What does a technical passport for a car look like? How to restore a lost registration certificate for a car

It’s good if you never in your life have to find out what to do if you’ve lost your car’s registration certificate. It’s not that it’s inaccessible or even too difficult, it’s just that the bureaucratic system takes a lot of time and nerves. In this case, there is no need to panic, but you will still have to play it safe.

First of all, drive the car to a guarded parking lot if it is usually parked outside your window: it is quite possible that the loss is actually a targeted theft, and according to these documents, the car will be taken away from you next night.

Secondly, make a decision: restore the PTS immediately or wait. Often found documents are thrown into the mailbox; often good results provides advertisements for rewards for returning documents. However, at the same time, you run the risk that they may manage to pull off some kind of scam with your registration certificate. So the most good advice from experienced drivers - take care of the documents at the same moment when you discover their disappearance.

What to do if you have lost your car's registration certificate? The step-by-step guide can be broken down into several steps. Each of them is required; By ignoring any step, you are simply wasting time: at the next step, they will point out to you the lack of certain documents and return you to your original position.

Visit to the traffic police department

You don’t need any specific branch, go to the nearest one. There you fill out the application according to the sample. Standard forms are available at the information desk in most branches. Our advice: even if you are firmly convinced that your documents were stolen, firmly stand on the fact that you lost them “under unknown circumstances” and that you do not even think that theft was committed.

Otherwise, a criminal case will be opened, and until it is solved, you will not see new documents. Even experienced operatives will not say how long the investigation may last. In some departments, in addition to the application, you may also be required to provide an explanation. In it you must indicate the expected circumstances of the loss of the registration certificate.
The application will be stamped and signed by your boss, after which you can proceed further.

Visit to MREO

This time you need exactly where your car is registered. In addition to an endorsed application to the traffic police, you need to have with you:
  • Russian passport; in its absence - a temporarily issued certificate;
  • A document confirming your ownership (for example, a contract of sale, gift or inheritance) - this is if the car is deregistered. If it is - SRS;
  • Paid insurance policy;
  • Receipts indicating that you paid the transport fee, the state duty for replacing the vehicle title (now it is something like 800 rubles) and other monetary contributions;
  • Power of attorney if the car is not yours.

Before visiting the MREO, strain your memory and remember if you have any unpaid fines. If there is, pay before your visit: when checking, they will still come up, and you will get another puff of the plot.

You need to travel with documents by car: it will be placed in an inspection station to verify the unit numbers. And since there is no technical certificate, it will have to be delivered either by tow truck or at the risk of running into a vigilant guard.

After submitting the documents, all you have to do is wait. The waiting period is determined by the department's workload. If everything goes well, a temporary registration certificate will be issued the very next day. But under any circumstances, the consideration does not last longer than a week.

Often, not a duplicate, but a temporary registration certificate is issued. It is valid for only a quarter, and only after 3 months you will receive a new document.

A few clarifications

First of all, it is necessary to restore a registration certificate not only due to such extreme events as its theft or loss. The document may be washed, stained with something, or mechanically damaged. It will have to be changed, but in a slightly simplified manner. Firstly, there is no need to provide the car for verification: even if it is in an unpresentable form, the documents for it are present.

Secondly, in the application you indicate in the “Reason” column “Damage to the vehicle” and attach it. The same applies if you have moved or changed your last name. As you have seen, nothing bad will happen to the owner if the documents are lost. But still, we hope: your knowledge of what to do if you have lost your car’s registration certificate will remain purely theoretical. In the end, the inscription “Duplicate” on the PTS in the future, when selling a car, can greatly complicate relationships with potential buyers who will develop unnecessary doubts.

Losing a driver's license or vehicle registration certificate is an unpleasant thing. More often than not, motorists keep both documents in one place, which is why they lose everything at once. In this article we will tell you what to do if you have lost your license and registration certificate immediately.

The first piece of advice I would like to give is that you shouldn’t rush out and restore everything right away. As a rule, if your documents are found, they will definitely find you and notify you about it. So I recommend waiting at least a couple days and to for example, place an advertisement about missing documents on the Internet and in a local newspaper. If these actions do not bring results, then I advise you to engage in the document recovery procedure.

Restoring a driver's license if lost

This procedure is not as long as you think, 2-3 hours and you have a new ID. To restore your driver's license, you need to: come to the traffic police, write applications, provide a certificate of completion of a driving school or a copy of your driver's license (I advise you to make it in advance just in case), a Russian passport. Also pay the state fee for the restoration of rights. There are cases when a person has not saved either a copy of the driver’s license or the certificate, then it will take much more time for the traffic police to check your data. It is worth noting that your license is restored without retaking the exams.

An important point - if you have unpaid fines, it is better to pay them, since during the recovery process all this will still come up and the procedure may drag on for a while while the traffic police officer searches for as much information as possible about you from his database. The procedure for restoring a driver's license itself takes several hours, but if the traffic police officer is confused by your data, the check can take a long time and you will receive your license only a couple of months after submitting the application.

