Knowledge that everyone should know. Everything an educated person should know

There is no creature on the planet more mysterious and unique than man. We are all impossibly different, but still some common features, uniting us, we can highlight. Let's talk about them.

1. Feeling constantly busy makes people happy, helps them feel useful to others and maintain a positive attitude. Remember this the next time you want to complain to someone about a ton of current affairs.

2. Everyone knows about the seven deadly sins, but the same cannot be said about the six universal emotions that all people experience without exception. These are happiness, anger, sadness, fear, disgust and surprise.

3. It’s not for nothing that those with a sweet tooth are ready to sell their soul, kidney, and even their beloved cat for a bar. And all because when it is consumed, dopamine enters the body, a substance that causes sensations similar to the feeling of falling in love. Feel free to eat your grief with chocolate to compensate for the absence of your loved one nearby.

4. Tired people tend to be more honest. If you feel that your strength is at its limit, then it’s better to tactfully keep your mouth shut, otherwise you never know.

5. With an ordinary twenty-second hug, the body receives a special chemical substance, which helps you trust more in the one you hold close to you. It seems that we have found another reason to hug more often.

6. “Oh God, where is he, where is he, where!” - you probably exclaimed in panic more than once when you were not found in your usual place. And for good reason: scientists say that the emotions experienced when losing a gadget are similar to near-death experiences.

7. Logic begins to work better when we think in another language. Remember how your brain strains when you try to find a word in your vocabulary that most accurately characterizes what you are trying to say. That's it.

21. People with low self-esteem often become bullies.

22. 80% of all our conversations are complaints about a difficult life. And for some it’s 100%.

23. Volunteers, and people who volunteer to help others, are more satisfied with their lives.

24. Another fact about: you become much more creative when you feel like you're running out of energy. Of course, you need to come up with a worthy excuse for your idleness.

25. Over time, memories become distorted. As sad as it may be, each of us has at least one false memory.

Alexander Suvorov wrote: “We are Russians! What a delight! Let's agree with the great commander and remember 50 facts about the Russian people.

1. Koreans in the USSR called Russians “maozy”, which translates as “bearded man”.

2. The most common haplogroups among Russians are R1a, I1b, N1c.

3. The term “Russia”, replacing the word “Rus”, began to be used in a limited way since XVI century, when the idea of ​​the “Third Rome” arose in Moscow.

4. As of January 1, 2015, the number of Russians in Russia is 111 million 500 thousand people.

5. Austrian diplomat XVII century, Sigismund Herberstein in “Notes on Moscow Affairs” wrote that Russians from ancient times were called “Rossea” - “that is, a scattered or scattered people, because Rosseya, in the language of the Russians, means scattering.”

6. In China there is a Russian national region, Shiwei, more than half of its population is Russian.

7. The neutral designation for Russians in Finnish is “venäläinen”. “Russia” is derogatory.

8. Russian is the native language of 168 million people, and a second language for 111 million.

9. The most big dictionary language from Russian people - from Pushkin. It includes approximately 25,000 lexemes. Possessed approximately the same dictionary (at English) Shakespeare.

10. The Russian people had 19 queens and kings from two dynasties (Rurikovich, Romanov).

11. From the middle of the 16th century to early XIX century there were 10 wars between Russia and Sweden.

12. The negative designation for Russians among Estonians is “tybla”. “Tybla” came from the address “you, bl.” The Media Council believes that the word "tibla" is primarily used as a designation for Homo soveticus (Soviet man).

13. Between Russia and Ottoman Empire there were 12 wars in 241 years. On average, one Russian-Turkish war was separated from another by 19 years.

14. Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin wrote: “Soloviev counts from 1240 to 1462 (over 222 years) - 200 wars and invasions. From the 14th century to the 20th century (over 525 years), Sukhotin counts 329 years of war. Russia has been at war for two-thirds of its life.”

1. The world wants you to remain dumb...
The dumber you are, the easier it is for you to sell products and services. The size of the TV diagonal is inversely proportional to IQ.

2. There is no need to have blind faith in the educational system.
The curriculum was out of date on the first day of your training. (The exception is fundamental programs, but only in the exact sciences; the question of applying fundamental knowledge in everyday life remains open.)

