and the performance of “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” at the Theater for Young Spectators will open up new facets of the old work. People's Artist Russia Henrietta Yankovskaya. The director was Alexey Dubrovsky. Thanks to their efforts, the characters look and behave in a modern way - the main characters read rap, wear fashionable clothes youth environment words that will definitely amuse the guests of the Moscow Youth Theater.

Despite the innovations, the main message remained the same - caring for each other, love and the charm of a carefree childhood.

In addition to the usual characters, new ones will appear on the stage: the father of the kids, the Rooster, the Hare and even the Penguin.

The main roles are played by:
Oksana Lagutina, Alena Stebunova (Goat)
Sergei Belov, Ilya Sozykin (Wolf)
Pavel Poimalov as Hare, Penguin and Rooster

As kids:
Eldar Kalimulin
Iskander Shaikhutdinov
Ilona Borisova
Yuri Tarasenko
Anton Korshunov
Alexandra Kirchak
Natalia Zlatova
and other artists

Artist Elena Orlova dressed the actors in skins and attached funny horns; she designed all the costumes to the smallest detail. The movements were choreographed by Oleg Glushkov.

Full description

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Theater address: Mayakovskaya metro station, Moscow, Mamonovsky lane, 10

  • Mayakovskaya
  • Tverskaya
  • Chekhovskaya
  • Pushkinskaya

Moscow Theater of Young Spectators

History of the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators

Over the years, the theater’s work has been awarded such awards as the Stanislavsky Prize, “Crystal Turandot”, “ Golden Mask", "The Seagull", Belgrade Festival Award and others. For those who are not indifferent to the theater, the actors participating in the productions will be the guarantor of quality. There is no need to describe MTuZ for a long time, suffice it to say that Igor Yasulovich, Igor Gordin, Eduard Trukhmenev, Andrey Finyagin, Igor Balalaev, Alexey Devotchenko, Valery Barinov, Victoria Verberg and others play here.

The popular theater, where spectators tend to buy tickets in advance for the best seats, constantly tours, takes part in various festivals, and actively organizes charity events.

Opening hours of MTYUZ

Performances take place at 12.00 and 19.00, the theater box office is open from 12.00 to 20.00, break from 15.00 to 16.00.

How to get to the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators

MTYUZ is located in the very heart of Moscow. In just 7 minutes you will reach the theater building from the Tverskaya, Mayakovskaya, and Pushkinskaya metro stations; the journey from Chekhovskaya will be a little longer.

Those traveling by car need to get to Tverskaya Street and turn into Blagoveshchensky Lane. After driving a little along Trekhprudny Lane, turn into Mamonovsky Lane and look for house 10.

Photography is the official VKontakte community.

The play is completely consistent with the original fairy tale with the exception of the ending. The text is stylized as a Goat song. The main musical theme is r.n.p. “I am sitting on a pebble” with variations performed by a Russian orchestra folk instruments. Additional musical themes“In the forge”, “Oh, yes, in the forest”. Number of participants - from 13 people (the number of roles without words - blacksmiths, Christmas trees - at the discretion of the director).




Play for children's theater


Spoon buffoons - 4



Kids -7

Christmas trees – 2-4

To the right of the scenes are the “Forest” and “Bushes” scenery. On the left is “The Goat House”.

The spoon buffoons come out and sit on chairs. They play a Russian folk melody"I'm sitting on a pebble".

1 buffoon:

Behind the mountains, behind the high ones,

Yes, beyond the deep rivers,

2 buffoon:

Behind secluded holes

Yes, behind the dark forests

3 buffoon:

There lived a horned goat,

With the goat guys.

The goat and the kids come out of the left wing and dance in a circle. When the music ends, the kids hide in the house.


Lock yourself up, lock yourself up

Yes, wait for mom from the forest.

The goat waves a handkerchief to the kids and goes into the forest. Spooners play"I'm sitting on a pebble".

4 buffoon:

The goat will eat silken grass,

The goat will drink some icy water,

He will eat and drink and come home -

Sings a song to the kids.

A goat comes out, approaches the house, knocks, and sings. The Wolf comes out of the right wing, hides behind the bushes, spies and eavesdrops from behind the bushes.


Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

1 kid:

Our mother has come

I brought milk!