The procedure for restoring a vehicle registration certificate if lost

Compared to a driver's license, restoring a registration certificate is much more difficult. Be prepared to go through many difficulties. The procedure for restoring a technical passport is similar to the procedure for registering a car: inspection of the car, conclusion of a forensic expert, etc. To restore your vehicle's registration certificate, you must contact the MREO where your car was registered. To restore, you must have with you: passport, tax identification number, insurance policy, receipt of payment of the transport fee. Also, a car will need to be delivered to the observation deck.

After completing the entire procedure and submitting all documents, you should be issued a temporary registration certificate, which you will use until you receive a new one. The validity period of a temporary registration certificate is 3 months.

There is nothing difficult about the recovery procedure. But I wish that this material remains with you only in the theoretical part of your knowledge.

If you have lost your car's registration certificate, or it was simply stolen in company with your wallet, do not despair and panic. The document can and should be restored, but how to do it?

Firstly, it doesn’t always make sense to immediately go to the police to file a report about the theft or loss of a registration certificate.

It often happens that a document is thrown into the mailbox or under the owner’s door, but even if it is thrown somewhere on the street, it can be found by a janitor or a random passerby.

It is quite possible that the registration certificate will be returned for some compensation.

If after two or three days you still have not returned the document, or you do not have time to wait, go to the police and write a statement about the theft/loss.

You will be given a certificate of refusal to initiate a criminal case or that such a case has been opened (if you decide that it should be opened), after which you can go to the MREO at the place of registration of the car.

In addition to the above certificate, you must take the following documents with you:

Civil passport and copies of its key pages;
- certificate of assignment of TIN and its copy;
-original and copy of vehicle registration card;
-OSGPO policy (“motor citizen”);
-receipt for payment of transport tax for 2010;
-the original and a copy of a notarized power of attorney (if you use the car under it), which must indicate the right to receive registration documents and license plates or make changes to the registration documents;
-if the car is a credit car, you must obtain permission from the bank for transactions with documents.

In fact, the procedure for restoring a technical passport is similar to registering a car, so the presence of the vehicle in the MREO is also mandatory.

A forensic expert will check the engine and body numbers, the car will be checked against all databases, but first you need to write an application and also pay for all MREO services at the nearest bank branch.

Advice: upon arrival at the registration and examination department, immediately take a turn to see the forensic expert. This will help save time.

Having collected all the certificates, acts and receipts, you must submit the papers to the window marked “Acceptance of documents” and wait until you are given a temporary registration certificate.

As a rule, this happens on the same day, however, if you submitted the documents after lunch, most likely you will have to come to the MREO the next day.

The temporary registration certificate is valid for three months.

During this time, you must advertise in the newspaper about the loss of the registration certificate, and at the end of the three-month period you must again go to the MREO, write another application and receive a permanent document marked “Duplicate”.

How to restore lost documents by car?

How to restore your registration certificate and driver's license. “Opening” a car is a most unpleasant incident. And when documents are also “taken away” from the car, this is already a tragedy. Therefore, we do not recommend leaving your registration document and driver's license in your car. But since fate has decreed that you are left without documents for your car, we will tell you how to restore them. The procedure is quite scary, but not critical.

Driver's license

You can restore your driver's license in exactly one day, provided that you have all the necessary information necessary documents. To do this, you need a passport, an identification code, as well as a certificate of completion of a driving course from a driving school. It is with this piece of paper that the main problems can arise, since after passing the exams, usually everyone is happy to get rid of the “unnecessary” certificates. However, if you received your license relatively recently, there is a chance that you are still present in the driving school’s database and they will issue you a new certificate. Otherwise, you will have to retake the exams.

If your documents were stolen, you will also need a corresponding police certificate. With all this stuff we go to the MREO at our place of registration. By the way, as we know, in fact, and the Territorial bodies created on their basis for providing services Ministry of Internal Affairs. In fact, these service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs perform the functions of MREO, but in a slightly modified format. For example, if previously it took some time to restore your rights, for which you were given a temporary coupon allowing you to drive vehicle, now a certificate with a “duplicate” stamp will be issued within a day. You don’t need to take anything with you other than the above documents - even a photograph will be taken on the spot. The cost of restoring a driver's license is 250 UAH.

Technical passport

It’s the same story with the restoration of the registration certificate. You need to bring the above documents + 390 hryvnia for services. You will also receive an examination of the car - everything here is the same as before. Ideally, the procedure will also be completed in one day, however, as we saw at personal experience, the main problem of restoring documents in the MREO has not changed. Even if you have all the documents in place, it’s not a fact that everything will go smoothly. When restoring a technical passport, you may be denied services, explaining that they do not have the plastic required to create the document itself. At the same time, you can observe how other visitors avoid this problem.

It's all about the local "decisions", which are probably familiar to many from the old days. By providing such a person with a certain amount of money and the necessary documents, the entire procedure will take place by itself. Most likely, the machine itself will not be examined either. There is another path chosen by our representative - complaining to senior management. Knock on the office of the “chief” and demand a certificate confirming that there is indeed no plastic. They will “stomp” their feet and do everything for you, as long as there is no special “noise” in the new Service Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.