The meaning of the name Aristarchus, character and fate. Aristarchus (male name)

The male name Aristarchus is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the name Aristarchos, consisting of two semantic parts: “Aristos” - “best” and “archos” - “ruler”. IN Greek mythology is an epithet of the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, Zeus.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: emerald
  • Color: green
  • Wood: walnut
  • Plant: honeysuckle
  • Animal: albatross
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character Traits

The name Aristarchus at an early age gives its owner a calm and quiet disposition and some soreness. Noisy childish games and kindergarten he doesn't like it. May often suffer from attacks from peers. It is obvious to this smart guy that he is much smarter than his offenders. And yet, realizing that you are being neglected is not an easy experience. It is easier and easier for him to communicate with younger people. This homely boy more often meets with friends (who, by the way, respect him very much) not on the street, but at home.

The secret of the name Aristarchus hides a very kind person by nature, more prone to loneliness. The disdainful attitude of his peers gives rise to his desire for leadership. Dreams and images increasingly appear in his head in which he is richer, more famous, and in all other respects better than others. The need to stand out and be better stays with him for a long time.

An adult representative of the name Aristarchus, purely outwardly, gives the impression of a calm person. But this is only an appearance for those who do not know him well enough. Behind the ostentatious calm, groundless nervousness and excessive sensitivity are often hidden. He has a tendency to invent problems for himself. He often worries about trifles, his nervous system is very excitable. Easily influenced.

Changes become a big challenge for him; it is difficult for him to get used to new conditions and people. The guy feels uneasy at the mere thought of having to go somewhere, endure inconvenience and leave his family and home. For this reason it is very difficult to find Aristarchus, professional activity which is associated with business trips. In terms of work, the man is doing fine. He achieves success as if on his own - his enormous capacity for work and innate entrepreneurial talent help him in this.

Aristarchus is a leader by nature. This is how he becomes in any team. The guy is very strict with himself and others. Does not tolerate injustice. He does not forgive himself or anyone else for any mistakes and mistakes he has made.

Hobby and profession

The spirit of competition that arose in early childhood, painful pride and amazing performance find a way out in a sports career. Professions such as trainer, instructor, and lifeguard are quite suitable for Aristarchus. He can also successfully open his own business, engage in commerce, or try his hand at personnel management. And in his free time he loves to read and play chess.

Love and family

Here Aristarchus is the lucky one. His chosen one is a strong-willed, but at the same time calm and gentle girl. Such a man values ​​his family very much. He strives to spend as much time as possible with his loved ones. Helps his wife with housekeeping: he can cook dinner and clean up the house. Before making an important decision, be sure to consult with your wife. He loves to play with children, he can safely be called affectionate and loving dad. His family is friendly, in her circle he receives much-needed support and love.

Career, business and money

This is a tireless worker who wants to be recognized for his work. Can work with maximum effort. This man’s performance capacity is unique; he strives for victories. Can find himself in any activity related to sports. This is an excellent trainer, instructor, lifeguard.

He doesn’t put money at the forefront. It is important for Aristarchus that his income suits him, and the salary must be deserved. May show interest in scientific professions that require precision. He will be happy to devote time to teaching. This man is a good entrepreneur and businessman; if he accepts the role of leader, he will cope with it perfectly.

Marriage and family

Aristarchus will be an excellent father who listens carefully to his children. When such a man starts a family, he tries to devote maximum of his free time to it. He will not remain uninvolved in household chores and will always help his wife with housework.

This man tries to make sure that there is a favorable atmosphere in the family, and if there is a need to make any decision, he first consults with his loved ones. If the wife is calm and flexible, she will find happiness with Aristarchus. Her husband will pamper her, often arrange surprises, and will never forget about anniversaries. Such a person does not try to become a dictator; he becomes strongly attached to loved ones.

Sex and love

Aristarchus is handsome, not deprived of female attention, has a hot temperament, great value gives intimate life. He immediately tries to find a girl who will ideally meet his needs. This man is capable of being elegant and actively uses his charm.

Usually he chooses gentle and calm young ladies from whom he can always get support. Relationships are very important to him, Aristarchus tries to achieve well-being, but if his girlfriend cannot give him peace, she will leave.


This man is no different good health, often catches colds. The main danger for him lies in almost constant emotional stress.

If one cannot learn to control emotions, this will lead to a severe form of depression, which, in turn, is fraught with serious physical illnesses.

Interests and hobbies

Aristarchus is a big fan of hunting, fishing and cooking. He enjoys preparing delicious and delicious dishes from his trophies. delicious dishes which his family enjoys.

