What is the difference between an all-season tire and an off-road tire? All-season tires: selection rules, significant disadvantages and important advantages

Are there all-season tires?

Are there all-season tires?
All-season tires - a myth or reality? Are all-season tires really so versatile that they can be used in both winter and summer? Let's try to figure out whether all-season tires exist?

Twice a year, every motorist in the capital invariably faces the problem - where and when to change tires? Many car owners pick up tires from a seasonal tire storage warehouse. At the same time, in the spring, when positive temperatures set in, you can still drive on winter tires for a week or even several weeks without compromising both the tires themselves and the safety of the trip. That is, in the spring, car owners are not in a particular hurry to get tires installed in the Eastern Administrative District or in another district. But as for the transition from autumn to winter, here, as a rule, the main peak of tire replacement occurs in the first week of “unexpectedly” snowfall. Tire shops are literally overflowing with customers wanting to refit their cars. And this is not surprising. It is no coincidence that on the first day of snowfall, numerous accidents and traffic jams occur on the capital’s roads. This is caused, firstly, by the fact that car owners, especially beginners, did not have time to get used to the onset of winter and did not “turn on” the winter driving style: they need to brake in advance, increase the distance, move off smoothly, do not rush into turns, etc. And secondly, on the first day of winter, many motorists take to the roads on worn-out summer or all-season tires, which significantly reduces the car’s driving performance: it skids when braking and cornering, the braking distance increases, and the car does not obey the owner. All this can lead to an accident...

Summer or winter: there is only one way - to the tire shop

The majority of car owners, like the majority of all people, belong to the category of low or medium income, so any car owner is overcome by the temptation to save money by purchasing universal all-season tires for all seasons. Let's figure out how much we can save in this case? It would seem that the answer is obvious. An additional set of tires - summer or winter - will cost, say, 14 radius (the minimum radius for an ordinary foreign passenger car) from 10,000 rubles. And for SUVs this figure increases significantly. And, despite the fact that it would seem that rich people buy expensive cars, they are also not ready to throw away money without a justified need.
Let's figure out what caused the need to replace wheels: winter to summer and vice versa?

To change or not to change - that is the question?

In order to answer this question, it is better to give an analogy: when winter comes, do you continue to wear summer shoes? In shoes, sneakers, rubber boots? No? I wonder why? The simplest answer, which suggests itself without hesitation: “because winter has come and you need to wear winter boots/boots.” Why is your car worse than its owner? He needs winter “boots” too! His “feet” also slip and get cold, just like the owner’s. If you are not convinced by such a comparison, then let’s take a closer look at the technical characteristics of various types of tires.
In winter and summer - the same... different wheels!

The main argument in favor of seasonal tires is the elasticity of the rubber. It is thanks to this indicator that the traction of the wheels with the road surface is ensured: the softer the rubber, the larger the area of ​​contact of the tire with the road surface and, therefore, the better the traction; The harder the rubber, the smaller the contact area and the worse the grip.
How is this elasticity of rubber achieved? This indicator is set during tire production. Unfortunately, today the range of temperatures at which a tire can maintain its elasticity is not very wide. More precisely, for the so-called all-season tires, which are designed to maintain good driving performance at both positive and negative temperatures, the elasticity limit is -15°C. We emphasize that this is already the limit, but in general hardening begins already at plus 5 degrees. If you apply this information to Russian roads, it turns out that in winter a car owner on all-season wheels is forced to drive at a minimum speed (about 60-70 km/h) in order to somehow maintain control over the car. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly maintain a distance, because the car in front most likely has winter tires and, if necessary, it will brake sharply and clearly, and you, on an all-season vehicle... will catch up with it. In short, if you are an experienced driver with many years of driving experience various categories vehicles, if you are not in a particular hurry, if you have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, and at the same time you really want to save money, then all-season tires are yours possible option. For other categories of drivers this option like death.
As for winter tires, tires good quality do not lose their plasticity even at minus 40°C! Since such temperatures practically never happen in Moscow, winter tires can be considered as a reliable companion for any driver.
What about in the summer? For all-season tires, the temperature range is from approximately plus 20 to minus 15 ° C. Moreover, these are limiting values, that is, negative processes (destruction of rubber, deterioration of adhesion) occur within this range. In the Moscow region, summers can be hot, dark asphalt likes to heat up to crazy temperatures, so all-season wheels, designed for all seasons, overheat above their limits and begin to slowly peel off, leaving smeared plasticine marks on the asphalt when braking. At the same time, normal summer tires are perfectly adapted to such hot roads, so they serve their caring owner for a long time.
In a word, if you are not yet convinced of the need to use two sets of tires for each season, then seek advice on this issue from any tire shop in Moscow; experienced specialists will quickly dispel the myths about the versatility of all-season tires. Or check for yourself the veracity of the proverb: “The miser pays twice.” Remember that even in the coolest car with modern electronic filling in the form of ABS, electronic stabilization system and all-wheel drive you can’t protect yourself from the negative manifestations of the capital’s weather; all these systems are just a pleasant addition to high-quality and reliable tires for the season.

