Age of Presnyakov Jr. and Podolsk. Vladimir Presnyakov: biography and personal life (photo). Building a successful career

He loves extreme types of recreation: he dives somewhere in Egypt, rides a motorcycle, or jumps from a parachute. Loves risk and creativity. And everyone around him loves him.

Born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Volodya's father, Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov, known in musical world as Petrovich - composer, saxophonist, laureate of many international competitions And jazz festivals. In addition, Petrovich is very kind, modest and smart man who loves football. Volodya’s mother (although if you look at the photo, you can’t believe it’s her mother), Elena Presnyakova, is the lead singer of the very popular group “Gems”. Volodya’s parents met in Sverdlovsk when Presnyakov Sr. invited Lena to become a soloist in the ensemble “What the Guitars Sing About.” Then Yuri Malikov invited them to Gems, and the family moved to Moscow. Before this, Volodya Jr. grew up with his grandmother in Sverdlovsk, and his parents often took him on tour. So, one might say, Volodya grew up behind the scenes. At the age of three he already began to “buzz” on his father’s saxophone, at five he tapped out some hit song on the drums, and at the age of eleven he composed his first song. Volodya himself began earning money at the age of 12, when he sang in the choir of the Yelokhovskaya Church in Moscow (performing spiritual works by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov from sight). After this there were several years of working in a restaurant with Laima Vaikule. Volodya also performed as part of the popular rock band “Cruise” in the 80s.

“Back then I was perceived as a gifted child. But the fame of “unique children” is fleeting. My voice began to break, and I had to stop singing for several years.” But Presnyakov did not waste time - he studied karate, went to breakdancing lessons, which was popular at that time. In addition, Volodya taught

Xia at the choir school. Sveshnikov, from where he was, however, expelled for distributing pornography. The pornographic drawing that Volodya brought to the school was a photograph of a half-naked singer on the cover of Billboard magazine. Then Volodya studied at the conducting and choral department of the school named after. October Revolution. His teachers loved him very much and, knowing about his passion for modern music, did not put pressure on Presnyakov with classics.

Great fame came to Volodya after the film “Above the Rainbow”, in which he performed hits that live to this day. These are “Zurbagan”, “The roadside grass is sleeping” and many others. At the age of 20, Volodya was already a superstar. The album “Dad, you were like that yourself” had the effect of a bomb exploding. After it there were equally strong ones - “Love” and “Castle of Rain”. Volodya’s last album, “Slyunki,” was released in 1997. All these years, Volodya did not stop writing songs, creating, recording, giving concerts, in a word - working. In his personal life, he also managed to “do a lot of things.” For ten years, he and Christina were united by love. And although this marriage broke up, they were still united for life by their son Nikita. Today Volodya has a wife, Lena. Vova has a cozy apartment in the center of Moscow, huge amount friends who constantly come to visit, at any time of the day, and a dachshund dog named Duska. He continues to tour, record in the studio, and shot two new videos. He loves extreme types of recreation: he dives somewhere in Egypt, rides a motorcycle, or jumps from a parachute. Loves risk and creativity. And everyone around him loves him

Name: Vladimir Presnyakov

Age: 51 years old

Place of birth: Yekaterinburg

Height: 184 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, composer, actor

Marital status: married to

Vladimir Presnyakov - biography

The boy came to the world of music from the harsh city of Yekaterinburg. Volodya's family is very musical. My father led a pop ensemble, and my mother was a soloist there. The musicians toured successfully and were incredibly popular. Parents never had any doubts about what their child’s biography would be like. But soon my father was banned from playing music because of imitation Western culture. The young Presnyakov family with the child lived with Elena’s parents. They lived in cramped conditions, but little Volodya wrote songs himself from the age of four, and later began to study the piano.

The boy was noisy, bright and not always obedient. Life began to improve, a communal room appeared, the Gems ensemble, life in Moscow. The baby was already seven years old; it was necessary to enroll the child in school. Volodya was sent to a boarding school hometown. But soon the parents were forced to take their son with them. The boy caused too much trouble to his teachers with his behavior and poor studies.


The biography of the musician and singer Presnyakov Jr. began at the age of eleven. During this period, his first real song was born. The guy had long ago decided that he would study music, for which he entered the Sveshnikov Choir School. Parents were frequent guests of this educational institution, since the guy started smoking, skipped classes and behaved badly.