2 kids:

Little goats, kids,

Let's open it to our mother soon!

The kids unlock the door, the goat enters the house.

Musical . The wolf goes to the middle.


A good goat, yes horned,

I'd rather live with kids.

The goat will go to his meadows,

I’ll deceive the kids and lure them out.

The wolf is hiding in the bushes.

The goat and the kids go out to the middle and dance in a circle, singing“I’m sitting on a pebble.”

Goat: Baby goats, are you full?

Little goats: Yes!

Goat: Guys, are you drunk?

Little goats: Yes!


You go home, lock yourself up

And wait for me until the evening!

The kids run into the house and close the door. The goat waves a handkerchief to the kids and goes into the forest. Spooners play“I’m sitting on a pebble.”

The wolf creeps up to the house and sings in a rough voice.


You kids! You little goats!

Open up, open up,

Your mother has come,

I brought milk.

The hooves are full of water!

3 kid:

You are not mother, you are a deceiving wolf,

4 kids:

And our mother doesn’t sing like that,

She doesn't tell you to open the door!

The wolf leaves.

1 buffoon:

The gray wolf was not allowed into the house.

He went to the forge and found a blacksmith

2 buffoon:

And he ordered himself to reforge his throat,

Spoon buffoons play"In the forge."

Musical fragment from M. Glinka’s Overture “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. The Wolf comes out, clears his throat, and bleats like a goat.


Now I’ll go and listen,

What words will the goat sing?

Wolf hiding behind a bush.

The Goat comes out, approaches the house, knocks and sings. And the Wolf listens carefully.


Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come -

She brought milk;

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch up to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!

1 kid:

It's mom who came

I brought milk!

2 kids:

Little goats, kids,

Open the door to our mother!

3 kid:

A wolf came to us and sang a song to us.

4 kids:

5 kids:

We didn’t open the doors in the house,

Do not fall into the clutches of the gray wolf.


Well done, guys!

Smart little goats!

The gray wolf cannot be unlocked -

He wants to eat you, my children.

Lock up, lock up,

Only open to me alone.

The goat waves a handkerchief and goes into the forest. The kids lock the door.

Musical fragment from M. Glinka’s Overture “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

The wolf comes out into the middle and speaks in a thin voice.


You are smart, vaunted -

Yes and gray wolf I'm not a fool.

I memorized your whole song

He creeps up to the house and sings in a thin voice.


Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came and brought milk;

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch up to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!

6 kids:

Little goats, guys!

This is our mother's song!

7 kid:

Unlock it quickly, guys!

The kids open the door, the Wolf catches them in a bag. Musicalfragment from M. Glinka’s Overture “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. 1 kid is hiding behind the stove. The wolf leaves with the bag.

A Goat approaches the house from the forest.


Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

3 buffoon:

The kids don’t meet the Goat,

Little goats don’t run towards you,

4 buffoon:

The plank door opened,

Apparently something bad happened here!


Where, where are you, my little goats,

Show yourself to your mother!

1 kid runs out of the house, the Goat hugs him.

1 kid:

Forgive us, our mother -

Your little goats have identified themselves:

He caught all the kids and left with the bag.


Oh, what are you doing, my children?

They unlocked and opened,

Did you get it from the bad wolf?

The Wolf comes out.


Why, you goat, are you sinning against me?

I didn’t steal kids, I didn’t eat kids.

Stop shedding tears, little goat,

Come out, goat, into the forest with me!


Oh, I don’t believe the gray wolf!

I’ll go into the forest with the wolf and find the kids!

Spoon buffoons play“Oh, yes, in the woods”. The Goat and the Wolf go into the forest, the Christmas trees dance around them, and approach the bag.


We're cramped here! The wolf wants to eat us!

Untie us! Save us!

The goat runs up to the bag and the kids come out.


My horns are sharper than a blade,

I'll stick my horns in your sides!

Get away, wolf, out of my sight!

And I’ll take my kids home.

The Goat bows its head and steps on the Wolf. The wolf backs away and runs into the forest.

1 buffoon:

The wolf started to run as fast as he could.

2 buffoon:

And I haven’t been to the goat’s yard since then.