He is actively interested in psychology and reads books on this topic. He is interested in such seemingly mutually exclusive topics as politics and art.

Names: origin and forms

Aristarch- (from Greek) leader of the best.

Derivatives: Aristakha, Aristasha, Ristasha, Aristya, Arya.

The mystery of the name

Aristarch- leader of the best (ancient Greek).
The name has great active energy. The name is rare.
Zodiac name: Taurus.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: bright green.
Talisman stone: emerald.
Auspicious plant: nut, honeysuckle.
Patron name: albatross.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Main features: persistence, ambition.


Aristarch, apostle, companion of the Apostle Paul, then bishop, died a martyr in Rome in the year 64 on April 28 (15).


Aristarchus is a snowman: always with greenery. The shine of the cloud on this day means warmth and rain. Hot during the day, cool at night - good weather.


The child is stubborn and always tries to insist on his own. The character is contradictory. At school he takes all assignments responsibly, but his studies are uneven, it all depends on his mood. In high school, vanity appears, he wants to be a leader, and he studies much better. He gets along quickly with his comrades, but just as quickly quarrels if someone does not recognize his authority.

The adult Aristarchus is a persistent, active person. He is decisive and firm, always and everywhere he wants to be the first and most often achieves what he wants. Hardy, not afraid of difficulties, but can be irritable if something doesn’t work out. Aristarchus is very serious and does not always understand a joke, which leads to unpleasant situations.

Aristarchus likes to act independently and does not recognize authorities. Interested in politics and art.

Aristarchus experiences failures acutely, is sensitive, and proud. However, he already knows how to value friendship and will do anything for a friend, even to the detriment of himself.

Marriage to Aristarchus is difficult; he suppresses family members with his will. However, he and his wife are patient, helps her, and does not neglect housework. Children love him. With age, Aristarchus becomes more flexible and less serious.

Loves hunting and fishing. He cooks from trophies himself and has his own special recipes.

Surname: Aristarkhovich, Aristarkhovna.


Every artist has in his creative path there is the most important thing in which the peculiarity of his talent is expressed. Such a feature for Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943) was the picturesqueness of his works. He perceived the surrounding reality through color and light saturation. He was invariably delighted with the sunrises and sunsets over city streets or the expanses of a river, blue-orange rocks above the blue of the southern sky, a night pierced by flickering lights, and the transparent green of sea water.

With Aristarkh Lentulov, the most familiar objects - a samovar, flowers - become sources of intense energy, and the most traditional genres - historical, still life, portrait, landscape - turn into expressive, colorful generalization images filled with dynamics.

His most famous works, “Moscow” and “St. Basil’s” from 1915, are seen through the eyes of a man who lived at the turn of the century, who inspired these familiar images new life, which turned them into symbols of the coming era.

Dynamic shifts, colliding planes of color, which enliven the motionless architecture, create the impression of an agitated and fluctuating fairy-tale mirage.

The artist wrote that he does not take “any corner typical of Moscow or any general view from any point. I took the highest point of Moscow, its Ivanovo Bell Tower, as the center and placed all the buildings around it... In a word, I depicted it from the point of view of three eras - the era of the 15th century, Baroque and modern era"All this rich festive spectacle is brought out of its state of rest by the ringing of the bells of Ivan the Great and many other churches, since the image itself is brought to life by the solemn customs of the Easter spring night.

In both works, a generalized image of the cathedral-universe is created, inspired by waves of hums and crimson bells and the light of white stone architecture. Awakened, brought out of its inherent immobility, the cathedral, whose domes are broken and contours double due to unusual movement, predicts the upcoming deep upheavals of the Russian way of life, which previously seemed stable and unshakable. It is no coincidence that the poet Velimir Khlebnikov wrote in his dramatic poem “The Hacking of the Universe” that “the most sensitive ones burn with foresight.”

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.


Russian male name Aristarchus happened by main version from the ancient Greek words "aristos", which means "best", and "archos", which translates as "ruler". The interpretation of this name sounds like “the best ruler” or “leader of the best.” Unfortunately, there is no more accurate version.

The male name Aristarchus has not been popular for more than a decade, although back in Soviet times it was in incredible demand and was found in all regions Russian Federation. It seems to promise a lot interesting characteristics the man he named. Has good compatibility...

Popularity: The name Aristarchus is not included in the ranking of popular Russian male names at all and is not included in the top hundred. According to statistics, it occurs in 1-3 boys out of 10 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Ari, Arya, Arik

Modern English analogues: Aristarko, Alistair, Alistarch

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Aristarchus promises the bearer such traits as exorbitant willpower, self-confidence, patience, perseverance and diligence, authority and impetuosity, love of freedom and distrust. But all of the above will not appear simultaneously, but partially, as we grow older...