If you still decide to save

Unfortunately, there are craftsmen who install a pair of winter tires on the drive wheels in winter, leaving summer or all-season tires on the other wheels, naively believing that thereby they provide reliable traction and vehicle stability during acceleration, movement and braking. To best illustrate the behavior of a car with this configuration on the road, let's give an analogy: how will you feel in the winter on snow and ice if you wear a winter boot on one foot and sneakers on the other foot? It is likely that one foot will be comfortable and stable, while the other will become icy and constantly slip, which can even lead to a fall. Your car will behave the same way: the drive wheels, shod for the season, will properly perform their task, and the other wheels will slip, they will skid when turning, accelerating and braking, and an accident will not be far away... So it’s better to buy a second one a couple of tires of the same size and brand and - run to the Moscow tire shop for proper installation of all the wheels in their places.
All four tires must be the same

In an attempt to save money, some car owners manage to purchase wheels of different brands or, even more incredible, different sizes! This is reminiscent of the words from the song: “I molded him from what was.” At the very least, the use of different wheels is prohibited by the rules traffic. And this is not surprising, because different brands of tires, even if they are the same size, have different tread patterns, which means that each wheel behaves differently on the road. You don't wear two different shoes at the same time, do you? Moreover, no one will wear two shoes of different sizes at the same time.
Therefore, dear drivers, do not save on tires for your car, save on something else that does not affect the driving performance of your car. And when buying tires, be sure to check for each tire its radius, type and size, load index and speed limits. Also make sure that the tires you purchase are suitable for your vehicle.
Keep your distance!

2 years Tags: rubber

With the onset of winter, the need to switch to another type of tire worries every car enthusiast. Most often, their choice is one specifically designed for cold and snowy conditions. But often car owners take the path of saving money and install tires that are suitable for use in any conditions. At the same time, they try to save money both on the purchase of two sets of tires and on installing them before the season change. At this moment the question arises: how to choose all-season car tires. This is what will be discussed in this article.

What is an all-season tire? Initially, it seems that it is a successful combination of the qualities of both summer and winter tires. Manufacturers of such tires say that they are well suited for any road surface and use in any road and weather conditions, be it snow or rain, frost or heat. But if you look deeper, you can see that this type of tire is not able to fully provide those properties that are inherent in specialized winter and summer tires in a certain season.

As mentioned above, all-season tires combine the properties of both summer and winter tires. What are these properties? Firstly, winter has chemical composition, which is best suited for low temperatures, ice, frozen asphalt. This is due to the fact that such tires in the cold become more elastic, soft and provide a high coefficient of adhesion and driving comfort. Secondly, winter tires have features in the tread structure - it is deeper, which is necessary to remove slush, wet snow and prevent slippery roads. But in summer period Such rubber cannot be used, because due to its softness it will wear off very quickly. Summer tires are more relevant in warm weather. They are more rigid, have high levels of grip and stability on dry roads. But in winter it is strictly forbidden to use such tires! Their rigidity and tread pattern do not allow for good traction during cold weather, which makes driving on them not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous.

Let's return to the question of how to choose all-season tires for a car. Although all-season tires offer versatility, they do not provide the required performance in harsh conditions. They took over from winter tires a little softness, which increases their stability in winter compared to summer tires, but at the same time they do not avoid high wear when driving on dry asphalt. This drawback will especially upset fans of fast driving, who within a few months will discover that their tires are already very worn out and when cold weather sets in, they practically do not provide traction. Also, all-season tires are noisier on dry roads and at normal temperatures, which creates additional discomfort. In order to combine the quality of summer and winter tires, quite often two types of tread are made on one tire at once - one for high-quality water drainage, the second for good grip on slippery roads. This type of tread is also called asymmetric. If you purchased tires with just such a tread, pay attention to the correct installation. This applies to both the direction of rotation and the correct choice of installation side. The direction of rotation is usually indicated by the inscription ROTATION, next to which there is an arrow. As for the side, OUTSIDE and Side Facing Out indicate the outer side. Proper installation is an important factor for proper tire performance. But in any case, the best installation will be performed by a car service specialist.