3. Read non-stop, read as much as possible.
You never know when new knowledge and concepts will come in handy, but you will be much better prepared for life's surprises.

4. Learn to communicate with others.
Avoiding people, considering them unworthy of your communication, means not finding clients, friends or work in the future.

5. Being shy is a waste of time. Don't let emotions rule your decision-making processes.

6. If you don’t like something in a relationship with another person, in the event of your breakup, this “something” will be the reason.

7. Communicate as much as possible with people older than you. Try to understand their value system, their outlook and the logical connections between the situation and the decisions made.

8. Find people to admire and try to surpass them.

9. Over time, people become more conservative. If you want to do risky things, do them while you are young. I came to the conclusion long ago that reformism is a consequence of lack of knowledge, not of focus.

10. Don’t waste money on nonsense: save it for something serious (including your startup). This will also teach you how to spend money in business: wisely and for the purpose.

11. When choosing between spending money on things or experiences, choose experiences. The joy from impressions and memories is higher.

12. After you have learned to save, learn to earn money.

13. Learn to program.
It's easier to make a prototype yourself than to waste time and money explaining it to someone else. If you don’t want to program, learn to do something with your hands so that you can produce something useful.

14. Don't gain excess weight when you're young. This will shorten your active life by 10-20 years.

15. Learn to cook. Best time to think about something - when you are cutting ingredients for a salad or soup.

16. Get enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep greatly affects the quality of decision making.

17. Write down your activities. Memory is not enough, no matter how fantastic it is.

18. Have a big dream. Being flexible is great, but without a dream it can turn into running in circles.

19. Become an expert in your field before changing your field of activity. This has to do with the 10,000-hour rule and the fact that a good generalist must have been a good specialist in the past.

20. Don't try to correct people. Look for those who are not yet corrupted.

Learn 2-3 foreign languages. Knowing a language also provides an understanding of culture and diverse perspectives and values.
Learn to speak culturally and write without mistakes. The ability to speak smoothly and to the point will be useful when you convey your point of view to people, as well as manage people.
Learn to compete ethically in the areas of your life that matter to you. Life is a very competitive thing, and failure to compete reduces your chances of changing your position or social status.

With the evolution of generations, human experience also “grows”. For example, the Great Depression generation is fundamentally different from the Baby Boom generation, which is certainly different from today. No offense to those who are young and young today and think they know everything in the world. Every generation is a little different. This depends on many factors, including gender and upbringing. We took all of this into account when compiling this list.

So, what are these 40 things everyone turning 40 should know?

In other words, many 40-year-olds still know something about “how our world works.” If you are one of them, it will be very helpful for you to read and understand that there is definitely something in it. So…

Don't treat the list like a mathematical formula. Some will do, some will do the opposite... But read it. Perhaps it will do!

We wanted to amuse you, make you think, and maybe something else. It's up to you...

In any case, here they are - these 40 things that everyone who has already celebrated their 40th birthday should know:

1. Partying all weekend is definitely not a good idea.

2. There's nothing better than a good night's sleep.

3. A career is a whole bunch of rake that you step on and step on and step on.

4. Remember that there are no irreplaceable people. And you are no exception.

5. Your social circle will become narrower and narrower. And that's even better.

6. You should sleep either alone or with someone you truly love. No options.

7. You have already had at least one great love that you had to endure.

8. Should I have children or not? Now you definitely know the answer to this question.

9. Should I get a cat or a dog? The same. It's either yours or it's not.

10. You have already experienced at least one tragedy. Unfortunately…

11. You are definitely somewhat strange. And you start to like it!

12. Have you fought like a lion to become a better person... sacrificing money, time... and - how?

13. Singing karaoke while sober is the most quick way cause a panic attack.

14. And singing karaoke when you've had a few drinks is something. This is amazing. It's an explosion.

15. Fashion means no more to you than the color of your toilet lid.

16. You already know for sure (I hope) that we will all die, and therefore live to the fullest.

17. If you are not a “public person,” then most likely you will never become one again.

18. Fatty foods are still harmful. They make me swell.

19. Exercise is a great antidote to just about anything.

20. Good reading– this is also an excellent antidote to anything.

21. The word “success” takes on a completely different meaning for you.

22. Intimacy (i.e. " sex life") is wonderful in moderation... and when you're in love.

23. Young people are increasingly turning to you for advice - for better or worse.

24. Dancing is either amazing (if you know how to dance), or never, under any circumstances.

25. 99% of what you were taught at university was never useful to you and will never be useful.