3 buffoon:

And the horned goat with the kids-goats

  • Goat with a short song, 1, 2 kids, Goat enters the house.
  • The wolf goes out into the middle and hides again. Music of the Wolf.
  • Round dance with singing “I am on a pebble.”
  • The goat and all the kids, farewell, the kids go home,Goat in the forest. Orchestra.
    1. Exit of the Wolf.
    2. Song of the Wolf in a rough voice, 3, 4 little goats
    3. Care of the Wolf, 1, 2 buffoon
    4. Orchestra "In the Forge"
    1. A wolf with a thin voice goes into the bushes.
    2. Exit and full song of the Goat.
    3. Goat and 1, 2,3,4,5 kids
    4. Farewell and departure of the goat.
    1. The exit of the Wolf with a thin voice, Wolf music.
    2. Song of the Wolf in a thin voice, 6, 7 kids.
    3. 2,3,4,5,6,7 kids “into the bag” and into the forest, music of the Wolf, departure of the Wolf.
    1. Exit of the Goat, short song, 3.4 buffoons
    2. Goat and 1 kid, lamentations of the Goat.
    3. The exit of the Wolf to the music of the Wolf.
    4. Wolf and Goat.
    1. Double round dance-snake with Christmas trees. Orchestra "Oh, yes in the forest."
    2. The kids are in chorus, the Goat leads the kids to the middle.
    3. The Goat drives away the Wolf, 1,2,3,4 buffoons.
    1. Orchestra "I'm on a Pebble"
    2. Bow and departure of the Goat and the kids, orchestra
    3. Bow and departure of the wolf and Christmas trees, orchestra.
    4. Bow and departure of the buffoons.

    Scenario theatrical production

    "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

    (based on a Russian folk tale)

    Target: formation of acting skills in preschoolers in the process of dramatizing literary works.

    Integration of educational areas:

    artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development, speech development, cognitive development.

    Software tasks:

    1. Develop imagination and fantasy, create conditions for independent creative activity children, develop the ability to perceive and the ability to transform in accordance with a given image(oo- artistic and aesthetic development);
    2. teach to interact and collaborate in a team, develop the ability to empathize with the character of a literary work

    (oo – social and communicative development);

    1. develop an idea of ​​healthy lifestyle, develop expressiveness and gracefulness of movements(oo - physical development);
    2. develop coherent, dialogical and monologue speech, speech creativity, sound and intonation culture of speech(oo-speech development);
    3. expand and clarify your understanding of the world around you(oo – cognitive development).


    • Goat
    • 7 kids
    • Wolf
    • Squirrel
    • Squirrels
    • Hare
    • Bunnies
    • Rooster
    • Chicken
    • Chickens
    • Magpie storyteller
    • Bear cubs

    Magpie storyteller.

    We'll tell you a fairy tale

    So that you all understand,

    What kindness, love and affection

    We need everything everywhere.

    "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

    In a new musical way.

    But in this fairy tale, everyone will understand

    Who will take the main place in it?

    Music is playing.

    All characters stand up scattered.

    Children sing an introductory song (music and lyrics by A. Ermolov)

    "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

    We all know the fairy tale.
    And hers for all the guys
    We'll play now.
    Chorus (2 times):
    This fairy tale with experience,
    All as it should be, completely.
    We'll tell you in our own way,
    And we’ll sing in our own way.
    Spectators are sitting in the hall
    And we give you our word:
    Wolf and seven kids
    Ready to perform.
    Chorus (2 times):
    This fairy tale with experience,
    All as it should be, completely.
    We'll tell you in our own way,
    And we’ll sing in our own way.

    The curtain closes.

    Magpie the storyteller comes out

    Magpie storyteller.

    Like a river on the edge

    A goat lived in a hut.

    Both beautiful and sweet.

    The mother was a goat.

    The curtain opens.

    The goat is sweeping, the kids are playing.

    Magpie storyteller.

    She had children growing up -

    Very cute little goats.


    Chatterbox, Stomper, Know-It-All, Bodika, Teaser, Laugher.

    And I'm Baby!

    Magpie storyteller.

    Mom loved the kids

    And she taught how to manage:

    Clean the house and yard,

    Sweep the floor with a broom.


    You, little goats, are mine,

    You are my boys

    Get ready quickly

    I invited guests to the house.