Initially, all-season tires were created for the American market, where they are still most widespread. This is due to the fact that these regions have high-quality road surfaces and acceptable road conditions for a long time. This type of rubber was developed for straight, smooth roads, and temperatures close to zero. Therefore, we should not forget about the quality of our roads, which is very far from American ones. Also, very often car manufacturers install all-season tires at the factory, because it is unknown in what season the car will first leave the showroom.

If you nevertheless decide to put all-season tires on your “iron horse” and you are not afraid of their low grip on snowy roads at low temperatures, as well as increased wear in the summer, then you need to take into account several rules that must be followed when purchasing them.

Firstly, before buying all-season tires, you need to pay great attention to their manufacturer. Quite often, the gaze of car owners falls on domestic all-season tires, often not even on the tires themselves, but on their price. Yes, the price of these tires may please you, but their quality is not at the highest level. High wear, small temperature range - not everyone wants to save on this. All-season tires from imported manufacturers have proven themselves much better. Many of them are very popular and constantly maintain their authority in the global market. This group includes all-season tires from companies such as Nokian, Goodyear, Dunlop, Barum, Cooper.

Secondly, pay attention to the tread. It is selected depending on the conditions in which the car is used and can be less or more aggressive. We should not forget about the fact that any tires, including all-season ones, can be purchased at a much lower price if they were produced last season. True, in this case, problems may arise if this model is discontinued.

You should also know that all-season tires are divided into several types depending on operating conditions. The first type is all-season tires, which are made with an emphasis on summer use. They are suitable for your car if you spend almost all your time in the city. The tread of such tires is usually smooth, but has additional sipes that increase traction on icy surfaces. And although this type of tire is called all-season, driving on them in winter is highly not recommended. Summer, spring and autumn are the optimal times to use them. The second type of tires is suitable for you if, in addition to the city, you often travel outside of it, for example, go to your country house. The tread of such tires has many bends that allow you to remove dirt, snow and water and provide a comfortable ride on the highway at high speeds. The third type of tire is suitable for those for whom the main indicator is cross-country ability and grip. It will be difficult to accelerate on the highway on such tires; they make quite a lot of noise, but they will provide you with good cross-country ability.

When answering the question of how to choose all-season car tires, you need to consider general rules choice of any tires. It is worth paying attention to the speed and load capacity indices, the date of manufacture, and the tire’s compliance with international standards. These parameters are required to be present on any tire, and the sales staff at the auto store will help you figure them out. At the same time, to correctly select a tire based on the speed index, you will need to know the maximum and average speed, and in terms of load capacity it is best to leave a small margin.


All-season tires suitable for your car if you live in a temperate zone with little snow and warm winters. If your area is characterized by severe snowy winters, then it is not recommended to install all-season tires on your car. They will not provide good grip and a comfortable ride. In this case, it is much better and safer to have two sets of tires - winter and summer. In winter you will feel much more confident on the road, and in summer they will not wear out as much. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you won’t be able to save money by installing all-season tires, since their excessive softness leads to rapid wear on dry asphalt and an early need for replacement. If you are absolutely sure that all-season tires will suit you, when choosing, pay special attention to the manufacturer, type of tires and tread that need to be selected for the operating conditions of the car. Auto shop specialists will help you choose exactly what you need. Good luck with your choice!

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Almost all car enthusiasts know that they can be purchased at the car market, but not everyone decides to replace two sets of special-purpose tires with one universal tire. This behavior of car owners is associated with the characteristics of all-season tires, its advantages and disadvantages. Some people are pushed to buy universal tires for a car by a decline in living standards, a total increase in prices for all goods and instability of income. Often, the owner of movable property cannot do without his vehicle, but due to circumstances he is forced to save on its maintenance. The first step in saving money on your car is considered to be the purchase of all-season tires, which help you stop purchasing summer and winter tires after driving for a whole year on all-purpose tires. In the article below we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of all-season tires, as well as the rules for purchasing them.

Features of all-season tires

It is worth noting that the first all-season tires appeared not so long ago; in 1977, American citizens were able to try them out for the first time. However, most likely due to the fact that car owners were not ready for such an innovation, many reacted negatively to the product, and it was temporarily discontinued. A second attempt to introduce all-season tires was made by Goodyear in 1979, but it ended up the same as the first attempt.

All-season tires have appeared not so long ago

Stable production of such tires was established only in 1989, at which time new all-season tires were a product of Dunlop. Due to its cost and good quality, such rubber was instantly loved by residents of countries where warm climates prevail. However, this did not happen in temperate countries, where warm summers regularly give way to cold winters - in such conditions, car owners had to stock up on two sets of tires in order to always be “fully armed.”