But overall, we can say with one hundred percent confidence that Aristarchus is always a very responsible, purposeful and hardworking person. You can trust someone like him with any task and be sure that he will not abandon it halfway and will get it done. And in general, you can rely on such a person for anything. Aristarchus will never refuse to communicate with a comrade, he will always listen, think about it, advise and give advice. The only “but” is that this person cannot complain about life, because complaints only irritate him. And in general, Aristarchus belongs to the category of people who hate “snot”, tears and “whining” most of all in life.

Advantages and positive traits: purposefulness, kindness, hard work, perseverance and perseverance, patience and restraint, the ability to control emotions, devotion and fidelity, justice, diligence and willingness to fight to the last for the goal.

Aristarchus has a bad attitude towards traitors and potential “whiners”, always complaining about injustice and bad life, selfish people and evil rude people. Aristarchus also hates people who try to dominate exclusively over the weak.

The name Aristarchus was quite popular during the existence of the USSR, but now it practically does not occur and is considered a rare lost name.

Character of the name Aristarchus

The nature of the name Aristarchus, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that it does not allow one to doubt this person. These are, for the most part, very reliable and devoted people whose character does not allow them to betray even when they can derive some benefit or benefit from it. Aristarchus is decent, kind, generous, fair and very honest, true to his principles and never goes against them. That is why he always has many friends and comrades. And how can you not want to have such a faithful and devoted friend on whom you can always rely.

It is also worth saying that Aristarchus’ character does not allow him to abandon his goals, stop halfway and abandon the work he has begun. If this person takes on something, he will definitely finish it to the end, even if he sees obstacles. He always achieves his goals, goes headlong towards them, overcomes all obstacles and obstacles. And no one can lead him astray...

Well, in addition to all of the above, it is also worth saying that Aristarchus’ character will never allow him to act unfairly towards anyone. In no case will he deceive, will not take advantage of a person’s weakness, will not take advantage of a comrade for his own benefit. That's how he is, and that's his character.

Early childhood

In early childhood, the meaning of the name Aristarchus promises the boy weak, but gradually emerging leadership inclinations. It can also increase determination, the desire to develop and learn new things, the thirst for leadership and power, the love of everything inexplicable and curiosity. True, according to researchers, at this age a boy may have health problems - there is a predisposition.

But for the rest, this boy will endlessly please both mom and dad. Despite the reluctance to obey anyone, the mother and father will obey, especially the father - he is an authority in his eyes, a person worth obeying, and whose advice is worth listening to.

He communicates quite well with children - he is not devoid of friendliness. He is attracted by goodwill, justice, decency, developed imagination and a willingness to seek adventure day and night. Children love such ringleaders, and this is a fact, but the parents of his peers are unhappy with him. Arik’s “ancestors” will often have to listen to dissatisfaction and complaints from them.


Swiftness, leadership, lust for power and excellent performance will manifest themselves in adolescence. At school, Aristarchus is successful, never comes to class unprepared, behaves exemplary, does not lament, is not rude to adults and in particular to teachers, gets along well with his classmates, and is even popular with girls.

As for lessons, it is important that the subject he is studying is interesting - otherwise, getting him to study diligently is an almost impossible task. Hard work, willingness to work tirelessly, energy and activity, organizational skills and lack of fear of difficulties - these are his advantages, and as he grows up they usually only become brighter. In adolescence, these qualities will help Aristarchus gain the respect of adults, peers and all the people around him.

In general, it is also worth saying that Aristarchus is a rather difficult teenager and may have many problems in terms of communicating with people. His main problem is that he is not able to control his emotions. He can be rude out of the blue, being dissatisfied with something insignificant, offend, insult. He is also straightforward and always speaks only the truth to his face - but the truth can sometimes offend a person more than with a “fist”.

Grown man

An adult man, Aristarchus, is a role model. Responsibility, commitment, diligence, honesty and sincerity, not an ounce of self-interest or falsehood, diligence and perseverance, thirst for self-realization, charm and the gift of persuasion - and this is not a complete list of the characteristics of this man.

Aristarchus does not like when they try to manipulate him, does not accept other people's opinions, but always listens to advice and draws conclusions based on them. She can criticize, but rarely. He is too demanding of himself and considers himself unworthy of criticizing others. He himself loves to listen to criticism - he likes to struggle with his own shortcomings, listen to flattery and feel respect. Very vain...