Teachers were looking for a reason to expel the student from among the students. A reason was found, the guy was found with the banned magazine Burda. The teachers achieved the desired result, but the period of his expulsion coincided with a tour in the rock group “Cruise”. From the age of 15 he already performed in a variety show.


Volodya did not have a high voice from birth; the boy fell ill with pneumonia. After suffering from an illness, the singer acquired a unique, individual high timbre. The biography of the future star began to truly become stellar after Presnyakov Jr. performed a couple of songs in the film “Above the Rainbow” instead of the main character.

Vladimir also tried himself as an actor, one of the films had a long title, it was a fairy tale. The musician continued to compose songs, was personally acquainted with many composers, and created his own group. And since 1987, the singer began working with the Song Theater, which he directed.

Success, songs

For a very long time Presnyakov Jr. was one of best performers"Singers of the Year" In 1995, the Olimpiysky sports complex gathered a huge number of spectators for Presnyakov Jr.’s “Castle of Rain” concert. The singer received the Golden Gramophone award, his songs became real hits. The end of the nineties came, the artist’s popularity began to decline, but the musician did not crave fame as an end in itself, so he did not worry about his lost popularity.

Music still became the main thing for Vladimir, he continued to participate in concert activities, took part in “The Last Hero” and won. The fact that Presnyakov Jr. did not abandon musical practice contributed to the creation of another hit together with and the receipt of another “Golden Gramophone”.

Vladimir Presnyakov - biography of personal life

Presnyakov Jr.’s relationship with girls began at the age of 18. This is correct, but he chose a girl who was only 15 years old. This choice fell on the daughter of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The parents waited 1 year, and the young people got married.

Christina didn’t like everything about their relationship, especially since they lived with their parents young husband, then Pugacheva. The couple earned money on their own, periodically refusing parental help and care. The young couple had a son, Nikita, and they all lived together for 10 years. The star young family broke up, but they maintained an excellent relationship and participated together in raising the child.

Vladimir’s next wife, fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, became the reason for divorce. But this marriage also lasted almost ten years. The singer's current wife is

Presnyakov Vladimir (Junior) - Russian composer, singer, musician, actor and arranger - was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in 1968, on March 29. His parents also famous people. Father, Vladimir Petrovich, is a saxophonist. Mother, Elena Petrovna, is a vocalist. In connection with their creative activities, in 1975, their parents moved to Moscow. They began working in the famous vocal and instrumental ensemble called “Gems”.


Vladimir Presnyakov was raised by his grandmother and studied at a Sverdlovsk boarding school. As soon as his parents’ life improved, he moved to Moscow with them. There he began his Presnyakov studies playing the guitar, piano, and drums. He composed his first song at the age of eleven. Already at twelve he began singing in the church choir, which operated at the Yelokhov Cathedral in Moscow. Vladimir performed his first performances with the group “Cruise” at the age of thirteen. He sang songs own composition"Red Book", " old tale", "Cat".


Vladimir Presnyakov received an excellent education. He studied at the Choir School. Sveshnikova. Then he entered the Moscow City School. October Revolution for the conducting and choral department. Presnyakov studied reluctantly and even poorly. He loved to skip classes, which greatly upset his parents. As a student, he did not stop creative activity. Worked in the Laima Vaikule ensemble. Attended one performance film crew famous film"Above the Rainbow." They noticed young performer and invited him to record songs. Presnyakov sang the compositions “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps.” In addition, he played a small role in the film. The film was released in 1986. After the show, the musician instantly gained unprecedented popularity, and the songs he performed became hits and were heard from everywhere. The singer's popularity grew. Already in 1987, he was offered to star in the new film “She with a broom, he in a black hat.” In addition, he performed some songs for the film, based on the famous novel called “The Island of Lost Ships.”

Without a voice

In 1983, the career of a popular performer was in jeopardy. The thing is that at that time he youth environment It was fashionable to breakdance. One of Presnyakov’s friends invited him to practice at the Pravda Palace of Culture. Vladimir liked this activity so much that he could no longer stop. It all ended with severe pneumonia and loss of voice. The singer himself, like his parents, perceived this as a real disaster. Despite all the fears, the voice returned. At the same time, Presnyakov received a real gift of nature, namely a falsetto that was very rare in strength and height.