The know-how produced by Dunlop immediately attracted the attention of auto experts, who conducted multiple experiments on the “all-season” tire, testing rubber under different climatic conditions. As studies have shown, such tires cannot be installed on a car whose owner operates his vehicle at temperatures below –7°C. All-season tires, on which there is the inscription “all seasons”, with such weather conditions loses its elasticity, the car loses traction, and its braking distance doubles. Such data were obtained after a detailed comparison of demi-season tires with regular ones. winter tires.

Despite the fact that some car owners are confident in the excellent characteristics of their all-season tires, practice shows that this type of rubber is a typical “golden mean” between summer and winter tires, which is why it simply cannot have ideal properties.

The feasibility of purchasing all-season tires

While one part of car owners “scolds” them, believing that they are not safe to use, other motorists opt for such tires, considering the savings to be a completely justified decision.

All-season tires have their own characteristic features. If we compare them with winter tires, then the difference lies in a “sparse” tread pattern, if compared with summer tires, the difference lies in a more elastic composition. Of course, purchasing universal tires makes sense if the car drives almost all year round on a flat road surface where there is no loose snow or icy conditions.

Having purchased all-season tires, you will be forced to leave the car near the house in severe frosts, since when the thermometer drops below -5°C, driving becomes unsafe; you cannot give a 100% guarantee that the car owner will be able to brake sharply on an icy road, which, in turn, increases the possibility of causing an accident.

One of the most significant drawbacks that makes the operation of “all-season” vehicles impossible in severe frost is the hardening of the rubber, in other words, the tire begins to “tan.” This phenomenon is directly related to the use of hard rubber, which has much in common with summer tires.

All-season vehicles cannot be used in severe frost

Unlike other types of tires, universal tires have a specific tread that combines various properties of both summer and winter tires. On the Russian market you can buy “all seasons” tires, which have a slightly rounded side part, dissected sipes and relatively wide recesses . Almost all manufacturers that produce tires use standard materials in the creation process. Demi-season tires consist of carbon black, rubber, silicic acid, resins and oils, sulfur, several activators and environmental fillers. However, despite the fact that for many decades many countries have been trying to create the ideal version of universal tires that could be used equally well at any time of the year, there is still no such type of tire.

Advantages and disadvantages of all-season tires

If a car owner still decides to opt for all-season tires, he must choose the best of those available in a car shop or car market. When buying tires, you should be guided by several rules, but first of all you should know about all the existing disadvantages and advantages of this type of tire.

The main advantages of demi-season tires:

  • saving several hours of free time (the car owner does not need to change tires twice a year);
  • saving cash(due to the fact that instead of two sets of tires you need to purchase only one tire option, there is an opportunity to save money);
  • saving free space in the garage or basement (there is no need to store a second set of tires, thereby cluttering up the space);
  • multifunctionality (provided that there will be no severe frosts and icy conditions, all-season tires can perfectly cope with their responsibilities).

Disadvantages that may appear during operation are due to the fact that:

  • when driving on a snowy or icy road, all-season tires perform their duties worse; the car owner may at any time have problems when driving on ice and compacted snow cover;
  • the rubber used in the “demi-season” is not elastic enough; at a temperature slightly lower than zero, it begins to harden, as a result of which its characteristics deteriorate;
  • at temperatures below -5 – -7°C the rubber “tans”;
  • due to constant use, tires wear out quickly (twice as fast);
  • When the temperature is too high, the rubber becomes very soft, quickly becoming unusable and at the same time deteriorating the car's handling.

Rules for choosing demi-season tires

If the owner of movable property prefers to “shoe” his car exclusively with universal tires, he must remember several important points that should be paid attention to when purchasing the goods.

First of all, you should find out everything about the manufacturer of all-season tires. As practice shows, among Russians who prefer to use all-season tires, many purchase models exclusively from domestic manufacturers, which helps save on purchases. True, such tires are quite far from high-quality branded products made by foreign companies. Russian all-season tires have a too narrow temperature range and wear out quickly. It is more advisable to purchase products from Cooper or Dunlop.

The second equally important aspect worthy of the buyer’s attention is the quality of the tread. Regarding this criterion, emphasis should be placed on the conditions in which the car will be located in the future. Among the demi-season tire options, there are models that are more suitable for regions where warm weather prevails (the rubber has a fine tread pattern equipped with slots). There is one, which is preferable to use for country driving (the presence of outlets to remove accumulated liquid and dirt). In addition, you can purchase a model that provides maximum traction and increased cross-country ability.

The third point that the car owner must take into account concerns the tire index. It is necessary to find out about all the indicators: load capacity, speed index, compliance with international standards. Experts recommend purchasing only the best all-season tires, which have a small margin relative to the main parameters.