26. Slippers, robe, cardigan - you have some or all of these and/or you like crossword puzzles.

27. Marijuana... you either know what it is, or you will never know.

28. You have your own internal “counter”, and only you know the score...

29. Telephone communication with people takes up no more than 1% of your time, the remaining 99 are colleagues and family.

30. If you are not invited somewhere, this is truly a real success.

31. Meetings and planning sessions at work invariably make you bored.

32. Play computer games, other games... it's so cool. Or not…

33. If you don't have a plan, that's great. If there is, it is no less good.

34. When they call you, write or other types of communication - oh, there is nothing worse!

35. If you learn something new, then only if you really want it with all your heart. There are no other motivations anymore.

36. Arguing with someone is: 1. A waste of time. 2. Devoid of any meaning. 3. Not my favorite show, that's for sure.

37. You still want to travel the world. It doesn't matter if you have a passport.

38. Are drinking and partying worth a bad hangover? Definitely not.

39. The snooze button looks pretty cool from Monday to Friday... and maybe Saturday and Sunday too.

40. Understand that 40 is very little. And you still have a lot of gunpowder in your flasks. Be grateful to fate for this.

Forward! At 40, life is just beginning!

List of required knowledge


Time is a huge value for any person. Unfortunately, in school and higher education educational institutions We are not taught this, so we have to rely only on self-development. In the process, you can learn to distribute it correctly so that it works for you. After all, those people who learned to manage it became successful. They broke out of the daily routine, established a workflow and at the same time have time to relax.

In life, it is important to appreciate every moment, because time flows irrevocably, and the inability to manage it affects itself in the form of unfulfilled needs and desires. Tell me, after wasting minutes of your life aimlessly watching TV, what do you get? If there is nothing useful or resourceful, then I recommend reading my article. It describes detailed ways to use every minute effectively to achieve your goals and reach your potential.


What else should you understand? modern man? And how to use money correctly. It is thanks to this skill that it is possible to accumulate a fortune, or at least reach the desired financial level. You've heard stories about how when a poor person won a million in the lottery, for example, then after a year or two he became a beggar again? And all because he doesn’t know how to handle money.

If you read the article, you know that almost all of them were in great need in childhood. They were hungry and sometimes simply slept on the floor without a bed. They managed to achieve tremendous success, taking leading positions in the list of the richest people in the world. Thanks to the fact that they had information about what to do with money, where to invest and how to save what they earned.


In order to realize your needs, develop and move forward in life, it is important to know how to maintain your health. In order not to waste accumulated capital and free time on treatment, but to use all your capabilities in order to prevent the development of any diseases, to keep the body in good shape, to save and increase the flow of energy.

Unfortunately, it most often happens that people notice the value of health only when they are faced with some physiological difficulties and limitations. Therefore, a modern person simply must know how to maintain his health, in addition to healthy image life, taking various vitamin complexes and playing sports, it is also important to undergo medical examinations on time in order to be aware of the condition of your body.


Also for general development there is a very important, but at the same time very complex and capacious point - the psychology of communication, which is also not taught in school. I already said in the article “What are human communication skills and why they are vital” that we are social creatures. Without communication we simply would not be able to survive. Especially in modern world, when the ability to formulate your point of view, be clear, interesting and active is the key to success and advancement.

Whatever area of ​​life we ​​pay attention to, relationships with other people are present everywhere, and the functionality of this area depends on the quality of their construction.


Self-awareness is important, because in order to set goals and achieve success, build collegial or, for example, family relationships, and in general to live a quality life - it is important to develop awareness in yourself. Understand why and what exactly I am doing, what I am like and how I react to different situations.

And if a person understands himself, has information about his resources, capabilities and limitations, he will better understand other people and how to treat them. Recognize their intentions, and, for example, lies.


That's all, dear reader! I talked about the main stages of development of modern man. They will help improve the quality of life, fill it with pleasure and achievements. Develop, take care of yourself and remember that you should never stop there. Acquiring knowledge is a continuous process that should accompany us every day, regardless of our level of education and lifestyle.

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