    Dance of the kids (to the music of “Rock and Roll”)


    And I'll go to the fair

    I'll feed everyone and give them something to drink,

    The Storyteller Magpie flies out.

    Magpie storyteller.

    Oh, I know what I’ll say:

    The gray wolf ran here,

    He screamed very terribly,

    That everyone today

    He will catch the kids.


    Oh, little goats, you guys,

    You are left without a mother.

    I'm going to the fair to buy cabbage,

    Apparently, the wolf will come, I feel it in my heart.

    You have to sit, do you hear, 2 times

    Quieter than water, below the grass.


    Don't worry mommy

    Everything will be fine.

    We know from a fairy tale:

    The wolf is terribly ugly.


    You lock yourself with 7 locks,

    Open doors if

    I’ll sing this song for you.

    Goat song “Ding-dong, I am your mother”, music. A.L. Rybnikova, lyrics. Yu.Entina

    Goat. Let's sing together.

    (kids repeat)

    At the end of the song, the Goat leaves.

    Goats (pronounced one by one)

    1. It’s a pity that mommy left.

    2. She has her own business.

    3. Without mom all day again

    4. Well, don't whine, don't be stubborn.

    5. In the house, little goats, let’s close the door,

    6. And we’ll arrange something like this there!

    Game of little goats.


    Enough, brothers, to fool around!

    We need to clean the house!


    Let's shake out the rug, wipe it down,

    We'll clean everything ourselves.

    The whole house will be clean -

    Here's a gift for mom!

    Funny guy.

    Let's sweep the floors clean

    Let's cook dinner

    We'll wash the dishes...

    What else would you need?


    Knead the dough for the pie,

    We'll be on our own too

    So that mom will have a surprise,

    Baked by us!


    Mom will come from the forest,

    And she won't have any troubles


    Well, that's it, it's time to get down to business,

    You have to try hard for your mom.

    Everyone leaves, the Kid remains.


    I am for mommy goat

    I'll make a flower

    I'll glue it and paint it

    Every petal.

    Runs behind the house.

    Ominous music sounds.


    I am a wolf-wolf

    Evil, evil, despicable.

    I want to outsmart the kids

    And drag you into the dense forest.

    To be able to open the door,

    I'll have to sing a song.

    Performs the song a cappella “Ding-dong, I am your mother”



    Wolf. Well, wait a minute.

    A rooster and a wolf appear in front of the curtain.


    I wish I could sing like a goat

    And very, very loud.


    What are you up to, gray rogue?


    On television they call where the amazing animals are

    They sing amazingly.


    Well, it’s better not to lie to me, quickly tell the truth.


    I don’t want to live like this anymore, I scared everyone in the forest.

    Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo. Oh, how sad it is to be alone.

    Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo. Oh, how boring it is to be alone.


    This, brother, is nothing,

    You will sing loudly

    And very, very subtle.

    I'll call the vocalist.

    She will teach you to sing very quickly.

    Calls the chicken.

    Rooster. Pied hen.

    Music is playing. A chicken appears.


    So that the Goats learn to sing,

    You need to have patience.

    Repeat the note A!


    Oh! I'm tired, friends!

    And it's time to feed the chickens!

    Now the whole family will be here!

    Oh! Not life, but vanity!

    Dance of chicks, hen and rooster.

    They leave. The wolf remains.

    Wolf. La-la-la!

    Wolf. Finally I started singing

    He succeeded in this matter.

    Goes behind the curtain (left)

    Music is playing.

    Hares and a Goat appear in front of the curtain.

    Goat. Hello, bunnies!

    Hare. Hello, Goat!


    How are you doing, goat? Where were you?


    I picked cabbage.

    And now I'm in a hurry,

    I'm afraid for the kids.


    Wait, Aunt Masha,

    We'll get you some carrots.

    Let the little goats eat

    Dear guys.


    Sweet carrot, thank you bunnies

    I’m in a hurry, because the kids are waiting for me at home.

    A hungry dire wolf is prowling the forest.

    His eyes sparkle and his teeth click.


    Nowadays there is no faith in the wolf.

    Oh, the bushes are moving!

    Hares run away through the middle of the curtain.

    The bear and cubs exit from the left.

    Sing a song (“Song of the Bears” music by A.L. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Entin)

    From all sorts of diseases

    There is nothing more useful

    Than bees sweet honey

    He gives strength to everyone.