Dizzying rise

From 1987 to 1994, Vladimir Presnyakov worked at the popular Song Theater of singer Alla Pugacheva. Already in the late 1980s he created the group “Captain”. They performed the program “Farewell to Childhood.” The group toured with her in Moscow, as well as in cities near and far abroad. Until the mid-90s, Presnyakov was one of the ten most popular performers in the country. In the 1989 hit parade, he took fourth place in the Soloists category, gaining 12,995 votes. In the same year, the singer’s debut album “Dad, you were like that yourself” was released. It was he who finally formed the image of the performer. At the same time, the first Russian rock musical “Street” with the participation of Presnyakov was staged.


The first solo concert program was called “The Vladimir Presnyakov Show.” The musician performed with her at such big venues in Leningrad as the Olimpiyskiy and Yubileiny Sports and Concert Complex. Vladimir Presnyakov, whose biography is very bright and fascinating, was the first to receive the Golden Key prize in the city of Monte Carlo. He became the first artist whose audio recordings sold the largest number of copies throughout the country.

Notable collections

Vladimir Presnyakov, whose songs are still sung today, has released more than one album over several years of fruitful work. In 1991, his album “Love” was released. The collection “Castle Made of Rain” brought him enormous success in 1994. It included songs such as “Girlfriend Masha” and “A Stewardess Named Zhanna.” They became hits for many years. 1995 was especially successful for the singer. Vladimir Presnyakov released three albums at once: “Zhanna”, “Wanderer”, “Zurbagan”. They became the best and brought the singer unprecedented popularity. In the same year, a concert program called “Castle of Rain” was created. She received the Star Award as best show year at all concert venues in Russia. The album "Slyunki" was released in 1996. In 1998 - the disc “Living Collection”, and in 2001 - “Open Door”. Vladimir Presnyakov, whose biography is notable not only musical creativity, took part in the First Channel project “The Last Hero-3” in 2002 and won main prize. At the same time, the album “Love on Audio” was released.

Joint activities

Vladimir Presnyakov recorded a disc with the group “Malaria” in 2005. In 2006, together with Leonid Agutin, he sang the song “Airports”. She quickly gained popularity and became a hit on all radio broadcasts. Joint creativity has borne fruit. Agutin and Presnyakov received the well-deserved Golden Gramophone award as the best male duet. They were nominated for the Muz-TV 2007 award in the same category. The work with Agutin did not end there. Together with him, as well as with Natalya Podolskaya and Angelika Varum, the album “Be a Part of Yours” was recorded in 2012. In 2013, the singer created concert program"Useless angel." New and already famous songs performer.

Kristina Orbakaite

First true love The singer became the famous singer Kristina Orbakaite. They met very young. She was only 15 years old. This happened at Laima Vaikule’s concert in Izmailovo. Vladimir Presnyakov (the photo won’t let you lie) was already a prominent young man and could not help but please the young beauty. He paid compliments and tried in every possible way to please. They both often took part in concerts and could not help but meet again. Their romance began after filming the program “Blue Light”. It should be noted that for the sake of the first date, Presnyakov had to ask Christina from Alla Pugacheva herself. This brave act appreciated. Very soon the couple began to live together as husband and wife. Their young age was an obstacle to official marriage. So they just exchanged rings. The parents were shocked by this turn of events, but did not prohibit it. As in any relationship, there were quarrels. The young people often quarreled, but they certainly made up. On May 21, 1991, Vladimir Presnyakov and his son Nikita. It was only in 1994 that the couple finally moved into their own apartment. They lived together for about ten years. The reason for the separation was Presnyakov’s infidelity. There were various rumors about his adventures. Some turned out to be lies, others, on the contrary, true. The couple separated peacefully. There was no high-profile scandals and statements in the press. They still communicate. Presnyakov takes an active part in raising his son.

New family

In 1996, the Orbakaite-Presnyakov couple officially broke up. Lena Lenskaya was to blame for everything. It was she who became the singer’s new lover and wife. After living together for several years, they finally got married in 2001. Very quickly the relationship began to deteriorate. Some argue that Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife, Elena, had a complex character and often left for the United States for long periods of time. Others say that the reason for the breakup was the husband’s indifference and addiction to alcohol. They filed for divorce in 2005, but lived together for some time.