But in terms of career, Aristarchus can make incredible progress. Fast and rapid ascent career ladder, leadership position, big salary and weight successful projects behind his shoulders - that’s what he is, a real Aristarchus, that’s his image, that’s his style of work. He will definitely achieve his goals, will definitely become financially independent, and will not depend on anyone. Moreover, he likes it when, on the contrary, they depend on him, and not he on someone.

Interaction of the character of Aristarchus with the seasons

Spring is a boy born under the auspices of the spring season, and received the name Aristarchus at birth; this is a strong and strong soul by origin. independent man. Leadership, balance and calm, charm, but also frivolity reign in him. On the one hand, he is a predictable and rather calculating person, and on the other, he is quick-tempered and emotional.

Summer – the meaning of the summer season bestows such traits as determination, perseverance, assertiveness, perseverance, self-confidence and steadfastness in intentions. But this applies to those born in the first half of Summer. In the second half, the owner of frivolity and daydreaming is born, always with his head in the clouds and wasting energy on achieving the unattainable.

Autumn - an autumn boy can become a bearer of such qualities as vulnerability, sentimentality, capriciousness and touchiness, along with which there can be determination and independence. Love of freedom is the main thing distinguishing feature generated by Autumn - he fights for independence to the last and does not allow women who claim his freedom to approach him.

Winter – and here we are talking about a representative of the stronger sex with a complex and unpredictable character. Impressionability, emotionality, eloquence, charm, the ability to listen and empathize - these are the main outlines of his personality. This guy usually has good compatibility with bright and impetuous ladies. He himself can become the ideal father of the family.

The fate of the name Aristarchus

It is quite difficult to say exactly what the fate of a person named Aristarchus will be in terms of relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, love and personal life. But at least one thing can be said with absolute certainty - Aristarchus, even if he is popular with women, will never use them for the sake of self-affirmation or variety. This is a person for whom a woman is primarily an object of admiration and love, passion and feelings. He may in fact be rude, tough and very cruel, but with women he is not like that at all, and will never behave with them the same way as with comrades or friends.

Respect, love, feelings, attention and care, tenderness and gentleness - this is what a woman will receive from such a man. This is the ideal gentleman, an excellent conversationalist, and simply good friend. Any lady will feel comfortable with such a man.

Naturally, like all brutal and self-confident men, Aristarchus can also be popular with women. This is especially true for teenagers bearing this name. But unlike others, Aristarchus will never take advantage of his popularity and change girls like gloves. He is a devoted gentleman, and if he gets involved with some girl, he will not leave her, and if he wants to break up. he will make sure that she leaves him, and not he leaves her.

Love and marriage

It’s worth starting with the fact that people named Aristarchus usually take a very responsible approach to the issue of marriage. These men are for the most part for a long time They try to avoid any close relationships and remain bachelors until adulthood. Only in deep maturity do they get married, and then only if they are one hundred percent sure that the chosen woman will become a good wife and housewife.

As for relationships with your wife and behavior in marriage, everything is complicated. Firstly, Aristarchus is a dual person and behaves differently in the family circle, with his wife, and outside the family. So, outside the family he is a rude, tough, but positive man. With his family, he is a dominant personality, trying to suppress the will of all family members. And with his wife he behaves as if he is a real henpecked man. Secondly, Aristarchus is a supporter of patriarchy, which means he will have to be taken into account in everything without exception. Well, thirdly, he is too demanding, which can make it even more difficult for family members to be with him.

But we can say for sure that he will treat his wife with respect, with all love, tenderly and kindly. This type will never forget to congratulate you on the eighth of March, and will never leave your woman unattended. He will please his lady, his wife, in every possible way.

Aristarchus as Father

It is difficult to say what kind of father a man named Aristarchus will have, but one thing is certain - he cannot be called a bad father. He is responsible, punctual, obligatory, serious, demanding, fair and honest, hardworking - how can such a man become a bad father? The answer is obvious! The only “but” is that he will probably treat his daughter and son differently.

Aristarchus must be good father in terms of raising children. And he will be a particularly good father to his son, on whom he will have high hopes. The daughter will also love, but she will most likely entrust her upbringing to her wife, mother, because she will adhere to the concept that the daughter is the care of the mother, and the son is the care of the father.

Well, in addition to all of the above, we can note the fact that Aristarchus will never leave his children and will be devoted to them until his last breath. He will not abandon them, will not infringe on their rights, will not begin to dominate them and take revenge for his own failures. In relation to his children, he will be fair, honest, correct. Surrounds them with maximum attention and care.