    La, la, la….

    Drink raspberry tea at night

    And flu with sore throat is not scary

    Listen to what the bear said

    And you won't get sick.

    La, la, la….

    Bear. Take, Goat, a barrel of honey.

    Goat. Thank you for the fragrant honey.

    Squirrel music.

    The baby squirrels are hiding behind the bushes. The squirrel comes to the center.


    Hello baby squirrels, dear guys,

    I ask you, help me, collect some nuts for me.


    Children, squirrels, come out and help your mother.

    We'll pick some nuts for our neighbor's goat.

    Squirrel dance.


    Well, I bought some nuts for the kids! Looks like it's time to go home!

    The goat goes behind the screen.

    Ominous music sounds (music by A. Rybnikov)

    A wolf comes in. Looks around.

    Wolf (rubs his hands). I'll have lunch now.

    Sings the song “Ding-dong, I am your mother” to the kidsmusic A.L. Rybnikova, lyrics by Y. Entin

    The kids line up in front of the house.


    Basta, little ones,

    The dancing is over!


    Die, so with music,

    Sing, brothers!


    Once they let a wolf into the house,

    Here's what I think:

    Together we are now

    Let's re-educate!

    Game "Wolf and kids".

    The wolf, having not caught the kids, sits on a bench.


    Wait, we're not afraid of you,

    And don't interfere with our work.


    I want to help you!


    Can you draw?

    Sculpt and glue? Embroider?

    Funny guy.

    Have you collected a bouquet for your mother?


    Yes, I don’t have a mother!


    What a pity for the wolf, don’t cry,

    You stay with us


    We will be your brothers.


    And our mother will be our mother.


    Teach me soon

    Make a gift for mom.

    They sit down and teach the wolf.

    Chatterbox remains on stage, the rest begin to make a flower.


    That is a valuable gift that we make ourselves,

    Let's paint and glue it with our own hands.

    Making a craft.


    Let's say simple and warm words,

    May more goodness be added to the world!

    Goat comes out.


    Oh, horror, here you are, gray rogue!

    Oh, poor goats!

    (Counts) No! My goats are here

    All the guys are healthy.

    The Wolf approaches the Goat.

    After all, I don’t have a mother.

    Little goats.

    Mommy, honey, let him stay,

    We have a place for the wolf.


    Well, okay, stay with us.

    Go around the whole world

    Just know in advance:

    You won't find warmer hands,

    And more tender than my mother’s.

    Tease. You won't find eyes in the world

    More affectionately and more strictly,

    Mother to each of us,

    Everyone, everyone, everyone is dearer!

    All the characters come out and sing a song.

    Song "Mom" music A.L. Rybnikova, lyrics by Y. Entin

    Stomper. A hundred paths, roads around,

    Go around the world -

    Mom is the best friend

    All. Better than mom There is not!

    The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats is an interesting children's show that is perfect for family viewing. According to the plot of the production, the lives of the characters go on as usual. The father-goat walks statefully across the stage in a captain's cap. A slender mother goat with a thin voice is busy around the kids. But this idyll is destroyed when it is discovered that the goats are missing. The culprit of all this was the wolf. In this production, he is dressed like a rocker, and his outward cunning is buried in charm. The production contains a lot of jokes, songs, music and dances. Some of the funny scenes are aimed not so much at young viewers as at their parents.

    “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” is an excellent choice for going to the theater with young children. The performance is designed very colorfully - beautiful scenery, bright costumes, familiar characters... All this will involve children in the essence of everything that happens on stage, will force them to watch each character of the play without taking their eyes off the stage. The production is interesting, easy to understand, there are a lot of witty jokes, joyful moments and hooliganism. It is worth buying tickets for this performance in advance, since the production is popular, and each regular performance is sold out.

    Children's performance“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” will be held at the Moscow Youth Theater.

    “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” are the famous and favorite songs by Alexei Rybnikov based on the poems by Yuri Entin.

    A short story that fits: a carefree, slightly hooligan and cocky childhood, tenderness, care and warmth, love and friendship, the joy and beauty of creativity, and a very large cheerful company.

    A funny, touching and very witty performance.

    A colorful and festive world awaits its little spectators and their parents at the Moscow Youth Theater for the play “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.