Natalia Podolskaya

Vladimir Presnyakov and met in 2005 on the set of the “Big Race” project. Feelings flared up quickly. Romantic evenings and meetings did their job. They lived together for several years before they decided to get married. This event happened in 2010. The wedding was magnificent and memorable. White dress, a veil and a motor ship - everything that any bride can dream of. Podolskaya admitted that she feels more confident as a wife. The couple does not hide that they intend to have children. Natalia's loose outfits, which she likes to wear to everyday life, haunt journalists. Each of her appearances in a flowing dress is perceived as a hint of an interesting position. Numerous fans of the singer’s work have always been interested in his personal life. And he gave them no reason to be disappointed. Not long ago, rumors leaked to the press about his separation from Podolskaya. However, in an interview, the singer admitted that these are just conversations that have nothing to do with reality.

    I don’t remember what kind of family Vladimir Presnyakov has, but I know for sure that he has two children and both are boys.

    The first child was born 24 years ago and his name is Nikita. His mother is Kristina Orbakaite.

    But the second child was born today, June 5, 2015. Natasha Podolskaya gave birth to a baby. The boy was named Artem.

    On June 5, 2015, we can now all say with complete confidence that Vladimir Presnyakov, the youngest, has two sons, with an age difference of twenty-four years. Nikita Presnyakov brought joy to this world back in 1991, but his little brother Artem came on June 5th of this year. This is Natalia Podolskaya's first child. I hope everyone involved in this story is happier than ever. Let us also rejoice for the family happiness of the Presnyakov couple.

    Vladimir Presnyakov has today two sons. The first Nikita was born 24 years ago, he turned 21 May. Then Vladimir himself was very young, only 23 years old, and Kristina Orbakaite was 20. Now he is already a respectable father - 47 years old, and for a man this is the very dawn, he can still give birth to many children. So, for now there are 2 children. Let’s wish him as many more as he wants! But there is no need to change wives anymore, let Natasha Podolskaya give birth.

    Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. acquired a second son- On May 5, Natalya Podolskaya gave him second child. Now Vladimir can be proud of his heir.

    The singer's first son is well known to the public - he is 24 years old Nikita Presnyakov, whom Christina Orbakaite gave birth to. By the way, the red-haired young man is very similar to Volodya in childhood.

    Judging by media reports Vladimir Presnyakov’s second son was named Artem.

    Vladimir Presnyakov once again became a father.

    This happy event happened today - 06/05/2015.

    A couple of popular pop singers - Natalia Podolskaya (3 wives) and Vladimir Presnyakov second son was born.

    The star's eldest son was born in Vladimir's first marriage to Kristina Orbakaite. Nikita followed in the footsteps of his parents, he also sings.

    Let's hope that youngest son melodiousness will not bypass, and he, too, like his star parents, will sing!

    In the meantime - health to the baby and the new mother!

    Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. now has two children. Both sons.

    In the photo, Vladimir Presnyakov with his eldest son Nikita.

    Only the age difference between the boys is very large - Nikita Presnyakov is already 24 years old, and the baby, who was just born on June 5, 2015, is not even one day old. According to the parents and grandfather, the baby will most likely be named Artem.

    This is Vladimir with his youngest son.

    Vladimir Presnyakov was officially married three times.

    Nikita was born married to Kristina Orbakaite, with whom Vladimir still has a very warm relationship. Vladimir helps his eldest son in everything.

    The third wife, singer Natalya Podolskaya, gave birth to a second son to the happy dad. Natalia is 33 years old. She and Volodya waited for their first child for a very long time, and now they are immensely happy. Presnyakov’s second marriage to Elena Lenskaya was childless.

    I sincerely congratulate Vladimir and Natalia on the birth of their son!

    Vladimir Presnyakov now has two sons. The scariest man's name is Nikita. He is already 24 years old. Kristina Orbakaite gave birth to Nikita Vladimir.

    And the youngest will most likely be called Artem. He was born quite recently on June 5, 2015 in Moscow. Vladimir Presnyakov’s second wife, singer Natalya Podolskaya, gave birth to a son!!!

    Vladimir Presnyakov, the youngest, has two children.

    Vladimir’s eldest son, whose name is Nikita, is already 24 years old. He was given birth to by Kristina Orbakaite herself.

    Natalya Podolskaya also gave birth to a son for the singer. This event occurred on June 5, 2015. The age difference between the brothers is quite significant. According to information from the media, the boy was named Artem.

    The singer Vladimir Presnyakov became a dad for the second time on June 5, 2015. Natasha Podolskaya gave birth to him. The boy was born healthy, 52 centimeters and weighing three kilograms and fifty grams. They will call him Artm.

    Vladimir Presnyakov’s first child was born twenty-four years ago from Kristina Orbakaite - Nikita.

    Star parents are very happy.