Compatible with female names

The maximum strength of feelings, or as astrologers say, ideal compatibility, in the male name Aristarchus is observed only with such female name forms as Anna, Nadezhda, Valentina, Gloria, Capitolina and Lydia. There are others, but there is not enough information about their compatibility to judge. Well, in a couple formed with a woman named one of the proposed variations, in theory. Mutual understanding, love, passion and loyalty will reign, which is rare in the modern world.

With women like Anastasia, Varvara, Kaleria, Marianna and Margarita, Arik can also build strong couple, but it will be short-lived, and all of the above can quickly be replaced by the opposite - jealousy, misunderstanding and disagreement. Here strong meaning symbolism plays, patronizing both halves.

But with Elena, Antonina, Ninel, Elsa or Taisiya, astrologers do not recommend building relationships with Aristarchus, because nothing good can await them, neither him nor his potential soul mate. However, this is not 100% accurate data - astrology, as you know, is not such an exact science.

Origin of the name Aristarchus

The male name Aristarchus comes from the ancient Greek name Aristarchos, which is formed from two words. The word "Aristos" means "the best". And the word “archos” means “to command”, “to rule”, “to rule”. Thus, the meaning of the name Aristarchus is “the best ruler.”

The name Aristarchos was used in Greek mythology as one of the epithets of the sky god Zeus, who controls thunder and lightning. This name is mentioned several times in the New Testament.

The name Aristarchus in Greece sounds like Aristarchos, in Germany it is pronounced like Aristarchus, in France - like Aristarke, and in England - like Aristarkes. In Italy and Spain the Aristarco variant is used.

Such colloquial forms of this name are known as Alistarch, Alistar, Listarch, Listrakh, Listar, Elistrakh and others.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Aristarchus

The name Aristarchus means determination, patience, diligence, desire for leadership, strength of character and exorbitant willpower. Also, the name Aristarchus speaks of an impulsive, nervous character and painful pride. All these qualities in Aristarchus will manifest themselves to one degree or another as they grow older.

A man named Aristarchus often lacks self-confidence, so he is forced to hide behind a mask of arrogant indifference and avoid communication, although he is interested in people and has a very kind and sensitive soul. Aristarchus is very vulnerable and dependent on the opinions of other people, especially his mother and wife. Can often worry about trifles.

Aristarchus does not like surprises and sudden changes in life. It is extremely difficult for him to adapt to new conditions, work and people. Therefore, he never chooses work that involves business trips.

Aristarchus is a tireless worker. He is ready to work tirelessly to receive recognition for his work. He is fair and finds recognition in any team. Aristarchus is demanding of himself and those around him. His desire for leadership and enormous capacity for work help him climb the career ladder.

Aristarchus is interested in exact sciences, as well as sciences such as psychology, ethnology and ecology. Although he can become successful in other areas. He can work as an accountant, economist or engineer. He will make an excellent teacher or researcher. He also has entrepreneurial talent. Aristarchus can make a sports career and become a coach.

He marries a calm, gentle, but strong spirit the girl will become good husband and a loving father. However, there is a possibility that Aristarchus will find a second mother in his wife and will remain a big child for the rest of his life, demanding attention. He strives for well-being and tries to help his wife in everything. Aristarchus carefully and tenderly deals with the child, trying to understand his problems. He usually has friendly family, which he values ​​very much.

Name day

January 17, January 27, April 28, August 4, November 27

Diminutive version

Aristasha, Ristasha, Aristya


Ari, Arya, Arik, Starkh

According to church








Stone talisman





nut, honeysuckle

Totem animal


Character Traits

ambition, emotionality, perseverance

Name number


Actors, celebrities, scientists, famous and famous people named

Aristarkh Lentulov ((1882-1943) Soviet artist, painter, portrait painter, designed sets for performances. He worked in the genre of “Russian avant-garde”. His works are in some of the world's major museums and galleries.), Aristarkh Kashkin ((1723-1795) politician, privy councilor, was the head of the Tsarskoye Selo office), Aristarkh Krapivin ((1909-1992) Soviet statesman, Hero Soviet Union(1945)), Aristarchus of Samos ((c. 310-230 BC) ancient Greek astronomer, mathematician and philosopher, was the first to publicly voice the hypothesis that the Earth revolves around the Sun, worked to improve the calendar, invented a flat sundial, the founder of trigonometry, developed a method for calculating the distances from the Earth to the Moon and the Sun), Aristarkh Polubensky ((1831-1868) Russian doctor), Alistair Overeem ((born 1980) Dutch MMA fighter and heavyweight kickboxer)