    From a famous Russian singer Vladimir Presnyakov has two children. The first son, Nikita, was born on May 21, 1991 from the daughter of Alla Pugacheva Kristina Orbakaite, the first wife of Vladimir Presnyakov. After his divorce from Kristina in 2001, Presnyakov married Elena Lanskaya, but in this marriage he had no children. Finally, the singer’s third wife is also singer Natalya Podolskaya, famous for, who took 15th place at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005, on June 5, 2015, gave birth to Vladimir’s second son, whom, according to Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., it was decided to name Artem. Vladimir Presnyakov’s dream of a daughter did not come true, but in the photographs with newborn Artem he still looks very happy.

Vladimir Presnyakov (junior) had his first fans in the 90s of the last century: then he was very popular and was considered one of the most talented Russian singers.

Now the musician has reduced his active professional activity, rarely performs solo and almost never releases new albums. IN creative biography Presnyakov (junior) also writes songs for other performers, which are also noted by music lovers.

Education in a creative environment

The future singer was born in 1968 in Sverdlovsk (and now Yekaterinburg). His father, Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov Sr., famous musician and member of VIA “Gems”, composer. Mom, Elena Petrovna Presnyakova, was a vocalist of VIA “Gems”. When the boy was seven years old, his parents left to conquer the capital. Little Vladimir lived for some time with his grandmother. The boy was bored without his father and mother, but did not even think of being offended by them, because he knew that they had to work a lot.

In the photo, Vladimir Presnyakov (junior) as a child.

Already in his early childhood years, the future musician composed music and songs, and also learned to play the piano, drums and guitar. After moving to Moscow, he began to actively develop his musical talent. At the age of 12, Vladimir sang in a church choir, and a year later he performed his songs in the group “Cruise”. The young man received music education, studying first at the Sveshnikov School, and then at the October Revolution School.

Building a successful career

While working with Laima Vaikule, his vocal abilities were noticed, and soon the singer performed songs in the film “Above the Rainbow.” The audience highly appreciated not only the performance of the actors in this film, but also the voice of Presnyakov (the younger), who sang the compositions “Zurbagan” and “Islands”. The musician performed on the stage of the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater for several years, and then took up his career: he recorded new songs and accepted offers to star in small roles in films. For several years, Vladimir managed to maintain the status of “singer of the year,” attracting real sold-out crowds at his concerts. The audience enjoyed listening to his hits “Castle of Rain”, “Wanderer”, “A Stewardess named Zhanna”, “Masha”, which were awarded the Golden Gramophone Award and other prizes.

In 2006, the artist performed the song “Airports” with Leonid Agutin, which received many admiring words from the audience. Among his latest works, the songs “Listening to Silence” and “Breathe”, which he recorded with Natalya Podolskaya, can be noted. Presnyakov (the younger) does not like to appear in public, take part in television projects and social events, preferring to enjoy only his profession.

Happiness and harmony in a creative family

Vladimir is also pleased with the way his personal life has turned out. He began dating his first future wife, Kristina Orbakaite, back in early years, and then the lovers began to live as one family. The singer protected his young wife from temptations and provided positive influence on her personal formation. In 1991, the couple became parents: their son Nikita was born. But five years after that, their union broke up. This divorce was difficult for Presnyakov (the younger), but over time the former spouses established friendly relations. After breaking up with Orbakaite, the singer lived with fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, and in 2001 they decided to legalize their relationship. But after four years, their feelings cooled down, and the couple separated. Children were never born in this union.

Vladimir and Kristina Orbakaite at the wedding of their son Nikita.

At the Star Factory, Vladimir became close to project participant Natalya Podolskaya, who became his third wife. The noticeable age difference did not prevent the lovers from dating and then getting married, which took place in 2010 after a five-year romance. In 2015, their long-awaited child, son Artemy, was born. The couple became not only loving couple, but also as colleagues: they record joint duets and videos, and also go on tour together.

In the photo, Vladimir Presnyakov (junior) with his wife Natalya Podolskaya and son Artemy. Instagram presnyakovvladimir.

Quarrels rarely happen in their family, and if this happens, Presnyakov (the younger) and his wife immediately begin to laugh, hug and make fun of themselves. The artist never cared how much his earnings were, and he built his first house quite recently. The couple strive to develop their son comprehensively: Artemy skis and goes to the pool, and also learns to play musical instruments. The eldest son Nikita plays in the rock band Multiverse, so the singer has many common themes with him.